The middle-aged scholar listened to Cao Ren's saying, but he still had a smile on his face and said to Cao Ren, "general, don't worry! In my opinion, the general is sure to win this attack on Bohai Sea! "

Cao Ren's eyes suddenly brightened. According to the entrustment of Cao Cao when he left, Sun Jian was in the south. Now Cao Cao and Sun Jian are allies. Sun Jian will not attack him. Therefore, Cao Ren only needs to guard against Jizhou, so Cao Ren's only worry is the war in Jizhou. If, according to the middle-aged scholar, the attack of Bohai Sea has a full grasp of winning, then Cao Ren can rest assured.

"Sir Cao Ren went directly to the middle-aged scholar and said in a hurry: "since you have an idea, you'd better speak it out quickly!"

"Ha ha!" The middle-aged scholar said with a smile, "in fact, it's not difficult at all. Yuan Shao now has a total of 100000 troops stationed in Bohai Sea and Zhongshan state. There are Zhang Ying and Gao Lan's second generals guarding Zhongshan, and there are 30000 guards. In the Bohai Sea, Yuan Shao himself was in charge, including Yan Liang and Wen Chou, as well as Qu Yi's first camp. On the surface, it seemed that he was impeccable. However, Zhang Ying and Gao Lan's second general were sent to Zhongshan state because they offended Yuan Shao, and they were only distributed to 30000 people. Although Zhang Ying and Gao Lan were senior generals, they could not be trusted by Yuan Shao. Without Yuan Shao's personal recruitment, they would not dare to send troops without authorization. "

Speaking of this, the middle-aged scholar stopped, picked up the secret letter and continued: "although Guan Yunchang wants to avenge Yuan Shao day and night, he will never act rashly. Now he is so determined to send troops to the general. It can be seen that he must have a plan. Looking at Guan Yunchang's acquaintances, they can help him, but Zhao Yun who has gone to Sun Jian or Zhang Fei who has gone to Gongsun Zan. Zhao Yunyuan is in Jiangdong. He can't help Guan Yu. Only Zhang Fei has this ability. I think it must be that Guan Yunchang and Zhang Fei have an agreement. Zhang Fei borrows troops from Gongsun Zan, and Guan Yunchang asks the general to send troops. The two armies attack the Bohai Sea. "

Cao Ren suddenly realized that Guan Yu had been in Xindu for more than two years, and he had been quiet all the time. However, he did not know why he had recently proposed to send troops. It turned out that Guan Yu was in contact with Zhang Fei. The middle-aged scholar continued: "in fact, even if the two armies attack each other, it is not possible to capture the Bohai Sea. After all, there are 70000 garrisons in the Bohai city. However, if Guan Yunchang and Zhang Fei were to unify the army, the Bohai city would be broken. When Liu Bei was in charge of the Bohai Sea, the Bohai people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Now Yuan Shao, in order to expand his army, has made the Bohai City complain. I'm afraid that if Guan Yunchang and Zhang Fei, the two righteous brothers of Liu Bei, appear outside the city, the Bohai city will not attack and become chaotic! "

Cao Ren clapped his hands and said, "good! In this case, I will send my troops to Xindu, ready to attack the Bohai Sea at any time, as my husband said

"Wait a minute!" However, the middle-aged scholar stopped Cao Ren from getting up to write military orders. Cao Ren turned his head and looked at the middle-aged scholar with a puzzled look on his face. The middle-aged scholar said, "in fact, it is not difficult to capture the Bohai Sea. The difficulty lies in what happened after the capture of Bohai Sea. After all, Guan Yunchang turned to Cao Gong, but Zhang Fei still carried the banner of Liu Bei. Yuan Shao seized the Bohai city from Liu Bei. If he took back the Bohai City, it would be a problem for him to belong to the Bohai city! "

Looking at Cao Ren, his face was dignified, but the middle-aged scholar laughed again: "general, don't worry. I have a plan to solve this problem." Then he waved to Cao Ren, motioned to Cao Ren to come over and murmured a few words in Cao Ren's ear.

After the middle-aged scholar finished with him, Cao Ren hesitated and asked, "Sir, would you..."

The middle-aged scholar shook his head and said, "those who have achieved great things will not stick to the details! Only in this way can Cao Gong succeed in seizing Jizhou. I hope the general will make a decision as soon as possible. "

After pondering for a long time, Cao Ren raised his head and said to the middle-aged scholar, "Sir, I have a good opinion! Cao Ren must go to Jizhou in person to carry out this matter! "

In the sky of Bohai City, which has experienced several rotations, the melodious Clarion has sounded again, and the people in the city have become numb. After hearing the sound of the trumpet, the people just walked back to their houses, closed their doors, and quietly waited for the winner of the war to become their new ruler.

"Damn it! Damn Zhang Fei dare to attack my Bohai Sea! " Yuan Shao, who was on the top of the city, looked at the troops outside the city. He was obviously in a bit of a rage. Pointing to the white horse Yi led by Zhang Fei outside the city, he began to curse!

"My Lord! When our two brothers go down to the city to capture Zhang Fei and give it to the Lord! " Yan Liang and Wen Chou looked at each other and hugged Yuan Shao. They had seen Zhang Fei's ability for a long time. Naturally, they would not boast that they were dealing with Zhang Fei alone. However, Zhang Fei was still confident.

"No!" The judge on the other side of Yuan Shao quickly said to Yuan Shao, "Lord! The enemy troops are few, and should be Gongsun Zan's white horse Yicong. This army is good at field operations, but not good at attacking cities. Our army doesn't need to go out of the city to fight. As long as we sit in the city, the enemy will naturally break through without attack! "

"Hum!" Yan Liang was not happy. He snorted, "that Zhang Fei is not one person. How can we be afraid of him if we have two brothers in the battle? What's more, seeing that the white horse behind him is powerful, is our Jizhou army poor? "Hearing Yan Liang's heroic words, Yuan Shao couldn't help laughing and said, "well said! Zhang Fei can't help himself. He's always in trouble with me. Yan Liang, Wen Chou! You and I, together with Qu Yi's 3000 soldiers, will be able to capture Zhang Fei alive

"Here it is Yan Liang, Wen Chou and Qu Yi, who had received the military orders, clapped their hands and cheered at the same time.

As soon as he saw Yuan Shao's face, he knew that Yuan Shao was not happy. It was not Tian Feng. Knowing that Yuan Shao was not happy, he would try to persuade him even if he shut his mouth.

With the opening of the city gate, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and a group of Jizhou troops rushed out of the Bohai city and lined up under the city wall. Behind the Jizhou army, however, Qu Yi led the first camp to guard there.

As soon as he saw the enemy coming out of the city to meet him, and still old acquaintances Yan Liang and Wen Chou, Zhang feidang even laughed and said, "ha ha ha! Yuan Shao old thief has no general! Did you send your grandfather Zhang's defeated general to meet the enemy? "

The clown always boasted of his martial arts, but he was defeated by Zhang Fei's gun and was always ashamed. Now this embarrassing thing was mentioned by Zhang Fei again. Before the fight started, the clown's eyes turned red and he yelled: "eye thief! Today, let's show you the power of your ugly grandfather! " At that time, his legs were clamped on the horse, and he rushed to kill Zhang Fei.

"Good come!" Zhang Fei laughed and danced with the eight Zhang snake spear in his hand. He also killed the clown on his mount. Yan Liang saw, where to rest assured, the ugly man to go to Zhang Fei, also followed to kill up. All three generals will be killed at one time, and the battle will be even.

Although Zhang Fei's shooting skills are open and close, his brute force makes up for this defect. That Yan Liang is in charge of the main attack, while the Wenchu is on the side, stabbing Zhang Fei's vital point from time to time. Each shot was punctured just right, forcing Zhang Fei to defend himself, and then Yan Liang escaped Zhang Fei's several killing moves.

"Go!" Zhang Fei was so annoyed by the clown that he threw the spear and forced Yan Liang back a few steps. He turned his horse's head and shot at the clown. The clown was suddenly frightened by the sudden shot. On his side, the tip of the snake spear was stabbed by the clown's helmet. Feeling that Zhang Fei's snake spear has a sweeping trend, the clown quickly raised his spear to resist Zhang Fei's snake spear.

However, Zhang Fei's snake spear was so easy to resist. The clown immediately felt a huge force coming from the spear, which made him unable to lift his whole body. Fortunately, Yan Liang killed him in time. He held up his long knife and chopped at Zhang Fei's arms. Zhang Fei had to give up the clown and raised the snake spear to block Yan Liang's long knife.

Taking advantage of the fact that the clown has just been oppressed by himself, Zhang Fei sweeps directly at Yan Liang's waist, and Yan Liang is also in a hurry to block it. Zhang Fei, however, refused to give up. He wanted to get rid of Yan Liang before the clown came back. But even if Yan Liang is not as good as Zhang Fei, he is also one of the best generals in the world. How could he be so easily killed by Zhang Fei. Knowing Zhang Fei's intention, Yan Liang was more careful. He just kept his sword in front of him, so that Zhang Fei would not have the chance to hurt himself.

Although Zhang Fei wanted to be better than Yan Liang, he couldn't kill Yan Liang urgently. On the contrary, because of his impatience, he had a good fight with Yan Liang. At this time, the clown finally eased over, and Zhang Fei once again missed the opportunity to kill Yan Liang. Only calm down, slowly deal with the joint efforts of Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

At the gate of the city, Qu Yi was watching the three first-class generals with great interest in the battle. Seeing that the three men were fighting equally, he was not ready to send troops to disturb the contest. After all, Qu Yi, as a martial artist, can learn from and improve his own strength while watching the competition. He can't help but be elated. But Yuan Shao, who was on the top of the city, was not so patient. He yelled at Qu Yi and said, "Qu Yi! What are you still doing there? Now Zhang Fei has been entangled by Yan Liang and Wen Chou! You're not going to lead me to rush! "

"What?" Qu Yi looked up at Yuan Shao at the head of the city in disbelief. Before the battle, the two armies had not yet won, but they were going to attack? Is this not to make people laugh at? However, seeing Yuan Shao's appearance, there is no sense of joking.