Zumao's words suddenly made the whole hall quiet. Everyone looked at zumao with disbelief, even Sun Jian and Chen Ren. Chen Ren turned his head and looked at Cheng Yu sitting in the corner. He saw Cheng Yu sitting there drinking tea on the table. He immediately understood. It is impossible for the snake ministry to know the information that Zu Mao has trained more than 400000 troops. However, Sun Jian and Chen Ren know nothing about it. There is only one possibility that Cheng Yu ordered to block the news.

Of course, Cheng Yu will not have any idea that is unfavorable to Sun Jian. It is estimated that this is the vicious taste of Cheng Yu. Chen Ren glared at Cheng Yu fiercely, but in exchange for Cheng Yu's smile. Sun Jian glared at zumao and asked, "Darong! Did I hear you right? Have you really trained more than 400000 troops? "

Zumao immediately blushed and said, "my Lord! At the end of these years, there was nothing to do in Wujun. There were still some troubles in Shanyue, but in those years, the eldest childe killed them all at one breath. Mr. Zhang helped to deal with all the literary and political affairs. The last general had nothing to do in Wu County, so the last general had to train in Wu County. The more and more troops in the two counties were trained, and without paying attention, more and more 430000 people were trained. " Hearing this, Cheng Pu and others are worried. Although Sun Jian has great trust in zumao, he has such a large army in silence, which is a big taboo. Everyone turned their eyes to Sun Jian and wanted to see Sun Jian's reaction.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" To everyone's surprise, Sun Jian looked up and laughed and said, "Darong, Darong! You said that you, ah, training on the training of soldiers, how can you be confused and even practice how many soldiers do not know

Zumao's face is even redder, which is why he has been afraid to say. He does not think so much of Cheng Pu's people, but simply thinks that he has done something shameless. On the other hand, Cheng Pu and other important civil and military officials, seeing the smile on Sun Jian's face, secretly put back the heart that had just been raised in his throat. Judging from Sun Jian's attitude, it is estimated that he will not blame zumao.

In fact, this is also because of zumao's straightforward temperament. Although Sun Jian trusted these veteran generals, he still didn't reach the level of his heart to heart with Chen Ren. After all, after all, after all, since these old subordinates were put on the local garrison, people's hearts will change. If it was someone else, Sun Jian would not be so easy to talk about, but it was done by one-man Zu Mao, but Sun Jian would not doubt that zumao could have any wrong ideas. Of course, there is another reason. Although Sun Jian is not as smart as Chen Ren, he can also think why the snake ministry has never heard anything about this matter. Since Cheng Yu can suppress the news, it shows that there is no problem with zumao.

Since there is no problem with the 430000 army, zumao has really made a great contribution. Now, the Dongwu army in each town, together with Chen Ren's Jiangdong new army and huanggai's water force, has exceeded two million! I'm afraid the number of troops of other princes in the world is just this amount? This is also because of the richness of Jiangdong and the fact that both Xuzhou and Yangzhou, known as the granaries of the world, are under Sun Jian's control. Even if they were given so many troops, they would not be able to support them. Sun Jian couldn't help feeling that his chest was filled with lofty sentiments. He wanted to issue military orders now to sweep away the world's heroes and achieve some hegemony.

However, Sun Jian is no longer the impulsive Jiangdong tiger. After years of training, Sun Jian can also suppress the impulse in his heart at any time. Sun Jian also knew that it was not the time for Soochow to attack in an all-round way. He calmed his inner excitement a little, cleared his throat, and then said to the crowd, "the local achievements of the princes are indeed very gratifying to me! Now, Dongwu has won Hanzhong county again, completely cutting off the passage of Dong thieves to the south. However, how to deal with the issue of Cao Cao's support for the emperor? Do you have any good strategies

Sun Jian's question, all the people in the audience are whispering, sitting here are Sun Jian's more trusted officials. Ordinary officials like those who did not even dare to violate Sun Jian's orders for the sake of Yu Ji were not qualified to participate in the meeting. This is why Sun Jian chose Chen Ren's house for discussion.

After a while, Pang Ji, the governor of Xiangyang, was the first to bow his hand to Sun Jian and said, "my Lord! My subordinates think that it is the general trend for Cao Cao to support the emperor and there is no way to stop it. It is better to issue a congratulatory message to Cao Cao, acknowledge the position of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and send a favor to Cao Cao

After Pang Ji finished speaking, Zhou Yu on the other side also clasped his fist and said, "what a great man said is true. Besides, Cao Cao's support for the son of the Han Dynasty is not necessarily a good thing. My subordinates heard that Tian Feng and juxu, the two counsellors under Cao Cao's tent, were loyal supporters of the Han Dynasty, but they lacked loyalty to Cao Cao. Now the emperor of the Han Dynasty is already around Cao Cao Cao, and those of Cao Cao Cao are those Are the subordinates obedient to the emperor? Or do you listen to Cao Cao? Surely it will give Cao Cao a headache for a while

After listening to Zhou Yu's remarks, Chen Ren took a subconscious look at Xun Yu on one side. According to historical records, Xun Yu was also a supporter of the Han Dynasty, but he didn't know whether it would affect Sun Jian's future plans.

When Zhou Yu had just finished, sun CE over there also clasped his fist and said, "Gongjin is right! Father! A few years ago, he had several battles with the army under Cao Cao's tent. According to his opinion, Cao Cao is not as loyal to the Han Dynasty as he is now! "Good ah. And learned to analyze other people's temperament? Chen renlue looked at Sun CE with some satisfaction. At present, this big disciple is Chen Ren's most satisfied student! Sun Jian is also very satisfied with his head and smile. His son is so excellent. Can he be a Laozi! This is what Chen Ren despises most. Sun CE is excellent, but he taught it hand in hand. It should be said that he is a good teacher. What's the matter with Sun Jian. However, even if Chen Ren said it in front of Sun Jian, Sun Jian was afraid that he would also laugh and say that his genes, OK?

Chen Ren was still making fun of him, and the ministers around him began to talk about it and express their opinions to Sun Jian. Cheng Pu clasped his fist and said, "my Lord! Although Cao Cao established the son of heaven, in the south of Cao Cao, we in the eastern Wu restricted his development. In the north, there was Gongsun Zan, in the East was the sea, and in the West was the 100000 Xiliang army of Xu Rong in Bingzhou. It was not so easy for Cao Cao to develop! Therefore, at the end of the day, I think that Cao Cao is nothing to worry about! "

"No! General Cheng's words are not right! " As soon as Cheng Pu's voice dropped, Zhang Gu, who was opposite him, immediately frowned and raised his objection. Zhang said, "Cao Cao is the hero of the world! He sat down like a cloud of generals, and now sits in the land of three states, and there is the emperor of Han. If Cao Cao imitated Dong Zhuo's emperor to order princes and recruit more talents, he was afraid that the world's Heroes would gather under Cao's account. Although the land of Jizhou was barren, the men of Jizhou were always brave and aggressive. They could send troops for Cao Cao. Although the population of Qingzhou was greatly reduced due to the Yellow turban rebellion, the land was also fertile, which could provide food for Cao Cao. Within a few years, Cao Cao will be the enemy of the eastern Wu Kingdom if he takes Yanzhou as the foundation

Han Dang was a little discontented. In recent years, Cao Cao pretended to be his grandson in front of Sun Jian. When Sun Jian wanted to seize Xuzhou, Cao Cao obediently let go. His nephew was killed by Zhao Yun, and Cao Cao didn't dare to fart. At the end of last year, Sun Jian issued the document of paying taxes, and Cao Cao was also the first to respond. Therefore, in Han Dang's eyes, he couldn't help looking down on Cao Cao. Han Dang said with contempt: "Mr. Zhang, I think you're too much of Cao Cao's black fat man? This man will have met in Chenliu a few times. How can he be called the world's traitor by Lord Zhang? " Of course, the contempt in Han Dang's discourse is not aimed at Zhang, but at Cao Cao.

However, Zhang Zhen was not impressed, and said to Han Dang with a smile: "General Han, this comment is not from me, but from Xu Zijiang, who was very famous in Luoyang at that time, on Cao Cao. Xu Zi would comment on Cao Cao as" an able minister to govern the world and a traitor in troubled times "!"

Xu Shao, Xu Zijiang, was also a famous figure in Luoyang at that time. He was famous for his comments on outstanding people at that time. Many of you have heard of his name, but few know that Xu Shao has also commented on Cao Cao, and he still has such a high opinion. Many people could not help but look at Cao Cao in a different way.

Pang Ji nodded his head. All of us here were knowledgeable, and Pang Ji said, "Cao Cao, who had met several times in Luoyang at that time, had a deep city government. Although he was rude in appearance, he was careful in his mind and should not be underestimated. General Cheng just said that Cao Cao's development scope is not big, but I don't agree with him. Our Dongwu is strong and prosperous, and Cao Cao really has no ability to attack Dongwu. However, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou was brave and resourceless, and was definitely not Cao Cao's opponent. In addition, the Han emperor is now in the hands of Cao Cao, and Gongsun Zan was the governor of Youzhou, who was only a descendant of the Han Dynasty at that time. It must not be long before Cao Cao issued the crime of handing over Gongsun Zan to Wen Zhi. Gongsun Zan is afraid to be defeated by Cao Cao. As for Xu Rong in Bingzhou, although Dong min was supported by Xu Rong and Li Ru, the rebellion of the Bingzhou army made Dong min wary of Li Ru. Xu Rong, who had always been close to Li Ru, was also suspected by Dong min. With Dong min's cronyism in Chang'an, I'm afraid Xu Rong's time in Bingzhou will not be too long. As soon as Xu Rong leaves, Bingzhou will fall into the hands of Cao Cao sooner or later. "