Compared with the joy of the barracks in the east of the city, the rest of Biancheng is in chaos. The residents of Biancheng can't remember how many years it has been since the war broke out. After the initial Leng Shen, those people who are still wandering in the street will be surprised by the sudden appearance of soldiers and horses running around. Fortunately, the rebels did not kill innocent people. As long as the people did not hinder their movement, they did not take care of them. But Rao is so, Bian city is still full of screams, those smart, immediately ran back to their home, into the bed, take the quilt to cover their head, nothing. And those stores that were supposed to operate until midnight also quickly closed their doors, leaving a lot of goods or stalls outside the stores behind.

At the moment, in the palace in the center of Bian City, because of the chaos in the city, the whole palace began to be under martial law. More than 10000 forest guards closed the gate of the palace at the first time, guarding the key points everywhere to prevent the chaos from spreading to the palace. He ye also led the rebels to the outside of the palace, as Lu Jue had analyzed before. In order to protect the safety of the palace, the imperial forest army did not dare to open the palace gate to attack, but stood on the gate of the palace and watched the rebels outside with vigilance.

The general who led the imperial army at the gate of the palace was Gao lie, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army and the nephew of the emperor of logistics. Gao lie is older than several princes. He is the son of Yingyan's elder sister Yuhe and Gao Chongming, the great general of the Qin Empire. When the great Qin Empire was destroyed, Princess Yuhe and Gao Chongming both died in the battle of the imperial capital. Only when Gao lie, who had just joined the army at that time, went south with Ying Yan, was spared. Although Gao lie had not experienced many battles, his father's talent made him an excellent general. Therefore, he dared to hand over the important army of the imperial forest army to him.

What's more, Ying Yan knows that his nephew has no ambition and is only loyal to Ying. Therefore, he doesn't have to worry about what accidents the royal guards will have on his hands. Over the past ten years, Gao lie has also used his own actions to repay Ying Yan's trust. In addition to training every day, Gao lie has never been involved in the fight between his cousins. For this reason, Ying Yan also made Gao lie Marquis of Wuchang three years ago, which was the first Marquis with a foreign surname in the state of Qin. This shows Ying Yan's trust in Gao lie.

At the moment, Gao lie is looking at the rebels outside the palace gate, his face is also a piece of iron green, he immediately recognized that the rebels outside the city is the first Prince win yes's men. At present, the army is besieging the palace, which is clearly in rebellion! Although Gao lie is not willing to participate in the fight between the prince, but also do not want to see several princes make too much. But now the big prince's behavior, has far exceeded Gao lie's bottom line, regarding wins strict loyalty, absolutely does not allow to win, is uses this method to fight for the throne.

However, Gao lie still has a glimmer of hope for winning in his heart. He hopes that the actions of these rebels in front of him are not from the original intention of winning. Maybe, maybe it's just that those subordinates make their own decisions to win? What do you think of yourself in the dark? Dare to besiege the palace! It's bold! Don't put down your weapons and surrender Although he knew that the rebels would not listen to his words, Gao lie still hoped that the rebels would withdraw. After all, if they had fought hard with the enemy, they would have fought hard with the foreign soldiers! However, it is not worth it to die in one's own hands!

Gao lie's idea is beyond the imagination of those rebel soldiers outside the palace, but he ye, who leads the team, can guess a few points. He sighed in his heart. If he had a choice, he didn't want to launch the rebellion, but he was only a courtier after all. He was loyal to yingyeshi. Since he had made a decision, he could not oppose it. Kuang Kuang's mansion is no longer enough for him to oppose the emperor's house! Even if you want to go back to winning at this time, you can't bear to win the death of the second prince and the fifth prince.

Immediately, he Ye was also agitated and said to the left and right: "don't pay attention to him! According to the previous plan, only encircle but not attack! Just stay outside the palace! " After the command, he Ye simply turned around and walked back, out of sight and out of mind.

Gao lie saw that his persuasion did not have any effect, and the rebels outside the palace orderly set up a good defense line. Fortunately, the other side didn't mean to attack the palace. Immediately Gao lie frowned and said to an assistant general behind him, "go to your Majesty's bedroom and tell your majesty about this room!" When he made this decision, Gao lie's heart suddenly gushed a trace of intolerance. He told an old man that his son was going to rebel against him. What a blow to the old man! It is no wonder that there is no kinship in the emperor's house. The kinship is not that the emperor does not want it, but that the emperor cannot afford it.

The assistant general didn't have as much emotion as Gao lie, so he took his orders and went straight to the palace. Although the imperial palace of the post Qin state is not very magnificent, it is full of atmosphere. The legend of the imperial palace is that it was driven by the Imperial Palace in the capital of the great Qin Dynasty. From the palace gate to the emperor's bedroom, it took nearly half an hour for the assistant general to catch up.When he comes to the outside of the palace, it is impossible for the deputy general to rush into the palace like this. Let alone that he does not have the courage, even if he really rushes in, he is afraid that he will be killed mercilessly by the palace guards on the left and right before he meets the palace gate! Therefore, although the situation is urgent, the vice general still has to obey the rules and patience to report to the internal servants outside the palace, asking them to pass on.

However, after that, the internal servants in the palace of Qin were not so arrogant and insolent as the popular saying. On the contrary, they were polite to the vice generals. After hearing what the vice generals wanted to tell them, several internal servants were also flustered. The prince rebelled! This is a big thing, and these internal servants dare not delay. Even if one of them is sent to turn around and enter the bedroom, they will go to pass on their behalf. However, the face of the Chamberlain who was sent out to spread the news was bitter. He could already imagine what kind of anger Ying Yan would become when he heard the news. God knows whether Ying Yan will vent his anger on himself. If he doesn't do well, he will have to explain his life here.

Although he was afraid in his heart, the Chamberlain had to report to the palace and cautiously arrived at the palace where Ying Yan was sleeping. During this period of time, Yingyan had a headache, so he didn't invite the Empress Dowager to go to bed. Instead, he took a rest on the Dragon bed alone. Looking at the Dragon bed with the golden silk bedspread, the Chamberlain could still see the figure of Ying Yan on the bed. Although he was only lying on the bed, his fear of Yingyan still made the servant dare not breathe for a while, and he clenched his teeth and hesitated whether to wake up Yingyan.

"What's the matter?" When the Chamberlain was still hesitating at the bottom of his heart, he suddenly heard an old but dignified voice from the bed, but he was scared out of his wits, and immediately his legs softened and he knelt down on the ground. The Chamberlain couldn't understand. He walked in with his hands and feet twisting. He didn't dare to make a sound. How did your majesty hear him come in? While the Chamberlain was still dreaming, Ying Yan's voice sounded again from the bed: "what's the matter! Say it! Or I will kill you

The last sentence, Ying Yan, sprang out word by word. The Chamberlain couldn't help but shiver. His head was covered with sweat. He even kowtowed, and his forehead banged on the marble slab. Seeing Ying Yan, he didn't respond. The Chamberlain remembered the first sentence that Ying Yan had just said. He was surprised again and said the whole thing in a hurry. After that, his head was on the ground, and he didn't dare to lift his head any more. He didn't even dare to open his eyes. He was afraid that Ying Yan would suddenly say a word and order his head to be cut off.

After a long time, a long sigh came from the Dragon bed. I'm afraid that only Ying Yan can tell how much sigh there is in this sigh. After sighing, Ying Yan suddenly sneered and said to himself, "good! Worthy of being my son! If you know what you can't get, you have to grab it! This is quite like the temperament of my youth! It's just a child, yes! Your patience is too poor! It seems that you can't sit on this throne! None of your younger brothers is a fuel-efficient lamp

Hearing Ying Yan's words, the servant kneeling on the ground suddenly said something in his heart. His back was chilly, and he didn't dare to look up any more. He could only kneel down and run when he wanted to pull out his legs. However, he couldn't muster up his courage and could not even stand up. At this time, Ying Yan's voice came slowly: "you go to tell the deputy general that I already know this matter! Let Gao lie guard like this! Naturally, the rebels in the city will be dealt with! Don't disturb me again, I'll have a rest

Hearing Ying Yan's words, although the internal servant didn't understand what he meant, he knew that Ying Yan was letting himself go. The unexpected surprise made him almost not jump up, but he still kept in mind the rules of the palace. He quickly bowed to the Dragon bed and called out, "yes!" This just oppresses the eagerness in the heart, backward walked out of the bedroom.

When the Chamberlain left, Ying Yan's voice suddenly sounded again on the Dragon bed: "when he has finished his work, find a place to deal with it!"

Ying Yan's voice echoed in the empty palace, as if talking to himself. But then, another voice sounded out of thin air, short and firm: "obey the orders!"