Standing in the bow of the boat, Chen Ren can't help but think of the scene in the Marquis's mansion that day. However, Chen Ren, who could only agree to come down, naturally respectfully sent Yu Ji out of the Houfu. He hurried to the Council hall to discuss with Sun Jian, but he was directly appointed by Sun Jian to lead his troops to take Hanzhong. What a terrible fate!

"Oh! I said Zici! Look at you. You haven't looked better since you got on the boat! Just go to Hanzhong Gan Ning patted Chen Ren on the shoulder and laughed.

Chen Ren gave Gan Ning a bad look. Originally, after the first World War of Hangu pass, Chen Ren planned to take a rest for a while. As long as it was not against Dong min and Cao Cao, Chen Ren would not want to fight again. If it is not for no reason more out of the auspicious things, take Hanzhong where he can use Chen Ren to fight!

Chen Ren thought of this, the more he thought about it, the more wronged he felt. It was just when he learned how to call people. Don't wait until he came back to Jianye and became a child. He didn't even recognize his father. Chen Yiyi took the wine jar in Gan Ning's arms and poured it into it.

"Hello, Hello, Hello!" Gan Ning immediately that called a heartache ah, regret dead why want to come to recruit Chen Ren, his own person in the cabin drinking is not good, watching Chen Ren drink like water, Gan Ning is busy holding Chen Ren's arm: "Zici! Zici! You have plenty of wine in your family. When can't you drink it! Leave the wine to me

Chen Ren was held by Gan Ning and couldn't keep pouring wine. He just opened his mouth and wanted to reply. Suddenly, there were shouts of killing in their ears. Xiangyang and Chen are not on patrol. They are not looking at the distance?

In front of Chen Ren and Gan Ning's boat, there was a fjord. In a faint moment, the shouts of killing came from the other side of the Fjord, but the sight was blocked by the cliff on one side of the fjord. I don't know what happened.

Chen Ren suddenly said with a smile to Gan Ning, "xingba, this Yangtze River should be your territory. Is it possible that you, the head of the water thief, will be robbed by the water bandits today? Ha ha ha

Any time Chen made fun of him, Gan Ning blushed with shame. However, Gan Ning couldn't take Chen Ren any more. He only had a thick neck and called out to his back: "Pu Zhan! Pu Zhan! Where are you dead! "

After a while, a strong man in armor rushed out of the cabin. It was no one else but the Jinfan sergeant who was led by Pang Tong in Wancheng. Although Pu Zhan looks dull, he is Gan Ning's right-hand man. When Gan Ning was a water thief on the Yangtze River, he followed him, but he was a brave and good fighter.

"General! What can I do for you Pu Zhan trotted all the way to Gan Ning and Chen Ren, and gave Gan Ning a fist.

"What's the matter?" Ganning is obviously not in a good mood, a finger in front of the drink curse: "you are deaf! Can't you hear such a loud voice? What's going on? Why are there shouts of killing on the Yangtze River

Pu Zhan is also a head of fog. He looks at the front, and finally only shakes his head honestly and says, "general, this, I don't know!"

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I can find out." Gan Ning was really enraged by Pu Zhan, and the veins on his forehead beat. This Pu Zhan was too sincere. What's more, Gan Ning lost face in front of Chen Ren.

"Here it is No matter how slow Pu Zhan was, he felt Gan Ning's anger at this time. He immediately put his fist in his fist and immediately turned around to withdraw. After a while, he heard a roar from the back of the boat: "you bastards! Don't get a boat ready for me Feelings of this Pu Zhan is not a good stubble, put in Ganning that the sin, all transferred to his people.

At this time, Chen Ren's stomach was about to laugh. Among the whole army of Dongwu, the Jinfan army of Ganning was the best at playing tricks. After all, he used to drink and splash on the Yangtze River. Every time Chen Ren came to Jinfan army, he would have a good time.

However, before Pu Zhan and others put down their canoes to investigate, there have been boats sailing out of the fjords in front of them. Although they are not of the same grade as the ships of the Dongwu Navy, the number of them is very large. The Xiangjiang River is also smooth, but it is blocked by these boats.

At this time, Chen Ren was already crouching on the ground with a smile, and Gan Ning beside him was iron blue. Before that, Chen Ren was just a joke, but he didn't expect that he actually met a water thief. When Gan Ning was a water thief, he had unified the whole Yangtze River, and no one dared to provoke him. Now Ganning has become a regular army. According to the law, both the personnel and equipment are more than a little higher than before. It's a wonderful joke that someone dares to come to him. Chen Ren decided that when he returned to Jianye, he would spread the matter to the whole army of the eastern Wu Kingdom.

As for these pirates, Chen Ren of course didn't pay attention to them. There were many boats on the other side of the river, and there were also many boats on their side. Sometimes, the difference between small boats and big boats can not be made up by the number of boats. What's more, there is also a strong ancestor of water thieves who fight water wars. Are you afraid that you can't beat these little thieves?

"Pu Zhan! Pu Zhan! Die for me Gan Ning immediately yelled again, and saw that Pu Zhan came running pitifully. Before he could speak, he was kicked on the ground by Gan Ning. Gan Ning pointed to those boats and cursed, "I'll give you three sticks of incense. I'll catch these thieves for me!"It is estimated that Pu Zhan was often kicked by Gan Ning before, and has been used to it. Now he is kicked on the ground by Gan Ning, but he laughs and says, "general! You see With that, he stood up and ran towards the back of the boat, pulled out his saber and roared, "Jinfan army, get ready! Jinfan army ready

At this time, among the boats on the other side, a strong man with the same face was standing on the front of the boat. However, the strong man was wearing old armor, which was much more powerful than those in coarse cloth behind him.

The strong man looked at the huge warships in front of him, especially on the long sails of the first warship. The word "Jin Fan" was particularly dazzling. The strong man could not help but curse: "Hu Liu on dog day! What a merchant ship this is! It's clearly the water army of Soochow! I dare to frame up Lao Tzu. When I go back, I will kill him alive! "

Then he turned around and yelled at those men: "withdraw! Get out of here! Take it all away

"He, brother he! Look A water thief, who was on a boat with a strong man, pointed to the warships with a pale face and said in a trembling voice.

The strong man turned his head and looked at the East Wushui army. There were only seven or eight warships in the fleet. All of a sudden, there were many boats around the ships, and they were coming towards him. Although the other side is against the current, but the speed is faster than before they downstream.

The strong man's face turned white. This is the famous water army of Dongwu! Although the Dongwu Navy did not fight a big battle, it was the code name of a nightmare for these pirates on the Yangtze River. The strong man immediately lost his sense of war. In terms of speed, he could not compare with others, let alone escape. Fight? Don't be kidding. You can bully ordinary people or caravans. It's useless for the regular army.

"No, don't run. Surrender, everyone! Maybe there's a life left. " The strong man said to his men behind him in frustration. With the order of the strong man, all the water thieves who always followed the strong man's lead were you. Look at me, I look at you, and they all chose to surrender.

Pu Zhan, who had planned to have a big war to dispel the anger just denounced by Gan Ning, looked up and saw that the boats of those water thieves were full of arms held high. Pu Zhan was so powerful that he didn't know where to go. He stomped on the deck of the boat, almost without stamping out a hole. Pu Zhan was not angry and said to the water thieves in front of him: "you are a group of blind vermin! Do you dare to rob the ships of the Navy? Which is your head! Here you are, granddad puzhan, stand up! "

The water thieves are silent. After all, there is a sense of loyalty among the men who are hanging out on the Yangtze River. However, the strong man will not sacrifice his brother's life to protect his life. Without saying a word, he stands up and says to Pu Zhan: "villains are their leaders. Please let the brothers of villains go. They all follow the instructions of villains. All the crimes are committed by villains Come and carry it

However, Gan Ning's military orders still had to be obeyed. Even though he was facing the strong man, he said, "if you let them go, I can't make the decision. I have to ask our general! But you! Since it's their head, you have to go with me to see the general! Somebody! Bring him to me

Before waiting for the soldiers around Pu Zhan to respond, the strong man chuckled: "don't bother a few junyees! He Mou comes by himself With that, the strong man jumped up and landed steadily on the deck of Pu Zhan's boat, which was still three feet away. The strong man clasped his fist at PU Zhan and said, "this Junye! Please take the villains to see the officials. As for the servants of villains, please rest assured. They dare not run away without villain's orders! "

However, Pu Zhan could see his eyes shining, which can be regarded as a good skill! Then he was secretly hateful and said, "you said that you are so good at fighting, so you surrender without fighting! At any rate, I'm going to have to fight with me to have a good time It has to be said that the strength of the Dongwu water army has made the generals of puzhan haven't fought for a long time. Although Gan Ning yelled at him before, he was angry, but in his heart, he was looking forward to a hearty battle. Who knows, it ended in nothing.