Ji fei'er and they just left, but also took away some unwilling Suyun mo.

In fact, yunmo felt ashamed of her sister and didn't help her keep the secret. It's easy to say that she can really make up with Moyuan. But if it doesn't end in the end, won't it hurt her even more?

At night, Ji wanwan sat on the bed of the room, thinking about what her mother said to her, with a heavy heart.

Could she really forget what happened and forgive him?

Ji wanwan always feels uncomfortable. She still can't forget the hurt he did to her that day. He says that she has no shame and yells angrily to let her go. Even after hearing that Bishui is dead, she slaps her. Those things are like nightmares that haunt her day and night. So even if the mother says those words to her, she doesn't know what to do Face him.

She always felt that the reason why Mo yuan became like this was because she knew that he wanted to be responsible for her when she had his child. This is what Mo yuan would do, and it is in line with his character, so she didn't want to be hurt any more, just wanted to start her new life quietly, but why didn't God give her this opportunity?

Ji wanwan stretched out her hand and gently touched her abdomen. Although she didn't feel anything there, she had a palpitation in her heart.

After the end of that day, she really thought that they would stop here, but now she was pregnant and had a child. She actually understood that from the time she decided to keep the child, she had tacitly agreed that she would have to cut with Mo yuan in the future.

When a child grows up, if she asks who her father is, can she not? Even if she doesn't say it, Moyuan will force her to insert into their mother and son's life. Ji wanwan can even imagine that.

She even has some grievances in her heart. Why is he so domineering? What he says is what. Before she liked him so much, but he didn't care at all. Now she's dead, and he's begging for nothing. To be honest, Ji wanwan doesn't like this feeling at all. She will feel that she has no self-respect.

However, there was something wonderful in her heart. She already had children.

She thought that she was still a child, but when she thought that she would be a mother soon, even if there was no proof, everyone would think that she was a real adult. Funny is that Ji wanwan has been trying to prove that she has grown up, but in the end, subconsciously, her own thought is still so naive.

She shakes her head and doesn't want to think about so many troubles. In the future, when the child is born, she will live with him alone. She must be a good mother and love her children well, just like the mother loves her and yunmo very much. The mother has always been her idol and example, so she must learn from her mother.

But there is no mo yuan in her life plan. Poor Mo yuan is deliberately excluded by her.

But it doesn't matter, this time, he has full patience, wanwan ignore her, he can work hard, let her forgive him.

Ji wanwan wanted to be tired, so he lay in bed and fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, a slender figure in white appeared in the room. He appeared quietly. Ji wanwan had fallen asleep completely without any notice.

There was a small light in the room. It was light enough for him to see her face clearly.

She slept so quietly, without the anger and excitement of the day, Moyuan was happy to see her now.

Since the last time he separated from her in jiuchongtian, he didn't see her for a long time, but it was not easy to see her. Only now that she was asleep, did Mo yuan dare to appear and look at her like this.

She seems to have lost a lot of weight. I don't know whether it's because of her body injury or because she's pregnant. No matter what kind, the indelible harm he gave to Wan Wan was reminding him of how much he used to be a jerk and hurt her so cruelly.

Listen to cloud Mo say, she is pregnant after harm like harm badly, can't eat what thing, eat also can vomit, his heart is aching to death.

He didn't know how hard it would be for a woman to get pregnant. Even though she was so young, she had to suffer such pain. It was all his fault.

He sat at the head of the bed and stretched out his hand to touch her face, but his hand was stiff in the middle of it. He was afraid to wake her up. She must be very disgusted at that time. Now that she is pregnant, she can't be so excited, otherwise it will affect the child in her stomach.

Mo yuan sighed a little in the heart, then took back his hand, now he is so cautious, careful, just don't want to cause any harm to her.

Now, he can look at her well here, which is a special gift. How dare he ask too much?

His relationship with Ji wanwan is just like Ji wanwan's indifference to him.

Mo Yuan found that he had done evil by himself. No matter in Ji fei'er's affairs or Wan Wan's affairs, he could always turn everything back to irreparable space, and then he regretted so much that he wanted to save it.Fall twice in the same thing, this kind of thing is probably only Mo yuan can do.

Even though he is now regretful and wants to eat back all the stupid things he said and done before, he is precious to God and has boundless power, but he can't buy regret medicine and can't turn back the time. Regret is the most profound thought he has lived for thousands of years.

That day, he was exposed by the illusion under the blue water, and unconsciously took wanwan as the object of catharsis. Her first time was spent in his rude treatment. Later, after Mo yuan woke up, he could remember the scene at that time. Wanwan was so painful, but he forbeared and didn't say a word. But when he woke up the next morning, he didn't say a word There is a good comfort to her, but so indifferent to her, and even He hurt her with his hand. What the hell did he do!

Wanwan, I know that you must hate me. No matter what I do, I can't make up for your mistakes. But I still want to stay with you selfishly.

Wan Wan, I really have no way to persuade myself to let you go. If you don't want to see me, then I will guard you in silence where you can't see, and our children. Is that ok?