It can be said that Gao Shun has successfully solved this problem, but Gongqing has suffered a great crime all the way. Originally thought that these escorted Bingzhou cavalry could protect them to Hangu pass, but they didn't expect that they had just left for less than 50 Li!

Despairingly looking at those who fled Bingzhou cavalry, the helpless ministers had to flee blindly to the front. However, without the help of Bingzhou iron cavalry, these ministers moved more slowly. Therefore, on the other road, before Yang Feng caught up with Gao Shun, Li Zhen and Guo Si had already caught up with the Gongqing team.

As soon as they saw this team, Li and Guo Si knew that they had been cheated. How could they not even have a Bingzhou soldier to escort the emperor of Han. What's more, just now they were smart enough to give Yang Feng the credit of Tianda. When they thought about it, they couldn't help getting angry. In the face of these troops who had no resistance at all, Li and Guo Si coldly ordered the slaughter. For the Xiliang soldiers, no matter what Royal relatives they were or not, they did not hesitate to raise the butcher's knife.

These ministers are usually well respected. They have never seen such a scene, and they have to flee without their lives. But how can they escape those soldiers who are on horseback all the year round, so a unilateral massacre begins. Among these ministers, the only one who could keep calm was Zhu Ju, who had been fighting in the battlefield. But he was only commanding behind the army. How could he defeat so many fierce soldiers in Xiliang?

On the one hand, Zhu Jian cut down the soldiers around him, and on the other hand, he directed some family soldiers around him to help kill the enemy. However, the quality of family soldiers is much worse than that of Xiliang soldiers, and the number of soldiers is getting smaller and smaller. Zhu was worried, but there was no way to do it. However, Zhu's men slowed down. A soldier from Xiliang seized a gap and threw him off his horse.

After rolling on the ground, Zhu Jian cut the Xiliang soldier who was still on him into two pieces and quickly stood up. However, without the help of horses, Zhu had no advantage over the fierce soldiers. Looking at the general who had killed many of their companions before, the soldiers of Xiliang all around rushed towards Zhu Zhen one by one. Although he dodged the killing of a Xiliang soldier in front of him, he didn't stop behind him. As soon as he felt his vest cool, a piece of knife tip was put out of his stomach. Bearing the pain, Zhu Jian turned to chop, but he had just cut down the soldier who had attacked him, and three or four big knives had been chopped on him.

Although Zhu was proud, he could not bear the pain any more, so he knelt on the ground. At this time, the soldiers around again raised their swords and chopped at Zhu Zhu again. Unfortunately, Zhu's generation of famous general was cut into meat and mud by a group of unknown Xiliang soldiers.

Cai Yong, with his white hair, was fighting and retreating with his family members and soldiers. He was nearly sixty years old. His body looked like a middle-aged man with scattered white silk on his head. However, his sword in his hand killed the Xiliang soldiers in front of him. Cai Yong's skill is surprising.

"Master! Let's go! There are more and more pursuers! " While fighting against Xiliang soldiers, his servants called out to Cai Yong. When he arrived, Cai Yong decisively ordered his servants and his family members to flee to Huashan. The decision to change direction temporarily made Cai Yong's family not encounter many soldiers in Xiliang, which is the reason why Cai Yong has been able to stick to the present. However, it was obvious that Cai Yong's good fortune had already ended. After slaughtering most of the princes, Li Xuan finally found these carriages that fled to the South and killed them with a man and horse.

"Ha ha ha ha! Who am I talking about? It's old Cai! " Cai Yong was very famous in Chang'an. After all, he was the literati invited by Dong Zhuo himself. When Dong Zhuo was alive, these generals of Xiliang army met Cai Yong many times. However, after Dong Zhuo's death, Dong min, who succeeded Dong Zhuo, paid little attention to Cai Yong, and Cai Yong gradually faded out of the eyes of Chang'an people.

"Hum!" But Cai Yong did not answer. He stabbed a soldier who wanted to attack him from behind. He turned his head and said to the servant, "take the lady away! Come on

"Yes The servant quickly jumped into the carriage, waved the reins, and then drove the carriage to the south of Huashan.

Seeing Cai Yong dare to ignore himself in such a situation, Li Li couldn't help but get angry. Like a whip in his hand, he roared at Xiliang soldiers: "stop that carriage for me! Don't let one go! "

However, since Cai Yong was determined to let his family escape, how could he let these Xiliang soldiers stop him and cut down several soldiers around him with a stroke of his sword. Cai Yong's body leaped. He jumped several feet away, and stopped directly in front of those Xiliang soldiers who were going to intercept and kill the carriage. Yang Jian then tangled with these soldiers.

Li Zhen looked at Cai Yong with some surprise. Although all the men in this era had learned swordsmanship since childhood, Cai Yong's skill was obviously not the general skill of learning sword. But looking at the carriage that was getting farther and farther away, Li's surprised expression turned into a haze. He pointed at Cai Yong fiercely and said, "kill me! Kill me! Kill the old man for me

Although Cai Yong's skill is very good, but in front of him is the famous Xiliang army! The difference between the Xiliang army and other armies lies in their ferocity and fearlessness for death. Even in the face of Chen Ren at that time, those soldiers of Xiliang army had never retreated. Now, in the face of Cai Yong, who is over half a hundred years old, and has orders from Li Yi, these Xiliang soldiers are all full of murderous spirit, holding a big knife to cut Cai Yong who is in front of them.Cai Yong probably seldom fought against people, let alone the life and death fight. Looking at these murderous soldiers from Xiliang, he couldn't help but flash a little panic on his face. But remembering that his family members were behind him, Cai Yong once again raised his sword and killed the soldiers.

Facing the soldiers who were in front of him, the sword in Cai Yong's hand was like a swimming dragon, which passed through the throat of those soldiers, bringing a burst of blood mist. Seeing the death of their companions, the soldiers of Xiliang did not retreat and fear at all. Instead, they were inspired by blood and rushed to kill Cai Yong crazily. All around Cai Yong were surrounded by soldiers of Xiliang, who were holding high swords and cutting at Cai Yong as if they had just killed Zhu.

"Drink Cai Yong's whole body turned around at the same time, and his sword drew a circle around the soldiers around him. All of a sudden, the soldiers spat blood and flew backward. Along with the soldiers behind them, they were knocked back several steps.

After finishing this move, Cai Yong obviously exerted too much force. His body was a little weak. He was leaning on his sword with one hand and panting for breath in the same place. Li Liang looked over there and immediately yelled, "this old man has no strength! Don't hurry up! If you kill the old man, I will be rewarded with great rewards! "

When Cai Yong heard Li's voice, he could not help but smile bitterly on his face. He was right. He really didn't have much strength. After all, it was the first time that he really fought with others since he was a student. He didn't master the strength very well. Cai Yong didn't need to use so much power as he had just done. He just had to kill the soldiers around him. Although he had pushed them back a few steps, his own strength was too much.

At this time, Guo Si, who was watching the massacre on the other side, also noticed something was wrong here. He drove his horse and came to see Cai Yong, who was surrounded by soldiers. He was surprised at first, and then said with a sarcastic smile: "brother Li! How to deal with half a hundred old men with such great efforts? "

How could he not hear the sarcasm in Guo Si's words, but he didn't know how to explain it to Guo Si. Could he tell Guo Si that the old man Cai, who had always been weak and weak, looked like a god bending down today? However, it seems that the old man CAI can't support him any more. Li Yan looks at Cai Yong with hatred. In his heart, he only blames him for making himself lose face. He would like to cut the old man with gorgeous hair.

Looking at the soldiers of Xiliang who were killed again, Cai Yong didn't want to wait for his death. When he bit his teeth on the tip of his tongue, the intense pain immediately aroused Cai Yong's strength and raised his sword again. But this time Cai Yong would not stand there waiting for Xiliang soldiers to surround him. Cai Yong leaped forward and began to attack in one direction.

Seeing that Cai Yong was so brave, Guo Si, who had just arrived, was shocked. Li Zhen on one side took a look at Guo Si, who was stunned. He could not help but feel a trace of revenge in his heart. But more importantly, he was surprised by Cai Yong's martial arts. I can't see Cai Yong running away as soon as the wind blows. He is so fierce that he seems to be above them.

However, no matter how powerful Cai Yong was, he was still over 50 years old. Facing more and more enemies around him, Cai Yong's strength that he had just barely aroused was slowly exhausted. A sword stabbed at the chest of a soldier, who was also fierce. On his deathbed, he still held the sword inserted in his body, but refused to let go. Cai Yong mentioned it several times in a row, but he couldn't get the sword back from the soldier's hand. How could the soldiers around them let go of such a good opportunity and have their swords on Cai Yong, who was temporarily unable to move.

Cai Yong was chopped by several big knives, and immediately felt that the strength in his body had begun to lose rapidly, and the time around him seemed to have stopped. Cai Yong slowly looked up at the sky, and the sky seemed to have the face that had not been seen for a long time. Cai Yong looked at the face hole and gave a slight smile and said in a low voice, "elder martial brother, Yan'er, please!"