Ye Bai looks at Ai Wei coldly, "how can you be here?"

"Me? Of course I'm here to take care of fei'er. " Ivy was asked inexplicably, and suddenly felt something was wrong, "that Do you know me? "

She didn't feel that she was honored to be known by the leader of Huanqiu group, and he had been abroad all the time before.

Ji fei'er is also a little surprised. How can ye Bai know Xiao Wei?

"Of course I know that you let people hurt Fei Er before. I haven't settled with you yet."

Although he wasn't there at that time, he still found out everything about fei'er. Naturally, he didn't miss ivy, especially knowing that this woman was fei'er's good friend at the beginning, but later he did so many things to hurt her, which made him gnash his teeth.

But in the end, she was also punished, and Fei Er forgave her. There was no need to move her again, and Fei Er would be sad, so she gave up. But he did not forget the woman who had hurt Fei Er.

"I..." This matter was mentioned, Ivy some guilt of bowed his head.

At this time, Ji fei'er pulled him angrily. "What are you talking about? It's all past. How can you talk to Wei like this?"

"Fei'er, you'll be far away from her in the future. She always encourages you to come here, right? I knew that she would not change her mind. I... "

"Ye Bai!" Ji fei'er yells his name. Obviously, she is angry.

Ivy quickly advised, "fei'er, don't be like this. I made a mistake before. He should be angry. Don't blame him. He is also for you."

But you can't always hold on to other people's mistakes. Xiao Wei was impulsive before, but she has realized her mistake and is still so kind to her now. How can Ji fei'er watch him talk to her friends like this.

"Ye Bai, if you say that again, I will be angry. Xiao Wei is my good friend. You are not allowed to say that to her."

Ye Bai is puzzled. "Fei'er, I know you are kind, but you can't continue to trust others. I'm afraid you will be hurt."

Ji fei'er quickly explained, "no, Xiaowei won't hurt me. Those things have passed before. If it wasn't for Xiaowei, how could I live well this time? At that time, I knew that ye Heng wanted to kill my child. I ran away all night in panic. At that time, I was so flustered that I didn't know what to do. Xiaowei was always by my side at this time Thanks to her, I won't allow you to speak ill of her. "

Well, ye Bai seems to understand something. It turns out that Ivy helped Fei Er.

He was just impulsive, and when he saw ivy, he thought about the hurt she had suffered before. He didn't think much about anything else. It's really wrong.

So he quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood, I'm just too worried about Fei Er."

Ivy waved her hand generously, "it's nothing. What you said is right. People should face up to their mistakes. It's nothing to say. And now I will take care of fei'er and make atonement for my previous mistakes. In this way, I can feel better. I can also say that I'm still fei'er's good friend."

Ji fei'er nodded with a smile, "Xiao Wei, you will always be my good friend."

Seeing that they have such a good relationship now, ye Bai feels very guilty when he thinks of his attitude. "Anyway, I hope you can accept my apology. I'm too nervous about fei'er, so I don't think about anything. I misunderstood you when I didn't figure out the situation. I've been looking for fei'er for a whole month, and I'm worried about her every day. I'm afraid she will have an accident, so I'll be there It's impulsive

"It really doesn't matter. I'm not such a mean person, and I know you're looking for Fei Er. Originally, I wanted to wait for Fei Er to go back after giving birth to her baby, but I didn't expect the rainstorm and the way out collapsed. By the way, how did you get in?"

Ivy suddenly realized this problem. Yes, the roads there all collapsed, and there's only one way to come here.

Ye Bai just explained to Ji fei'er and said it to her again. Ivy exclaimed in surprise, "is it fixed? The collapse is so serious that it can't be repaired so easily. "

"of course as like as two peas, I called someone to come over to repair it overnight. Now it has been repaired, and it is exactly the same as it used to be."

Ivy is obviously very surprised, but this doesn't need to worry about so much. It's good to repair it. They don't worry about being trapped any more.

At this time, Ivy suddenly thought of something and exclaimed in surprise, "fei'er, you can see that your dream that day has come true. It's really smart. Baby gives you a dream and says that someone will come to save us. Sure enough, there will be. And it's not the baby who still tells you in the dream that the person who comes to save us is their father. Does that mean that..."

Ji fei'er interrupted her quickly, "Xiao Wei, don't talk nonsense. It's just a dream. It's just a coincidence that he came to us. How can he take it seriously? I don't know who the baby's father is. How could it be... "Ye Bai held her in his arms. "Fei Er, she's right. I'm really the father of the child."

But Ji fei'er shakes her head like a rattle. "Don't comfort me. I know that you deliberately say that because you don't want to make me sad. If you don't dislike me as a woman who has given birth to children, I'm already very moved. There's no need to say more about other things."

"Fei'er, what I said is true. Believe me, I'm really the father of the child."

Ji fei'er's expression suddenly becomes serious and looks at him. Ye Bai thought she believed him, but what Ji fei'er said is, "you don't have to say any more, I know it's impossible, but if you accept me, you can also take the baby as your own child to love, I'm very grateful."

"Fei'er, you..." Ye Bai is a little worried. How can Fei Er not believe him?

Ji fei'er's expression suddenly became cold. "I don't want to say more about this problem. I know you must be afraid that I will be sad, so you will say that the child is yours. I've got your heart, but if you are really the father of the child, I think I will hate you."

Ye Bai trembled in his heart, "hate me? Why? "

"You ask me why? I did something like that to me without my knowledge, and left directly afterwards. I didn't even know when I was treated like that, or who that person was. I was just a woman and only wanted to live a peaceful life, but now he has done me such a disservice, leaving me alone to face all this, which is enough to show that he is a woman I'm an irresponsible person, so I hate him! Now I have managed to keep my baby. The baby was born safely. If he suddenly came out and robbed me of the baby at this time, I would never tolerate it. "

Ji fei'er's words swallow Ye Bai's explanation back to his stomach. He doesn't dare to say anything more.

Originally, he wanted to tell her the truth immediately after he found fei'er and told her that he was the child's biological father. In this way, fei'er should be more comfortable with him in the future, but now

Ye Bai's heart sank heavily. Yes, he was really a jerk. He didn't protect fei'er well and let her be killed by peony. After she came to this world, she was cheated by Ye Heng and Katie and almost lost her baby. She chose to leave in despair. At that time, her heart must be very, very painful. It was him No, it's because he didn't protect her well that she was hurt so much. What right does he have to blame Ivy? He is the culprit of all this!

Now that they are reunited, fei'er also believes him. If he says those things again at this time, he will be disgusted by fei'er, and he doesn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Ivy found that the atmosphere turned a little cold, she said with a smile, "I said, you don't stand outside to talk, the meal has been done, if you don't eat it, it will be cold. Let's go in and have dinner first."

Ji Fei Er nodded, and then said to him gently, "well, you must be hungry when you come so far. Let's go to eat first. What I just said is not aimed at you. Don't think much about it."

Ye Bai doesn't want to make things stiff. What's more, he has just met Fei Er. It's too late to be happy, so he nodded, "I know. Let's go first."

Ji fei'er leans down to hold the baby in the cradle. Ye Bai stops her. Then she picks up the cradle and walks into the room with them.

All ye Bai's attention is on Ji fei'er, and he doesn't even have time to have a good look at the two babies in the cradle, which makes the two babies very dissatisfied.

Wuwu, I thought my father could enjoy the warmth of my father's love when he came, but now I find out that my father is really a bad guy!

After looking at his mother, didn't you see that they were looking at him all the time?

But then again, my father really looks better than my mother. They are my father's children. Will they inherit his appearance? No, they must look better than my father in the future. In this way, my mother will like them. En en, the two babies think in their hearts, they must become beautiful and compete with my father.

The sad Ye Bai, or so to speak, is despised by his own children when he first meets his baby. He even secretly plans to compete with him for favor. It is estimated that he will suffer in the future.


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the characters are super exquisite, and you can have a dream of immortality, so that you can experience different scenes in the form of character scenes Reading experience, I feel very good. You can also discuss it in the circle of friends at the bottom of the book details page. If you like the magic princess, go and have a try. If you have any opinions, you can say it in the circle of friends ~