Jingxuan was stunned, and then looked at her in astonishment, "moon, what are you talking about? Mo Ruyan and I didn't..."

In the middle of the speech, he suddenly heard the events of that day, and his face suddenly became nervous.

See, he has no way to refute, Yin Yue's heart is very heavy.

Jingxuan hugged her tightly, "moon, did you hear any gossip? You must have misunderstood. Believe me, I really don't. You are the only one I love. "

Did not expect that up to now, he is not willing to admit that Yin Yue angrily pushed him away.

"I didn't hear it, because I saw it with my own eyes, saw you kissing her, heard you say you love her, I'm not blind, I'm not deaf."

Jingxuan is completely shocked. She sees Why, was she there?

How should he explain it? Looking at Yin Yue's helpless crying, his petite body shrunk into a ball, he also looked very distressed.

"Moon, I..." He reached out to hold her, but she waved him away.

"Don't touch me!"

"Yuer, listen to me, then That's just a misunderstanding. Mo Ruyan and I are not what you think. "

Have been on, also said that it is a misunderstanding, she is not a fool, how can it be so easy to believe?

Looking at the appearance that Yin Yue obviously can't listen, Jing Xuan has no way but to hold her over and force her chin to let her look at herself.

"Yue'er, what I said was true. That day, because you were too weak to survive, I worried that you would not be able to survive. So I lost a lot of Qi to you, and then fainted on the way. Then I was rescued by Mo Ruyan."

I didn't want to hear it, but Yin Yue was obviously very worried when she heard that he even lost his aura for himself and fainted.

"Then you What's the matter with you now? You're wasting so much spiritual power and treating my illness. Can you survive? " She suddenly found that she didn't know a lot of things. If he didn't say it, she might never know that he was so good for herself.

In fact, there is a serious lack of communication and understanding between the two of them. If they said it earlier, it would not be like this.

He smile, and then looked at her, "moon, are you worried about me?"

She looked at him angrily, "if you are for me to become like this, of course I will worry, even if it's not you, it's Chu Zhan, I will still worry."

"Don't mention Chu Zhan again." He sank his face. "You are not allowed to mention other men's names in front of me."

She flat flat mouth, or unconvinced said, "why don't you let me say, you have your smoke princess is good, I also have my own life, you have no right to interfere."

Well, after all, the topic comes back to Mo Ruyan. She still cares about Mo Ruyan.

Jingxuan's face softened, and then looked at her deeply, "moon, you Are you jealous? "

The little woman in her arms suddenly began to explain and protest like a hairy cat, "who's jealous? I won't be jealous. Don't be sentimental

"But I wish you would be jealous for me." He sighed deeply, and then said, "no matter you believe it or not, I have to explain to you. At that time, I was unconscious. The real Qi that emperor and wolf king helped me input ran wildly in my body. It was very painful. When I woke up, I saw a person sitting beside me. I thought it was you, so I hugged you, and then it was what you saw. I don't like ink like smoke, I like it You're the only one who's happy all the time. "

Yin Yue was completely shocked. Is that the truth?

"Then you You call her Yan'er, but it's not my name. "

He is indeed called Yan'er, but it is not Mo Ruyan, but Yuefei Yan, the former life of her.

If she told them about their previous lives now, she would not be able to accept it, so he said, "I'm talking about Yueer. Yueer Yaner is not very similar. You little fool must have been too sad at that time and heard wrong."

Yes, is that so? Did she really hear the wrong thing?

He really doesn't have to cheat her. He is a superior monarch. What is she worth cheating on.

It took her a long time to finally respond, "you What do you tell me about this? "

"Because I don't want you to misunderstand, even if you want to refuse me, you can't deny my feelings for you so ruthlessly, and nothing happened between us in the end."

Come on, it's not modern. It's normal to take a kiss. It's not OK in the demon world, OK? Can it be said that nothing happened?

Looking at Yin Yue's head down and not talking, he was very nervous in his heart, "yue'er, don't you believe me, what I said is true."

"I don't believe you, but what's the use of saying this now? You must be responsible for Mo Ruyan. You will marry her in the future. Let me go." These practical problems simply do not allow people to escape anything, there is no way to escape, or do not entangle."No, I will not marry her. You are the only one I want to marry. You are my only queen. I will make it clear to her and apologize to her, but I really can't marry her."

Looking at the promise made by Jingxuan, Yin Yue feels warm and sad in her heart. Can she really accept his feelings? Can she really put everything down without any scruples?

So what will be her final choice?

Yin Yue definitely looked at him for a long time, finally shed tears, wrapped his body in his arms and began to shed tears.

She no longer resists him, and no longer repels him. Jingxuan is very excited. Does this mean that Yuer finally accepts him? She doesn't have no feeling at all like him, right?

He hugged her excitedly, and his mood could not be expressed in words.

"Yue'er, did you promise to be with me?"

She shook her head, but I really don't want to leave together? What do people outside think? In their eyes, I'm just your adopted daughter. Do they think we... "

"What adopted daughter, I have never said that. It's their own idea. I only care about your idea. As long as you nod your head, then you don't have to worry about other things. I have everything. Yueer, you know, I don't want to force you, but I can't persuade myself to let you go. I just hope you can be by my side willingly, even if you don't want to Like me, I'd like to wait for you all the time. "

Yin Yue nodded, feeling very happy and excited.


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the characters are super exquisite, and you can have a dream of immortality, so that you can experience different scenes in the form of character scenes Reading experience, I feel very good. You can also discuss it in the circle of friends at the bottom of the book details page. If you like the magic princess, go and have a try. If you have any opinions, you can say it in the circle of friends ~