"What is to be done?" General Yin doesn't know what to do.

"Well Why don't you go to find Chu Xiang, tell them about it, have a good talk with them, and then go to ask him to marry him. Yes, and Chu Zhan, let him make a promise in front of you, and he will always be good to yue'er, so maybe he will agree to get married. What do you think? "

General Yin looked at her with some blame. "Now Yueer has been forced to be sick by you. Do you want to force her again? Do you want to force her to death? "

"I didn't, I just want to save Yueer!" Mrs. Yin cried.

"Don't you understand that yue'er was forced to be like this. Before she got sick, it must be because of those rumors. Originally, she was not cured, but this time she got more sick. How can I have the heart to force her again?"

Originally, general Yin also wanted to marry his daughter to Chu Zhan, but it made him feel very sad to see her become like this. Nothing is as important as his daughter.

"But husband, we have no way now. If we don't find a man to protect Yueer, Yueer will die because she can't bear the strength of the medicine. There is no way to do this."

General Yin sighed. He couldn't think of any way.

He thought, should he believe you? You love Yueer so much that you can't really let her die, but If something goes wrong, his daughter's life can't be a joke.

Finally, he couldn't help his wife's pleading, so he had to go to the prime minister's house and tell the matter to Chu Xiang and Chu Zhan.

Chu Zhan a listen, then very excited worry, "what? Is Yueer really so sick? "

General Yin's expression of deep pain, "yes, if you can't get treatment in time, Yueer will die."

"What are you waiting for? Take me to save yue'er quickly. Uncle Yin can rest assured that I will be responsible for yue'er. If I only marry her, I will always be good to her." Chu Zhan makes a promise.

General Yin nodded, "yes, my uncle has always wanted you to be with Yuer, but Yuer is a child Ah, it's a bit headstrong. She may not be able to accept it for a while, so that's why... "

"I understand." Chu Zhan was silent for a moment, and then said, "to tell you the truth, when I first saw yue'er in the palace, I fell in love with her and wanted to be with her and protect her. After all, we only met twice after Yueer grew up. I fell in love with her at first sight, but her feelings for me are probably just based on a friend I just met. I also want to get along with Yueer slowly, let her like me, and then propose marriage. But I didn't expect that things would turn out like this. It's all my fault, and it's my fault that made Yueer fall in love I will be responsible for her in all the gossip. "

Looking at Chu Zhan's sincerity, general Yin was very pleased.

"Zhan'er, you are a good child. My uncle is very glad that you can say such a thing. He is also very happy for yue'er. Why don't we go to the palace to find you now? After all, life is at stake and yue'er's illness can't wait."


The two of them had been talking for a long time. Chu Xiang kept silent. Now when he heard that they wanted to go to the palace, he said, "I just got the news that you were ill."

What, isn't Yueer sick? How can you get sick? Besides, you are highly cultivated. You can't get sick.

Chu Xiang paused and then said, "it's obvious that your illness is also related to Yueer. I think it's getting more and more complicated."

"How complicated?"

"Well, I think too much about it, but according to the current situation, you are all ill. We can't go to him to get married at this time."

Also, you don't agree with this marriage. If they ask him to marry again at this time, maybe it will stimulate him. You are not in good health, which is a big matter for the whole Fox family. How can they be so unfaithful as ministers.

It's just Yueer's disease Is it the life of the king or the life of the moon that matters at this time?

Chu Zhan said, "I don't think there's any hesitation in this matter. Uncle Yin, you're Yueer's father. Marriage matters are ordered by your parents and the matchmaker's words. Even if you don't get married, can't you make a decision? At present, Yueer's illness is so serious that it's at stake. If we drag it on, we really can't imagine the consequences. Now we'd better not take care of you. Let's make our own decisions. "

"Presumptuous!" Chu Xiang scolded, "who allows you to be so rebellious? Yueer has grown up with you since she was a child. You attach great importance to her. If you don't agree, we will act privately. You will be furious. Do you want to cheat you? "

Although Chu Zhan was very unconvinced, he did not dare to say anything. How could he say that they were just ministers? How could they dare to bear the crime of bullying the king?General Yin naturally understood the seriousness of the matter, but his brow was deeper. His poor daughter, is there really no way to live?

Chu Xiang comforted him again and said, "general Yin, I understand your feelings. As a minister, you should obey your orders. You can't disobey your orders. But Yue er's life is also very important. In my opinion, let's use this method. Since you love yue'er, naturally you don't want her to have an accident. Maybe you don't want to disobey yue'er's wishes, so let zhan'er go to zaoyue'er's Palace first, explain the situation to her in person, get her understanding and consent, and then we can start to do it. What do you think? "

Chu Zhan immediately nodded, "no problem, I'll go right away."

But general Yin was still worried, "is this going to work? It doesn't matter if you blame me at that time, but I can't implicate you! "

"Don't worry, you are so wise, he won't blame anything, and we are also for the sake of yue'er. At that time, as long as yue'er tells you that she is willing, then you won't have any opinions. In fact, in the final analysis, your attitude is yue'er's attitude, so I think we should do it."

When general Yin heard this, he immediately felt that Chu Xiang was right, but he was really scared. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for yue'er to be favored by the emperor?


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