To be a bodyguard of the prince's house, one can't compete with ordinary soldiers. From the previous fierce battle in the fifth Prince's mansion, hundreds of bodyguards bravely blocked the impact of more than a thousand regular troops of the later Qin Dynasty. This can be seen from this battle. It can be said that these bodyguards were selected from the later Qin army. Even Li Yuanhe made great achievements in Jingnan City, but when he arrived in Biancheng, he could only be a bodyguard chief, which is enough to illustrate the problem.

But now, these guards in the face of these masked people, it is so vulnerable, some of the ordinary guards are not even the enemy of each other. Even Yan tiechun, the leader of the bodyguard, could resist the attack of a masked man with a long knife in his hand, while the rest of the masked men were all relying on the bodyguards' recklessness to hold them back with their own lives.

At this time, Wang Yang finally stood up with the help of his own soldiers. The experience of escaping from death made Wang Yang pale. He never thought that someone would assassinate him at this time. However, Wang Yang said that he was an old general who had fought in the battlefield. He immediately calmed down and saw that the masked men in front of him were still killing towards him. The guards in front of him were obviously not the opponents of these masked assassins. Immediately, Wang Yang immediately called Wang Lei and other soldiers to meet the enemy

Wang Yang is also an experienced expert. He immediately realized that these assassins are all first-class masters. It is absolutely impossible to block them by these ordinary guards without 800 people. The only way is to let those strong generals deal with it. Fortunately, there are not many other generals in the prince's mansion. Although not all of them are as powerful as Wang Lei and Yan tiechun, there should be no problem dragging these assassins.

In fact, even if Wang Yang didn't send someone to call, Wang Lei and others had already heard the news. As soon as Wang Lei left the mansion, he saw the chaos outside the gate. He was shocked. When he saw the little blood on Wang Yang, he almost didn't faint. After all, they were father and son. Wang Lei naturally worried about Wang Yang's body, so he quickly stepped forward to hold Wang Yang and asked anxiously, "father, how are you doing?"

Wang Yang looked back and waved at Wang Lei and said, "I'm ok! Go and get the assassins! "

"To order!" Seeing Wang Yang doesn't look like he's hurt, Wang Lei is relieved. He immediately regains his style as a general and takes orders from Wang Yang. But when he raised his head and looked at the masked assassins, his face was a bit more ferocious. Obviously, it was these assassins that made Wang Yang so embarrassed. How could Wang Lei let these people go easily. Immediately, under the leadership of Wang Lei, more than ten generals pulled out their weapons one after another and roared toward the battlefield in front of the gate.

With the participation of these generals, the whole situation has changed. If these generals are one-on-one, they may not be the opponents of these masked assassins. However, these generals are not the swordsmen in the rivers and lakes. How can they tell you the rules of the world. If you catch a masked assassin in groups, you will rush to them. However, although these generals do not have any advanced martial arts skills, they use the most practical combat skills in the battlefield. I will greet these assassins with one knife and one shot.

Before long, two assassins died under these generals, and those who had just killed their opponents turned around and continued to kill the enemies around them. Now, the rest of the assassins are more anxious. This is not a matter of whether they can complete the task. Now, it is also a problem whether their lives can be saved.

At that time, the great master who followed Gao lie before took advantage of one of the generals to chop at him, raised his long sword in his hand and blocked it on the other side's big knife. With the power of the sword, he went back several steps in succession, which was just enough to escape from the enemy's encirclement. The expert turned his head to Gao lie and said, "General Gao! Don't you order the imperial army to attack the third prince's house? "

Gao lie, who has been silent in the back, is gloomy and silent for a moment. During this period of Gao lie's silence, Wang Yang, who is guarding the gate, can't help being nervous. If Gao lie really ordered the Royal Army to attack the prince's house, he would not be able to resist even if he sent out all the people in the palace. However, after pondering for a moment, seeing that the great master was surrounded by several generals, Gao lie suddenly began to shout: "Your Majesty's will is to let the Imperial Army surround the third prince's mansion, and no one is allowed to enter or leave! Now no one intends to rush out of the prince's house, so I must act according to your Majesty's will

"You Hearing Gao lie's words, the great master's eyes could not help but show a trace of anger, but the several generals learned to be smart this time, that is, they didn't give him the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement again, but called on him one move at a time, so that he could not escape. At the same time, the great master of internal affairs had to accept the move, and said angrily, "Gao lie! How dare you betray your majesty

Since Gao lie had made up his mind, he would not change it easily. Even with a sneer, he said, "I Gao lie has always been loyal to the Ying family. Who knows after the state of Qin! Do you think that I betrayed your majesty and believe me? Now I just act according to your Majesty's will. I'm not afraid of the shadow. You can frame me, don't try to frame me! "Gao lie held on to the will of the master in charge, that is, he refused to give orders, which made the master worried. In this delay, another masked assassin screamed and died under the command of those generals. Seeing Gao lie's refusal to give orders to attack, Wang Yang relaxed a lot. Even when he personally directed those generals to besiege the remaining assassins, the pressure on these assassins was increasing. The great master was so anxious that he was sweating. In his plan, as long as Gao lie's Imperial Army led Wang Yang out and started by them, Wang Yang could be captured in one fell swoop. However, he failed.

Seeing that the task was about to fail, the master turned his eyes and immediately said to Gao lie: "General Gao! His majesty also has an instruction, that is, Wang Yang colludes with the rebel party, which is actually the conspiracy of the rebel party. When the general sees this, he will immediately take it down and execute him on the spot! General Gao! Do not carry out your Majesty's will quickly The master of internal affairs is also quick in thinking. Seeing that Gao lie has been talking about Yingyan's will, he simply orders Gao lie to attack with another will of Yingyan.

However, Gao lie was amused by the master's words. Who in Bian city didn't know that Wang Yang was the supporter of Yingzhen. But the rebel tonight was the big prince, Yingye, Yingzhen. It can be said that they were fighting each other. How could Wang Yang collude to win? Of course, the great master knows how unreliable his words are, but only in this way can Gao lie be forced to do it. As for the crime of passing on the emperor's life, he doesn't care much about it. As long as he successfully completes the order of Yingyan, he will naturally help him to lie.

Gao lie was really embarrassed, but after a moment's thinking, Gao lie still raised his head and said, "you say this is your Majesty's will. Is there any evidence? I am the commander in chief of the royal forest army, and Lord Wang is the Secretary of the Ministry of war. I can't kill Lord Wang just by your words? If you can't produce evidence, I can't issue this order! "

As soon as Gao lie said this, he almost didn't vomit blood because he was angry. Before that, he didn't see you. Gao lie asked for evidence, but suddenly he wanted evidence at this time. Slow to say, he can't get any evidence now. Even if he has, he has been forced to block the left and the right by these generals. Where is the time to take out the evidence! Now he can see that Gao lie is clearly refusing to order an attack. Without the help of the imperial forest army, they are absolutely impossible to complete the task of winning strict. The master was also decisive. Even when he decided to give up the task, he gave a drink to the remaining two masked Assassins: "withdraw!"

He suddenly put out his hand in his waist and waved his hand to the several generals around him. Immediately, countless silver lights flew towards those generals. Those generals had been on guard for a long time after hearing his drinking and shouting. Seeing this situation, they also quickly blocked the silver light with their own weapons. I heard a jingling sound of impact, and saw those silver lights beating on the soldiers' blades, and finally turned into silver needles and fell to the ground. And the great master also took advantage of this opportunity, hastily and forcefully pushed back, but he directly rushed out of the encirclement of the general.

However, he paid a price for his rush out this time. The silver needle he shot could not care about all the generals around him. Several generals who had not been attacked by the silver needle saw that he was about to run, so they immediately chopped at him with a big knife in their hands. But at this time, the master was in the air and couldn't dodge at all. He had to bear the knife and leave several blood holes on his arm and thigh. However, he managed to avoid the key and successfully broke away from the encirclement.

On the other hand, his two companions were not as lucky as he was. When they ran away, one of them was cut off in the head. Even though the ladle was opened, the other was stabbed in the chest by two long guns. After struggling for a moment, he did not live. Seeing that all his companions died in battle, the great master in charge didn't stop at once. He glared at Gao lie angrily. He turned around and jumped on the roof of the house next to him and ran directly towards the palace.