Li Yuan and this sleep, but sleep for a whole day, to the next evening did not wake up. By the time Li Yuanhe got out of the camp, Cheng xianjue had already prepared the team that Li Yuanhe was going to attack at night. However, different from what was discussed yesterday, Cheng xianjue finally prepared more than 1000 soldiers of the Qin army. Although it is a night attack, after all, it is likely to face more than 20000 enemy troops. It is safer to have more hands. However, these 1000 people are already the limit. If there are too many people, it is easy to expose their whereabouts.

After sleeping for such a long time, Li Yuanhe was able to keep up his spirit, put on his armor and lift his spear, and he was on his mount directly. Cheng xianjue also came forward, clasped his fist at Li Yuanhe, and said solemnly, "general, please be more careful! Please bear in mind that the purpose of this night attack is only to explore the actual situation of the enemy camp, and we should not be obsessed with fighting! "

Li Yuanhe's helmet mask has also been removed, leaving only two eye holes, emitting the essence of his eyes. He nodded to Cheng xianjue and said, "general Cheng, don't worry! I know that! This closed defense depends more on the general! " After the explanation, Li Yuanhe pulled the reins, turned the horse's head and closed the door.

The soldiers who had been ready at the door would open the door slowly at once, and the scroll of the door would have been oiled. Therefore, the sharp noise of opening the door usually disappeared. Seeing that the door was opened, Li Yuanhe did not stop any more. With a wave of his spear, he rushed out of the door with more than 1000 soldiers who had been ready for the battle. It was not until the last general came out of the gate that Cheng xianjue ordered the door to be closed tightly. Then he immediately climbed up the gate and watched Li Yuanhe's team leave for the other camp.

The camp of the Zhou army was not far away from the checkpoint, but after half a column of incense, Li Yuanhe led his team to not far away from the barracks. It seems that the heaven intended to fulfill Li Yuanhe's action tonight. The whole night sky could not even see any stars. A thick dark cloud blocked the moon. Therefore, although the camp of the Zhou army was surrounded by plain at a glance, Li Yuanhe still concealed the figure of the troops by night.

When he reached a distance of only a few hundred steps away from the barracks, Li Yuanhe waved his hand to the troops behind him and stopped the soldiers from marching forward. But he himself was staring at the barracks in front of him. From a distance, the barracks were full of lights. Obviously, at this time, the officers and men of the Zhou army had just finished their meal and did not rest so quickly.

Even if Li Yuanhe looked up at the night sky, according to the current situation in the sky, the moon would not come out for a while. Li Yuanhe immediately ordered all the soldiers to lie down on the ground, and he himself also turned over and dismounted. As for the war horse, Li Yuanhe tied the horse's mouth with a rope, and several soldiers and soldiers tried to knock the horse to the ground. In this way, Li Yuanhe with the whole team ambushed here, waiting for a better opportunity.

Two hours soon passed, and this evening, God seems to really give Li Yuan and face, has been dark clouds cover the moon. Looking at the situation in the barracks of the Zhou army, with the passage of time, the lights in the camp became less and less. In the end, except for the torches on the two towers at the gate of the camp, the whole camp was already dark.

Seeing this situation, Li Yuanhe knew that the time had come. Even when he got up from the ground, he didn't rush to attack immediately. Instead, he started to move first. He had a stiff body because he had not been active for a long time. After the activity started, he got up the horse which had been pressed on the ground. Several officers and soldiers held the horse on the ground and could not move. Obviously, the horse was also a little impatient. If Li Yuanhe did not come forward in time to appease him, the horse would soon run.

After pacifying the horses, Li Yuanhe, even when he turned on his horse and waved his big hand, led a thousand soldiers around him to march towards the camp of the Zhou army. After another hundred steps, Li Yuanhe made a gesture to several soldiers behind him. All of them were elite archers trained by Wang Ye. Seeing Li Yuanhe's gesture, he immediately understood Li Yuanhe's intention and walked forward with his bow and arrow in hand.

Bow, arrow, aim, shoot! This series of movements is very smooth, the archers' movements are as neat as a person. With a short and rapid burst of air, the arrows shot directly at the two towers at the gate of the barracks opposite, and both of them finally hit the throat of the soldiers of the Zhou army in that tower. The soldiers of the Zhou army just had time to utter a dull hum, then they fell down directly.

"Good archery!" Li Yuanhe could not help but applaud in a low voice when he saw the hand of these archers. Li Yuanhe's archery has always been Li Yuanhe's short board, but Li Yuanhe's poor archery does not affect his eyesight. The standard of these archers is absolutely top-notch. Even Li Yuan and Ma Er Ma Ma Ma, the best archer, are not their opponents. I really don't know how Wang trained them.

But now Li Yuanhe is not in the mood to attack these archers. They are all Wang Ye's precious pimples. If Li Yuanhe's night attack was not too dangerous, Wang would not be willing to transfer these people to Li Yuanhe. After putting those thoughts away, Li Yuanhe continued to issue orders to the soldiers behind him with his gestures. Under his silent command, the officers and men began to move forward towards the barracks, and in an instant occupied the gate of the barracks.After seeing the generals and soldiers, Li Yuanhe's eyes also flashed a little surprise, but also a burst of confusion in his heart. Did this thing go too smoothly? Is it true that the main force of the Zhou army has long been taken away by Li Ke? But Li Yuanhe couldn't believe that Li Ke dared to do this dangerous move.

However, now that the first step of the night attack has been achieved, Li Yuanhe has no time to hesitate. Even when he pulls off the rope tied to the horse's mouth under his seat, holds up his long gun in his hand, and points to the barracks, he shouts out: "the whole army strikes!" With that, Li Yuanhe took the lead to rush into the barracks. The horse had been tied up in the mouth before, and had been restless for a long time. Now, Li Yuanhe released his shackles. Immediately, he made a neighing sound and galloped forward quickly. In a flash, he rushed to the front of the rear Qin army.

With Li Yuanhe as the leader, the soldiers and soldiers of the Qin army also started to shout and drink in unison. The thunderous cry of killing suddenly broke the silent night sky before. One thousand soldiers in black armour rushed into the barracks one by one with sharp blades in their hands, ready to reap the lives of the sleeping soldiers of the Zhou army.

But when they rushed into the camp, they were all stupid. They saw that the camp was empty, not to mention human beings. They could not even see a mouse. This happened in every barracks that were stormed by the post Qin army, and Li Yuanhe took the lead in rushing into the largest camp in the barracks.

Seeing this situation, Li Yuanhe did not understand what was going on for a while, but he had a bad feeling in his heart. He immediately turned his horse and rushed out of the camp. After receiving the report from his subordinates, Li Yuanhe knew that the other barracks were the same. Li Yuanhe's heart suddenly trembled and cried out: "not good! We're in the game! Go! Go! Get out of here

Unfortunately, this sentence of Li Yuanhe was half a minute late. As soon as his voice fell, he felt a white light flash in front of his eyes, and suddenly there were countless dazzling lights around the camp. The only gap in these flames is the gate where Li Yuanhe led his troops to rush in. However, the gap is shrinking rapidly at the moment, and a large number of firelights are encircling the gate from left to right.

To this point, Li Yuan and where can not understand that he has been in Li Ke's strategy, heart bursts of bitterness, but also have no time to think more. At present, we must not let the Zhou army block the gate of the camp, otherwise we will have to completely account for the 1000 troops here. Li Yuanhe waved his spear and said to the panicked rear Qin soldiers: "don't panic! Go ahead! Go! Only when we rush out can we have a way to live! "

The post Qin army was originally a rare elite in the world. In addition, Li Yuanhe's words had made the choice of life and death very clear. In order to break out of the only way to survive, how could those officers and men of the post Qin army be timid. All of them, led by Li Yuanhe, began to turn around and rush towards the gate of the camp that had just broken through. They only hated that they had not born two legs.

However, the Zhou troops outside the barracks obviously didn't intend to let the latter Qin army rush forward so easily. Just as the latter Qin army just gathered behind Li Yuan and prepared to attack, countless arrows flew out of the firelight and directly aimed at the more than 1000 rear Qin soldiers in the middle. In a flash, these arrows took away the lives of dozens of soldiers and soldiers of the Qin army. Many of them were wounded by the arrows and lost their ability to move. In this case, they had to face the only way to die.

Looking at these sacrificial soldiers, Li Yuanhe's heart is constantly dripping blood, these can be his hard-working training out of the legitimate forces ah! But now he can only watch them die in a foreign land, but he can't do anything about it. At present, Li Yuanhe can only turn his heartache into motivation. He flushes his eyes and says, "don't worry about the arrows! Go! Go Although Li Yuanhe was flustered by the situation at the moment, he was also very clear in his heart. Staying here can only be a living target for the other party. Only when he can get out of the encirclement of the other party as soon as possible, he will have a chance of life!