With the sound of war drums, under the leadership of generals, the rear Qin army stepped out of the barracks one after another and marched toward Tianyang city. At the front, Li Yuanhe, the commander-in-chief of the western expedition, was standing out!

Li Yuanhe narrowed his eyes and looked at Tianyang city in front of him. Then he said to the left and right: "Chenghu! Zhao Yong! Zhao Meng! You wait for ten thousand soldiers to attack the south of the city! Ma Er! Wu San! Wei brothers! You wait for ten thousand soldiers to attack the north of the city! The other generals led 10000 people to attack the west of the city by detour! At all costs, we must take Tianyang city to me. Don't let Yu ruochai escape! Do you hear me clearly? "

Li Yuanhe's orders were given out, and the generals cheered to Li Yuanhe one after another: "the last general takes orders!" After receiving orders, the generals took their men and horses and ran to the gate designated by Li Yuanhe. This day, the battle of Yangcheng was the most important battle in the battle of Yan kingdom. It would be a great honor to win the first victory in this battle.

After all the generals had left, Li Yuanhe looked up at the east gate of Tianyang city in front of him. Among the numerous banners of Yan state flying on the head of the city, one of the "ten thousand" flag was particularly dazzling. Li Yuanhe gave a cold smile. Needless to say, the owner of the "ten thousand" flag must be the one worthy of attention among the Yan generals mentioned by Cheng Hu last night! Since the rumor is so strong, I hope not to let me down! Li Yuanhe's eyes flashed a light, when even under the opponent's officers and men waved, and said: "attack the city!"

With the sound of the battle drum, Li Lingchuan changed the frequency again. At the same time, in the direction of the other three walls, the same drum sounds came first and then, echoing with Li Yuanhe's war drums. The post Qin army outside the four walls, in accordance with the plan formulated last night, launched an attack at the same time!

Li Yuanhe always took the lead in the battle. How could this be an exception? He did not pay attention to the hindrance of those soldiers behind him. Immediately, Li Yuanhe ran his horse towards the city wall, and then he rushed over. With the leadership of Li Yuanhe, those officers and men are certainly more courageous, one by one are crying forward.

On the contrary, the Yan army on the head of the city was frightened by the indomitable momentum of the post Qin army. They all felt weak and did not know what to do. A middle-aged bearded general, who looked more than 40 years old, suddenly waved his drawing halberd in his hand and directly cut off the heads of several soldiers who wanted to leave their weapons to escape. However, the blood sprayed out on his face. The bearded general put out his hand and drank to the Yan soldiers on the left and right: "if anyone wants to escape, this is the end! Take up arms, all of you! Keep the enemy out of the wall

It has to be said that the general's means came quite timely. If it was a little later, I was afraid that the Yan army at the head of the city would fall into a complete rout and would never be able to recover. But now, with the general's presence, Yan soldiers finally raised some morale and clenched their weapons in preparation for the Qin army's attack outside the city.

"Hold on, Archer! No one is allowed to shoot without my command The general looked solemnly at the rear Qin army outside the city. He yelled at the Yan army, who had already formed a line of defense on the left and right sides, "swordsman, raise your shield! All the rest of you, get me the stone log! Go

Although the shouts of killing outside the city were shocking, the bearded general issued military orders in an orderly manner. Under his influence, the uneasy atmosphere of the Yan army on the head of the city was gradually suppressed. Outside the city, Li Yuanhe rushed to the front of the city. Naturally, he saw the changes on the city head, and he could not help frowning. If it was just now, Li Yuanhe was very sure to attack the city. Now, it seems that it is still difficult to capture the city!

But now, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yuanhe to retreat with the army. Of course, Li Yuanhe would not be so hard, and the loss would be too great. Immediately, Li Yuanhe made corresponding measures and said to the left and right: "the archers come forward to suppress the city head! Hold the ladder in front of you! Attack the city with all your strength! also! Send a rush car to the gate

This is the advantage of attacking the city on the plain. If we were to replace the city of Nao, which had been captured by the state of Zhou, the party who attacked the city would never have made so many attacks. But now, Li Yuanhe can give full play to the means of Siege! Under the command of Li Yuanhe, a group of archers bent their bows and arrows to attack the Yan army at the head of the city. Although some of the countless arrows were blocked by the shields of the swordsmen at the head of the city, they still posed a certain threat to the city. Many soldiers of the Yan army were hit by the arrows and fell directly from the city head.

After that, the soldiers of the Qin army carried hundreds of cloud ladders and rushed to the wall under the suppression of archers, and directly put the high ladder on the wall. In addition, a dozen or so soldiers of the Qin army pushed a simple rush car wrapped in iron sheet and rushed directly to the city gate. The front end of the rush car hit the gate heavily. Every sound of impact seemed to hit the heart of the bearded general at the head of the city.

Although general bearded was worried, his face did not show any change of expression. He was very clear that the reason why Yan soldiers still have fighting spirit is because they are in charge. If even he showed a look of panic, he was afraid that the morale of these soldiers would collapse again, and it would be difficult to suppress them!"More than 200 people down there! Go and hold the gate for me! Even if it is to fill in with life, we can't let the other party open the city gate! " With a big wave of his hand, the bearded general assigned several officers to take the men down to block the gate of the city. He immediately turned his head and looked at the rear Qin army outside the city. The soldiers under his opponent said, "hold on! hold still! It's not time to start the attack! Hold on, all of you

Soon, Li Yuanhe also issued a military order to stop the archers from attacking. Because under the city wall, the soldiers of the Qin army had already started to attack the city along the ladder. If the archers continued to shoot their arrows, they might hurt their own people. So Li Yuanhe simply ordered the archers to retreat and let all the swordsmen rush to the head of the city!

At the head of the city, after seeing the archers in the Qin army retreating, the bearded general's eyes brightened and he said, "prepare to start fighting back! Remove the shield! Remove the shield! Hit me with a stone! Hit it with a log! Hit it hard While drinking, the bearded general put his halberd aside. He lifted a huge stone beside him and threw it to the wall.

All of a sudden, the huge stones and logs on the head of the city fell on the heads of the soldiers of the Qin army who were lying on the ladder under the city wall. All of a sudden, the bright red plasma and white brain brain splashed all over the city wall, mixed with the screams of the officers and soldiers. Unexpectedly, the attack of the Qin army was delayed. However, soon, the rear Qin soldiers also continued to rush up. The tragic end of the front comrades in arms not only did not make them retreat, but also stimulated their fighting spirit. One by one, they were waiting for their red eyes to rush to the head of the city.

After losing several boulders, the bearded general looked up at the formation of the Qin army outside the city, and then he said, "Archer! Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow! No one is allowed to stop until I stop! Shoot all your arrows

The bearded men who had been in command for a long time were ready to shoot. In fact, if strictly speaking, the defenders' bow and arrow attack is a little late. They should launch the attack when the latter Qin army enters the range of archers' attack. However, there is no way to do this. The quality of the Yan army is not as good as that of the rear Qin army. The archers of the Yan army are so poor that they can attack at the very beginning. They can't do any damage to the post Qin army, and the command is in vain.

But now it is different. After the Qin army has all rushed to the outside of the city, even if the archers on the city head shoot with their eyes closed, the arrow can also hit the enemy. Therefore, the bearded generals will always suppress the archers and launch the attack only at this time. For a time, the attack on the head of the city was swift and violent. The attack of the post Qin army was stopped under the city wall. The Qin army suffered heavy losses!

"Hum! It's really good! " Looking at Li Yang's attack, he was not sure that he had made such a great contribution. However, it is impossible for Li Yuan and the current general team to step back and set up a new battle. If we go back now, those soldiers of the Qin army who just died under the city wall have died in vain!

Immediately, Li Yuanhe pulled the cloak behind him and threw it to the soldiers behind him. Then he ran his horse towards the wall and rushed over. When Li Yuan and his relatives saw him, they were all shocked. However, before he could be dissuaded, they could only watch Li Yuanhe rush to the wall.

Li Yuanhe, dressed in high-grade armor and riding a tall horse, is naturally very conspicuous among the rear Qin soldiers. When the Yan troops saw Li Yuanhe, they would not let Li Yuanhe go. Suddenly, all the attacks on the head of the city were concentrated on Li Yuanhe. For a moment, hundreds of arrows were all aimed at Li Yuanhe and flew past.

It's a pity that Li Yuanhe is not one of the ordinary soldiers. With his eight long spears in his hand, he can hear the sound of jingling. None of the arrows can get close to him. However, Li Yuanhe cherished the mount he sat on and did not intend to rush to it. Otherwise, when he jumped onto the wall, without his own protection, the mount would be shot into a hedgehog under the wall!