"Just because he is the blood of my Ye family, do you think you can leave with your children? You're a whim. "

Ji fei'er's whole body trembles with anger. She never thought that ye Heng, who was gentle and considerate to her before, would become like this. Originally, everything was OK. Suddenly, everything turned into nothing. It's really ironic.

Ye Heng said enough. Suddenly he came forward and held her in his arms. "Fei'er, don't leave me. I love you. I can't lose you. If you leave, I will be crazy."

Ji fei'er is numbly held by him, and suddenly feels that such a life is really a torment.

After drinking wine all night, ye Heng is very uncomfortable. When he gives vent again, he feels a tumult in his stomach. He lets go of Ji fei'er and rushes to the bathroom. He vomits all over the place.

Listening to his heartrending cough, Ji fei'er sighs, then goes into the bathroom and pats him on the back.

Maybe she shouldn't have told him too much just now. He was already drunk like that. The more she said it, the more excited he was. What was she worrying about with a drunk man.

However, things suddenly become quite chaotic, so she really can't accept it.

Ji fei'er runs to the living room to pour him a glass of water and hands it to him. After vomiting, ye Heng is a little more comfortable. He sits on the ground with a dull expression.

Ji fei'er looks at the back of his bleeding hand and frowns, but he doesn't seem to feel pain at all.

No matter what, she can't ignore him, just let him bleed like that. She sighed in her heart, and then came forward to pull him up. Ye Heng didn't mean to resist. She stood up with her strength, and then she pulled him to the direction of the living room sofa.

She found the medicine box and began to help him clean up the wound. The wound seemed to be a bit serious. She still remembered that he hit the wall with his fist so hard just now, and there was so much blood flowing. Should he go to the hospital?

You can't play 120. An identity like Ye Heng will cause a sensation. Even if he goes to see a doctor, he must go to Huanqiu private hospital. You'd better call sister Katie and let her do something about it.

Ji fei'er gets up and is just about to call her cell phone. At this time, there is an urgent knock on the door. It must be sister Katie. It's great. Ji fei'er immediately runs to open the door. As soon as the door is opened, two people in black suits and sunglasses suddenly break in, which makes her jump.

"Is this miss Ji's house?" The tone of the black suit was very respectful and didn't look hostile.

Ji fei'er is still very afraid, but it's useless to veto. Her face is still more eye-catching, "yes But you are... "

Suddenly, from their side suddenly out of a person, to his gentle smile, beautiful smile enough to make the world pale.

Ji fei'er is shocked and looks at him in disbelief. How could it be him?

Didn't he just hold a press conference in the company? Why did he suddenly appear here? Somehow, from his gentle and kind eyes, she could read something called worry.

Yes, it's Ye Bai, but Ji fei'er doesn't know why he came here, and he also brought two people. What does he want to do?

Ye Bai finally said, "Miss Ji, we meet again."

Every time I see him, I will feel excited and excited. Ji fei'er nods quickly, "Mr. Ye, you're just in time. Ye Heng He's injured. I'm going to find someone to take him to the hospital

Hearing that ye Heng was injured, he didn't feel worried. Instead, he looked straight at Ji fei'er, "what about you? Is there anything he bullied you about? "

"No, I'm fine. The injured person is Ye Heng. You must be looking for him. Then send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

He nodded and went in, the two black suits waiting respectfully outside.

Ye Heng obviously drank too much wine last night and didn't sleep all night. He came to Ji fei'er early in the morning to find trouble. After vomiting, his head was heavy and his mind was not clear. So when ye Bai came in, he didn't notice.

He saw Ye Heng lying on the sofa, and saw the messy living room. A LCD TV glass screen had broken, and the floor was full of glass debris. His good-looking eyes became sharp. He clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly looked at Ye Heng, trying to resist the impulse to beat him.

Damn, it's good that fei'er is OK, otherwise he won't let him go.

Just after the press conference, he heard that ye Heng had drunk a lot and then came to fei'er's apartment. He rushed here quickly, but he was still a little late. The only good thing is that ye Heng didn't hurt fei'er, otherwise killing him would not be enough.

Ji fei'er also walks in, looking at the mess all over the ground. She's a little embarrassed. Anyway, she's also ye Heng's uncle. Will he blame himself if ye Heng gets hurt.

He grabbed his collar and lifted him up from the sofa. Ye Heng opened his eyes and looked at the man who made him gnash his teeth in front of him. He was still carried by him. He was very angry and waved his fist. Ye Bai flashed by easily."Damn it, why are you here?" He looked at Ji fei'er angrily again, "did you call him?"

Ji fei'er shakes her head and subconsciously takes another look at Ye Bai. Suddenly, she is worried that ye Heng is crazy to say what she shouldn't say at this time, which will make her more embarrassed.

Ye Bai sneered, "even the most basic trust can not do, what qualifications to say love."

"You're not in charge of my business yet." Ye Heng is very angry, but he has no way to get rid of him. He really wants to be angry.

"Ha ha, don't forget that I'm your little uncle. Even your parents want me to discipline you well. If you do something wrong, you should admit it and correct it in time. You are so old that you don't even know the most basic truth, do you?"

Ye Heng glared at him fiercely, "don't take my grandfather and parents to crush me. In my eyes, you are nothing. Get out quickly."

Ji fei'er finally said, "Ye Heng, don't quarrel with your uncle. You are injured. Go to the hospital quickly."

See Ji Fei son still didn't stand on his side, he also angrily roared, "don't you drive him out quickly?"

Ye Bai's pretty eyes emit cold light. He dares to treat Fei Er like this, and he doesn't want to be polite to him. He points out a dozen directly, and the two black suits guarding at the door come in immediately.

Ye Bai said, "take him back to Ye's home."

The black suit came forward immediately. Although Ye Heng was also a skilled man, he was just for self-defense. Unlike the two black suits, who had received special training, he was easily subdued. Looking at Ye Heng's struggling, he was stunned with a knife. At last, the world was quiet.

Ye Heng's identity is not the same, black suit dare to do so, it must be ye Bai's advice.

Of course, ye Bai can also do it himself. He just doesn't want to dirty his hands.

So ye Heng is taken away by two black suits. Ji fei'er is stunned for a long time. She realizes a problem after a long time. They are all gone, so he Why are you still here and not following?

And he seems to be looking at himself all the time. Ji fei'er is very nervous, "Ye Mr. Ye, didn't you come to see ye Heng? Now... "

He gently smile, as if at home in general casual sat down on the sofa, "you're right, I'm looking for him."

Er, he came to find Ye Heng. Now ye Heng is gone, why is he still here?

Ji Fei Er doesn't really want him to leave, but if you really want to talk about it, he shouldn't stay here now.

The relationship between them is actually a stranger. If it wasn't for he was Ye Heng's little uncle, they would not even have the chance to meet.

"Ye Heng has gone. His hand seems to be seriously injured. Don't you have to go and have a look?"

"It's just a little injury. He's a big man. What can he worry about?"

Ji fei'er is a little tongue tied. She was just a little worried. He didn't come here to ask questions. In terms of relationship, he's Ye Heng's uncle. She's just an outsider. His nephew was injured in his own home, and it's normal for him to ask questions about it.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't speak any more. When he looked at her, he found that his eyes were fixed on her. Her beautiful eyes were like nine stars, which made her unable to move her eyes.

She can't help but want to look at him and get close to him, but her reason reminds her that they are just strangers. Before, he helped her, and she also thanks. Indeed, she shouldn't go too close, so as not to make people suspicious. Moreover, she is still a pregnant woman now. Even if he ignores his reputation, he can't let him recruit her after the baby is born People criticize.

Ye Bai just casually sits on the sofa, giving people a different kind of laziness and nobility. He looks at the little woman who is still nervous and contradictory, and he is very happy. Even though he wants to step forward and hold her in his arms to care for her, he knows he can't do that now.

At that time, fei'er was out of her wits. It's lucky to be alive now. According to his preliminary conjecture, it must be the strength of the child in fei'er's womb that makes her scattered soul gather again, and then come back to the 21st century to look for the body. It's hard to reunite the soul again, and there must be some trauma. Now it seems that she hasn't suffered anything except memory This is the best result.


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