Although his disciples are among the top officials in Jiangdong, Tong Yuan still insists on living in a small valley outside the city, and there are villagers from Zhaojia village who have moved with him.

Chen Ren Ran to the mouth of the valley with his two disciples and his precious son. Looking at the quiet scenery in the valley, Chen Ren, who has been to the valley several times, can't help feeling, let alone Sun Yi, who has been here for the first time.

After calling the two disciples who were stunned, he turned over and dismounted. In this valley, if there is nothing particularly important, it is not allowed to raise horses. This is the rule set by Tong Yuan.

As soon as he entered the valley, a couple of men and women came to meet him. Chen Yiyi's eyes lit up immediately and his smile was on his lips. Chen Ren immediately waved to the couple and called out, "brother yuan! Sister yuan

When Zhao Yuanzhong met Zhao Yuanzhong's wife in the village, it was the man who met Zhao Yuanzhong when he met his wife. Speaking of this, Zhao Fangshi is not an oil-saving lamp. Despite her delicate appearance, she was a good assassin at that time. If she had not met Zhao Yuan, the killer of the hit, she would have been a famous killer in the platoon.

Zhao Yuan and Zhao Fang recognized Chen Ren at a glance, and they both said hello to Chen Ren with a smile. As soon as Chen Yang, standing beside Chen Ren, saw Zhao Yuan and his wife, he shook Chen Ren's big hand and ran toward Zhao Yuan and his wife. As he ran, he called: "Uncle yuan! Auntie

Just as in Sun Jian's group of subordinates, Xiao Chen Yang is such a smart and lovely child that everyone loves in Zhaojia village. As soon as Zhao Yuan and Zhao Fangshi saw little Chen Yang, they were all very happy. Zhao Yuan picked up the little Chen Yang who ran in front of him, held it up high, and shook him in the air by the way, but he was very happy. One side of Zhao Fang's is also quickly from the basket out of a large piece of sugar, handed to small Chen Yang, but also in the small face of small Chen Yang pinched.

"Young! Why haven't you come to see Uncle yuan and aunt yuan for so long? " Looking at Zhao Fang's face, she is also doting on Chen's face. Their son Zhao De, also known as the little fart who ran naked in the past, is now an adult and has been arranged by Chen Ren to serve in the snake ministry. Zhao Yuan and his wife, who have not seen their son for a long time, are now full of love for their son and have no place to vent.

Chen Ren and others who followed him said to the couple with a smile: "brother yuan, sister-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time! Where are you going He song, who also knows Zhao Yuan and his wife behind him, salutes them. Only Sun Yi doesn't recognize them. He is embarrassed to stand by.

Zhao Yuan hugged little Chen Yang and said with a smile, "your sister-in-law wants to be a virtuous son. Although she can't see the above, she still prepares some food for the soldiers of the Marquis's house to help deliver them up!"

Chen Ren said with a smile: "if sister-in-law of Yuan really wants to be a virtuous son, I'll go and talk to his superior, give Dezi a big holiday, let him go home and get together with elder brother and sister-in-law more!"

Zhao Fang looked at Chen Ren with some hesitation and said, "this is not good, isn't it?" Although the mouth is so said, but Chen Ren can see that Zhao Fang's heart is still very much hope to be together with his son. Chen Yiyi waved his hand to show that it didn't matter, and he agreed to go back to the city as soon as possible, and promised to let Dezi come back next month.

Zhao Yuan doesn't matter. Although he also misses his son, as a man, he naturally understands how important career is to a man. Zhao Yuan's eyes turned to Sun Yi, a stranger, and asked Chen Ren, "Zici! This time I came back... "

Chen Ren got out of the way and pulled him over. Sun Yi explained to Zhao Yuan and his wife, "this time I have a new disciple outside. I've brought him back to see the master! Sun Yi, I don't want to see my uncle and aunt! "

Although Sun Yi was the son of the Marquis of Wu, after years of training by Chen Ren, he had no superior temperament. He listened to Chen Ren's instructions and saluted Zhao Yuan and his wife directly.

"Oh?" Zhao Yuan looks at Sun Yi with a trace of interest. However, he knows that Chen Ren is not easy to be a disciple of his family. Strictly speaking, he song is a disciple. There must be something special about this young boy who can be regarded as a disciple by Chen Ren.

Zhao Yuan was interested, but Sun Yi suffered. After following Chen Ren's order to salute Zhao Yuan and his wife, he was just about to straighten up. Suddenly, he felt a strong pressure coming on him, which made him unable to lift his head. In the past, Sun Yi felt this pressure only from top-ranking generals such as Chen Ren, sun CE and Tai Shici. Sun Yi raised his head with difficulty, but he saw the seemingly simple farmer in front of him. The pressure like a mountain was just coming from him.

It's good to see Sun Yi raise his head even under his own pressure. Nodding his head, he removed the pressure on Sun Yi and said to Chen Ren with a smile, "Zici, it's good! A good apprentice

Sun Yi only felt his body suddenly light. The invisible mountain that had just been pressed on him suddenly disappeared. He immediately raised his body and looked at the seemingly ordinary farmer in front of him with a trace of surprise and a little fear. Chen Ren naturally knows what happened. However, Chen Ren is very confident that Sun Yi can pass Zhao Yuan's test, so he doesn't intervene at all. Hearing Zhao Yuan's words, Chen Ren also replied with a smile: "ha ha! The boy still needs more training. It depends on his nature whether he is a dragon or a worm. ""All right! It's getting late, so we'll go to the city first. Your master should be in his own yard now He released Xiao Chen Yang and said to Chen Ren. He song and Sun Yi went to Jianye city with his wife.

On the way, they met several villagers of Zhaojia village. When they learned that Sun Yi was Chen Renxin's disciple, they tested them in good faith. As a result, Sun Yi is pathetic. He is already very afraid of this Zhaojia village. What kind of village is this? An ordinary farmer can have the murderous spirit of a first-class general, and a seemingly simple woodcutter has the same strength as Xu Chu. Even a village girl who came face-to-face, in the blink of an eye, flashed behind her and startled Sun Yi into a cold sweat.

Finally, he arrived at the Tongfu in the center of Zhaojia village. Sun Yi had been trampled on the way, and he walked very soft. But little Chen Yang, who was in front of him, was smiling. All the villagers he met just now gave him some special food for Zhaojia village. Now he is holding a piece of soft candy in one hand and a big red apple in the other To eat, and dark clouds on the back of the horse has become a temporary snack package.

Looking at the gate of Tongfu, he song, who is full of sympathy on one side, quietly reminds Sun Yi: "don't look down on your face. You're going to see the Shizu. Get up your spirits!" Hearing he song's warning, Sun Yi also knows the importance of meeting Tong Yuan this time, so he has to fight hard.

Chen Ren opened the gate directly, and the layout was the same as that in Jizhou in those years. Once Tongfu entered the gate, it was a huge training ground. At this time, there was no doubt that the master Chen was the only one who practiced martial arts.

Today, Tong Yuan is nearly 70 years old, but his body is still strong. At this time, he is standing on the training ground practicing Taijiquan he has developed. As Tong Yuan's slow body glides through the air, he song and Sun Yi see a lot of shadows. The people standing on the side suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over their faces with the movements of Tongyuan in the middle of the training ground, and the surrounding sand and stones were flying constantly. Finally, a circle was formed around Tong Yuan's body.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and turned to look at Chen Ren and others who were still standing at the door.

When he saw that Tong Yuan had finished practicing boxing, Chen Yang was the first one to rush up. He threw himself on Tong Yuan's body and yelled: "grandfather! Young miss you so much

Tong Yuan, who had just finished practicing kung fu, hugged Chen Yang with a smile and said, "yang'er is so good! Why don't you come to see my grandfather? My grandfather wants yang'er very much, too

"But my father always doesn't let yang'er come. In fact, yang'er really wants to come! It's this time that Dad came to see my grandfather. Yang'er wants to come over, but dad still won't let him! " Little Chen Yang betrayed his father and pursed his mouth. He looked aggrieved.

Chen Ren was sweating at once. In his heart, he scolded Chen Yang, a bad boy, but with a big smile on his face, he went forward and paid homage to Tong Yuan. Who knows that Tong Yuan is full of smile in the face of little Chen Yang, but in the face of Chen Ren, he suddenly becomes gloomy and hums coldly: "I'm not dead! There is no need for you to worship my mountain

"Ha ha!" Chen Ren was blocked by Tong Yuan. At the moment, he only pretended to be stupid and laughed at Tong Yuan, "master, what do you say? You are in good health, and you will have no problem living for another 180 years! "

"180 years? Thanks to you! I'm really regarded as an immortal monster How to know Chen Ren's flattery was slapped on the horse's leg, and was severely blocked back by Tong Yuan. It's rare to see Chen Ren eat shriveled. Even after he song and Sun Yi secretly cover their mouth, they try to suppress the smile.