Katie comforted her, "well, maybe it's just playing and running out. It'll be back soon. Don't worry."

But Ji fei'er still looks like she's lost. She's really worried. If Xiao Bai just disappears and never comes back, then she She felt that she could not accept the result at all.

It's also strange how long she has been with little white snake. She has such deep feelings.

Katie put her breakfast on the table, and without looking at it, she said, "leave it alone and have breakfast."

I haven't seen anyone reply for a long time. When she turns around, she only hears the door "bang". Ji fei'er runs out!

What the hell is she doing? Katie couldn't care. She opened the door and ran after her.

"Xiaobai, where are you? Come out soon. Don't let me worry." Ji fei'er is in a hurry and shouts. When she sees the grass and shrubs, she takes a look and thinks that maybe she can find the little white snake.

Katie caught up with her and held her. "Fei'er, you ran out without a coat. What if you catch a cold? Come back with me."

"Sister Katie, I need to find Xiaobai. I'm worried that she will be bullied or killed as before. I have to get her back."

"It ran out on its own. If it wants to come back, it will come back naturally. It's so big here. Who knows where it has gone? You can't find it like this."

Little white snake is so big that it's not conspicuous at all. It's impossible to find it by yourself.

Looking at Ji fei'er's appearance that she still doesn't want to go back, Katie has to say, "if you have to look for it, you have to go back and put on some clothes before you look for it. If you are sick, what about the baby in your stomach? Do you really want to get sick because taking medicine during pregnancy can have a bad effect on your child

Ji fei'er is obviously worried about her baby, so she has to go back with Katie first.

Little white snake disappeared, Ji fei'er began to become flustered, and was in no mood to do anything.

But at this time, ye Heng's plot began to brew.

He was very happy to learn that the annoying snake had disappeared. It seemed that God was helping him.

But on the surface, he naturally wanted to comfort her, "fei'er, that snake is not worth worrying about. You saved its life. Now that it is well hurt, it will leave you directly. It is ungrateful and not worth worrying about."

"No, it's not like that. Xiaobai is always good. I think something must have happened to him."

Xiaobai is not an ordinary snake. It's very human. She thinks it can understand her every time she talks. Every night, she will stay in the brocade box and sleep. It can't disappear suddenly.

But now that it's gone, Ji fei'er is very worried, but she doesn't think it's because she's cured. She thinks something must have happened to it.

"What can happen? It's a snake. Naturally it has its own life. Maybe it doesn't like to stay with people at all, so it goes to its jungle. You should be happy for it. "

"Is that so?"

"Of course, don't be upset. Tomorrow we are going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage. It's a good day. I hope you can be happy. Otherwise, people in the Civil Affairs Bureau will see that I'm forcing you to get married."

Isn't it? He is forcing marriage, strictly speaking, cheating marriage.

Taking advantage of Ji fei'er's simplicity and softness, as well as her baby

Can't find little white snake, Hear ye Heng say so again, her mood obviously more lost.

However, this loss can be covered up by the excuse of Xiaobai's loss, and it won't make her so embarrassed.

Looking at Ye Heng's gentle expression, Ji fei'er thinks that no matter what, tomorrow is a beginning and an end.

Ye Heng is so kind to her, she really can't hesitate to hurt him any more.

There was a smile on her face. "OK."

Maybe little white snake is really just a little passer-by in her life. As ye Heng said, it also has its own life. She shouldn't have forced it to stay. Now it's healed, so she left quietly.

Little white snake left, she is very sad, but there is no way, can only comfort themselves.

Ye Heng looked at her bulging abdomen, feeling very dazzling, pretending to ask, "is the result of the birth examination out? How are the children? "

Ji fei'er immediately shook her head when she heard him ask about the child. "Sister Katie said that she hasn't come out yet. Now I'm really worried about whether something will happen to the child. It's only two months. Why is my stomach so big? I'm so afraid of what abnormal phenomenon it is."

Ye Heng's eyes are more profound. Katie has told him the prenatal examination results. The children are OK, and they are very healthy. They are twins.

This obviously made him even more unhappy. He wanted to get rid of it immediately. It was too late for him not to be his child.Ye Heng looked at her and nodded, "yes, I think it's strange. Is there any bad phenomenon? Normally, it shouldn't happen."

Ji fei'er really changed his face. "Ah, if the baby is really unhealthy, what should I do? It won't be like that, will it?"

Ye Heng didn't worry. "It doesn't matter. We are still young. If we can't keep our children, we will have them in the future."

What he said was so quiet, but Ji fei'er's ears were very harsh. She loved her children very much and could not lose him.

"What do you mean?" She was very unhappy, and her voice couldn't be controlled.

Ye Heng found that he was just excited and almost let out his mouth. He quickly comforted her, "fei'er, I just don't want you to worry. You don't have to think about it any more. The child will be OK. Even if there is something, in my heart, your health is more important than the child."

Ji fei'er didn't buy it. "My child can't have an accident. The baby is my life. I've been looking forward to the baby's birth. I put all my hopes on him. If the baby has an accident, I won't live."

Ji fei'er is very serious. In her mind, she loves this child very much. It seems that she has been waiting for a long time and looking forward to it for a long time. For her, this child is more important than her life.

But ye Heng didn't pay much attention to it. He thought that she was just talking about it. Even if the child didn't have her, what else could she do? Could she really look for life and death?

At that time, the child will take her away, but it will be better to cry for two days. What else can happen.

"Fei'er, don't say that. If something happens to you, what can I do? You attach so much importance to children, but in my heart, you are the most important person in my life."

He looked at Ji fei'er's beautiful face, attractive red lips, especially those eyes full of water mist because of worry. He only felt that his throat was tight.

However, he can't act rashly now for fear of scaring her again.

Tomorrow, after tomorrow, two people go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate to register, and she will really become his woman. No matter what he wants to do to her, she can no longer have the reason to refuse. Legally, they are husband and wife.

Ji fei'er looked at his affectionate eyes, but it really didn't look like that kind of frenzy before. Her vigilance and exclusion also relaxed a little. She nodded gently, "Heng, thank you."

"Silly girl, how can you say thank you to me? You are my favorite woman. No matter what I do for you, I am willing to do. After we get married, I will make you the happiest woman in the world. You just need to be a good wife to be husband and son."

That kind of life is probably a kind of peaceful happiness. Although it's not what she wants, in the future, if the baby can have a complete family, ye Heng can be happy, and the rest is not important.

Is Ji fei'er going to sacrifice her heart to help others?

She now finds that she seems to have no hope in this lonely world, no parents, no relatives, even friends do not dare to make, Ivy's things have broken her heart, so the only most important person is her baby.

There is also sister Katie who has always been concerned about her. Of course, there is Ye Heng

Her child is a kind of unspeakable love. To Ye Heng and Katie, she just wants to thank them for their efforts.

She is suddenly a little lucky that she is a person, not the immortal immortals and Demons mentioned in the TV series, because she is a person, whose life span is only a few decades, and it's gone in the blink of an eye. Since she has no other hope in this world, she can only use the rest of her life to repay those who are good to her and have paid for her.

If she really has an immortal life span, maybe she really needs to think about changing her decision. In such a long life, let her face a person she doesn't love and a responsibility. She can't bear the pain.

But she didn't know it was. She was not a mortal, but an immortal. Her soul was Zixuan in the fairyland.

She lost her memory and her mana was temporarily sealed because her soul was badly damaged. In the future, she will definitely recover her memory and think of her identity and her favorite man.

Therefore, her promise to marry Ye Heng does not mean that everything will be OK. Everything is not the end, but the beginning of another dispute.

If she knows that her guilt and trust in Ye Heng is a deception in the end, his purpose is to hurt her baby. I believe Ji fei'er can't let him do it even if he lives.


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the characters are super exquisite, and you can have a dream of immortality, so that you can experience different scenes in the form of character scenes Reading experience, I feel very good. You can also discuss it in the circle of friends at the bottom of the book details page. If you like Princess magic, go and have a try. If you have any opinions, you can say it in the circle of friends~