After a while, Cao's army would climb to more than half of the city wall, and then he would be able to climb the wall. At this time, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly lit up and cried out: "throw the torch down! Come on! Keep losing it! Be sure! Throw it at the wood

The garrison soldiers were strictly in accordance with Chen Yang's orders, but those torches did no harm to Cao soldiers who had climbed to the top of the wall. However, when these torches fell on the wood that had been thrown down before, the wood which had been poured with oil immediately burned. The wood and oil, and the corpses of Cao army were all around, the small fires soon turned into big fires!

Seeing that the fire had already risen, Chen Yang also drew out his sword from his waist and yelled to the swordsmen beside him: "ready to fight! Archers keep throwing! Don't stop! " All the swordsmen also pulled out their weapons, and their eyes were fixed on the head of the city, waiting for the enemy to take the lead.

At this time, the Cao soldiers on the city wall were stupid. There were all the fires below, and the burning became more and more serious. Especially the corpses of Cao soldiers who died in the battle half a month ago in the city have begun to rot, burning fast and emitting a pungent smell. Although these people stand on the ladder, they can still feel the increasingly hot fire under their feet. It's too late to go down now, and I have no choice but to rush forward bravely. However, Cao's soldiers just took a head at the head of the city, and they were cut down by the guards who had been waiting for a long time. A Cao army just stretched out a hand to seize the wall, and was chopped off by a knife and axe soldier. The pain was so great that the Cao soldier didn't even grasp the cloud ladder and fell directly Go down.

The Cao soldiers under the city are not much better. Those who are not too close to the city wall are lucky, but those who have already stood under the city wall are in bad luck. They are directly caught by the fire and become one by one.

Smelling the smell of burning people coming from below, Chen Yang felt his stomach constantly rolling. However, Chen Yang was so smart and capable that he could not change Chen Yang. This is the first time he went to battle. In the past, only a few hundred people were killed, and all of them were fighting with clear swords and guns. But this time, they were watching their own command, and tens of thousands of lives of the other side were lost. Chen Yang's face turned pale when he thought of this. After all, he was only a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. Chen Ren's first battle was almost twenty years old. It was still early for Chen Yang to contact this aspect.

The Deputy on one side immediately noticed Chen Yang's appearance. Although the vice general's talent was poor, he had been following Bao Bao Bao and Wu he for so many years. He had seen many recruits fighting for the first time with the same expression as Chen Yang. At once, he helped Chen Yang to the side, but he couldn't help sighing in his heart. After all, he was just a teenager. Just now Chen Yang's calm command almost forgot this point.

Holding Chen Yang aside, the deputy general said to Chen Yang, "young master, I will command the rest. You can have a rest first."

Chen Yang nodded. Anyway, it was the end of the day. The fire had already burned off nearly 3000 Cao soldiers and thousands of people were still standing on the walls of the city. In addition to the 20000 people who were shot dead by archers before, I'm afraid Cao's attack will be blocked. Next, we just need to kill Cao's army on the wall of the city, and then keep the archer's attack. This matter should be nothing for the deputy general. Chen Yang turned around and went down to the head of the city. The tumbling things in his stomach began to reach his throat. He knew he was going to throw up, but Chen Yang still tried not to spit out in front of the garrison at the head of the city. On the one hand, Chen Yang has a good face. On the other hand, as a commander, if he throws up in front of the garrison, he may also affect the morale of the army.

Chen yangqiang ran down the city, found a corner, and began to vomit. After spitting up about a stick of incense, Chen Yang finally stopped the nausea, wiped the filth from the corners of his mouth, and sat down in a clean place beside him, and could not help laughing bitterly. Since he was young, Dongwu has been fighting for his own life, but he has been worried about Chen's life. But fortunately, the Sun Jian family are very good to themselves. Even if they are working for the sun family, it's nothing. It's just that the taste of the battle field is really bad. No wonder my father never wants to lead the army to fight. In the impression of Chen Yang when he was a child, his father seemed to have gone to war for only a few times. Moreover, since the first World War eight years ago, Chen Ren seemed to have never gone to war again. He has been staying at home all the time? Chen Yang grinned bitterly to figure out what his father thought.

After a short rest, Chen Yang sighed. He estimated that the fire under the city was almost extinguished. He stood up, patted his buttocks, and began to walk to the head of the city. As soon as he got to the head of the city, he saw that the soldiers on the head of the city were full of joy. Seeing Chen Yang coming, the deputy general quickly rushed to Chen Yang and pointed to the outside of the city and said, "young master! Look! Cao's army is gone! Withdraw Chen Yang also rushed to the edge of the city to look out of the city. Sure enough, Cao's troops outside the city threw away their soldiers and abandoned their armor, and they all withdrew in a panic.

It turned out that when Chen Yang was resting below, Song Xian did not give up and drove Cao's army to launch several attacks on the city wall again. However, the deputy general at the head of the city had completely removed the Cao troops lying on the wall. The corpses of the Cao soldiers fell under the city, adding a lot of fuel for the fire under the city. The burning fire made Cao soldiers unable to get close to the city wall, but the danger on the top of the city had been relieved. The deputy general pressed the archer to the front again and fired wildly at the Cao army under the city. Those Cao troops wanted to retreat, but they were afraid of Song Xian behind them. The fire in front of them made them unable to move forward. If they did not move forward, they had to stand still and serve as live targets for the archers at the head of the city. Some Cao soldiers rushed to the city wall, but how could these few people pose any threat to the city? Only a few people rushed through the fire wall and climbed the isolated ladder there, but they were shot down by the archers on the city head, which became the fuel for the fire.After several defeats, Song Xian only admitted his defeat and ordered to withdraw Cao's army. Looking at the soldiers of Cao's army retreating back quickly, Song Xian could only hope that the other three sides would not break through the city gate. Otherwise, Song Xian was afraid that Cao Ren would be punished.

Looking at the retreating Cao army, Chen Yang breathed a long sigh of relief. At this time, from the other end of the wall came a team of people, but Bao Bao was afraid that the two deputy generals could not resist and sent reinforcements.

"Lao Li!" The assistant general led by the reinforcements was surprised to see that there was nothing on the top of the city. Looking out of the city, he saw the retreating Cao army, and was even more shocked. Even Bao Bao didn't solve the problem. The deputy general beat back the enemy and asked the colleague, "what happened? Did Cao's army not attack Dongcheng? "

This Assistant General Li said with a bitter smile: "how can it be, old man, you didn't see all the corpses under the wall! Of course, Cao Jun is here, but he let us run away! " As he spoke, he could not help showing a few complacency on his face.

"By you?" Deputy general he looks like he can't believe it. His colleague has known him for several years. Of course, he is very clear about his level. He doesn't believe that Vice General Li can beat back Cao's army so quickly. In his eyes, it's thank God that Vice General Li didn't be defeated by Cao army.

Deputy General Li was a little annoyed by he's query, but he was not wrong. The little tail that had just been raised withered again. He turned his head and pointed to Chen Yang, who was still looking at Cao's army outside the city coldly, and said, "of course, it's not me. It's the eldest childe who commands it. You didn't see it! The eldest son is just like the governor in those days. He is very powerful! The garrison at the head of our city received almost no loss, so they beat Cao's army back! "

"Young master?" He did not recognize Chen Yang. In fact, he and Li, as well as the Assistant General Chen who had just gone to xichengmen with Lu Xun, were the only remaining soldiers who followed Chen Ren to guard the Yuzhang. Deputy general he was just wondering why Chen Yang was here, as if he was listening to Bao Bao Bao's order to let Chen Yang and Lu Xun go back to the barracks?

This is Chen Yang, but with a frown on his brow, he asked the assistant general, "are there cavalry in the city?"

Li was stunned and subconsciously replied, "yes! But Lord Bao said that we were guarding the city this time, and the cavalry couldn't play a role, so he incorporated the cavalry into the garrison. "

Chen Yang immediately asked, "how many cavalry are there on our east gate? What about the cavalry's Mount? "

He was the commander of the cavalry before he entered the city. He knew the situation of the cavalry best. He immediately replied, "there are more than 20000 cavalry in the whole garrison. There are about 3000 cavalry here. As for the horses, they are all in the barracks in the city. "

"Three thousand." Chen Yang's eyes kept turning, but the two aides did not know how Chen Yang suddenly asked about this, and vice general he temporarily forgot to ask why Chen Yang was here.

Chen Yang immediately said to Deputy General Li: "immediately pick out the 3000 cavalry in the east gate and follow me. The rest are divided into three teams. One team of 8000 people goes to the south of the city to support Uncle Wu, and the other 5000 people go to the north of the city to support uncle Bao. You are responsible for taking over and guarding the east gate."

Then he turned his head and said, "go to the barracks and bring out 3000 horses to the east of the city."