CH 1

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
Ch1 - International Thriller Travel Services

[Countdown to death——00:03]

In the dark space, a line of very eye-catching white characters floated in the air, occupying all of Wei Xun’s consciousness.

[Countdown to death——00:02]

The number was continuously declining. It felt like invisible thorns were twisting around Wei Xun’s heart, winding its grip tighter and tighter around it. 

Horror and fear surged forth, and it was so oppressive that Wei Xun could neither catch his breath nor escape.

But when Wei Xun felt the anguish of his imminent death, the corners of his lips tugged into a euphoric, sickening smile.

[Countdown to death——00:01]

Wei Xun enjoyed the pain. The agony the pain brought allowed him to misconceive that he was a normal person.

But unfortunately, even when he was dying, he could not feel pain.

[The countdown to death reaches zero!]

The two horrifying crimson words—reaching zero—expanded and pounced on Wei Xun! Intense agony washed over him, and he instinctively and crazily struggled, roared, but there was nowhere to escape.

His white bone split apart, his skin was severed from him, his nerves shuddered, and his sharp white bone pierced across and cleaved apart his abdominal cavity. Wei Xun witnessed his heart tumble from his broken chest, and the crimson flesh the size of his fist continued to beat in the pool of blood. 

Badump, badump.

Wei Xun had an unconscious desire to pick up his heart, but he saw his reflection in the pool of blood as he looked down.

It was a huge scarlet monster, with scarlet horns growing on his head, looking just like a demon. As he bent his waist, the monster also did the same action, but the huge, curved claws of the monster couldn’t control his strength and crushed the beating heart instantly.

The monster killed Wei Xun—No. 

Wei Xun opened his mouth and emitted a monster-like, ear-piercing roar.

This monster was Wei Xun himself!


Wei Xun suddenly woke up and found himself sitting in the front row of a tour bus. The bus wasn’t quite old, and the seat was still considered relatively clean. The corners of the window had some tawny stains. It was raining outside. Watermarks were left on the glass by the light rain. The sky was dark and ominous, and a storm was on the horizon. 

Indeed, what had occurred previously was just a nightmare.

But—where was this?

Wei Xun vividly remembered sitting on the roof of a particular building in the preceding moments, relishing his final moments.

He was about to die and couldn’t leave the house, let alone show up on any tour bus. 

There was still some blood in his throat. Wei Xun bit the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t feel any pain except for the bloody taste in his mouth.

There was no pain. It seemed like a continuation of his nightmare, but it had now become a reality.

Wei Xun had been unable to feel pain since he was a child. The medical standards of current times could not treat this rare disease caused by a gene mutation. Moreover, as he grew older, Wei Xun’s health problems also increased.

He didn’t feel worried, timid, or any other unpleasant feelings because of his disease. His parents, on the other hand, were quite concerned about him. 

‘Little Xun, you would be a normal person only if you feel pain.’

When he was a child, when he saw his parents being anxious and worried due to his illness, the clever little Wei Xun comforted them with the words, “It’s great that I can’t feel pain.” But his mother hugged him in agony as she burst into tears.

You would be a normal person only if you feel pain.

He was not normal. 

Wei Xun’s yearning to be normal turned into a strong desire for pain at an undetermined point in time. Wei Xun was fascinated by the sensations of pain, stimulus, and even thrills of many types. He refused to undergo therapy again, especially when his parents and brothers disappeared and his physical condition deteriorated.

Even though Wei Xun was not like any other person, if he hadn’t gone to the hospital for a checkup, no one would suspect that he was dying based only on his appearance and how he spoke. But, despite his stunning look, his internal organs were continually deteriorating. Wei Xun’s only option was to stay at home and wait for his death.

For Wei Xun, who seeks stimulation, this was the most excruciating torment. A month ago, just as he was about to do something exciting before dying, Wei Xun began to have nightmares over and again.

This nightmare was really exciting because it was thrilling to feel pain in his dreams. Wei Xun, who had been having nightmares for a month in a row, had rekindled his passion for life. Keep the dreams coming! 

Now, just as he had hoped, the nightmare had come true.

[Countdown to death——1 hour]

In his field of vision, like the nightmare, there was a line of white characters floating. In the next moment, the number began to change, from 1 to 00:59:59, accompanied by two lines of scarlet characters.

[When the countdown to death is zero, the nightmare will come true] 

[Your esteemed self’s cause of death is—sudden death]

Qfl Wec’r tfjgayfja yfmjwf lcmgfjrlcuis gjqlv, ilxf j ogjcalm fculcf. Ccv tf’r raemx lc atf rfja, ecjyif ab wbnf! Qfl Wec’r yibbv qgfrregf kjr rxsgbmxfalcu, wjxlcu la vloolmeia obg tlw ab ygfjatf. Llr ybvs kjr cewy, jcv tf tjv ibra jii tlr ragfcuat. Crlvf ogbw atf kbgvr bc atf mbecavbkc ab vfjat, fnfgsatlcu lc ogbca bo tlr fsfr kjr mglwrbc.

No, it wasn’t easy for him to come to such an exhilarating place. He didn’t want to die.

Especially if he had to remain motionless when his whole body was drained of strength, as he waited for his death. 

Wei Xun’s entire mind was overwhelmed by a fierce desire to survive. The sensation of suffocation he felt as he died suddenly began to subside the following instant!

Wei Xun could breathe again. He took a big breath of the cold air. At the same time, the mechanical sound of a child-like voice rang in his mind.

[Dear esteemed tourist, congratulations on your successfully passing the survival willpower test, and therefore successfully joining the International Thriller Travel Services. I’m your novice guide, little customer service crew, Creepy]

[Generating your information exclusive to you, generating……the information is generated, please verify your information.] 

[Tourist Information]

[Name: Wei Xun]

[Grade: Novice]

[Countdown to death——00:59:23] 

[Cause of death: sudden death]

[Titles you have achieved: Analgesic (Green Title): You will not feel any pain, even if someone gives you a green hat to wear]

[Title is being worn]

[Special Item: Maria Butterfly Fragment (1/4)] 

[Customer Type: Class X Special Tourist]

Next was a line in blood-red characters:

[Your goal is: Survive!]

The more information he received, the more control he had over his body. Besides being unable to leave the seat, Wei Xun could turn his head and raise his hand, just like he could do when he was healthy. It was incredible. These made Wei Xun subconsciously continue to browse through the information provided. 

[This is a mysterious and unique travel service company dedicated to exploring grotesque legends, local customs, and unimaginable places across the world. As a distinguished tourist, what you have to do is to enjoy the tour, clocking in all tourist activities, and complete random small tasks that will be full of surprises.]

[Every time you experience a tour and complete random tasks in the tour, you will get points. These points will allow you to accomplish any of your heart’s desires]

“Wait a minute.”

After confirming that he could communicate with the other party, Wei Xun took a deep breath and politely said, “Hello, Creepy.” 

[I’m your novice guide, Creepy]

Wei Xun followed the flow of conversation, “Okay, Creepy. You mean that these points could satisfy any wish of mine?”

[Yes! International Thriller Travel Services is the best choice for tourists! You can even return to health and live a long life if the points are sufficient— ]

“You are truly a good thing.” 

Wei Xun couldn’t help praising it, and in a kind tone, he said, “It’s not important to live a long life. Can the points you mention cause pain to me?”

Creepy had never heard of such a strange request, so it stopped working for a moment, and it then threw out a few plans. Wei Xun glanced at some expensive plans, such as “permanently repairing and optimizing your genes,” which cost one million points. There were also cheap ones, such as the one-time dysmenorrhea experience coupon, which costs only 10 points.

Wei Xun’s eyes got brighter and brighter as he glimpsed through them, but——

[Countdown to death——00:56:32] 

He had no points and no time to waste. So, no matter how good those plans were, he couldn’t enjoy them.

[Little tips from Creepy: The remaining time you have to survive is too low. It is recommended that you start the tour immediately, complete the novice tourist task, get points and extend your countdown to death]

“Creepy, you’re such a good bud!”

Wei Xun put a thumbs up in his mind and went to see the listed products. 

[Name: Prolonging the countdown to death]

[Duration: 24 hours]

[Price: 10 points]

[Note: Oh my! For only 10 points, you can exchange for one more day of your life. This is a benefit that only novices can enjoy!] 

It didn’t look expensive, and it was the same price as the dysmenorrhea experience coupon. However, this made Wei Xun even more puzzled. What exactly was this existence, International Thriller Travel Services?

Could it even control lives wantonly?

“Why did you choose me?”

Wei Xun asked tentatively, “Because I’m dying?” 

[Innumerable people are dying every minute in the world. The Travel Services chose you because you are unique.]

“What’s unique about me? Why don’t I know?”

Wei Xun asked excitedly, “Is it because I am extremely handsome?”

Creepy didn’t continue the conversation. Its mechanical voice was business-like: 

[After experiencing the first tour, you will know the answer]

“Ah, after the first tour……that would be good too.”

Indeed, only through personal experience, one could attain real answers.

Wei Xun, “Then let’s start.” 

Creepy immediately sent the itinerary information to him.

[Itinerary information]

[Little Dragon Farmstead + Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road + Mourning Stream + Cordoned-off Village, 6D5N, Intoxicating Xiangxi Guided Tour]

[Level: Dangerous level] 

[Group type: 8 pax small tour group, with exclusive bus and tour guide]

[Tour guide: III-9]

[Travel dates: Departure – 8.15, Tuesday. Return – 8.20, Sunday.]

[Tour description:] 

[It’s said that in Cordoned-off village, deep in Wuluo Mountain, Wadu Township, Xiangxi Prefecture, villagers have been driving corpses for generations. But a hundred years ago, the village head of Cordoned-off village secretly passed on the skill to drive corpses to Pingping, his only daughter……]

[What was the reason that caused the people in Cordoned-off village to die strangely and miserably?]

[What caused the red-robed spiteful ghost to cry every night when she was married, and the village to be inundated with grievances?]

[Over the past 100 years, the people sent to investigate the incident have disappeared. Were they killed, or is there more to the incident than meets the eye? ] 

[Let’s walk into the life of Pingping, the corpse driver, and into the unknown secrets deep in the mountains of Xiangxi]

The rain had gotten increasingly heavier outside the window. And it became as dark as nighttime. Wei Xun became aware that the window beside him had shattered. There was no one in the downpour when he looked around. On the window, there was just a tiny, bloody fingerprint the size of a baby’s hand.

The chaotic rain caused the bloodstains to flow in a disorderly manner. The blood droplets flowed down with the marks of water, appearing just like bloody tears full of resentment.

[The tour begins. Today is the first day. Please wait patiently for other tourists and tour guide to arrive] 

[Have a nice trip]


The sound of a large object tumbling to the floor filled the bus. A large duffel bag slid to the floor on the quiet bus, carrying the muddy fragrance of water vapor, and the second tourist boarded the bus.

He was a thin, rickety, middle-aged man. His clothes were stained with mud. 

Wei Xun took a look at him. Their eyes met. The middle-aged man immediately bowed his head as if he had been burned. He picked up the bag, ran to the back of the bus to sit down, and his entire body was shrouded in an aura, indicating that he was very introverted.

Is he a tourist or a fugitive?

Wei Xun originally wanted to communicate with the other tourists because something was not right with his novice task!

[Novice tour guide task] 

[Task name: Cause a tourist to have an emotional breakdown]

[Task level: Extremely difficult]

[Task description: Let them shudder and break down. Let your tourists tremble for you, submit under your tour guide’s flag!]

[Reward: 10 points, activate special identity, and get hidden items] 

He was a tourist, so why did he receive the task of novice tour guide? And why was the task at an extremely difficult level??

Apart from this, one could tell that the task was exuding with malice with a mere look at the task description—[Cause a tourist to have an emotional breakdown]. Was this a task he should receive as a novice?

Even the customer service crew Creepy was no longer responding to him. Was it due to a bug?

What the hell was going on! 

Tick, tick.

[Countdown to death——00:48:30]

Ordinary people would be concerned by the ticking of the death countdown clock, but Wei Xun was not a typical person. He lacks emotions such as stress and worry. He had kept composed thus far.

——He even thought this task was slightly exciting. 

It was much more exciting and intriguing to be a tour guide for International Thriller Travel Services than to be a tourist.

But of the things that remain unknown and the mysterious and inscrutable Travel Services, Wei Xun would still cherish his hard-won life more. He wanted to know what tasks were given to the other novices before making a decision.

The middle-aged man who had just boarded the bus was far from inexperienced. Although he was so flustered and was about to collapse, he was well-equipped. He was different from Wei Xun, who had been abducted without any preparation.

Wei Xun waited, but he didn’t expect that none of the following tourists on board appeared to be novices. 

Some of them emitted auras powerful enough to terrify an old ghost, while others remained silent. However, both male and female tourists shared one trait: they all carried professional duffel bags and boarded the bus by themselves. They didn’t arrive on the bus out of anywhere, like Wei Xun.


When the last person boarded the bus, Wei Xun realized this.

He might be the only novice on this tour. 

And there was less than half an hour left in the countdown to death.

[Countdown to death——00:24:35]

With little time left, Wei Xun had been trying to contact Creepy, but he had never received any response. What he should do is make some arrangements ahead of time.

What if Creepy wouldn’t show up? 

What if, until the very end, he only receives one task?

This kind of question couldn’t be asked to other tourists because, from the task description, the tour guide and the tourists seemed to be more like enemies.

Outside the window, the rain had gotten increasingly heavier. The sound of rain hitting the bus was like hail, and the sound of bloody fingers tapping on the window sounded out again. The lights were flickering, and one moment the lights went out, the other moment the lights were lit up. After the last tourist boarded, the bus shook slightly and seemingly was about to depart.

Suddenly, a gloomy and terrifying voice, as if it were whispering, reverberated throughout the bus, reaching every tourist’s ears. 

[“In this tour, everyone has their own secret.”]

[“Some people have killed people, some have made irreversible mistakes, some have murdered their closest relatives, some have…. the crime of darkness breeding in their hearts.”]

[“Shudder, pray, and—–“]

[“In this tour, make your own decisions”] 


There was a loud crash on the bus roof, and the entire bus shook as if something had plummeted to the ceiling. The white lightning suddenly reflected the darkness. There were bloody fingerprints all over the window of the bus!

Several exclamations rang out, and even the veteran tourists could not hide their fear in such a situation.

But Wei Xun was still calm. 

Tick, tick.

[Countdown to death——00:22:45]

Under the dim lights of the bus, Wei Xun decided on his own.

[Beep, you have successfully accepted the novice tour guide task] 

[Please cause one tourist to have an emotional breakdown within 10 minutes. Otherwise, it will be considered that you failed the task]

This was the only task he received and the only chance he had to continue his life.

Wei Xun didn’t want to die. As long as he had a chance to survive, he would fight hard, even if the task was difficult to accomplish, and the chances were slim.

All to just achieve a slim hope of survival! 

The author has something to say:

Little Angels, Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

I hope everyone likes little madman Xun Xun!

T/N: It’s me again (and my team, Alysia, Kat and Yuzu), back at bringing more UF and thrilling goodness. I promise, this novel wouldn’t be really scary, but it will keep you on your toes. I really love the MC, and I hope everyone loves how crazy he is as well. If you like this novel, please add it into your NU reading list. The schedule of this novel will be finalized on Friday, and I will make an announcement on CG’s discord about it.