In Jianye Chengfu, the newly built Zhonglang General Chen's residence is Chen Yang's residence.

At this time, Chen Yang is wearing his armor piece by piece in his wing room. Behind him, Dong Bai is carefully helping him tie on his cape. After Chen Yang tied his wristband, he grabbed Qianqian's arm around his neck and turned around with a smile. He looked at the sad face of Dong Bai and said, "silly girl! I'm going to go out for a crusade. I'll come back after winning the battle! What are you worried about? "

"But, my husband Dong Bai raised his head and revealed his beautiful face. His eyes twinkled with crystal. Dong Bai gently stroked the armor on Chen Yang's chest and whispered, "I heard people say that the route arranged for you by your father this time is very dangerous. It is a direct confrontation with Cao Cao's main army. I, I'm worried... " At the end of the day, Dong Bai could not help but lean on Chen Yang's chest and sobbed softly.

Chen Yang quickly and comfortingly patted Dong Bai on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Bai'er, don't worry. I'm the son of Chen Ren, a dragon general, Chen Yang! Besides, Dad, how could he arrange a dead end for me and my second brother! Dad has always been at his wit's end. I think there must be his plan for such an arrangement. You don't have to worry about it. "

After listening to Chen Yang's explanation, Dong Bai also slightly relaxed his mind and nodded softly. Chen Yang's arm relaxed slightly, and he held Dong Bai in his arms. He continued: "after I go out to the war, you don't want to live here alone. Move to your mother's place, but don't be dragged by your little sister to make mischief. That is, with the care of mother, second and third Niang, I can be at the front line To rest assured a lot! What's more, there is a defensive array arranged by the second younger brother with light hands. Ordinary thieves can't enter the house at all, and they are not afraid that Cao Cao's assassins will come to your disadvantage! If there is something inconvenient to find your mother or younger sister, you can go to the nearby Leishi restaurant to find elder martial brother he. His skill is not inferior to those snake masters! "

Listening to Chen Yang's wordy words, Dong Bai was not impatient. Instead, he hoped that Chen Yang could speak like this forever. However, the sound of the bugle from the outside broke Dong Bai's expectation. Feeling the body temperature of his man, Dong Bai showed a reluctant mood from the bottom of his heart. Ever since he met Chen Yang in the governor's office in Xuzhou, Dong Bai has known that he can't live without this man all his life. Dong Bai's pretty face turned red. He raised his head and reached Chen Yang's ear. He said a few words in a soft voice. Then his face was like a ripe apple. He hung down his head and didn't even dare to look at Chen Yang.

After listening to Dong Bai's words, Chen Yang immediately widened his eyes and looked at Dong Bai. His mouth was wide open. His shaking hand held Dong Bai's shoulders and asked, "Bai'er! Are you, what you say, true? "

Dong Bai cast a white eye in the past, but it is indescribable charming and moving. Chen Yang can't help but feel hot. Chen Yang was so happy that he picked up Dong Bai, turned around and laughed. It is in Dong Bai's coquetry that he puts Dong Bai down lightly. But Chen Yang can not finish, immediately rushed out of the wing room, roared to the outside: "Xiaolian! Xiao Rong! Chen Qi! Come here, all of you

After a while, these servant girls and servants in the mansion all ran over, but they didn't know what their master had ordered. With a big wave of his hand, Chen Yang said, "all of them are ready for me! Pack up all the things of Madame and transport them to the old house! also! Get me a carriage now! My wife and I are going back to our old house! " The old house mentioned by Chen Yang naturally refers to Chen Ren's residence. These servants and servant girls were transferred from Chen Ren's residence.

Although I don't know what happened, but since Chen Yang has given orders, these servants still follow Chen Yang's orders. He went to Chen's house carefully. At this time, the carriage was ready at the gate of the mansion. Chen Yang immediately gave Dong Bai to his family and pushed the coachman down. He himself became Dong Bai's coachman and drove the carriage to Chen Ren's house.

Chen Ren's house is not far away from Chen Yang's Zhonglang general's house. In a short time, Chen Ren and Chen Kang have already stood at the gate of the mansion and are ready to go to the military camp outside the city. Meanwhile, Chen Ren's three wives and his precious daughter Chen Ru also stood by obediently. With the lesson of the last time, Diao Chan has been watching Chen Ru closely these days, and has never given Chen Ru a chance to run away.

When Chen Ren and Chen Kang say goodbye one by one and are ready to leave, they see Chen Yang driving his carriage. Chen Ren can't help but be angry and funny. He really doesn't know what he's going to do. Chen Ren looked at Chen Yang and said, "yang'er! What's going on? Why are you still here? Go to the barracks

"My husband! You are! Yang'er may have come to say goodbye to us Huang Yueying saw Chen Ren reprimand Chen Yang. She couldn't help but curl her lips and whiten Chen's eyes. Then she met Chen Yang with a smile and drove her carriage.

Chen Ren was put forward by his wife, but he didn't dare to retort. He only touched his nose, but murmured in his mouth: "this bastard is really more and more disrespectful! He is a general to fight the enemy, but not a scholar's counselor! It's still a carriage to go out Chen Ren did not dare to let his wife hear these murmurs, but he was listened to by Chen Kang. Chen Kang also gave a little smile. He was used to his father's abdominal Fei habit.Chen Yang drove the carriage to the gate of Chen's residence, but he quickly worshipped the three mothers, then turned around and carefully supported Dong Bai to get out of the carriage. This move is to let Chen Ren feel uncomfortable in the heart, this stinky boy! With a beautiful daughter-in-law, even the father is not concerned!

Chen Yang did not know how unhappy Chen Ren was in his heart, but said with a bright smile to Huang Yueying and others: "mother! Er Niang! Sanniang! Here's a big piece of good news for you! Bai Er she, Bai Er she is pregnant! Yang'er is going to be a father too

"What!" Such a news suddenly came out of Chen Yang's mouth, and immediately shocked all the people at the gate of Chen's residence. Even Chen Kang, who had always been indifferent, looked at Chen Yang's back in shock at the red faced Dong Bai.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Chen Ren and Chen kangdang even turned over and dismounted, laughing and rushing to Chen Yang's side. Chen slapped Chen Yang on the back of his head. You can laugh at me! Your wife is pregnant, and she still stands like this! Don't help Bai'er into the house

When Chen Ren said this, everyone woke up and came forward one after another. A group of female dependents quickly hugged Dong Bai and carefully walked into the house. Huang Yueying, the future grandmother, is extremely busy. She immediately commands all the servants she sees. She cleans up the room, asks the medical officer for the doctor, and even starts to ask the servant to invite Jianye's best midwife. In Huang Yueying's words, it's worth the midwife to stay at home for ten months!

Dong Bai immediately became the treasure of Chen's family. Originally, Dong Bai was so pitiful that he was deeply loved by the Chen family. If Chen Yang was not destined to marry sun Shangxiang as his wife in the future, he would have become Chen Yang's real wife. Because of this, the Chen family feel very sorry for Dong Bai. Now Dong Bai is pregnant with Chen Yang's flesh and blood. This is the first child of the third generation of the Chen family. How can the Chen family not take care of them more carefully. Chen Rencha ordered that all the best pharmacies in Jianye city should be moved to Chen's house. Although this absurd practice was finally dissuaded, Chen Ren still ordered that all the precious medicinal materials in Jianye city and all the things that pregnant women might use were bought into the government for the sake of future needs.

For this reason, the family soldiers of Chen family almost didn't make a big stir in Jianye city. Those merchants had to complain, but when they directly reported the name of Chen house, no one dared to take action. I'm kidding. The status of businessmen in this era is low. How can they have the courage to provoke Chen Ren? However, Chen Ren was not unreasonable and ordered to compensate those businesses afterwards.

Finally, Chen Kang regained his consciousness as soon as possible. He said to Chen Ren and Chen Yang, "Dad, big brother, what about going out to war?"

After Chen Kang's warning, Chen Ren and Chen Yang remembered that they were going to the military camp today, and they were going to fight in the afternoon. Chen Ren quickly waved his hand and said, "don't mention it! Kanger! You go to King Wu's house in person and tell your elder brother what happened here! Big things are not as important as my future grandson Chen Ren! Anyway, you and I are not in a hurry to go to the front line! What's more, send someone to Zhaojia village to inform your grandfather, second uncle and second martial uncle. It's not right. I'll go in person later! You send someone to inform all the people in Jianye city! I have a grandson, Chen Ren! Ha ha ha

In less than half an hour, the news that Chen Yang's concubine was pregnant spread throughout Jianye city. For this reason, king sun ce of Wu made an underground order to cancel all the previous expeditions. Sun CE personally went to Chen's house to congratulate him. Even Sun Jian, the former king of Wu, who had not been involved in political affairs for a long time, also came to visit him with Wu's family members. And Jianye City, the number of generals and generals to Chen Fu to congratulate people, compared to the day Chen Yang crown ceremony and marry a concubine even more grand! After all, this is Chen Ren's first grandson. If he will be born in the future, the child will be Chen Ren's eldest grandson, that is, Chen Ren's future successor. According to the current power of the Chen family, I am afraid that this unborn child will be the leader of the next generation of Soochow as long as it is not too mediocre.