Luo Yan ran with anger, and no matter how powerful, at least this momentum is not. Li Yuan and see Luo Yan ran this blow, subconsciously will raise the long stick grid block, but immediately realized that his long stick but can not block Luo Yan Ran's green peak knife. Just waved up the hand immediately pressed down, can only be one side of the body, can let over Luo Yan ran this knife.

However, Li Yuanhe underestimated this set of long-standing sabres. The blade of Qingfeng Dao is longer than that of ordinary long handled broadsword, but it greatly increases the lethality of Qingfeng Dao. This set of sabre technique itself has a lot of domineering power. If Luo Tianhan used it himself, the 7749 style sword technique could not be resisted even if Li Yuanhe was holding a real Zhangba spear. Although Luo Yanran's actual combat experience is too little, compared with Luo Tianhan, it is too much difference, but how to say that Luo Yanran is also familiar with this set of sword technique, once used, it is actually forcing Li Yuanhe to retreat.

Li Yuanhe is also a bit helpless. His long stick can't compete with Qingfeng Dao at all. However, Luo Yanran's Sabre skills are all hard fighting, and Li Yuanhe won't have the chance to defuse the attack. This comes and goes, Li Yuanhe was beaten by Luo Yanran. Li Yuanhe can only rely on his own flexible movements to dodge Luo Yanran's attack step by step.

This even dozens of moves in the past, although Luo Yanran has been pressing Li Yuanhe, but she is not even a hair to meet Li Yuanhe, after all, Luo Yanran is a girl, in physical strength than men that is much worse. In addition, the green peak Sabre technique is originally open and close, which is the most exhausting physical strength. In a flash, Luo Yanran, the one who holds the upper hand, is panting. Luo Yan Ran took Li Yuan and couldn't help but get more and more angry. Staring at those beautiful big eyes, Luo Yan Ran said: "a big man! They only know how to hide in Tibet! Take me if you have the ability

Li Yuanhe is also a little helpless, being chased by a woman like this, his face is not very good-looking! But the problem is that Li Yuanhe is losing money on weapons! By Luo Yanran such a cry, Li Yuanhe's face is not very good-looking, although there are some risks, but Li Yuanhe also decided not to dodge, to defend for the attack!

See Luo Yan ran after shouting, is a big stride, in the hand of the green peak knife is toward Li Yuan he's head so oblique cut over. Li Yuan and his eyes narrowed, but the long stick in his hand suddenly stabbed out, sticking to the blade of the Qingfeng Dao, stabbed the baffle at the joint of the blade and the long handle. The top of the long stick is on the baffle, and Qingfeng Dao can't move forward any more.

After dissolving this move, Li Yuanhe did not hesitate. As soon as his wrist turned, the long stick hit the handle of Qingfeng Dao. Luo Yanran only felt a huge force from the hilt, almost did not let her grasp the handle. Realizing that her strength is not Li Yuanhe's opponent, Luo Yanran immediately stepped back several steps to avoid Li Yuanhe's attack. She carefully watched Li Yuanhe and prepared to meet his next attack.

Li Yuanhe saw that he had succeeded in interrupting Luo Yanran's attack. He couldn't help smiling. He raised the stick with one hand again and pointed to Luo Yanran. However, he didn't pursue Luo Yanran as he imagined. Zhong Liwei, who was watching the battle on the side, could not help sighing. Although Luo Yanran's Sabre technique was skilled, she still didn't master the essence. Otherwise, it would not have been broken by Li Yuanhe so easily. If it was Luo Tianhan, Li Yuanhe would not be able to stop the attack, but his hand would be cut off by Qingfeng sword.

Of course, Li Yuanhe also knew that his move could only be used on Luo Yanran. If he were to be a first-class general, his move would not be good. However, Li Yuanhe is also accurate, relying on this move can resolve Luo Yanran's attack, so he is so confident. The long stick in his hand shook Luo Yanran again and said with a smile: "Princess! Please

Li Yuanhe's contempt makes Luo Yanran's anger burning more and more prosperous. If her eyes can kill people, Li Yuanhe is afraid to be cut by Luo Yanran. However, her skills are not as good as others, but Luo Yanran is not a person with no demeanor. Even though she snorted coldly, the Qingfeng sword in her hand was on one side, and once again she chopped at Li Yuanhe.

However, this time, Luo Yanran was more careful about the moves of the sword. She even played three moves in front of Li Yuanhe. Finally, she cut Li Yuanhe's ribs with a knife. But Luo Yan ran this move to use, in the side of the Zhong Liwei is a Leng, but immediately frown up, showing a look of pity. The advantage of Qingfeng's sword technique lies in its domineering force. Although Zhong Liwei has never seen the real Zhang Ba shooting technique, it can be seen from Li Yuanhe's just a few moves that this Zhangba spear technique should take a dexterous route. Luo Yanran's Sabre technique gives up the domineering power of the original Qingfeng sword technique, but he plays dexterous moves in front of Li Yuanhe. Isn't this a teacher's skill?

Sure enough, seeing Luo Yanran's move, Li Yuanhe smiles, but his eyes are not bewildered by Luo Yanran's three moves. He just stares at the last real attack, and the long stick in his hand suddenly stabs out. This time, the long stick still hit the baffle at the end of the blade accurately. However, Li Yuanhe used a lot of force this time. Luo Yanran's whole body seemed to hit a wall and stopped suddenly, even pushed back several steps.She was beaten back by Li Yuanhe twice in a row. Of course, Luo Yanran's face was not much better. Luo Yanran had a black face and roared. The Qingfeng sword was raised high and swung to Li Yuanhe's head. Although Luo Yanran's move is full of momentum, Li Yuanhe is not a bit alarmed. After the first two exchanges, he has seen through Luo Yanran's weakness. When he even raises the long stick, he points to Luo Yanran's Qingfeng sword.

This time, Li Yuanhe naturally couldn't point the baffle, but this time Li Yuanhe's goal was to directly replace the handle of Qingfeng Dao. The tip of the stick was between Luo Yanran's hands, and Luo Yanran could no longer chop the Qingfeng sword. Li Yuan and also received some strength, otherwise Luo Yan Ran's hands were so exhausted that they were blocked and had to be injured.

In this situation, the one who wins or loses will know at a glance. However, Luo Yanran will not admit defeat like this again. With a bite of silver teeth, she pulls Qingfeng sword with both hands, flicks Li Yuanhe's long stick, and quickly makes more than ten knives toward Li Yuanhe. But Li Yuanhe didn't have any other reaction. Just following the rhythm of Luo Yanran's knife, the long stick in his hand kept stabbing out, and every move was pointed on the handle or baffle, which made Luo Yanran's more than ten knives useless.

Li Yanran and she didn't want to lose. On the other hand, Zhong Liwei couldn't see it. Since Luo Yanran had lost, there was no need to drag on like this. Immediately, Zhong Liwei cried out: "OK! okay! Stop it, all of you

Hearing Zhong Liwei's words, Li Yuanhe can't help but feel relieved. He was planning to take back the long stick, but when he turned his head, he saw that Luo Yanran didn't even want to take back his stick at all. He was still in the shape of bitterness and hatred, and kept chopping at Li Yuanhe. Luo Yanran didn't mean to stop. Li Yuanhe didn't dare to stop. He had a long stick with no lethality in his hand, but Luo Yanran had a genuine Qingfeng Dao in his hand. If he was cut by her, he would be hurt!

In this way, the clock from the Weilian called several stops, but the two people are still there to fight, although Luo Yanran has some breath uneven, but the anger in the heart is to let Luo Yanran never stop. Seeing this situation, Zhong Liwei's face also showed a trace of displeasure. If it wasn't for Luo Yanran's identity and his favorite young lady since childhood, Zhong Liwei would have been unable to help teaching her.

Seeing this going on, it can only be endless, but Zhong Liwei snorted coldly. Even when he quickly walked to the side of the weapon fence, he drew out two single knives. Then he walked to the place where Luo Yanran and Li Yuanhe were fighting. Standing in the middle of them, the long stick and the Qingfeng sword kept beating in front of him, even with bursts of strong wind blowing on Zhong Liwei's cheek, causing pain and pain.

Zhong Wei Wei as like as two peas, but suddenly did not go to the same way. He suddenly cut towards the Luo Yan and Li Yuan and the weapons of the two hands. The two knives were almost the same as those of the force, speed or the way of taking the moves. Only two shadows of the shadow were seen. The two knives of Zhongli Wei were directly inserted into two weapons, which would be even more chaotic. Yes.

However, Zhong Liwei's move was not intended to be involved in the fight between Luo Yanran and Li Yuanhe. The single sword in his hands gradually led the two men's attacks to his side. In the twinkling of an eye, Zhong Liwei took one against two. Of course, this is also because Li Yuanhe saw Zhong Liwei mixed in and knew that Zhong Liwei was here to solve the problem. Then he tried his best to stop his attack. Gradually, he took back his offensive and became Zhong Liwei alone to resist Luo Yanran's attack.

Luo Yanran saw that her attacks were all led by Zhong Liwei. Of course, she refused to give up. She turned around and continued to attack Li Yuanhe. But I didn't expect that because Li Yuanhe took back his attack, Zhong Liwei's other single saber was also empty. Seeing Luo Yanran's intention to shift the attack, Zhong Liwei's other single saber immediately surrounded him and kept Luo Yanran firmly within his two single sabres.