The next day was the funeral ceremony.

Ji fei'er wears white clothes and kneels in front of the hall. Peony also wears white flowers and kneels beside her to sprinkle paper money.

The ministers of the fox clan were divided into two columns, one by one, offering incense and offering sacrifices to show respect.

But they really don't understand that if it's a princess, it's OK. But Yue Wuxiu is now a sinner of the fox clan. It's not too much to cut him into pieces. The emperor can even agree to let him and the princess be buried together. It's said that in the end, the Princess died, but Yue Wuxiu didn't hurt. It's too cheap for him to die so easily.

Think about the emperor, but there is always a trace of love in his father. Since the emperor and empress don't care about anything, what can they say? Yue Wuxiu even wants to rebel. It's lucky that things don't involve them. How dare you say more? Besides, people are dead. Now it's just a ceremony.

Soon all the ceremonies were over and the funeral began.

Ji fei'er watched the coffin go away, but she didn't follow her. Mother, our mother daughter relationship is over. I hope you can get happiness in another world.

Looking at Peony so hard in helping to deal with things, she painfully went to support her, "you are not well hurt, go back to have a good rest, this kind of thing does not need to trouble you."

"It doesn't matter. I'm much better now, and I'm your good sister. I share happiness and difficulties. In this case, I can't let you face all this alone, so I must be with you."

Ji fei'er was very moved. "Peony, I feel ashamed to think that I misunderstood you before. You are so kind to me. Anyway, I shouldn't doubt you. I'm so sorry for you."

"It's all over, and I've forgotten. What else do you want to do with it?" Peony a face magnanimous appearance, is to let Ji Fei son have a good impression to her very much, the guilt feeling in the heart is more deep.

"Thank you, peony." Ji fei'er is so moved that she really trusts peony now.

Peony in order to save her hurt shed so much blood, and she even suspected her, she risked her life to find the month no repair for antidote, she still don't trust her, the more think more feel oneself is really too bastard, so doubt good people will be retributed.

"We are good sisters. Why are we so polite? If you are so strange to me again, I will be angry!"

"Good." Ji fei'er holds her hand tightly. She feels that she will never forget the sisterhood in her life.

"By the way, things have been dealt with. Should we leave for the imperial capital as soon as possible?"

Ji fei'er shakes her head. "No, there's one more thing to deal with. Yuewuxiu is dead. The Fox family can't live without the person who is in charge of the overall situation. Now, although Xiaobai is in charge of the Fox family, he can't be here all the time, can he? The emperor can't do without him, and other royal affairs also need him to deal with, so we should choose a fox king as soon as possible and lead the fox people to the right path. "

"Has that been chosen?"

"Well Not yet. In fact, I already have a candidate, but Xiaobai doesn't agree with me. "

Peony immediately understand a probably, "you say of person, can't be vision Xuan childe?"

She is clearly asking, at present, can let Su Li Mei angry people, in addition to the vision Xuan who can also have.

"Yes, his mother is a long princess, who has royal blood, and he is upright and kind-hearted. I believe if he is the fox king, it must be a good choice."

She thought peony would support her very much, but she didn't want Peony's disapproval.

"Fei'er, you've gone too far. How can you make such a request to Mei? He must be very angry, isn't he?"

"He is a little angry. Why do you say that? I do this just for our good, quickly solve all the things can quickly go back, so will recommend Jingxuan, not because of any personal relationship

"You may not know that men who fall in love don't have so much sense to speak of. Anyway, this time, I'm not on your side. In the future, you'd better not mention the name of Jingxuan. It's good for both of you."

Peony really felt that she was not worthy of being with such a good man. It was not enough for her to have the favor of Su Li Mei. She went to provoke Jing Xuan. Now she said that she was right. She was so shameless.

Ji fei'er doesn't understand Peony's idea. She feels very aggrieved, because she really puts forward opinions for everyone's sake. Why does every time she mentions Jingxuan, it turns out to be like this?

"Well, well, can't I never mention him again?" She puffed up her mouth in anger. Hum, after that, she didn't care about anything. She was just happy.

But for Ji fei'er, she is really afraid of anything. She has just promised peony that she won't have any trouble with Jingxuan. Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, the eldest princess comes here to look for her, and her face is still full of tears. She looks very urgent.As soon as she saw her, the princess knelt down on the ground, "Feiyan, I beg you, help Jingxuan, help my son."

"What happened to Jingxuan?" After all, human life matters. She regards Jingxuan as her friend and naturally doesn't want him to have anything to do with her.

"After we went back that day, he was very weak. He didn't take any medicine or food. He was already broken. He said that he would rather die than see you. Now he is in a coma. You are the only one who can save him."

Hearing that Jingxuan's situation was so dangerous, he was very worried, but

"He's in poor health. Why don't he go to the imperial doctor? And I can't see a doctor. I can't help you. "

"He can't even feed the medicine now, and he will spit it out after taking it. The imperial doctor said that he was dying. He said that he didn't have the will to survive. He always called your name, Fei Yan. I beg you. Go to see him. Anyway, he wanted to save you, so he became like this." The long princess's face is very haggard. It seems that she must have been worried these two days.

Peony pulled her sleeve and whispered, "fei'er, don't forget what you just said. You can't have any relationship with Jingxuan any more. Mei loves you so much that you can't hurt his heart."

"I..." Ji fei'er also thinks that if the imperial doctor can't solve the problem of illness, she won't be able to help. Moreover, if she goes to meet Jingxuan, Su Limei will be very unhappy. She wants to refuse. It's a bit hard to see the princess.

"Brother Wang is no longer here. I have only one family member in the world, Jingxuan. If something happens to him, I don't want to live." The princess looked desperate.

"Fei'er, Mei is dealing with things with the Minister of fox clan in the main hall. If he doesn't come back to see you, do you know what will happen?" Peony continued to remind her.

"Fei Yan..." The eldest princess kowtowed to her, "I know I did a lot of things I'm sorry for you before. I'm a sinner. As long as you are willing to save my son, I'm willing to exchange one life for another. I'll die here now!"

She took out a dagger from her sleeve to commit suicide. Fortunately, Ji fei'er reacted in time and stopped her.

She has also made up her mind, "aunt, don't do stupid things. I'd like to see cousin Jingxuan with you."

"Fei'er, you..." Peony wants to say something else, but Ji fei'er pulls her aside.

"Jingxuan saved my life, and he became like this because of me. Do you really want me to watch him die? My mother just left. I really can't bear too much pain. " It's never her Ji fei'er's character that she can't save her life.

"But, charm him..."

"I know that he is now in the main hall, because he will have a lot of things to choose a new Fox king. He won't know if I leave for a while. I don't want to make him unhappy, but I can't watch Jingxuan have an accident, so I hope you can help me hide it. I promise you, I'll go to see him, and I'll be back soon."

"All right then!" Peony a face embarrassed appearance, but still nodded.

"I went to see Jingxuan just for the friendship between friends. There's absolutely no other reason. Don't get me wrong."

"I know. You can go without worry. I won't tell you."

Ji fei'er goes out with the princess. Peony looks at her back, and her eyes are full of evil light. Ji fei'er, this time you are looking for your own death, so don't blame me.

Oh Hiding secrets for her? How could it be her peony style to conceal her tryst with other men.

The more she was afraid that she would let him know.

She tried her best to use yuewuxiu to get rid of Ji fei'er, which also aroused their suspicion. Now she can only use other ways to achieve her goal. She won't give up anything that can hit Ji fei'er.

What's more, she is so nice. She says that the people she loves are only long distance away from the charm, but she is so worried about Jingxuan. Do you really think her peony is so easy to cheat? This kind of rotten reason is just an excuse to cover up her fickleness.

If Su Li Mei knows, what is the consequence of his beloved wife giving him a red apricot? Can a person with such high self-esteem like him continue to love and tolerate her as if nothing had happened?

Why can they all be so happy? She's the only one. She's excellent and hardworking, but in Su Li Mei's eyes, Ji fei'er is the only one. She lost to Zixuan before, and now she's trampled by Ji fei'er. She's not willing to be a supporting role. She will get everything she wants in her own way. And the biggest capital she can use is their trust in her.


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