Looking at the corpse of Xiao zhe lying on the ground, Xiao Wenge's eyebrows jump uncontrollably. Anyone who is familiar with xiaowenge will know that Xiao Wenge, who has always been a good man, is angry at the moment. Although both Xiao Zhe and Xiao Wenge are surnamed Xiao, they can't beat each other. If it's normal, even if Xiao Zhe is scraped alive, Xiao Wenge won't frown.

However, the problem is that Xiao zhe was killed at this time. In addition to the previous news, Yelu Guanghao was assassinated, while Xiao Zhe, a close friend of Yelu Guanghao, died. When Xiao Wenge returned to the Liao nationality, he would face a lot of trouble! As the national uncle, Xiao Wenge's expectation in this life has come to an end. Therefore, Xiao Wenge's expectation now is to spend his life in peace and security. After a few years, he will resign from the king and enjoy his old age. Therefore, the most tiresome thing of xiaowenge is trouble, but now the trouble will come to you. How can xiaowenge not be angry.

But at this time, a soldier of the Liao army rushed to the back of xiaowenge and said, "my Lord! The assassin has been forced to the Tianhe River, still in a desperate struggle! The officers and men don't know how to deal with this man. They don't do anything, they just surround the assassin! Now, please give me your instructions! "

After hearing the report from the soldiers, Xiao Wenge's first reaction was to immediately order the soldiers to shoot the assassin who brought him endless trouble into a horse's nest, and then chop it into meat! However, Xiao Wenge took a deep breath and finally suppressed his anger temporarily. He knew that the assassin could not die now. He needed to use this assassin to explain to the king yeluqing. Immediately, Xiao Wenge was gloomy, turned around and got on his mount. With a wave of his big hand, he drove directly to the northern Tianhe river. He wanted to handle the matter himself.

When Xiao Wenge arrived at the Tianhe River, Li Yuanhe was surrounded by Liao army. At the moment, Li Yuanhe held a machete in his forehand and watched the soldiers of Liao army warily. Not far away, the horse Li Yuan and his captured from Xiao zhe had fallen to the ground. Beside the horse, there were many corpses of Liao soldiers.

Although Li Yuanhe was the first to arrive at the Tianhe River, Li Yuanhe was no longer as lucky as before. There was no ferry by the river. Li Yuanhe could only watch the pursuers behind him catch up. At first, Li Yuanhe killed several rounds of the Liao army with the help of the impact of the sitting horses. However, as the number of Liao troops increased, Li Yuanhe's horses were also shot by the Liao army's arrows. At the moment, among Li Yuan and the Liao army around him, there are countless arrows aiming at Li Yuanhe's vital points. If it wasn't for how Xiao Wenge handled Li Yuanhe, he would have been shot into a hornet's nest.

Having reached such a desperate situation, Li Yuanhe also let go. He turned a blind eye to the arrows. Instead, he kept a close eye on the soldiers of the Liao army who were armed with weapons. As long as the other side dared to do something, Li Yuanhe didn't mind pulling a few more cushions before he died.

Seeing the member of Liao nationality senior official who met in front of the Liao army barracks last time, the Liao soldiers stepped out slowly. Li Yuan and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. He knew that the LORD was coming, and it was the last time. The Liao official was naturally Xiao Wenge. Although Li Yuanhe recognized him, Xiao Wenge obviously did not recognize Li Yuanhe. At that time, there were nearly a thousand centurions standing with Li Yuanhe. In addition, Li Yuanhe deliberately lowered his head. How could Xiao Wenge notice him? Therefore, Xiao Wenge didn't recognize Li Yuanhe, which was the hundred hundred hundred who had been ordered by Yelv Guanghao One of the captains.

Looking at Li Yuanhe's appearance at the moment, none of his whole body is in good condition. His armour is also in tatters. His coat shows his strong muscles, but he is dyed crimson by blood. The blood was not only from Li Yuan and himself, but also from the soldiers of Liao army who died under Li Yuan and his sword. On one arm of Li Yuanhe, there was also a long arrow, which was obviously shot when he was just in contact with the Liao army. However, Li Yuanhe didn't care about his injuries at the moment, and still maintained a very standard fighting posture. Although Xiao Wenge was a civil servant, as a Liao nationality, he also stayed in the army for a period of time. It can be seen at a glance that Li Yuanhe's action at the moment is the most basic fighting action of soldiers.

In such a desperate situation, not only did he not lose his fighting spirit, but also he was able to prepare for battle at all times. Based on this, Xiao Wenge had to admit that the assassin in front of him was indeed a hero! If it was not for the assassin's fault, it would be too great for Xiao Wenge to let him go. But when he thought of Yelu Guanghao, because his life and death were uncertain, Xiao Wenge could not let Li Yuanhe escape. Immediately, Xiao Wenge said coldly, "who are you? Who was appointed to assassinate the third prince

Because of Li Yuan and his coat armour, Xiao Wenge still doesn't know that Li Yuanhe is a general of the post Qin army. In Xiao Wenge's opinion, it can be delayed until this time that he starts to assassinate Yelu Guanghao. Maybe this assassin was sent by some political enemies of Yelu Guanghao. This is why Xiao Wenge wants to capture the assassin alive. If he can get the behind the scenes emissary from the assassin, then Xiao Wenge's own responsibility will be much less.

However, Xiao Wenge was doomed to be disappointed. After listening to Xiao Wenge's questions, Li Yuanhe laughed and tugged at his clothes, which had become rags. He bared his upper body directly, pointed to the machete in his hand, and said, "you Liao dogs, listen clearly! My grandfather is Li Yuanhe, the guerrilla General of the city guard army of the state of Qin! You Liao dogs have occupied the northern part of our Han people. You are still not satisfied. Now you want to invade the territory of our country after Qin! Tell you! As long as our rear Qin soldiers are here! Your wishful thinking will not succeed! "Li Yuanhe's heroic words are resounding through the world. Anyway, Li Yuanhe doesn't hold the hope of surviving. He might as well scold him bitterly. Originally, Li Yuanhe's wish was to kill all the Liao people and avenge his parents and relatives. Now, although he can't do it, he can also make a happy speech.

However, although Li Yuanhe told the truth, Xiao Wenge didn't believe it at all. First of all, Li Yuanhe is tall and tall. He does not look like a southerner at all. He claims to be a post Qin soldier, which makes Xiao Wenge suspicious. Secondly, in the eyes of Xiao Wenge and other Liao people, the Han people are weak, and there is no such brave man as Li Yuanhe. It is more credible to say that he is a Liao or other northern alien.

Li Yuanhe's words, on the contrary, made Xiao Wenge more convinced that the assassin must have been sent by a northern force to assassinate Yelu Guanghao. He had been ambushed in the Liao army for some time, and there might have been many accomplices. These Xiao Wenge were even more reluctant to kill Li Yuanhe, but he could see that Li Yuanhe would never surrender. Even with a gloomy face, he said to the soldiers of the Liao Army: "capture this man alive!"

With Xiao Wenge's order, the Liao soldiers finally started to move. Of course, those Liao soldiers who had already bent their bows and arched at Li Yuanhe naturally put away their bows and arrows, replaced them with machetes, and killed Li Yuanhe with other Liao soldiers.

Li Yuanhe, who had been conscious for a long time, is still calm at the moment. Facing the soldiers of Liao army who rushed to the front, back, left and right at the same time, Li Yuanhe kept the most basic calm, which, on the contrary, enabled Li Yuanhe to exert his strongest strength. However, even if Li Yuanhe's strength reaches the limit, even if Li Yuanhe is in the best condition and holds the Zhangba spear that he is good at, even in the face of the siege of tens of thousands of Liao troops, it is not good to go. Not to mention that Li Yuanhe's whole body is injured and lack of physical strength. He still holds a machete with ten twists in his hand.

After killing dozens of Liao soldiers in succession, Li Yuanhe began to get hurt again. Although it was only a shallow knife edge on his back, it was also a beginning. Then, Li Yuanhe added more and more wounds to his body. Gradually, Li Yuanhe also took care of this and lost the other. He could defend himself in front of him, but could not prevent behind him. He could take care of the left side, but missed the right side. Watching a soldier of Liao army slash his right arm fiercely, Li Yuan and his wrist turned and his backhand cut him down. But he immediately felt a stab in his left thigh, but it was another liaojun who cut a deep cut in his thigh with a ferocious knife on his face.

"Go to hell!" Forced to endure the pain, Li Yuanhe actually flew up a foot and directly kicked the Liao soldier who was still complacent because he had hit Li Yuanhe. One of them turned around and dodged a knife from behind. However, he waved his machete vigorously. He made a big arc in the front half circle, and immediately knocked down the four Liao soldiers in front of him. However, in a flash, more soldiers rushed up and left several knife wounds on Li Yuanhe's body. If it wasn't for the instructions of Xiao Wenge to capture alive, Li Yuanhe's head would have been cut off.

However, even so, Li Yuanhe's condition is not much better. After killing Xiao Zhe, Li Yuanhe was already at the end of his tether. He took a break and recovered some physical strength. However, after all this fighting, Li Yuanhe's physical strength has already reached the bottom. In addition, those wounds on his body implicate Li Yuanhe's actions. If it goes on like this, it will be sooner or later for Li Yuanhe to be captured alive.