The black armour general who made Li Ke so disdainful was the ghost General Yang Bai. If he took off his mask and revealed Yang Bai's true face, Li Ke might not recognize him. But now that Yang Bai is wearing the ghost mask of his fame, how can Li Ke, who had been in contact with Yang Bai for several times, fail to recognize it. It is only in this situation that she encounters the most taboo ghost general in that year, which makes Li Ke a little bit unable to accept it.

At that time, the four tiger generals under Luo Tianhan's tent, Chen Xuanchu, a wise general, was good at arranging troops and arranging arrays. Xu Wei, a fierce general, stormed into the battle. Cheng, a strange general, liked to take the sword and take a side attack. But Li Ke was most worried about the ghost general in front of her. Li Ke had several fights with the four tigers generals in those years. Many times, the situation was changed by the unpredictable playing methods of the ghost general.

Although the mouth even said that the other side is not a ghost general, but Li Ke is aware that the other side is definitely a ghost will. After a brief panic, Li Ke finally calmed down and looked at Yang Bai coldly and said, "ghost general! Why do you still help the post Qin army! Have you forgotten how the Qin army treated you after that year

Yang Bai had a ghost mask on his face, so he could not see his expression at the moment. He just heard a cold laugh from behind the ghost mask. Yang Bai said, "Li Ke! You don't have to play this trick in front of me! There is no need for you to worry about the gratitude and resentment between me and the state of Qin! Now you still want to think about yourself! If you don't have anything to do later, I'm afraid this place will be the burial place of your general Li! "

Li Ke naturally knows that Yang Bai's words are true, but the problem is that he really has nothing to do now. First of all, Li Ke did not expect Li Yuanhe to be so decisive, from Tianyang city all the way to the state of the Zhou Dynasty, but also refused to give up! Secondly, Li Ke didn't expect that the ghost general would bring the rear Qin army here. Now Li Ke was attacked by the other side, and there was no way out.

After seeing the green front riders around Li Ke, they could not understand that Li Ke was in a desperate situation. Immediately, the hundreds of green front riders all looked at each other and made up their minds secretly. All of a sudden, they raised their spears and rushed to the rear Qin army led by Yang Bai. Only a dozen or so Qingfeng riders were left behind. They directly pulled Li Ke's mount and ran away. Yu ruochai was just a little stunned, and immediately understood the intention of those green front riding. In a hurry, he turned the horse's head and ran behind Li Ke's buttocks.

If yu ruochai understood, how could Li Ke not understand that these soldiers on the green front wanted to block Yang Bai's attack with their own lives and fight for the chance to escape for themselves! Even if Li kedang wanted to stop the mount, he could not watch the soldiers who had been trained by himself die in vain. However, he just did not pay attention to it. The reins of the mount had been robbed by those soldiers. Li Ke couldn't even get the reins back, let alone stop the mount.

"Stop! Stop it! I order you to stop! Did you hear that! Don't stop! I, I will behead you Li Ke snatched several times, but could not get the reins back from the hands of those soldiers. Finally, she could only shout at the soldiers.

Who knows, in the past, the orders to Li Ke were 100% obeyed by qingfengqi, but this time, for the first time, it violated Li Ke's military orders. One of the soldiers turned back and cried, "general! Anyway! We're all going to take you back! As long as you can live! Even if you cut off our heads at that time, we are willing to! " With that, these soldiers accelerated their speed, pulled Li Ke's Mount, and directly bypassed the rear Qin army in front, and continued to march toward the North!

As early as those green front riding house Li Ke rushed towards his side, Yang Bai knew what these green front riders were thinking. These green front riders are all the elite of the state of Zhou. At present, they don't even want their lives, and they also want to block Yang Bai's pursuit of Li Ke. If Yang Bai insists on rushing through, even if he succeeds, he will suffer heavy losses. Immediately, Yang Bai gave a cold hum, commanding the post Qin Army: "the whole army is in line! Hold up the shield! A gun

This post Qin army was a Spearman trained by Li Yuanhe himself. Even if it was not as good as the ghost army under Yang Bai, it was better to give in more. As soon as Yang Bai's order was given, the Qin army immediately set up the formation according to Yang Bai's command. The soldiers at the front stand with their shields and hide under them, but they hold them. And the soldiers behind him poked their spears out of the gap of the shield, forming a temporary anti horse array. Such an array could not be more appropriate for light cavalry, but in this way, the Qin army was trapped here, unable to pursue Li Ke and others who had escaped.

Looking at Li Ke running away like this, no one knows how Yang Bai's expression is. The hole in the mask shows Yang Bai's eyes full of cold light. Only a glimpse of Li Ke and others' back shows that he turns to look at the green front riding who is rushing in front of him.

The distance between the two armies was not far. In addition, qingfengqi was good at speed. Soon, qingfengqi attacked the formation of the post Qin army. There was no accident. Qingfeng cavalry ran into the Qin army, which had been waiting for a long time. He was suddenly knocked upside down by his shield and long gun. Many Qingfeng cavalry soldiers were directly stabbed and hung on the long spear. Of course, there are a few Qingfeng cavalry with their own long spears, but behind the shield, there are many times as many as their post Qin army waiting there. Although these Qingfeng riders rushed in, they were immediately stabbed by the rear Qin army, and their whole body was full of holes.However, it is not so easy to solve the problem of Qingfeng riding. Even though many Qingfeng riders were knocked down, they still got up from the ground in pain and continued to rush to kill the rear Qin army. Those Qingfeng riding soldiers who were stabbed by the long spears from the rear Qin army even pulled the spear into their own bodies, gnawed their teeth, and endured the sharp pain of the friction of the barrel in their bodies. They also had to pull a cushion before they died.

Looking at these Qingfeng riding desperately, Yang Bai's eyes flashed a trace of admiration, but soon recovered the previous indifference. Even when they raised their hands to the left and right, after seeing Yang Bai's gesture, the rear Qin army suddenly separated from the left and the right with the middle as the boundary, while the rear Qin army who was hiding behind quickly rushed up and began unilateral massacre towards qingfengqi, which was the end of the strong crossbow.

Although Qingfeng rode bravely, the number of the latter Qin army was several times as many as theirs. In addition, under the command of Yang Bai, the ghost general, soon these Qingfeng riders who fought with their lives were finally submerged by the black armor of the latter Qin army. However, the sacrifice of these qingfengqi is not worthless. At least, Li Ke and Yu ruocai finally escaped under their cover.

However, Yang Bai didn't care much about it. When he saw the end of the battle, he was directing the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, without any intention of pursuing Li Ke. At this time, Li Yuanhe led his troops to chase him, but he was stunned when he saw the scene. Soon, he recognized Yang Bai. Even though he was in a hurry, he ran his horse to Yang Bai's face and asked, "how about it? Did you stop Li Ke and Yu ruochai? "

Yang Bai just shook his head indifferently and said to Li Yuanhe, who was full of disappointment, "Li Ke escaped under the escort of these Qingfeng riders! As for Yu ruochai, he fled behind Li Ke's ass! " Yang Bai also fought many wars with Yan state and had many contacts with Yan state. Therefore, he recognized that the fat man behind Li Ke was Yu ruochai, the head of Yan state.

Li Yuanhe was disappointed to hear Yang Bai say so. Although he didn't know why Yang Bai appeared here, he thought that with Yang Bai's interception, Li Ke and Yu ruochai could be captured this time. After disappointment, Li Yuanhe flashed a trace of determination on his face and said, "no matter what! Let's keep chasing! We will never give up until we catch Li Ke and Yu ruochai! "

After that, Li Yuanhe directly waved his hand and ordered all the soldiers of the Qin army to follow him to the north. At this time, Yang Bai suddenly said, "general! Take your time! Li Ke and Yu ruochai can't run away! I'm afraid the general's strength has reached the limit. I'd better go to the city with his subordinates and have a rest. "

Li Yuanhe was stunned by Yang Bai's remark. However, he soon realized who Yang Bai was and how could he make such a mistake. More than a thousand people were waiting for work to deal with hundreds of exhausted cavalry. Li Ke and Yu ruocai could not easily run away. Needless to say, Yang Bai must have arranged the post move, but now Li Yuanhe has not got any results. He is still in a hurry. Where will he go to rest.

Yang Bai, however, still looked relaxed and said faintly, "general! Even if you still have physical strength, you should also be concerned about your officers and men. They have not much combat power now. If you go after them at such a level, it will not help! " After that, no matter how Li Yuanhe decided, even if he turned the horse's head, he went directly to the city.

Seeing Yang Bai's move, Li Yuanhe was stunned. However, he soon understood Yang Bai's meaning and looked around at the soldiers of the Qin army who followed him all the way. Those generals are OK, and the rest of the soldiers are miserable. If they are not allowed to rest, I am afraid they will die directly on horseback. Immediately, Li Yuanhe had a bitter smile. He had to follow Yang Bai's suggestion and order the officers and men to return to the city to rest. He only hoped that Yang Bai's arrangement would really work!