Chapter 124: Waiting For Someone

Egg yolk pastry?

Why egg yolk pastry?

As Zhou Muxian chewed on the delicious and crispy egg yolk pastry, he couldn’t help but feel suspicious.

Why did Jin Yuan come to Venice, was it just a coincidence?

Chili also has egg yolk pastry, Jin Yuan has it too, and if Chili is coming to Venice and so is Jin Yuan, could it be…no way?

Zhou Muxian rolled over on the sofa, feeling uneasy even while eating the egg yolk pastry.

Even if it’s to strike back, is it really necessary to go through so much trouble?

Zhou Muxian stared blankly at the two cards, feeling more and more that something was not right.

It seems that he was the one who first added Chili as a friend, suggested traveling to Venice together, and even dreamt about something that needed to be censored…

Zhou Muxian felt like he was going crazy, how did this happen?

Could it be that he subconsciously coveted his younger brother’s man, but couldn’t snatch him away, so he turned to the older brother of his brother-in-law instead?

But thinking of Jin Yang’s appearance, Zhou Muxian sighed with a hopeless breath, he was completely uninterested!

After eating, it’s easy to feel drowsy and brain-deprived, so Zhou Muxian dared not sleep. He was scared when he thought about the dream he had last night, so he opened the windows on the balcony to let in some fresh air and clear his mind.

As soon as he opened the window, he saw his temporary neighbor, the person who had been sending him pastries and roses, and the stranger he had accidentally kissed, standing by the window reading a thick, beige-colored, cotton-linen textured book, probably a biography.

His hair looked like it had been recently washed, and it was soft and smooth, making him look clean and refreshing.

Zhou Muxian felt guilty and couldn’t just close the window and run away, so he tried to engage in conversation with the person who politely nodded at him.

“Are you here for tourism in Venice?” he asked.

The person being asked closed the book in his hand, seeming surprised as if something had been revealed. He then lowered his head and smiled, answering earnestly, “I am waiting for someone.”

Zhou Muxian felt like his entire world was falling apart.

Why did the other person react so innocently and seriously? Compared to him, it made him seem like a dishonest and bad person.

“And you?” Jin Yuan asked in response.

“Me? I’m… just here for tourism,” Zhou Muxian replied nervously. He felt some joy in his heart, but also worried that the other person might think too highly of him.

Everything in life is a double-edged sword; there are always advantages and disadvantages.

He hesitated for a while, but couldn’t resist asking, “Are you waiting for someone important?”

Jin Yuan smiled, and it was evident that when he talked about the person he was waiting for, he had a genuine smile on his face.

“It’s a like-minded friend,” he said, placing his book on a nearby shelf. “Actually, it doesn’t matter whether we meet or not. But I know he’ll come, and it’s good enough to look at the same sky in the same place. It has nothing to do with love or romance.”

Zhou Muxian listened in confusion and felt a mix of emotions. He wished someone would help him out of this situation.

Perhaps all those years of reading were in vain, he didn’t know how to respond to Jin Yuan’s words, and in the end, he could only nod along.

“I actually know you,” he suddenly said when Jin Yuan was trying to subtly move the bottle of orange soda beside him out of view.

“Oh?” Jin Yuan was puzzled. He didn’t remember meeting someone like him in his previous years. If he had, he would surely have remembered it for a long time.

“To be precise, I know someone who looks like you,” Zhou Muxian said.

Jin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re probably talking about my younger brother, Jin Yang.”

Zhou Muxian smiled and said, “Yes, for some reasons, we can consider ourselves acquainted.”

“Well, then we can say we have fate,” Jin Yuan replied.

Zhou Muxian thought to himself, “It’s just because I know your younger brother. What kind of fate is that? If you knew I’m the one you’ve been waiting for, and that there’s a connection between Jin Yang and my younger brother… that would be the real fate.”

“Do you want to have lunch together?” Zhou Muxian couldn’t think of anything else to say and extended an invitation.

Jin Yuan checked the time on his phone. “Now?”

“Um… it might be a little early. Let’s wait a while.”


Sitting on the balcony of the Venice Hotel, soaking up the sun, seemed like a special experience.

Jin Yuan sat on the balcony reading a book while Zhou Muxian found a chair and opened her laptop to do some work. They slowly passed the time, enjoying the good weather together.

By the time it was lunchtime, they ventured out to find some local Venetian cuisine. As a Chinese person, Zhou Muxian placed more importance on food. No matter where she traveled, she felt like she would miss out on the trip if she didn’t taste the local specialty cuisine.

. . . . .

Wang Xijie doesn’t like to drink coffee. Life is already bitter enough, why bother with this bitter thing?

But the person in front of him was worth sitting in a coffee shop for.

“Director Jin asked me to come, what for?”

“To discuss a collaboration, a guaranteed profitable deal. Mr. Wang should be interested.”

The smile on Wang Xijie’s face wasn’t very natural. He subconsciously hoped that Jin Yang could pretend as if nothing had happened.

But human nature is fragile, and it’s the most vulnerable to temptation.

Jin Yang handed over a piece of paper to Wang Xijie, and the person opposite looked at the content on it, feeling that this world was somewhat surreal. It seemed to deviate too much from what he had predicted before.

“Why… why is this?”

“We’re all businessmen. It’s just a cooperative agreement. There seems to be no need to ask why,” Jin Yang replied.

“But it’s not just business on this paper,” Wang Xijie put the paper down.

Jin Yang sat by the window, and when the sunlight shone on his face, it appeared overly pale. A smile appeared on his face, but it wasn’t a smiling expression. He only made a smiling movement with his mouth, and his whole face didn’t show any signs of a smile.

“Life always has some unexpected things, doesn’t it? If Mr. Wang isn’t interested, I can find someone else. This kind of cooperation isn’t limited to you.”

Wang Xijie picked up the paper and weighed it in his hands for a while. “Even if Director Jin doesn’t reveal everything, at least give me a little bit of information so that I have some idea.”

“Of course.” A man in a work shirt took out another neatly folded paper with serious creases from his pocket.

The paper must have been touched many times, and even the edges were starting to fray. It wasn’t so white anymore.

“I just received the results two days ago.”

“You…I agree to cooperate,” Wang Xijie said.