What Tianfu chamber of commerce does is to buy and sell weapons of arms. Jin Xiu has a unique vision for armor weapons as the manager of the branch of naocheng. He was surprised by the armor on the young general, not because of how expensive the armor was, or because he could not recognize it. Of course, he can recognize this suit of armor, not to mention him. Even those who have a little knowledge of armor can recognize it, because it is a set of armor of senior generals in the unified system of the Qin army!

The army of the latter Qin Dynasty is the best in the world! This is not a casual remark. After so many years of arms business, Jin Xiu only saw some ordinary post Qin soldiers' standard armor in the market. Later, only one suit of armour for the junior officers of the Qin army was found in the royal collection of the state of Zhou. Jin Xiu only recognized the armor of the senior officers, but he had never seen it on other non post Qin officers. Even if a senior officer is killed on the battlefield, the armor will be recovered by the post Qin army at the first time, and it will never be left in the hands of other countries or forces.

It can be seen that the armor worn by the young general in front of him is definitely not bought at high prices from other places or obtained from other channels. Only one reason can explain the armor on this young general, that is, this young general is a real senior officer of the post Qin army!

Such a senior officer of the post Qin army suddenly appeared in his own house, and there were two top leaders of the Fenglin army sitting under his command. What does this mean? There is no need to explain it any more. Jin Xiu's previous most worried guess finally came true. Seeing the young and somewhat excessive General of the Qin army, Jin Xiu felt at a loss for the first time.

However, Jin Xiu is still an experienced businessman. Although he is shocked in his heart, he soon regains his usual calm on the surface. He smiles and says to Liao Dongyuan, "general Liao! I don't know that Fenglin army visited Jin's house at night. What can I do for you Instead of asking about the identity of the post Qin army officer, Jin Xiu asked Liao Dongyuan instead. Because he knew that even if he didn't ask, the other side would also say it. If he asked, he would make himself inferior. Years of business negotiation experience, let Jin Xiu in the first time to have a good strategy, at least in the upcoming conversation to occupy the initiative.

Although Liao Dongyuan had several contacts with Jin Xiu and knew that the other side was an old fox, he was not very proficient in this kind of negotiation. He thought that Jin Xiu would ask Li Yuanhe's identity as soon as he saw him. Unexpectedly, Jin Xiu didn't mention a word. Instead, Liao Dongyuan didn't know how to take up the topic for a while, so he turned to Li Yuanhe.

Li Yuanhe frowned, and he could see that the man in front of him was not a simple role to deal with. Think about it. How can you be arranged to be a branch manager in such a complex place as naocheng? Seeing Liao Dongyuan turn his head and look at himself, Li Yuanhe also smiles. He stands up, hugs Jin Xiu and says, "I've met Jin Guanshi! My surname is Li. My name is Yuanhe! He was a guerrilla General of Bian city's garrison after Qin Dynasty! At the same time, he was also the vanguard commander in chief of the expedition of naocheng! "

Listen to Li Yuanhe reported his identity, although the previous heart has been prepared, but Jin Xiu or unavoidably surprised. In my heart, I kept estimating how the Fenglin army suddenly took refuge in the post Qin army. Jin Xiu didn't feel surprised at Li Yuanhe's entry into the strictly guarded city of naocheng. It was easy for the Qin army to break through the defense of naocheng after the Fenglin army was inside!

Moreover, it is not the first time that Jin Xiu heard of Li Yuan and his name. As early as last year, Jin Xiu had already received information about Li Yuan and his solitary army going south and making great contributions. At that time, when he got the news, Jin Xiu didn't believe that he had wiped out 100000 troops in Dachang with only 3000 men? Also went deep into Dachang and captured Danube city? How to see, it is impossible to achieve things! In Jin Xiu's opinion, it must be the false news spread by the princes in Bian city in order to fight for the throne, which was used to enhance his prestige, but he didn't know that Li Yuanhe belonged to the prince.

However, seeing Li Yuan and myself today, I don't know why Jin Xiu actually believes the truth of those rumors. At present, Jin Xiu paid homage to Li Yuanhe and said, "it turns out that General Li is here! General Li's reputation is like thunder! Although Jin is Pianan Town, he always hears others talk about the deeds of the general! Today, when I see you, it's really a hero coming out of a teenager! "

For Jin Xiu's words, Li Yuanhe just smiles, nods and says, "Jin Guanshi is polite! Li is also just a martial arts man, with a little luck, just break out of some famous, where there is Jin Guanshi said so much! This time, Mr. Li was ordered by the emperor of the Qin state to denounce the rebellious city! Tianfu chamber of Commerce has always been a friend of the post Qin state, so this time Li also specially came to ask for help from Jinguan! "

Jin Xiu that pair of slit eyes from time to time twinkled, but said with a smile: "the general is too modest! Who in the world does not know the prestige of the post Qin army? How can the rebellious forces in the city be able to resist the general and the soldiers of the latter Qin Dynasty! Villain is just a merchant. How can he help the general! Don't scare the villains, general Jin Xiu's words immediately put his figure very low, but he kept thinking about it. Now, the Qin army has obviously entered the city with the help of Fenglin army. Although I don't know why the Fenglin army helped the post Qin army, the battle effectiveness of the later Qin army and the Fenglin army, the Xiaolang Gang could not resist the joint attack of the two armies without the wall barrier. Therefore, he couldn't figure out what Li Yuanhe wanted him to do.Li Yuan and to Jin Xiu's words is not to say no, but suddenly strides to Jin Xiu's front. Although Jin Xiu had been in charge of the branch of naocheng for so many years, he was still an ordinary businessman. He could not compare with Li Yuanhe, a decisive general in the war. At the moment, he was almost not shocked by Li Yuanhe's murderous spirit and sat on the ground. Just when Jin Xiu's face was a little pale and could hardly keep the smile on his face, Li Yuanhe stretched out his head, attached it to Jin Xiu's ear and said a few words in a whisper.

After these words, Li Yuanhe immediately raised his head, a pair of eyes tightly staring at Jin Xiu, and a funny smile floated from the corner of his mouth. And Jin Xiu's face at this time has not fully recovered, but for the first time frowned, as if thinking about something, but for a long time did not speak.

When Li Yuanhe saw it, he didn't care. He said to Jin Xiu with a smile: "Jin Guan Shi! What I have just said is just a proposal. Whether the financial administrator agrees or not can be considered for a few more days! I will stay in the city these days, waiting for the answer from the financial administrator! It's not too early now. I'm going to lead my troops to wipe out those rebels, so I won't stay here for a long time! Farewell

After that, without waiting for Jin Xiu to make any response, Li Yuanhe made a gesture to Liao Dongyuan and Ma Huan who were in a daze behind him, indicating that they would follow him. However, Liao Dongyuan and Ma Huan couldn't get back to their senses at the moment. Although Li Yuanhe's voice was very small, both of them had been trained on the battlefield, and their hearing was very good. Naturally, they heard what Li Yuanhe said. At the moment, they were completely shocked by Li Yuanhe's words. They looked at Li Yuanhe with wide eyes. They had no idea that Li Yuanhe would put forward such a request.

If we said that before, they would obey Li Yuanhe's arrangement and help him win the city, it's because Cheng xianjue told them about Li Yuanhe's identity. Now, these two brave generals who have climbed out of the dead in the battlefield, for the first time, have the idea that they are willing to work for Li Yuanhe. They suddenly feel that following Li Yuanhe, they may be able to make an earth shaking career in the second half of their lives!

Looking at Li Yuanhe leaving the banquet room, Liao Dongyuan and Ma Huan followed in a hurry. After they broke into the Jinxiu mansion, the Qin army and Fenglin army all left the Jinxiu mansion one after another. But at the moment, Jin Xiu didn't return to God for Li Yuanhe's departure. He took the place of Jinxiu to send off these evil spirits with the help of housekeeper's cleverness. When Jin Xiu got better, Li Yuanhe and others had already left their residence. Jin Xiu turned and looked at the gate. After a long time, he sighed softly: "it seems that the world is going to change again!"

After sending out a sigh, Jin Xiu seemed to suddenly think of something. He immediately ran out of the banquet room and went straight to a courtyard in the backyard. In this courtyard, there is only a simple bamboo building. It seems that it has been abandoned for a long time. The bamboo building is dark and does not seem to be inhabited at all.

Jinxiu walked quickly to the gate of the bamboo building and pushed the door directly. At the moment of Jinxiu's entrance, a dozen or so lights suddenly lit up in the whole bamboo building, making the interior of the bamboo building as bright as day. In the bamboo building, there were dozens of masked men in black robes, all of them staring at Jin Xiu.

Jin Xiu turned a blind eye to these knife like eyes, and went straight to a table in the middle of the bamboo building, where paper and pens were neatly placed. Jin Xiu took up the pen, dipped in black ink on the paper to write up, and wrote dozens of lines, Jin Xiu this just stopped writing, long sigh of relief. Then, he dried the ink on the paper, folded it carefully, and used the ring face of a ring on his right finger to print it on the fold of the paper, leaving a trace, and then handed the paper to the nearest masked man. The masked man didn't say much about it. He took the paper and he flashed away. In a flash, he disappeared in the bamboo building.

After all this, Jin Xiu really relaxed. With his clapping, all the lights in the bamboo building went out in an instant, and the bamboo building fell into darkness again.