Compared with other things, this is the most cruel blow.

She knew better than anyone what the character of sulimei was. She knew his strong possessiveness. She said to herself at that time that as long as he came to pick her up, it meant that he still cared about her. Everything before, she regarded it as a misunderstanding, and she had to believe him.

But now everything is broken.

She didn't know that she didn't really want to leave here, the place that she had been home since she came to this world. She just felt confused and couldn't face anyone any more, so she chose to escape.


When Lvyi went back to look for the hairpin, she found that there was no white jade hairpin at all. When the empress came out, she was wearing a purple gold hairpin with a pearl step. There was really no white jade hairpin.

Green meaning only think she is wrong, hurried back, but in situ, where there is Ji fei'er trace.

She turned pale with fright Where's the lady.

She was very afraid at first, then thought, she must be impatient waiting for her, so she walked around. It's all my fault. At first, I didn't expect that there was no white jade hairpin at all. I searched inside and outside, but at last I thought that I had wasted a lot of time.

Moreover, she will certainly be in the imperial palace. She is the empress of the emperor. No one dares to disrespect her.

Think of here, green meaning slightly put down her heart, began to look for the trace of Ji fei'er.

Because she really felt that nothing had happened. The lady was so lively that she must have wandered around and didn't know where to play.

She was also afraid of making a big deal, so she didn't tell anyone and went to look for it by herself.

First of all, she thought that they were going to go back. Maybe the empress had gone back by herself. She'd better go back and look for it first.

Back to the bedroom, she went directly into the inner room, and there was no sign of Ji fei'er. She secretly asked the bodyguard who had a good relationship with her, and the result was that the empress didn't come back at all.

Oh, my God, didn't you come back? Lady, where the hell is she?

Green meaning immediately turned his head, along the road to the wolf king hall to find again, this should not ah!

At this time, in the bedroom, Su Li Mei was reading the official documents, while he was reading them. Without Ji fei'er, he read the official documents all night.

In the morning, Lvqi came in to serve her. She was carrying some porridge dishes. Looking at Su Limei's official documents, she said, "emperor, let's have breakfast first. You've been busy all night. Don't be tired."

The reason why she knew it was because after she went back to her room, she thought of the green words and was not at ease. So she had been secretly watching the movement outside to see if the emperor really had a woman outside. But all night, she didn't see him go out of the room.

She is a little curious, is not green wrong, this girl will not really hallucination, right?

"Put it there first. I'm not hungry." As soon as he was ready to mark it with a pen, he suddenly found that there was no ink left, so he called out, "Lvqi, come here and give me some ink."

"Yes." Lvqi then put the food on the table not far away and asked her to come and polish it.

Looking at it is late now, she is a little strange in her heart. Why hasn't the empress come back yet? The Emperor didn't seem to interfere.

She looked at Su Li Mei, hesitated for a moment, then said, "emperor, the empress has not come back, do you want to go and have a look?"

Su Li Mei's hand froze for a moment, and then replied, "no, she can't have anything wrong with Mo Xue. Moreover, she has already said that she wants to accompany Ruoxi and Yinuo more. Maybe she doesn't want to come back."

"But, emperor, don't you miss your mother?" Lvqi always felt that the emperor's attitude became a little strange. With the emperor's previous character, she certainly could not tolerate her leaving him even for one day.

"She went to the wolf king's hall, not to other places. What do you mean, Lvqi

"No It's nothing. " Lvqi lowered her head and continued to polish.

Su Li Mei sighed, "I just hope she can do what I'm happy with. Maybe I really shouldn't tie her around all the time. In this way, it will increase her burden."

Lvqi still couldn't help saying, "emperor, you think too much. The empress never thinks that your love for her is a burden. Sometimes she is always worried about gain and loss. She is very self abased. She becomes a useless person and feels that she will drag you down. She once told a maid that every day of her life is like a dream. Her greatest happiness is to have a dream You're with me, and I can't even imagine what she would do if she lost you one day. She thinks she probably can't live

Su Li Mei turned to look at her and asked, "does Fei Er really say that?"

"How dare I deceive the emperor? What I said is true. To the empress, you are her only dependence." In fact, Lvqi expresses her importance to Ji fei'er tactfully. No matter what happened to the woman who had a late night tryst, she hopes that it can be enough. She doesn't want to see her mother's face lose her smile, and she doesn't want to see her hurt.After spending so long with Ji fei'er's master servant, she and Lvyi really like her and think that only a woman like her can be worthy of God.

Su Li Mei smiles, "well, I know."

Time went by, green has been found in the afternoon, did not find Ji Fei son, this time, she is really flustered.

No longer care, she ran back in a hurry, crying while shouting, "no good, no good, the empress is gone."

Su Li Mei also thinks Ji fei'er shouldn't come back for such a long time. As soon as she's ready to leave, he sees that Lu Yi runs back crying. When he hears the news that Ji fei'er is gone, he feels tight in his heart.

"What is missing?" His face immediately sank down and asked coldly, "don't you always accompany her?"

Lvqi is also very anxious. What's the matter.

Green meaning kneels on the ground, crying and saying, "the maid accompanies her mother in the wolf king hall. Later, the mother and the wolf king mix a word, and the mother runs out crying. Later, the mother says that she is only joking with the wolf king, and that she wants to come back. As she walks, she says that her white jade hairpin has fallen in the wolf king hall. She wants the maid to go back and look for it. When the maid comes back, she will not be in the same place."

"What did you say? Fei'er is gone. Why do you come to tell me now? "

"I'm damned. I thought that my mother was just playing, so I've been looking for her, but I haven't found her yet, so..."

Looking at Su Li Mei's terrible expression, Lvqi is afraid that the emperor will punish Lvyi in his anger. She reminds him, "emperor, it's not the time to be angry. If Lvyi doesn't protect her well, she should be found now. What's more, Niang Niang must be in the imperial palace now. She can't go out. There shouldn't be anything wrong. "

Su Li Mei took a deep breath, then looked at her coldly, "where do you say you are separated from Fei Er?"

"Huidijun is the bamboo forest not far from the wolf king hall." Green meaning answers a way quickly.

"Come, take the outside of the wolf king hall as the center, and search the whole Imperial Palace until you find the empress."

"Yes, Emperor."

Su Li Mei suddenly remembered what Lu Yi had just said. He mixed his mouth with Shang Mo Xue and cried. He asked, "what happened to empress and wolf king?"

"This In fact, it's nothing. The wolf king has been persuading her to come back since last night. After breakfast today, when she saw that she had not come back, she said whether she was playing a prank on him on purpose, and she ran out crying. But she also said that she was not angry. She was just joking with the wolf king. " Lvyi doesn't know what's going on, so she has to tell the truth.

Su Li Mei's fist clenched tightly. What did the damned Shang Mo Xue say to Fei Er? He has sent someone to find Fei Er. Now he should go to the wolf king hall and ask him.

Lvqi and Lvyi follow each other. They are also worried that Ji fei'er will really have an accident. Lvqi blames herself even more. If she can go back immediately after informing the emperor, Lvyi's temperament is always rash, and she has lost her mother. The responsibility can't be underestimated.

Now I just hope I can find the lady quickly, and don't let anything happen.


It's not easy to have a free time. Shangmoxue naturally wants to accompany his wife and children, enjoy a quiet life and happy time.

Looking at Su Li Mei coming, he wondered what was the matter between them. One had just left and the other had come. He wanted to live a good life. How could it be so difficult for him.

After approaching, he found that Su Li Mei's face was very ugly, with obvious anger, "what's the matter with Fei Er?"

Shang Mo Xue's face was baffled, "what's wrong? I didn't do anything to her."

But Ruoxi pulled his sleeve. "It's not so bad. I'll say that you shouldn't say that to fei'er. I'll make her angry and apologize to the emperor."

Shang Mo Xue didn't think so. "It's just a joke. How can you take it seriously? Fei'er is always joking with me. How can she get angry because of such a small matter? I've said that she pretends. How can she go back and complain to you? It's really not interesting. Where is she? Come here quickly. I have to enlighten her. "

Su Li's face was even more ugly. "You dare say that fei'er has disappeared!"

"What? Gone? " Shang Mo Xue and Ruoxi are nervous, "what is missing? Hasn't she gone back?"

"She didn't go back at all. When Lvyi came back, she told me that not long after she left you, she asked Lvyi to come back and take things, and then she disappeared."


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