After seeing Wang Qiong's Royal Highness, Wang's face was different from that of Wang's

Wang Yu, who is familiar with Wang Yu's personality, didn't dissuade him. He just nodded and said, "General Wang, don't be so polite! What is the situation in the city now? "

Wang Yu knew his father's arrangement early on, so after Ying Zhen asked for the exit, Wang Yu immediately replied: "report back to your highness! According to the plan of Lord Wang, the last general can open the gate of the city and welcome his highness into the city only after the signal inside the city. After entering the city, your highness can go directly to the palace! " As for the things after going to the palace, Wang Yu did not go on talking about it any more. The things after this were beyond his control. Naturally, he would not talk too much.

And listen to Wang Yu's words, win really naturally know what to do next, but win Zhen's face is still somewhat unnatural. After all, what he is going to do next is not a good thing to say. If these two things are spread out, I'm afraid that both of them will leave Yingzhen with a lasting reputation. Fortunately, all the people who know about it are all the confidants around Yingzhen. They are loyal to win. They don't have to worry about it leaking out. However, there are still some bumps in Ying Zhen's heart.

I was hesitant to see Ying. I was worried with Zhou Fanke, who did not speak after winning the real body. Now, this situation is very important all the time. Maybe there will be some great changes in the city at any time. Immediately, Zhou fan immediately went forward to win and advised him: "Your Highness! Now is not the time to hesitate! Your highness should make a quick decision! It's hard to stop and be confused

Won Zhen didn't understand the truth. He took a deep breath and held his mind. Then he turned his head and scanned the soldiers behind him. Then he looked at the dark city ahead. Clenching his teeth, Ying Zhen said to Wang Yu, "General Wang! Lead the way! We are going to the palace now

Ying Zhen finally made up his mind, which made Zhou fan and other generals feel relieved. Although they don't know the latest changes in the city, according to the information from the city before, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, it will be more difficult to win the throne again. Now as long as they are really determined to win, they will have a full grasp of it and successfully realize it!

But as for Wang Yu, from his expression, he can not see any change. It seems that winning really has no influence on him at all. After Ying Zhen gave the order, Wang Yu just mechanically saluted Yingzhen, and then turned around and walked towards the gate of the city. As Yingzhen's order said, he led the army of Yingzhen.

Let Wang Yu lead the way for the army, not because Ying Zhen didn't even know the road from the gate to the palace, but because the situation in the city was too chaotic to understand the specific situation in the city. Wang Yu has just come out of the city, at least than win really clear about the situation in the city, he led the way, so that the army can avoid some unnecessary trouble.

Sure enough, with Wang Yu leading the way, Yingzhen army soon joined up with more than 10000 city guards in the north of the city to form a huge army. Even Wang Yu didn't know about a series of changes at the gate of the third prince's mansion. In their mind, Gao lie's army was still guarding the palace. In order to deal with this imperial army, Ying Zhen naturally needs to gather all the forces that can be summoned in his hands, so that he can be sure to break down the palace gate guarded by the imperial army.

However, when Ying Zhen's army arrived at the palace gate, the situation at the palace gate surprised everyone. I saw that the palace gate, which was supposed to be heavily guarded and tightly closed, was now greatly opened. There were only a few palace guards standing at the gate. Obviously, when Gao lie received the order to go to the third prince's house, he didn't think about who would dare to attack the palace after winning or dying, so he didn't leave any defensive strength.

When he saw this situation, he could not be polite. Even with a wave of his sword, he directed the army directly into the palace gate. The palace guards guarding the gate never thought that anyone would dare to attack the palace at this time. Even one of them was dozing off with a long spear and was awakened by the thunderous cry of the Victorian army. At the sight of the dense black armour soldiers in front of them, these imperial palace guards were all dumbfounded. Fortunately, they were also strictly trained guards, and immediately made the right response.

Immediately, several palace guards rushed into the palace gate. One of them was running to the palace to report to others in the palace. Another person rushed to a small drum behind the palace gate, picked up the drumstick beside the small drum, and beat it hard against the surface of the small drum. The sound of the drum was immediately spread all over the palace. As for the rest of the guards, they rushed to the back of the palace gate and pushed it hard, trying to close it before the soldiers arrived.

Unfortunately, they were always a step late. Just at the moment when the palace gate was about to be closed, the soldiers in front of Yingzhen army rushed to the front. Seeing that the palace gate was about to be closed, the soldiers burst into a fury, staring at a pair of red eyes, and frantically rushed to the gap of the palace gate. They even stuck between the two palace gates with their own flesh and blood.Naturally, the two palace gates could not be closed by these soldiers. Seeing this, the palace guards were more flustered, and they pushed the palace gates to close them. This time, however, suffered the soldiers. The huge force came from their waist and abdomen, which was stuck between the palace doors. It was almost like cutting off their bodies. Even spit several mouthfuls of blood, but those soldiers are still firmly in the palace between, and even a soldier pulled a knife in his hand and threw it at the palace guard on one side. It's a pity that he doesn't have much strength now. The sword didn't hurt anyone, but it also scared the palace guards.

At this time, the officers and soldiers who were following them also rushed to the palace gate. Because the palace gate was not closed at the moment, only dozens of soldiers at the front line even forced to hit the palace gate. This time, the palace gate was knocked open by a collision, and the palace guards guarding behind were even pushed upside down by the powerful thrust of the palace gate.

When the palace gate was opened, even if someone helped the soldiers who were desperate to block the palace gate down, the rest of the officers and soldiers also rushed into the palace gate. For a moment, the officers and soldiers seemed to be a black tide, and instantly rushed into the palace, and swept away towards the huge palace, and immediately submerged several palaces near the palace gate.

Ying Zhen walked into the palace with several confidants. As for the palace, Ying Zhen could not be more familiar with it. Wang Yu didn't need to lead the way. Immediately, Yingzhen went straight to Ying Yan's bedroom in memory. Along the way, Ying Zhen couldn't help ringing the scene of meeting Ying Yan every time he entered the palace. As a child, Ying Zhen came to the palace with a nervous and excited mood every time, because here, he could see his hero father. When Ying Zhen grew up, he could fully realize the authority of Ying Yan as a superior person. For Ying Yan, his feeling of licking his calf when he was a child was gradually transformed into the pressure between the monarch and his subjects. After winning Zhen's adulthood, he was filled with fear every time he came to this road.

But now, Ying Zhen is on this road for the first time, but there is no fear in his heart. Maybe Yingzhen has been able to foresee it. After tonight, he will never have to live in the shadow of Yingyan! Think of here, win really heart even some excitement and excitement, the foot also can't help but speed up the pace.

Along the way, Ying Zhen and others soon arrived outside Ying Yan's bedroom. To Ying Zhen's surprise, there was no one outside the palace, which was too abnormal. At the gate of the palace before, Ying Zhen looked very carefully. The palace guard had already rushed into the palace to report the news. He didn't believe that Ying Yan would attack the palace until now.

Wang Yu, who was following Yingzhen, could not help frowning when he saw this situation. Even when he pulled out the ghost knife in his waist, he turned over and dismounted, and said to Ying Zhen, "Your Highness! Please allow me to open the way for your highness

Ying Zhen is also full of doubts about the strange phenomenon of the palace. Seeing Wang Yu ask for help, Ying Zhen bows his head and thinks about it, but agrees. He just waves his hand, but adds a few more generals to Wang Yu as assistants. Wang Yu when even with several generals, armed with a blade, carefully walked into the bedroom.

Just stepped into the palace gate, Wang Yu and other people are particularly nervous, although Wang Yu is known for his bravery, but to this moment, the heart is also inevitably some uneasy. However, when several people walked into the gate of the palace, it was unexpected that nothing happened, which let Wang Yu and others in some surprise, but also a long sigh of relief. Just as Wang Yu was about to turn around, Chao Yingzhen signaled that the place was safe. Suddenly, two generals beside Wang Yu were dazzled, and a strange white light flashed in front of them. In a flash, the two generals' eyes were black, and then they felt that the strength of their whole body was rapidly losing. Soon, they lost consciousness forever.