"But if you let her out, what will she do to hurt you? That woman is so bad, but she can do everything. "

"She has been blocked by the whole world. After the incident came to light, she was criticized by all. This punishment is enough. We should leave some room in our life and not kill everything."

Although it is very reasonable to say, Katie is still unwilling to be reconciled. "You are not afraid that she will be angry and turn into anger again and do something terrible. Don't underestimate the jealousy of women."

Ji fei'er looked at her, her eyes seemed to have a kind of insight into the world. "Don't worry, she won't, no matter how selfish people will not use this to her own body, she has been ruined, but this kind of thing in the entertainment industry is just a passing cloud, after a few days, we won't pay attention to it, she can start her life again, there's no need to worry about it She hurt herself for me. "

Katie once again speechless, how do you feel that after Fei Er is pregnant, she really becomes a lot of mature.

No, when did she change, after the concussion, or now?

Ji fei'er prepares to get on the bus under the cover of Katie and her assistant. No one passes by here, and no one will recognize her. At this time, I don't know what happened. Ji fei'er suddenly stood still and refused to move forward.

"What's the matter?" Katie asked. At this time, she turned around and walked towards the nearby lawn.

Katie didn't know what she wanted to do, so she immediately followed, along with the assistants.

Ji fei'er carefully opens the grass and sees a little white snake inside. The little snake seems to be injured and covered with blood. She just lies there and doesn't know whether she is alive or dead. The moment she sees her, the little snake's body seems to have a strong vibration.

Ji fei'er's heart trembles. Somehow, she has a very familiar feeling. Before she thinks about it, Katie screams and quickly pulls Ji fei'er away. "There's a snake. There's a snake. Get rid of it quickly."

It's not that she's afraid of snakes, but Ji fei'er is afraid of snakes. She's afraid of snakes to what extent, even the pictures on TV or in books. Now it's strange to see a real snake in front of her. That's why Katie is so excited.

A courageous assistant came forward and grabbed the snake. His fingers were tightly against its seven inches. It's easy for such a small snake to survive, isn't it?

Ji fei'er is definitely looking at it. She doesn't know if it's her illusion. She finds that the red light in the snake's eyes flashes away.

The little snake is struggling desperately in the assistant's hand, but it seems to be making a weak resistance. Its eyes are so small, but Ji fei'er clearly feels that it is looking at her, and her eyes may be asking for help.

Seeing the assistant pick up the stone and prepare to kill the snake, Ji fei'er quickly stops, "wait a minute."

The assistant finally stopped, but the stone was still in his hand, as if ready to kill the snake all the time.

"It's a life anyway. How can you treat it like this? Snakes are very spiritual animals. It's better not to kill them at will. Let them go. "

The assistant nodded and quickly put the little white snake down, but he didn't rush away. He sat there and looked at Ji fei'er's face.

What kind of expression can a snake have? I don't know how, but Ji fei'er feels that the snake's eyes make her flustered.

Katie quickly pulls Ji fei'er to the direction of the car. "Let's leave here quickly. Although there are few people here, it's hard to avoid being recognized. It's not good to cause a sensation at that time."

Ji Fei Er nodded, and then the party left.

As soon as she saw that Ji fei'er wanted to leave, she swam desperately to find her. However, she was too small to keep up with them. Moreover, she was injured. She walked upstream on the rough concrete ground with more blood stains on her skin, but she refused to give up.

When Ji fei'er left, she always felt that she was about to get to the car. She looked back but didn't find anything. Katie urged her to get on the car, so she got on the car, and the car quickly started and left.

Ji fei'er looks out of the car window again. She doesn't know if she has any illusions. In her mind, she has a pair of beautiful and charming blood pupils.

In the car, Katie naturally asked strangely, "Fei Er, didn't you fear snakes most before? Why did you just let the snake go

"I'm afraid of snakes?" Fei Er's tone is not in doubt.

"Of course, before you saw the snake, you would be scared pale, you even saw the snake in the book or picture would scream, just saw a real snake, I really want to be scared to death by you, go well, what are you doing in the grass?"

"I I don't know... " Anyway, at that time, she had a kind of intuition, which led her to walk over and saw the snake in the grass. Is there any omen?I do not know why, to see the little white snake, her heart was very sad, but also a very familiar feeling.

Ji fei'er also gradually finds that after the concussion, everything becomes more and more abnormal. Every night, those strange dreams, such as the man in white who claims to be her husband, and the two lovely dolls who call her mother, now she will meet a snake that makes her look trance in broad daylight. Is the sequela of concussion really so serious?

Katie can't take it anymore. "Fei Er, that's the snake you're afraid of most!"

It's instinctive. It can't be changed just like other things.

Katie is right. In her memory, she was really afraid of snakes. Now she thinks about those boa constrictors with big mouth, and King Cobra and rattlesnake that can kill people with a bite. She still has goose bumps in her heart, but she doesn't feel that way when she thinks about the little white snake just now.

Ji fei'er didn't know how to explain, "this Maybe it's because the snake is too small and beautiful to be disgusted

She even used the word "beautiful" to describe a snake. Well, in short, Katie was once again refreshed by her world outlook.

In a word, fei'er really changed a lot after she woke up this time. Many things are a little unclear.

Katie's attention finally did not focus on the snake. She looked at Ji fei'er and asked softly, "do you really think about it?"

"What do you want?"

"Naturally, I'm married to the president. He has been waiting for your answer." She's the only one who's worried. She's beautiful and handsome. Especially this handsome guy is super rich and has good looks. She's a perfect match for fei'er.

Ji fei'er was embarrassed. "Today I went to the company to talk to the president."

"Don't you Are you trying to turn down the president? "

Ji fei'er shook her head slightly, but her expression was melancholy. "Sister Katie, I've been dreaming about two lovely babies these nights. They say they are my children. I know it's just a dream. Maybe I really like children. I feel very warm when I see their smiles. You're right. In this society full of public opinion, If I can't give my baby a complete home, then they won't be happy when they grow up. Even for the sake of children, I can't be willful any more. "

Well, no matter what it's about, it's a little bit off, and Katie finally let go.

"If only you could think like this, you are still young and not suitable for so many things. It is enough for women to have a man who loves you, marry and have children."

Ji fei'er nodded. Yes, according to this society, the most important thing in a woman's life is these. In a short period of decades, what is she not satisfied with?

But the uneasiness in her heart made her invisible. She even had a feeling that she was out of tune with the modern society, as if she should not belong here at all.

Sure enough, it's still because of concussion.

All the abnormality begins after she wakes up. Ji fei'er attributes it to her own physical trauma. She should not think about those strange things any more, for the sake of her baby and her future life.

Ye Heng is really an excellent man. He is gentle and considerate. After the hospital incident, he finally meets her again several days later. Ye Heng knows that Katie will not let him down. As long as it's really for Ji fei'er's good, he won't disturb her and give her time to think about it.

Looking at now she finally stood in front of him, ye Heng showed a warm smile like the spring breeze, "fei'er, are you better?"

"All right." Ji fei'er clenches her hands and feels nervous.

Katie had already got out of the door wisely, and then closed the door for them.

Now that the window paper has been "pierced", ye Heng doesn't have to keep a distance from her like before. He comes forward and holds her hand. Ji fei'er subconsciously wants to break free, but ye Heng tries to make her escape. Ji fei'er finally remembers her decision and lets him hold it.

"President, I..." She was very nervous and didn't know what to say, because ye Heng's enthusiasm was very obvious.

"Why are you so unfamiliar now? Call me Heng. I want to hear you call me by my name." He looks at Ji fei'er with a gentle smile and tries not to scare her. After two years of love, he finds that he has nothing to do with her at all. Now, he doesn't want to wait any longer. As long as he can get her, he will do whatever it takes.


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the characters are super exquisite, and you can have a dream of immortality, so that you can experience different scenes in the form of character scenes Reading experience, I feel very good. You can also discuss it in the circle of friends at the bottom of the book details page. If you like Princess magic, go and have a try. If you have any opinions, you can say it in the circle of friends~