Mo yuan didn't come to Yunxiao hall for a long time. Either he was in his own Weiyang palace, or he went down to the world to look for Su Limei and ask for information.

The emperor, who had just left the hall, was so tired that he was ready to go back to the hall.

The visitors are dressed in white as snow, with long hair as ink. They are beautiful and lofty, noble and indifferent.

With a wave of his hand, the emperor flew out of the Dragon chair and fell heavily on the ground, which scared him out of his mind.

What kind of trouble is Moyuan going to make this morning?

Mo yuan stood there, like an eternal statue, but a beautiful statue. Looking at Su Li Mei, he can lose his soul with one look. However, Mo yuan has an inviolable smell all over his body, as if any magic barrier will be completely purified in front of him.

He just glanced at the emperor, but gave him endless pressure, "I have given you five hundred years, and now you have no whereabouts of the spirit. Are your heavenly soldiers and generals furnishings?"

It turns out that It turned out that because of this, the emperor was a little relieved. He thought it was mo Yuan who knew something, or Peony who poked something. Don't think about it. Now peony lives like a fish in water. She doesn't want to be famous, but she has already occupied all the scenery. There should be no dissatisfaction.

"My Lord, Xiao Wang has sent 50000 heavenly soldiers to search the lower boundary, but there is still no news. Maybe he has already died long ago." He doesn't dare to offend Mo yuan easily. Mo yuan is a God in the fairyland. Although he doesn't care much about the secular world, he only likes Qingxiu. It's good to have such a person with a name. Doing nothing can also have a deterrent effect. Thousands of years ago, if he could help them, they would not lose so badly.

But on the other hand, if Mo yuan did, it would be his death, because Zixuan was mo yuan's Apprentice.

"Nonsense, how can Su Li Mei die? Even if he wants to die, I should kill him myself. It's clear that you are not good at doing things." On Mo yuan's indifferent and handsome face, green tendons appear on his forehead. No one would have thought that he would lose control for a woman. He has always been the most noble and indifferent person in people's eyes. Even if heaven and earth were destroyed, he would not frown and have a trace of emotion.

Emperor Si secretly complained that he couldn't find Su Li Mei, and he couldn't help it. At that time, Su Li Mei jumped down from zhuxiantai with Zixuan. Later, although he ran away, he was covered with blood, and was severely damaged by 100000 heavenly soldiers, so he was almost immortal. But looking at Mo yuan like this, he did not dare to reply too perfunctorily.

"Yes, Xiao Wang must step up the supervision. Even if Su Li Mei died, he would have to find his body in all three realms."

So he should be satisfied? But he didn't want Mo yuan to stand still. He didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to leave casually. He secretly gritted his teeth in his heart. Damn it, he is the most noble Immortal Emperor. Now he has to be angry with him. He can't wait to die. It's better for them to fight each other. At that time, they will lose both. That's just what he wants.

"You'd better hurry. I don't have much patience."

The three realms are so big that it must be looking for a needle in a haystack if he can find it alone. So he asked the emperor to send heavenly soldiers to help him find it, but there was no result all the time. No wonder he ran out of patience.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Wang must find out Su Li's charm quickly, and let you be angry."

Mo yuan was a little satisfied at last, but he was satisfied in his heart. His eyes were still indifferent, and there was no change.

"I want to ask you one more thing."

"Yes, if you ask, Xiao Wang will tell you everything."

"You should know peony, right?"

Hearing the name of peony, the emperor has subconsciously got goose bumps all over his body. It's nothing else, just two words - guilty.

Mention other names, he would not be so afraid, just because peony is the only one who knows his secret, no matter whether she will say it or not, no matter whether he believes in him or not, he will always feel guilty.

Since Mo yuan asked, he must have known something. If he said he didn't know him, he would be suspicious, so he nodded.

"It's just a fairy serving Xiao Wang."

"Serve?" Mo yuan looked at him coldly, "you are so worried about a little fairy e, not only allowing her to enter and leave the fairyland freely, but also sending someone to meet her after she comes back?"

"This This... " Xiandi shivered. How could he know these things?

He didn't dare to think about it, so he nodded, "Xiao Wang is special to her, because he looks at the face of Zixuan fairy. The fairy is your apprentice. The peony made friends with the fairy. After the fairy passed away, Xiao Wang felt guilty, felt sorry for the fairy, and even more sorry for you, so he wanted to make more compensation for peony. It's not that she's allowed to go in and out of the fairyland freely, but that she's given an official post of purchasing fairies. She goes to the lower world to carry out the purchasing task every once in a while. "Mo yuan's unchanging face finally showed an expression, but it was a strange expression. He looked at Xiandi sarcastically, "are you sure she's going shopping?"

The Immortal Emperor didn't quite understand what he meant. "Peony comes down to the world in the face of the king, and when he reaches the task, he can return to the fairyland. It's also regarded as going down to the world to experience and do good deeds, which is helpful to practice. Xiao Wang doesn't know what respect means."

Although he didn't understand it, he knew that Mo yuan didn't say it casually. He must have known something. In fact, he didn't feel at ease with peony. When he heard this, he also wanted to know something about it.

"Did she tell you that she came down to meet a demon?"

The Immortal Emperor was stunned and looked at him in surprise. He didn't have time to think about it. He said directly, "No."

He didn't have the courage to say that he was flustered, because Mo yuan was crazy to find Su Limei. Now there is news of the demon world, and Mo yuan will not miss it.

"It seems that this woman's mind is really deep. Knowing that I want to find Su Li Mei, she dares to kill the demon she meets? What does she mean by that? "

Xiandi shivered. He was innocent. He didn't know what peony wanted to do, and he didn't tell him what happened after he came out of the fairyland. Because there are too many secrets in Peony's hands, he can only offer them as if they were ancestors, just because he is afraid that Moyuan will see the clue. At first, I thought that Moyuan would protect peony in Zixuan's face, but now it doesn't look like that at all.

"This Xiao Wang doesn't know. Why don't you call peony and ask her what's going on? "

Mo yuan's face is still indifferent, but her voice is a little bit cold, "no matter what the reason is, she dares to kill the clue, that is a death sentence."

Looking at the peony, she couldn't believe it She is a good sister of Zixuan fairy. "

"That's just one side of her story. She should be punished for her crimes."

After the emperor was surprised, he was delighted. "I'll leave this matter to Xiao Wang. I'll follow your orders."

Now it's Mo yuan's order. Mo yuan forces him to kill peony. That's great. When he is executed, peony is not there. She has no chance to reveal the secret. He has endured peony for a long time. This is a good chance.

He just got up to leave, finish it quickly, and do it without leaking. When the time comes, the peony will be gone, and no one will threaten him any more. Moyuan Zun finally did a wise thing.

But Mo yuan stopped him. "Did I ask you to do it immediately?"

The Immortal Emperor has a surprised expression on his face. He says it's him who beat down Xiantai, and it's him who says he's not allowed to do it. What kind of trouble do you want?

"What do you mean, please make it clear."

Mo yuan looked at him with an enigmatic expression. "Even if she wants to die, she has to take the lead in completing her mission and then die. After five hundred years of searching, she has not found the entrance to the demon world. The only possibility is that powerful magic power has been laid around the demon world to make the border, so the heavenly soldiers have not found it. But on Peony's body, unexpectedly floated a regiment powerful demon breath

"What?" The emperor was surprised and cried out, "do you think peony has fallen into immortality?"

"It's not like that. The evil spirit in her body is because she gets along with thousands of demons. Although she has deliberately covered up before she comes back, I can still see it. She said that when she came down to earth, she only met two demons, which was a lie. "

"Why How could that be? " The emperor knew that Moyuan never joked when he spoke. It was true. But he didn't understand how peony, a little fairy with poor magic power, could be linked with the demon world. She was not afraid that she would be swallowed by thousands of demons to improve her cultivation?

"It seems that over the years, she has no little contact with the demon world, otherwise she would not have such a strong demon atmosphere."

I can't see anything from the cultivation of the emperor. It can only be discovered by the ancient gods like Moyuan. If he hadn't said it, he would not have imagined that peony was

When Zixuan was still alive, she was free to enter and leave the fairyland because of the love and flattery of the Immortal Emperor. She also took peony out with her. Later, peony told him that Zixuan had an affair with demons, which led to the war between demons thousands of years ago. If peony knows so much, I must have seen them with my own eyes. In fact Is peony the one who knows Su Li Mei?

The meaning of Moyuan Zun is that she has a strong spirit of demons. That is to say, she has been in the demon world all these days. Is she still alive? What is the reason for her frequent contact with demon world? Give Su Li Mei the news of the fairyland, and then let him fight heaven to eradicate them at one stroke?


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