In the middle of the journey, there is a purple light flying out, stiffly blocking the distance between him and Ji fei'er. He is caught off guard, and his body is bouncing away and falling on the edge of the pool, becoming a human shape.

"Moyuan!" Damn, it's Mo Yuan who made the ghost. He must have tortured Fei Er like this. Now he's still preventing him from saving people.

"Su Li Mei, you dare to come here. After I killed this woman, you will die. Now you dare to come here by yourself. Zixuan, I can take revenge for you today. If you kill these adulterers and prostitutes who killed you, you will be able to rest in peace. "

"Mo yuan, are you crazy? How can you treat fei'er like this? What's the matter? You come to me. Even if you kill me, I don't have any opinion. She's just a woman with no power to bind a chicken. How can you torture her so hard?"

There is mo yuan blocking in front of him. Su Li Mei is very anxious. Looking at Ji fei'er's miserable appearance, his heart is broken and his whole body is shaking.

He could not imagine what terrible torment his little woman had experienced during his absence.

This is his bad, if he can break the seal as soon as possible, and come to save her as soon as possible, the worst, they can still die together, even if they die, he will not let others torture her, let her bear such pain.

Looking at Ji fei'er like that, Su Li Mei can no longer control her reason.

But he's not the only one crazy?

"Ha ha, she's innocent? Is she pathetic? Why don't you think about it for Zixuan? What kind of mood did she jump to zhuxiantai in those years? Can you imagine the pain of being divided by life and being scattered? I'm just giving you all the money you owe Zixuan. Su Li Mei, what's the right to criticize me like that? "

"Moyuan, you are crazy!" Su Li Mei can't believe that he will become like this. Mo yuan is just like a devil in front of him.

"Cut the crap and get out of the way." He can't manage so much, what he is thinking about is his little woman. Seeing that she is locked in the cold ice pool without any life, the seven Jue fan comes out of his hand. He wants to escape from the ink abyss for a while, and save Ji fei'er first.

But Mo yuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. How can he succeed?

Looking at the colorful firefly fan, this is Su Li Mei's top magic weapon, Qijue fan. A bloodthirsty smile appeared in his eyes. "Su Li Mei, you are finally willing to fight with me."

Su Li Mei's eyes are cold and terrible. "Mo yuan, I don't want to fight you, because Zixuan, you are the one Zixuan respects. If you are hurt, she will be very sad. But what do I get from my forbearance over and over again? You dare to hurt my fei'er, Mo yuan. Since I'm here today, Su Li Mei doesn't intend to go back alive You've tormented fei'er like this. I'll get it back from you. "

At this time, his skill did not recover at all. He knew that he was not Mo yuan's opponent at all, but he was a man. Even if he tried his best to protect his beloved woman, even if he died, he would keep their promise.

"Shut up, you are not qualified to mention Zixuan!"

The indifferent and noble zunshen is just like a bloodthirsty devil, holding the frost free sword and stabbing Su Li Mei directly.

Now, Su Li Mei has no choice. If he doesn't beat himself, he will never have the chance to save Fei Er. It's time for him and Mo yuan to make an end.

But soon, he found that Mo yuan's skill is not much better than him.

These days, he tortures Ji fei'er crazily, fearing that she will die, and constantly sends her aura and immortal power. He's wasting most of his cultivation. He really doesn't know who is crazier than who.

Two people fight inseparable, at this time, snow and snow finally came to the dungeon.

Qingxue is the first to see the tiny figure locked in the cold pool. She screams out in surprise, "fei'er, that's fei'er."

Snow velvet this saw beat two figures of life and death, bad, respect and demon king unexpectedly fight.

Both of them were very anxious.

Qingxue is about to rush past regardless. She wants to save Ji fei'er, but her body just touches the water of the cold ice pool. A burst of heartbreaking pain comes, and she utters a scream.

Snow down quickly picked her up, "you are crazy, this water can corrode people's skin and flesh, how can you go on so low cultivation?"

What Corroding human flesh? Qingxue looks at her red and swollen feet, then turns her eyes to Ji fei'er, who is imprisoned inside. Her heart trembles heavily, "she..."

She just came across a little bit and became like this. Then she couldn't imagine what kind of pain it was to immerse her whole body in the water.

Qingxue's voice was trembling. "The devil, you are the devil. How can he treat fei'er like this? Fei'er, I've come to save you."

She doesn't care. Even if it's painful, she doesn't care. How can she watch fei'er suffer there? She tries her best to get rid of Xuerong and is about to rush to her. Soon she is dragged back by Xuerong. "Qingxue, don't, with your cultivation, you will die if you go in.""Let go of me. Fei'er is suffering there. I'm going to save her. Let go of me!" Qingxue is crying and struggling.

"Snow, calm down!" Snow down shook her body hard, "you don't move here, I'll save her, you wait here, I'll save her right away."

Mo yuan, who is fighting with Su Li Mei, finds this situation and roars out, "Xuerong, do you want to betray me?"

He wants to rush to stop him, but he is stopped by sulaimei. Sulaimei knows that Xuerong helps them, so he must hold down Moyuan and buy time for him.

How can Xue Rong say that he has been practicing with Mo yuan since he was a child? His accomplishments are not low. But after he goes down to the pool, he also takes a breath of cold air.

The pain Really is not a person can stand, but he is a man, he promised snow will save Ji Fei son, he will do.

Biting his teeth, he insisted. Step by step, he finally came to Ji fei'er. It turned out that he could only see her hair covered with blood. But looking at her so closely, Xue Rong took a breath of air.

How could it be so miserable!

She had no good appearance. The most terrible thing was that the two thick cold iron chains that went deep into the lute bone penetrated her body and nailed her firmly to the wall behind her.

Ji fei'er's eyes are closed, and her face is pale, as if she has lost the breath of life. Xuerong even suspects that she is dead.

Whether it's life or death, even if it's a corpse, he's going to transport it out.

Mo yuan is really angry, and his body moves quickly, but he is tightly entangled by Su Li Mei, which makes him have no time to separate himself.

"Mo yuan, don't you admit that you have done wrong? Even the people in your palace are not on your side. "

This words is to enrage him thoroughly, really hateful, this snow down even dare not listen to his words, really deserve to die!

His attack was more fierce, so he immediately calmly dealt with it.

How to save Ji fei'er is a big problem. The most important thing is how to untie the two chains on her lute bone.

At that time, how did the chain get up? After Mo yuan controlled Ji fei'er, Sheng Sheng pierced it alive with magic power. That kind of pain is not like death.

But now, the situation seems to be more serious.

Because the cold of the ice pool doesn't bleed so much. The thick iron chain has penetrated her lute bone for a long time, so the result is that now the chain has been deeply embedded in the skin and flesh, and has almost grown together with the skin and flesh. If it is forced out by the spirit force at this time, Xue Rong's heart will tremble

Qingxue doesn't understand his worries, and shouts at the edge of the pool, "Xuerong, hurry up."

Xuerong trembles and reaches out his hand, and the mana condenses in his palm.

All of a sudden, Su Li Mei felt something. He looked at it and felt Xuerong's intention. There was a panic in his heart. No It's too cruel. Fei'er can't stand it. Absolutely not.

He was so distracted that he gave Mo yuan a chance to take advantage of it. He escaped the fatal sword, but he didn't escape the hand of Mo yuan.

Su Limei fell from the air, and blood gushed from the corner of his mouth. His wound had not been healed, and his palm was badly hurt.

But he completely regardless of his physical condition, want to find Ji Fei son, Mo yuan stopped in front of him, eyes cold, "today, you don't want to leave here."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Xuerong was sucked straight out of the pool and fell on the ground. Qingxue was frightened, and then climbed over, "Xuerong, are you ok?"

Mo yuan's voice was cold and terrible. "Xuerong, I hate betrayers the most. I've raised you for more than 50000 years. Today, you dare to kill you because outsiders betray me."

"No." Qingxue cries and hugs Xuerong. No matter what fear, she scolds Moyuan, "you are the God of fairyland. You don't care about fairyland. You don't care about the safety of the people of the three realms. It's just because of your own enmity that fei'er has done nothing wrong. Why do you hurt her? Xuerong always remembers your kindness to him. He never wants to go against your will. He's for your own good. He's afraid that you'll fall deeper and deeper into the devil. You even want to kill him! You don't deserve to be a God in the fairyland. You don't deserve it! "

He was scolded by a little fairy maidservant pointing at his nose. He had never been insulted like this before. His hand was tightly clenched, and the storm in his eyes began to diffuse.

At this time, the tiny figure in the ice pool seems to recover a trace of consciousness, and her eyes slowly open. She seems to feel the person she has been waiting for, and the most important person in her heart is beside her.


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the characters are super exquisite, and you can have a dream of immortality, so that you can experience different scenes in the form of character scenes Reading experience, I feel very good. You can also discuss it in the circle of friends at the bottom of the book details page. If you like Princess magic, go and have a try. If you have any opinions, you can say it in the circle of friends~