"I didn't punish myself, I just hope someone can love me, let me not be so lonely anymore."

"Yes, you can see that Cangji has come to see you. He has realized his mistake. Just go back with us. And this Nangong Shizi, you just met him for the first time. How can you really like him? We are good sisters. I can't watch you go wrong. " Ji fei'er is very excited. She must persuade bingshe to go back!

Bing she thought about his performance when she just saw him. She couldn't help laughing bitterly. He was still so overbearing and indifferent. How could a person like him understand what emotion is? At the beginning, she was wrong and should not expect him. He was right and she was wrong.

She sighed and shook her head. "Fei'er, you don't have to say any more. I know everything. I know what I'm doing. If Nangong Jin is really willing to treat me well, then I will be with him. Even if he can only live for decades, I will accompany him. It will be regarded as a reward for his helping me. "

Bingshe had been very good at talking before. How could this be? In the final analysis, it's still the reason of desolation. She said that it won't be very effective. The key is to come over and apologize to her!

Ji fei'er looks at her helplessly, "well, if you want to stay here, we have to stay with you."

"No, you don't have to worry about me. These mortals are not enough to pose a threat to me."

"Of course I know that, but I'll stay here, and Xiaobai will not leave. Even if you are determined to be the real concubine, we have to stay and help you. The worst thing is to wait for several decades. Even if you don't need my comfort now, I have to comfort you after you are old and sick."

Bingshe is speechless. What fei'er says makes her completely not know how to refute.

She just sighed and sat there in a daze.

Ji fei'er walks over and hugs the cat in her arms. Yingying meows, but she doesn't resist. Let her hold it.

Ji fei'er doesn't talk to bingshe, but she talks to Yingying. Anyway, there is something in her story.

"Poor Yingying, originally a little red cat, has to turn into a little white cat. Look at your wayward master, we don't care about poor Yingying."

Yingying meows again. Ji fei'er is very happy to know that she is echoing her words.

"Don't induce Yingying there. If she really feels aggrieved and doesn't want to follow me, then you can take her away. Anyway, I have high mana and don't need her protection."

Yingying a listen, immediately droop small head, dare not protest.

"Well, well, who said to leave, I didn't mean that everyone should stay. You are Yingying's master. Don't scare her." Ji fei'er quickly touches Yingying's head and sends her to bingshe's arms, poor cat.

Bingshe feels a little headache. She finally decides to start a new life. She doesn't want them here. Especially when she thinks of loneliness, her heart is still very painful. She hopes they can leave.

"Fei'er, I beg you. Let's go. I won't change my mind." She was cruel and said, "if you are really my good sister, you should stand on my side and respect my ideas."

Ji fei'er blinked innocently, "I respect you very much. Isn't it that I don't ask you to forgive the silence or let you go back with us? I just want to be here with you. If you drive me away like this, it's not enough. "

"Er, this is the palace. It will be inconvenient for you to stay all the time."

"It's not inconvenient. I've told Nangong Jin that I'm your sister. If he wants to marry you, he can't give me up well? You see, you are the tears of love. My body is the evening mist. It's all flowers. It's a family Ji fei'er really admires her cleverness. Bingshe doesn't know what else to say.

Then Ji fei'er began to ask questions again, "hum, what kind of sisterhood do you mention to me? I haven't said about you yet. Why don't you go to the demon world when such a big thing happens? You have to run around by yourself. Even if you really want to find a man, you can find a mortal in the demon world. I don't know what you think. Is there anything else I'm a good sister. "

Bingshe was even more innocent. "Please, when I left, you didn't come back at all. OK, I've come to see you. The demon world is in a mess. Ruoxi is heartbroken. I'll go there again at this time. Isn't it more chaos than chaos? If I know that you are still alive and have come back, I will definitely go to you first. "

Well, it seems to be the same thing. Ji fei'er finds that she is really angry and confused.

Oh, well, well, even if she passes.

"Anyway, I just want to stay here. I don't advise you, and you're not allowed to drive me away, you know?"

Bingshe had no choice but to nod.

"And that Nangong Jin, even if you really want to be with him, you have to slowly understand. Don't get too close before that, or you will suffer losses. This is the advice of a good sister.""Well, I see."

Ji fei'er becomes happy. Well, I wish I could stay here now. Only by staying can I find a way to make bingshe promise to go back.

Now she talked with bingshe almost, and then it's up to Xiaobai. I don't know what the attitude of desolation is.

"I'll go first. I'll come to you every day. You can't run around any more."

With bingshe's consent, Ji fei'er finally leaves at ease and goes back to her room in a hurry to exchange news with Su Li Mei.

Sure enough, his side is not very optimistic.

Hearing Su Li Mei's words, Ji fei'er is very angry, "what do you say? Does the silence say he's leaving

"Yes." Su Li Mei says helplessly, "Cang Ji says that since bingshe has found her happiness, then he will not interfere any more. He wants to go back. If I don't stop him, I'm afraid he has gone."

Ji fei'er is mad. "Ah, you say we're going to be tired to make up for them. Why is he so frustrated? He doesn't want to grab bingshe back and leave. What's in his mind?"

Su Li Mei held her heartily, "fei'er, don't worry too much. It's really urgent."

Ah, it's not easy to come back. Fei'er also finds her memory. Now she's entangled in the affairs of the lonely ice. How can there be no time to live in peace?


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the characters are super exquisite, and you can have a dream of immortality, so that you can experience different scenes in the form of character scenes Reading experience, I feel very good. You can also discuss it in the circle of friends at the bottom of the book details page. If you like the magic princess, go and have a try. If you have any opinions, you can say it in the circle of friends ~