"All soldiers are conquered by Tao, by prestige and by strength. It is a good way to learn from the enemy in order to make the enemy lose his Qi and disperse him. Although he has a complete form but does not use it, this way will win. Judging the rule of law, clear rewards and punishments, toilet use, so that the people will have the heart to fight, this victory. To break the army and kill the general, take the opportunity to break the enemy and seize the land. If you succeed, you will return, and you will win. The king and Marquis are like this, so the three winners will die. "

A clear voice of children in this peach garden ring, the voice of cadence, with the boy's clear voice, it is quite good to hear.

"Young!" A young man's voice interrupted the boy's reading. A beautiful young man in a green robe walked through the peach trees and came to the pavilion in the middle of the peach garden. In the pavilion, a four-year-old boy is carrying a roll of bamboo slips and is turning to look at the young man.

"Ha ha! It's brother song! What do you want from me The boy looked at the young man and said with a smile that although the boy was not old, he was already beautiful and lovely. His black hair was tied in a bun on the top of his head and was tied up with a hairpin. The big eyes on his face were twinkling and twinkling. With his mouth and nose, he knew that he would be a handsome boy who would bewitch thousands of girls in the future.

This boy needless to say, of course is Chen Ren's baby son Xiao Chen Yang. Now Xiao Chen Yang is more than four years old, but since he was four years old, Chen Ren has been teaching him hand in hand. He doesn't want his eldest son to be a worthless dandy in the future. In this regard, Huang Yueying, Xiao Chen Yang's mother, also agrees with her husband's point of view. Little Chen Yang has to accept the manipulation of his parents.

However, I don't know whether Chen Ren's genes are good or Huang Yueying's. Xiao Chen Yang learned things very quickly. Last year, during the Spring Festival, sun CE and Zhou Yu came back to visit Chen Ren, but they were asked by Chen Yang and ran away.

And this young man, no one else, was the little book boy song'er who followed Chen Ren. At that time, the boy has grown into a handsome young man. Last year, Chen Ren officially enrolled song'er as his student. Of course, he could not always be called by his nickname. In addition to Chen Ren, Guo Jia and Xunzi, others began to address him by his name he song.

He Song said to Chen Yang with a smile: "yang'er, come out quickly! The teacher is waiting to test your shooting skills! "

Small Chen Yang put away the bamboo slips in his hand, or always the old habit, put the bamboo slips to the small arms, but did not obediently walk out from the exit of the pavilion. But with a light jump, he leaped out of the pavilion and jumped directly to he song, who was seven or eight feet away. Small Chen Yang pouted up his mouth, raised his head and said to he song, "it's gun practice again! How boring This is not because Xiao Chen Yang dislikes practicing martial arts. It is really the result of Chen Ren's teaching method. There is only one way for the two father and son to practice spear, that is, to let Xiao Chen Yang practice the spear alone, and that is to say, Xiao Chen Yang practices on wooden targets alone. Such a boring way of practice has been carried out for more than half a year, even by the high enthusiasm for learning has to wear out.

He song shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "you, you! I don't know how lucky I am when I am in happiness! Do you know how high a teacher is among all the martial arts learners in the world? You can accept the teacher's instruction every day. I'm afraid you'll be envied by others. You don't see how the soldiers standing guard outside the training ground look at you every time you enter the training ground. " Said, gently pinched small Chen Yang's face.

Small Chen Yang quickly clapped open he song's hand, covered his small face, very dissatisfied with He Song said: "pine brother! I'm a big boy already! Can you stop pinching my face! It's not beautiful if you press it down any more! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" He song listened to Xiao Chen Yang's childish words and said with a smile: "even if you are older, in our eyes, you are still a child! Let's go! If the teacher is in a hurry, you must be punished twice! "

Small Chen Yang can't help but shrink his head and spit out his tongue playfully and says, "dad just can't bear to punish yang'er! If Dad dares to punish me, yang'er will go to find Er Niang San Niang to complain! " Although small Chen Yang said hard, but the foot obviously accelerated a lot, it seems that his heart is not as sure as his mouth said.

Although Chen Ren was very important in the eastern Wu Dynasty, Chen Fu was not very big, especially after Chen Ren opened a martial arts training ground for Chen Yang. Through two corridors, Xiao Chen Yang and he song came to the martial arts training ground. They said hello to the sergeant standing guard at the gate with a smile. They entered the training ground in the admiration of the sergeant.

In the martial arts training ground, Chen renzheng is sitting next to the training ground, drinking tea comfortably. Xiao Chen Yang and he song quickly walk to Chen Ren and worship Chen Yiyi. Chen Ren nodded and looked up at his precious son and apprentice. Although Chen Ren has many students, in his eyes, he song and Sun Yi, who went to Jiaozhou with Sun Jian, can be regarded as his apprentices. As for sun Kuang, who is still studying under him, let's wait until he has passed Chen Ren's preliminary test.

"Daddy! You're not going to practice bayonets again today, are you? " Little Chen asked in front of Chen Ren in a coquettish voice.

Chen Ren looked at his baby son and said, "you boy! Want to be lazy again! Bayonet is the most basic move in the art of spear. Your father and I practiced it for a year"But! But Little Chen Yang was not convinced by Chen Ren's example. "Brother Song told me that my stabbing gun training is better than him now."

Chen Ren glared at he song, who had ruined his education plan. However, he could not help but feel proud of his precious son. Little Chen Yang is much more talented than Chen Ren, but he has no natural power like Chen Ren. However, he has a strong understanding of martial arts. It seems that he can only use the word genius to describe him.

"Well! Cough Chen Ren used a cough to cover up his embarrassment, and then said to little Chen Yang, "in that case, well, from today on, you don't have to practice stabbing."

"Wow! Good Little Chen Yang immediately jumped up with joy and kept cheering, which made Chen Ren very unhappy.

OK! How high are you? Chen Ren immediately lost a word: "from now on! Practice sweeping 500 times a day This sentence immediately made Xiao Chen Yang lose his temper. Speaking of it, this sweeping sweep is really a new trick. However, Xiao Chen Yang has been able to predict that he will change from daily boring stabbing practice to daily boring gun sweeping practice. This is not a change of soup and dressing!

Chen Ren, no matter how much opinion Chen Yang had in mind, directly taught him the key points of sweeping gun technique. He turned over and looked at he song with a smile and said, "song'er! Good ah. Now I can know my younger martial brother! "

He songdun shivered. In the whole Chen family, he had followed Chen Ren for the longest time. Of course, he understood that Chen Ren was very angry now, and the consequences were very serious for he song.

"Come here!" Chen Yiyi waved his hand and directly called he song to the center of the martial arts training ground. He Song said, "today, practice and practice counter attack with my teacher!"

Counter attack? Tell me if you want to beat me! However, he was not prepared to defend Chen any time.

Of course, Chen Ren will not be serious about he song, but he will teach this little guy a good lesson. However, he song, under the guidance of Chen Ren over the years, has gradually acquired certain strength. In terms of his skills, he song is not under the leadership of Lu Meng. Moreover, as Chen Ren's schoolboy, he song was the first person to practice the war with Chen Ren. He song was afraid that he was also a good hand in commanding the battle. Chen Ren had made plans. After a while, when Sun Jian returned from his expedition, he song was recommended to Sun Jian as a general.

It can be seen that he song's defense level is quite good if he hits his arms one by one. Of course, the premise is that Chen Ren doesn't use all his strength to attack, otherwise, with Chen Ren's unparalleled power, he song will be defeated by his first blow.

However, if he could not hit him with one punch, Chen Ren, the teacher, was not very shameless. With one blow, he song's defensive arm was opened directly. Seeing this little gap, Chen Ren's double fists hit he song's face quickly, and he song's small face of Zhang Junlang was beaten into a pig's head and flew out directly.

Looking at he song's miserable image, Chen Ren's heart was relieved and said to he song, "let's call it a day. Just think about why I'll be broken your defense line if I add a little bit more force! Besides, take good care of yang'er and forbid him to be lazy! "

He song immediately got up and bowed down to Chen Ren and said, "thank you for your instruction." Finish saying obediently in front of small Chen Yang, to small Chen Yang count.

See he song that pair of obedient appearance, Chen Ren immediately some flutter. I thought: it's comfortable to be a teacher. It's no wonder that when my master had nothing to do, he used the excuse to train his apprentices and beat the four of them to death. It's really cool to teach my disciples this feeling!

When he thought of his elder martial brother, Chen Ren remembered Zhang Ren, the second elder martial brother who was about to fight Sun Jian. Sun Jian has already attacked Jiaozhou. The next step is to attack Yizhou directly with the momentum of victory. Zhang Ren, who is guarding the gate of Yizhou, is the first to attack Yizhou. With Zhang Ren's stubborn temper, it is estimated that he will not surrender to Sun Jian. Is it really necessary for him to be loyal to Liu Zhang's useless loser like in history? Chen Ren can't accept the result. It seems that he has to find a way!