"Is that true?" Ji fei'er's eyes brightened, "is it really what the hell emperor said? Why would he be willing to tell you that he has not said there is no way? "

Su Li Mei also has some doubts. Cang Ji has already said that there is no way.

"This is because he is the emperor of the underworld and is in charge of the reincarnation of the three realms. Naturally, he can't do favoritism, because I begged him for three months in the underworld, and he may be entangled by me, so he told me."

Ji fei'er had heard Su Li Mei say that Cangji was very rigid and would not do favoritism for anyone. Maybe he had a way to save Ruoxi at the beginning, but he just didn't want to say it. Later, he was moved by Shang Mo Xue's infatuation with Ruoxi and told him.

In short, hearing that Ruoxi is saved, Ji fei'er is very excited and doesn't want to manage so much. She asks eagerly, "where are the tears? Tell me how to find it. "

Although she didn't understand it, she should also know that what can bring people back to life must be a treasure. The tears must be very precious and rare, which is hard to find in the world.

"I don't know. It's said that it's in the far polar region, so I'll go there to look for it. So I hope you can take good care of Yinuo for me when I leave. I will certainly save Ruoxi."

Ji fei'er immediately nodded, "there's no problem, you don't worry about it, you must quickly find love tears, save Ruoxi."

Su Li Mei's face was not so happy. He asked, "what about the body of Ruoxi?"

"In the underworld, Cangji said that he would take good care of it for me. When I find my tears and put them on Ruoxi, I can automatically gather her spirit and help her rebirth."

"Mo Xue, I think you should also know that it will be very difficult to find this kind of treasure which is hard to find in the world. Maybe you will never find it in your life. If you insist on finding it, you will probably be in danger of your life."

"What? Life in danger? " Ji fei'er exclaimed, "isn't Mo Xue very powerful? How could it be dangerous? "

Shang Mo Xue chuckles, "yes, in addition to you, Cangji and Mo yuan, other people are not my opponents, there will be no problem, I must find love tears, save Ruoxi."

Ji fei'er looked at him with complaint, "that is, how could there be danger? You scared me with a fuss. But that's great. Ruoxi can be saved. "

Every day when she looks at xiaoyinuo and misses Ruoxi, she hears such news. How can she not be happy.

Even if it's a treasure, it's hard to find, but at least it's hopeful.

"What are you going to do next?" Su Li Mei always felt that it was not so simple. Looking at Shang Mo Xue's expression, he was more worried.

"Go to the polar regions, look for tears, when to find them, when to come back." Through the three months he spent in the temple of the underworld, we can see how strong his patience and perseverance are.

"But you have to make a plan for yourself. Although it's not totally hopeless, just in case? If you can't find it, how long will it take you? I can help you manage the wolf clan, but what about Yinuo? He was born without a mother, and even your father is not with him. What do you want him to do? "

Shang Mo Xue wry smile, "I am not a good father, I am very selfish, but charm, I have no way, without Ruoxi, I can no longer face anyone."

Ji fei'er is also a little sad. Although she says that there will be hope, the chance of hope is like looking for a needle in a haystack. She hopes Ruoxi can survive, but she has to face the cruel fact that Shangmo snow now has a promise. It's Ruoxi's responsibility to give birth to a child for him. No matter how they take care of it, it's not His own parents, it won't feel the same.

"Fei'er, you go out with Lvqi and Lvyi with a promise. I have something to say to Mo Xue."

Ji fei'er nods and doesn't investigate. If there's anything to hide from her, she's generous and believes in Su Li Mei. Xiaobai will definitely persuade Shang Mo Xue.


When they got to the room, there were only two of them, and the expression of their long lost charm finally became serious.

"Mo Xue, tell me the truth, what did Cangji tell you?"

"I've already told you that he said he wanted to find love tears. Love tears can save Ruoxi."

"No, it must be more than that. The tears are not so easy to find. Even if you find them, you will be in danger, right?"

If such a treasure is really found, it will be easily available. I'm afraid it will no longer exist.

Shang Mo Xue's expression became a little unnatural, "how can it be? I just want to save Ruoxi. "

"Mo Xue, you and I have known each other for many years. You know me, and I know you, too. But there's one thing, I know better than you. Do you think I will believe that if you pester him casually, he will be moved by you and willing to help you? If so, he is not lonely. Tell me the truth, what did Cangji tell you? Is it dangerous to look for love tearsShang Mo Xue wry smile, "sure enough, I still can't hide you."

"What's the matter?"

Shang Mo Xue sighed, "charm, you'd better not ask. I have only one wish, that is to take good care of Yinuo and help him inherit the wolf king's position in the future. Brother, I'm very grateful to Shang Mo Xue."

Su Li Mei immediately understood, "I knew that you didn't intend to come back alive. Damn, you dare to hide such a big thing from me."

"I'm sorry, I really can't help it. Don't blame Cangji. I forced him to tell me by death. Without Ruoxi, I have no meaning to live. Cangji is right. If he doesn't say that I will die, because I will die in pain, he said, I may have no regrets. Tears of love are hard to find in the world. Only those who are predestined can find them, but even if they are found, they may not be able to get them, because the ancient beasts guarding tears of love are powerful and ferocious, and we are not necessarily their opponents. "

"It's like this." Su Li Mei was obviously shocked.

It's still a problem that we can't find it. After we find it, we have to fight against the tearful beasts of ancient times. All the beasts in the polar region are powerful and powerful. Even he doesn't dare to take risks alone. Does Mo Xue want to go alone?

"Yes, no matter how hopeless I may be, I will go here."

Su Li's face sank. "This is an impossible task. Please wake me up."

"Mei, you're wrong. I've always been sober. If it wasn't for this hope, I'd have been unable to bear the missing and suffering of Ruoxi and killed myself. There would be no more Shangmo snow in this world."

"No, I can't promise. You can die for Ruoxi, but don't forget that you still have a promise. This is your son. What should he do if you die?" Su Li Mei couldn't accept the fact that he was going to die.

Shang Mo Xue shook her head in pain, "I don't want to give up Yinuo. I want to accompany him and watch him grow up, but I can only say sorry to him. Without Ruoxi, I can't face myself, let alone Yinuo. Every time I look at Yinuo, he reminds me that if Xi died for me and I killed her, I will be more painful and charming. Please help me! "

Complete? How can this be!

Shang Mo Xue is his good brother, how can he watch him die, he really can't do it!

"No, it's no use what you say. I don't care whether you are suffering or sad. For Yinuo and for all of us, you should live well." Su Li Mei roared.

Shangmo snow suddenly calmed down, "If today, things happen to you, the person who died is Fei Er, what would your choice be?"

Su Li Mei was frozen there.

If it's Fei Er Then he will be regardless of his own life and death, even if he knows it is a death, he will go regardless of everything, even if he can't find love tears, he will fight for his life until the last moment.

They are also lovers. How much he loves Ji fei'er, how much he loves Ruoxi.

He has no right to say anything about him. If things happen to him, he will also make the same choice as Shang Mo Xue. What is he doing to stop him now?

I have nothing to say.

Looking at the beautiful and high spirited wolf king in the past, now he is pale and haggard, and his brows are full of sadness, he feels very sad.

Now he and fei'er are together, and love each other happily. But Mo Xue, without her beloved woman, is not as good as death!

Su Li Mei finally made up his mind, "OK, you can go, but I want to accompany you."

He was not sure that Shang Mo Xue was alone. With his skill, he would not be able to compete with those ancient beasts. Together, they might have some chances of winning.

"No, Mei, you have your responsibility. It's my own business. I owe it to Ruoxi, so of course I have to finish it myself."

"No, this is the biggest concession I've ever made. Otherwise, you are not allowed to go. I can't watch you die alone." Su Li Mei also has his own insistence. Brothers have to face all kinds of sufferings together.

"This trip is very bad. If something happens to you, what do you want Fei Er to do?"

"I..." Thinking of Ji fei'er, Su Li's heart trembles.

"You are the emperor of the demon world. If something happens to you, what should the people of the whole demon world do?"

“……” Under the aggressive question of Shangmo snow, Su Limei has nothing to say again.

"Mei, if you really want to help me, then help me take good care of Yinuo and protect the wolf clan. This is my only wish."


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