In the morning of the next day, when the sky was still just dim, the two armies were all up after the Hangu pass.

No matter the closed Bingzhou army and the Xiliang army, or the new army, they all quietly prepared their armor and weapons. Although the war has not yet started, there is a depressing atmosphere on both sides of the battlefield. The soldiers examined their armor and weapons over and over again, grinding their weapons against the stones.

In the Hangu pass, Lv Bu's camp, with the help of his own soldiers, put on his purple gold beast swallowing armor, a bundle of hair, a golden crown on his head, and a flower Cape behind him. The two soldiers painstakingly picked up the Fang Tian Hua halberd and sent them to Lv Bu's side. Lu Bu grabbed the drawing halberd with one hand, pulled up his cape with one hand, and threw it out of the camp directly.

Outside the camp, the generals of Bingzhou army and Xiliang army all mounted their mounts and waited for Lv Bu. Lu Bu bent his forefinger slightly, put it into his mouth and blew it hard. Suddenly, a sharp whistle blew out. In the other side of the stable, the red rabbit horse, which had just been released by the soldier feeding the horse, heard the whistle, gave a neighing sound, directly shook off the soldiers and ran outside. He galloped all the way to Lv Bu without stopping. Lu Bu watched the red rabbit gallop by, quickly grabbed the reins of the red rabbit with one hand, jumped lightly, and then turned over.

After riding on the red rabbit, Lu Bu pulled the reins, and the horse raised its front hooves, which made all the officers and soldiers shine in front of them. Lu Bu held up the halberd of Fang Tian Hua in his hand, pointed to the direction of closing the door, and said, "open the door! Let's go

At this time, in the new army barracks outside the pass, Chen Ren was also ready. This time, Chen Ren was dressed in black armor and looked simple and dignified. He took the black helmet from his relatives. After wearing it, he only left his eyes, nose and mouth exposed to the outside. A red tassel on his head was particularly dazzling. Another soldier put on a red cloak like blood. Chen Ren picked up the cloak and shook it. He put it directly behind his back and hung it on the armor on his shoulders. Just after receiving his special steel gun, a private soldier went into the camp and said to Chen Ren: "governor! All the generals are assembled outside! Wait for the governor to deploy! "

Chen Ren nodded, threw his cape, and walked out of the tent. As soon as he got out of the tent, he directly stepped on the horse parked outside the camp tent. Looking at the generals waiting outside, he waved his steel gun in his hand and drank: "start up!"

"Here it is All the generals cheered with their fists and rushed to their own camp. They took up the army and marched with Chen Ren toward Hanguguan.

The lineup of the two armies was too strong, so the battlefield was not in front of Hangu pass, but in a plain a few miles away in front of Hangu pass. The armies of both sides arrived at the same time. At the same time, Lu Renyao and Chen Xiangjun raise their hands. Although he couldn't see the expression of Lu Bu, Chen Ren could clearly feel the war spirit emanating from Lv Bu.

Chen Ren called out to Lv Bu in front of him: "Wen Hou! Years no see! Don't be hurt

Lu Bu also slightly smile, suddenly made a gesture towards the back of his back, only to see a sergeant behind him led a horse that was as dark as silk. Under the sign of Lu Bu, the sergeant reluctantly loosened the reins of the horse and swung his whip behind the black horse. The black horse suffered pain, spread its hooves and ran forward.

Lv Bu confidently said to Chen Ren: "Governor Chen Dudu! This dark cloud and snow was found by Bute for the governor outside the pass! Although not as good as the red rabbit, but also not far away! Today I will send it to the governor of Dadu! "

Seeing the dark cloud and snow running towards Chen Ren's side, the distance between the two armies was at least several miles. However, the horse ran to Chen Ren in the short time when Lv Bu spoke. Originally, Chen Ren's personal guard was about to lead him over, but he was stopped by Chen Ren. Chen Ren looked at the black cloud and the snow, and then drove his horse to the front of the dark cloud and snow.

At the moment when he was about to collide, Chen Ren jumped directly from the horse and jumped to the body of dark clouds and snow, and his legs firmly clamped on the horse. That dark cloud treading snow was also the king of horses outside the pass. No one had ever sat down before. Suddenly, he felt a foreign body suddenly on his body. Of course, he was not happy. He immediately began to jump wildly.

Chen Ren, who grew up in the north, is naturally familiar with the temperament of horses. He knows that a good horse like this is even more versatile. Immediately, Chen Ren clamped the horse tightly, and his other hand picked up the spear, and even put it directly on the horse's head. The dark cloud treading snow could not throw the man off his body. He knew that he was not an ordinary person. At this time, he suddenly felt a strong killing intention coming from the horse's back. Especially when the weapon appeared on the top of his head, the killing intention became stronger.

The more humane the animal is, the more afraid he is of the strong. Now Chen Ren's performance is far stronger than that of walking in the dark clouds and snow. He makes the horse stop involuntarily, standing in the same place, and dare not even move. Chen Ren smiles, then picks up the steel gun, gently puts his hand on the head of the dark clouds and snow, and caresses it gently. However, after a while, the dark clouds and snow suddenly hissed, turned the horse's head and lowered it toward Chen Ren. Chen Ren knew at this time that the dark cloud had been subdued. With a laugh and a clip on both legs, he drove this newly acquired BMW to run so wildly before the battle of the two armies.Looking at Chen Ren's appearance of galloping in the dark clouds and snows, Lv Bu can't help laughing. Being able to tame the dark clouds in such a short period of time, it can be seen that Chen Ren's strength is absolutely powerful. Lu Bu patted the sitting red rabbit and couldn't help but think of the scene when he got the red rabbit horse at the beginning of that year. It was almost the same as Chen Ren now!

Wu Yun treading on snow is indeed a good horse. Before half a column of incense, he has a very tacit understanding with Chen Ren. Chen Ren ran back and forth in front of the battle, then turned to Lv Bu and said, "Chen Ren, thank you for your horse!" Chen Ren of course knows that Lv Bu is not only good at sending horses, but also that Chen Ren can have a mount of the same level as the red rabbit horse. He wants to defeat Chen Ren squarely, instead of letting others say that he has taken advantage of the horse. It can be seen that Lv Bu has a strong sense of self-respect in martial arts, and Chen Ren also admires Lv Bu's bearing.

Back in his army, the sergeant, who had been ready for a long time, immediately equipped Chen Renxin's BMW with horse harness. Chen Ren saw that the generals were all looking enviously at the dark clouds and stepping on the snow. Even Zhao Yun was no exception. As a general, who would not want to have a good mount. Chen Ren laughed and stepped into the dark clouds and stepped on the snow again in the eyes of the public. However, this time, the horse did not mean to resist, but roared with a trace of joy.

After sitting on the new mount, Chen Ren immediately subconsciously looks at the opposite side, and Lu Bu's eyes are far away. Chen Ren seems to have felt that Lv Bu has already been waiting for something. Two people seem to have a soul, two legs at the same time a clip, shaking the reins, driving the horse forward, this war, with the two of them to open the prelude to it!

At this time, they were riding first-class horses, and the speed was incomparable. Two shadows, one red and one black, collided with each other quickly. Chen Ren looked at Lv Bu who was getting closer and closer. Lu Bu's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and Chen Ren was not inferior at all. The two men hold up their weapons at the same time and strike at their opponents.


The two weapons collided and made a loud noise. Although the battlefield was very wide, the generals of the two armies on both sides of the battlefield could clearly hear it. The red and black shadows crisscross each other. In the battle, both of them hold up their weapons and rush towards the other side's array. Seeing that there was no damage on both sides, a message flashed at the same time: the first round, draw!

At the same time, the two sides turned their heads and looked at each other. Chen Ren looked at Lv Bu in surprise. He didn't expect that he had not seen Lv Bu in recent years. It was lucky that Lv Bu had sent Chen Ren this dark cloud to walk on snow. Otherwise, Chen Ren might have been hit by this encounter.

Lu Bu is also frowning. He is also a member of his family. Although the dark cloud and snow that he gave Chen Ren can be regarded as a war horse of the same level as the red rabbit horse, it is not as good as the red rabbit horse after all. In the general's confrontation, even a little bit worse may cause totally different consequences. Besides, Chen Ren has just tamed this horse. Although he is good at human nature, he can't compare with the tacit understanding between Lv Bu and red rabbit horse. Under these conditions, we can see that Chen Ren's martial arts are still above him!

However, Lv Bu didn't have any timidity and retreat. On the contrary, Lu Bu's fighting spirit was enhanced again, and Chen Ren's strength could only make Lv Bu feel the pleasure of fighting. Lu Bu once again drives the red rabbit to run toward Chen Ren, who at the same time drives the black clouds and snow to rush over. Both sides raise their weapons and sweep towards each other again.


There was another loud noise, but the second round of the fight ended in a draw, but this time the two sides did not separate, but were directly intertwined. With the help of the force of the weapon being bounced off, the two men rounded their weapons in their hands, drew a large circle around each other, and again stabbed at the other side's face.

This time, the weapons of the other side were attacked without hindrance. The halberd and the steel gun almost wiped and stabbed each other. Looking at the weapons of the other side towards his own face, Chen Ren's head looked to one side, but he did not avoid the small hook on the drawing halberd and made a cut in his face. However, Lu Bu chose to duck his head to avoid the steel gun coming from the flying thorn. However, one side of the hat cherry on the golden crown of his hair could not escape and was directly stabbed by the steel gun.