Chen Ren has always been very modest to the provocation of the little Wu family, but it seems that the small Wu family regards Chen Ren's modesty as weakness and is always aggressive. Looking at the appearance of the little Wu family, Chen Ren must have put the mess of the meeting hall on Chen Ren's head. Facing Sun Jian's wife, Chen Ren didn't dare to get angry at the other party's head. He had to resist his anger and said to the little Wu family, "second lady! This Sun Fu violated many military orders! And gathering people to have sex in the assembly hall of the Marquis's house is a capital crime! I'm just enforcing the military law! "

"Hum!" Little Wu's cold a hum, a pair of Phoenix eyes staring at Chen Ren, "Chen Dadu is so powerful! I don't know who gave Governor Chen the courage to kill Wu Hou's family? "

With sarcasm, Chen Ren couldn't help but change his face, but he was still iron green with his fist clasped and said, "please be aware of this! His subordinates were indeed on business. The Lord ordered his subordinates to lead the army of Dongwu, the governor of Dongwu. Sun not only led troops into Jianye without authorization, but also forced his men to rob civilian women in the city! What's more, sun Mao forcibly removed the guards from the Marquis house, but he didn't go to his subordinates for record! Sun also took his officers and soldiers into the Lord's house and drank heavily in the Council Hall of the marquis! Every one of them violates the military law and law made by the Lord! My subordinates are carrying out the duties that the Lord has given them! " When Chen Ren said this, his tone was already a little stiff, obviously because he was dissatisfied with the attitude of Xiao Wu. Although Chen Ren has no face or skin on weekdays, he is really a very proud man. The insults of Xiao Wu and sun Bi have made Chen Ren a little unhappy.

"Zici! A gift There were several calls, but it turned out that Xunzi was late. As soon as he came in, he saw the appearance of the meeting hall and his face turned blue. However, seeing the tense atmosphere between Chen Ren and Xiao Wu, they only temporarily suppressed their anger and saluted Xiao Wu first.

Just after being pushed back by Chen Ren, his pretty face was pale with anger. He ignored Xun Yu, who saluted himself. He pointed to Chen Ren and said, "stop! When is it your turn to make the decision in Soochow! Sun Bi is my husband's nephew. Does he come to see his uncle and aunt from Shouchun to report to you? This is the residence of our Sun family. Don't we have the right to change the guard? As a nephew of his husband, why not drink and have fun with his subordinates in this chamber? You don't think that relying on your husband's favor and trust, you will be lawless! Tell you! The name of Soochow is sun! Not Chen! Sun is right! You are just a dog in my husband's hands! You have no right to bite your master Speaking of the back, the little Wu family is like a shrew general abuse, completely no ordinary lady appearance.

At this time, Chen Ren was full of iron and green, and Xun Yu, Cheng Zi and even the garrison of Jianye city were full of resentment, although the little Wu family was only scolding Chen Ren. But in this speech, it is not difficult to see that they are just like Chen and Wu in the eyes of Xiao Wu and sun. Cheng Zi almost broke his teeth because he not only scolded them, but also scolded his most respected father.

Chen Ren bit his teeth and yelled at the soldiers behind him: "Fu! From! Life! Order

Little Wu and sun can't believe it. In front of the little Wu family, Chen Ren even ordered to continue killing people. However, the little Wu family obviously underestimated Chen Ren in his anger. Chen Renzhuan turned back and walked straight up to sun Mao, who was kneeling in front of Wu's family. He picked him up like a chicken and threw him directly to the garrison soldiers. He said coldly, "Sun Pu is the first criminal. You can't let him go lightly! According to the law, we should be on the right side of the law! "

Even Xunzi and Cheng Zi were stunned. Xunzi immediately reacted to this, for fear that Chen Ren was really angry. Although Xunzi had never seen Chen Ren who was really angry, Guo Jia, who used to travel with Chen Ren, had seen him. When he thought of Guo Jia describing Chen Ren's anger to himself, Xun Yu could not help but shiver, and hurried to persuade Chen Ren.

"Good! Good! Good But the little Wu family was very angry and laughed, and even said three good words, "I really did not guess wrong! You Chen Ren is really bold! How dare you kill your nephew? It's really amazing! Come on The servants who had been following the little Wu family all the time stepped forward one after another after getting the voice of the little Wu family.

Chen Ren of course knew that these people were not ordinary servants, but bodyguards specially trained by the snake department to protect the safety of Sun Jian's family members, but their skills were extraordinary. He immediately blocked Xun Yu, who was ready to persuade him, and kept a close eye on these servants. Little Wu looked at Chen Ren with a cold smile and said, "kill all these anti thieves for me!"

Although Chen Ren was ready to fight with these bodyguards, he didn't expect that Xiao Wu would include Cheng Zi and Xun Yu, adding a little anger to his heart. Xunzi and Cheng Zi, who were ready to persuade Chen Ren, were also stunned. Then they all looked at Xiao Wu angrily. They did not expect that they would be so loyal to sun.

Just when Chen Ren was ready to fight against these good bodyguards, those bodyguards did not move after receiving the order from the little Wu family. They just stood behind the little Wu family with their heads down.

Little Wu looked at these bodyguards who had been following him. He couldn't understand why they would violate their orders and yelled: "are you deaf? Didn't you hear my order? I told you to kill these anti thieves! Go However, no matter how the little Wu roared, the servants still stood there, so angry that Xiao Wu raised his hand high and was about to fan one of the servants in the face."Stop it!"

From the gate came a majestic cry. All the people present looked at the door and saw several women coming out of the guard soldiers at the door. The graceful and beautiful woman standing in the middle looks like Xiao Wu's, but her clothes are much simpler than those of Xiao Wu's. Needless to say, this woman is Sun Jian's first wife, sun CE, Sun Quan, Sun Yi and sun Kuang's mother, big Wu! But standing by the side of the Wu family, it is the maid who was rescued by Chen Ren.

"Sister! Why are you here? " As soon as the little Wu saw the big Wu, she quickly walked to her side.

The sun also used two knees to climb to the big Wu's body, crying: "big aunt! You have to decide for your nephew

However, the big Wu family did not pay any attention to the little Wu family and sun Bi. Instead, they went directly to Chen Ren and Xun Yu, and fixed their eyes on Chen Ren. Chen Ren doesn't know what's going on. Even if he is at home with his three wives, Chen Ren has not been so nervous as now. Speaking of it, it seems that Chen Ren has always been afraid of the big Wu family. Because of Sun Quan's affair, he was chased by the big Wu family with a knife. Now Chen Ren was seen by the great Wu family, but his anger just filled with rage could not be sent out.

"Madame!" At last, Xunzi was the first to reflect that this ritual could not be abolished, so he led Chen Ren to salute the great Wu family.

"Come on The big Wu called out faintly. Before that, the servant who could not call the little Wu family could not move immediately went to the big Wu family and clasped fist at the big Wu family. However, the servant girls who had been following the big Wu family walked to the servant.

"Chun'er! Autumn After a long time without speaking, Wu suddenly called out the names of the two maids. The two maids stepped forward, including the one rescued by Chen Ren.

The big Wu turned his head and looked at the little Wu lightly, and said to the two maidservants, "you go and take the young lady and the young master to my yard. From today on, I will take the young lady and the young master by myself!"

When they heard that Wu's family suddenly issued such an order, they were stunned. However, what she wanted to say was not over. She said to the servants, "from today on, you will be on the side of the second lady, and she will not allow her to see anyone! She was not allowed to leave her own yard! Now take the second lady back to your own yard

"Sister?" The little Wu looked at the big Wu with disbelief on his face. This order is undoubtedly to put her under house arrest, and with the previous order, it is not to let the little Wu family see her children again? What a punishment for a mother!

When the big Wu looked at the little Wu's face, a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes, but then he regained his indifference. He said to the little Wu, "I warned you for a long time, but you didn't pay attention to it. Today's result is caused by yourself! When my husband comes back, I will tell him that I will inherit Shangxiang and lang'er to my name, and send you back to Wujun! "

The little Wu family was suddenly silly. How could she have never imagined that she had always been in love with her sister. Why would she be so heartless today and send her back to her hometown in Wujun? That is to say, she asked Sun Jian to leave her? The little Wu family had no doubt that the big Wu family had the ability to persuade Sun Jian. In fact, when their sisters married Sun Jian, Sun Jian wanted to marry the big Wu family, and the little Wu family just married with her sister. On weekdays, although the great Wu family never intervened in Sun Jian's political affairs, Sun Jian would meet all his suggestions and demands in other aspects. Now the great Wu family said that she would let Sun Jian quit her. When Sun Jian returned to Jianye, he would certainly do so.

As soon as the little Wu family thought of returning to Wujun in the future, a woman lived the rest of her life without any support. Immediately, two lines of tears came out, and immediately rushed to the feet of the big Wu family, holding the big Wu's leg and crying: "sister! Sister! I was wrong! I really know I'm wrong! Sister! Please let me go this time! Please