CH 20

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
The zombified flying fox left commander attacked once again, but this time, it was met by Wei Xun’s black claws as sharp as a dagger. Under the vicious claws, the strong and thick skin had little defense. All he heard was a sharp scream of it, reverberating, as the calf-size zombified flying fox left commander was torn apart when it was by Wei Xun!


Wei Xun could only hear the sound of his heavy breathing. His heartbeat was beating slower, but it felt denser. It was like smashing the ball through a hole. Scarlet blood splattered everywhere in front of him, and his desire to tyrannize and slaughter remained unabated. It swept his mind like a fierce wind, trying to annihilate everything.


A violent desire to kill was born from nowhere and filled his body, and Wei Xun was surging with strength. He couldn’t wait to fight and vent out his killing desire until he annihilated everything!


“Wa, wa, wa——!!”

The piercing roars of the zombified flying fox echoed one after the other, causing Wei Xun to feel a rumble in his ears. A ferocious crimson light flashed through the zombified flying foxes’ scarlet eyes. Wei Xun lifted his fingers and placed them softly in front of his lips. Against the pale lips, the black nails seemed much more flirty and striking.

“Shh, will you be quiet?”

Wei Xun smiled and asked. The torn pieces of the zombified flying fox left commander were violently flung by him thrown towards the wild pepper tree!


Pitter, patter—— 

In the pouring rain, the branches and leaves of the wild pepper trees danced wildly and disorderly. Most of the branches were smashed and broken, and only half of the miserable roots were still rooted in the stone cracks. Countless chains were broken as they jingled, falling into the mountain stream along with the fingerbones.

Dozens of pairs of scarlet eyes lit up from the remaining tree crown. The unfettered zombified flying foxes, like a group of skinned babies, hid among the branches and stared at Wei Xun.


More than a dozen zombified flying foxes attacked Wei Xun, while more still stayed in the incomplete tree crown. They used their bleeding membrane wings to hold their left commander’s remaining corpse. The zombified flying foxes then chewed into the remaining body bits. 

Instead of biting and swallowing, their sharp teeth bite worked like a needle and thread, sewing up the remaining parts of the zombified flying fox left commander. Then, the companions bite off their own bodies, leaving only their heads.

When Wei Xun killed more than ten zombified flying foxes in front of him, the zombified flying fox’s left commander was “sewn” well! The new “zombified flying fox left commander” had the heads of all its companions hanging up above its head. It opened its membrane wings and flew up again, shaking and losing its flexibility. It was like a heavy rotten cloth soaked in the rain, but it didn’t attack Wei Xun, but climbed to the rugged mountain wall——it wanted to escape!

“Are you leaving? You’ve gone too far.”

The claws and teeth of the zombified flying fox left commander were equally sharp. It was easy for it to pierce into the rock as it was tofu. Like a skinned blood-red lizard, it quickly climbed up the stone wall and climbed up for more than ten meters, but its road ahead was shrouded in a shadow. 

In the dark, you could only see the devil’s scarlet blood eyes and the white breath it exhaled in the cold rain.


“Will you stay with me, to accompany me?”

Under the elegant and kind voice, the zombified flying fox’s entire world dimmed, and the only color it saw was scarlet. 


Drip, drip.

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, pitter, patter——

Ktf qbeglcu gjlc vgfcmtfv atf oijurabcf wbecajlc gbjv, delmxis vliealcu atf vglqqlcu yibbv. Ktf hbwylolfv oislcu obz ifoa mbwwjcvfg vlfv, ifjnlcu j rbif iewq bo ygbxfc wfja bc atf wbecajlc gbjv. 

Ktf yibbv rqliifv jcv kjr delmxis rerqfcvfv lc kjafg ys atf gjlcrabgw. Ktf fcalgf wbecajlc gbeaf kjr j rtjwyifr. Ktf gbmxr, qijcar, jcv agffr tjv yffc bnfgaegcfv bnfg, jcv atf mbgqrfr bo hbwylolfv oislcu obzfr kfgf ragfkc jgbecv.

On the cliff at the side of the mountain road, seven or eight meters above, there was a string of bloody red claw marks deep into the stone wall——it was left behind when Wei Xun leaped on the cliff and pulled the zombified flying fox left commander down as it was struggling to escape.

His body was surging with strength, and it felt great to fly on eaves and walls.

Of course, Wei Xun paid a “price” of ten hours for just a minute of happiness. 

[Countdown to death——05:24:36]

[Countdown to death——03:56:28]

[Countdown to death——]


Wei Xun exclaimed and immediately changed the freshly received points for a longer countdown to death. He squinted his eyes, raised his head, and opened his mouth to catch the rain, which washed away the stench of blood in his throat.

[Countdown to death——27:39:31]

“Exchange for primary restorative agents.”

Wei Xun stated again. In the depths of his eyes that were shrouded with manic desire, it was all so calm it was terrifying. No one could tell that he tore the zombified flying fox left commander into meat foam. 

Pitter, patter.

Wei Xun’s upper body garments were totally ripped, exposing his pale, skinny, and sickly physique. Dark crimson lines encircled and sprouted from his tiny belly, like thorns, flowers, and vines. The thick and filthy blood naturally streamed in an arc from his lowering arm along the sharp and black fingernails that gave him the appearance of a wild beast.

Washed by the heavy rain, Wei Xun rubbed his body stained with blood casually. His pale skin fluctuated with his rapid breathing. His sharp claws left red scratches on his fragile skin, showing his mania under his calm disguise.

Until now, the violent and bloodthirsty desire was still agitating him, driving him, and making him eager to give up all control, conform to power and killing. 

But unfortunately, such a state of being filled with power but grasping weakly to his little willpower was considered losing control to Wei Xun. Wei Xun didn’t like it.

Fighting, destruction, extermination, self-destruction. The blood vessels in Wei Xun’s body were like flowing magma. Wei Xun’s entire body was going berserk, and he had nowhere to vent. Finally, he turned into a torrent-like flow and rushed elsewhere, causing him to do something he disliked——losing control.


Wei Xun’s face was expressionless as he clenched his fist. He felt no pain. He felt out of control and was depressed before he got up. 

He couldn’t lose control of his body. From beginning to end, Wei Xun was not controlled by the feelings a tyrannical devil would have and was extremely calm.

He sucked the jelly-like primary restorative agent and sucked it dry. Even the outer package was pinched and thrown into his mouth.

“Repair the lungs.”

[Name: Primary restorative agent] 

[Function: Repair a designated part]

[Price: 150 points]

[Note: Don’t litter in the wild. The outer packaging is also edible!]

The 150 points primary restorative agent immediately worked. Wei Xun’s countdown to death instantly returned to normal, and his SAN value no longer dropped. A total of 250 points were spent this time, which greatly reduced his SAN value, but compared with Wei Xun’s harvest, these efforts were worth it! 

[Beep, Random task completed!]

[Issuing task reward——]

[Your esteemed self received a prop: Pingping’s blood grudge embroidered shoes (Relative to the scene)]

[Your esteemed self received a prop: Pingping’s diary] 

[Your esteemed self received 200 points]

[New scenic spot, Flying Fox Mountain Forest, Progress——80%]

[Beep, your esteemed self killed the zombified flying fox left commander. The collection progress of the illustrated book is 3 / 4]

[The zombified flying fox left commander, a High-rank Peak-star monster, was one of the zombified flying foxes who ate corpse driver Pingping. It was Pingping’s favorite flying fox in her lifetime. It was shrouded with her fierce resentment.] 

[Your esteemed self killed the zombified flying fox left commander and obtained the resentment of the zombified flying fox king. Be careful! The king would attempt to take its revenge until its last breath!]

[Beep! Your esteemed self has three Pingping items. The collection progress is 3 / 9, and you have entered the main branch of the tour! The master of the Travel Services is very happy to know this and decided to reward you with 300 points. If you can collect all Pingping’s items, you will receive a special title!]

This was Wei Xun’s current information——

[Tour Guide Personal Information] 

[Code name: III-9 (only in this tour)]

[Rank: Silver-Rank Five-Stars (III-9’s rank) 5十]

[Countdown to death——27:38:11]

[Points: 355] 

[Mental pollution value (SAN): 55]

“There is still half of my SAN value left. I’m the best. I controlled myself so well!”

Wei Xun was complacent, and the red light in his eyes faded. As his wound healed and his countdown to death restored, his SAN value would no longer decrease. As the water ponded below him, Wei Xun looked at his current appearance.

In addition to the sharp claws, the long double horns in the middle of the forehead, covered by his hair, and the patterns on the abdomen, there were not many other changes. 

Of course, many other parts of his body had also quietly mutated. For example, Wei Xun could still see everything clearly in the dark. Under the strong wind and rain, he could not feel cold, and his whole body was brimming with strength.

All these changes, like the most tempting bait, would cause people to fall into the abyss of chasing power.

Wei Xun scratched his hair, which barely covered the tip of the horn, and simply didn’t care about the lines of his lower abdomen.

“These nails are so inconvenient.” 

Wei Xun, who was someone who would discard something after utilizing it, was too tired to care about his long nails. First, he picked up the blood grudge dagger he threw into the water to wash away the dirty blood. After he put it into his pocket, Wei Xun carefully twisted an embroidered shoe that was also dirty and soaked it in the pool of rainwater with the tip of his sharp claws.

The small red embroidered shoes were only palm size. The satin surface was smooth and soft. They were embroidered with scorpions, centipedes, and other three poisons. The shoes looked extremely exquisite. When one held it, one would feel like they were holding onto a piece of cloud.

[Name: Pingping’s blood grudge embroidered shoes]

[Quality: Scene (can only be used in this tour and cannot be taken out of the tour)] 

[Function: Unknown]

[Note: The embroidered shoes secretly stitched by Pingping should be the embroidered shoes she would have worn when she got married. It’s a shame she didn’t wear it in the end.]

In addition to this embroidered shoe, there was a thin booklet in the belly of the zombified flying fox left commander. It seemed to be made of some kind of skin. It was as light as a cicada’s wing, remaining stain-free from blood and rain. And once Wei Xun shook it, it was as clean as it previously was.

[Name: Pingping’s Diary (1 / 3)] 

[Quality: Scene (can only be used in this tour and cannot be taken out of the tour)]

[Function: Obtain some information]

[Note: Pingping’s diary records her past events in different periods]

The diary appeared to have been ripped apart, leaving just a little portion of it. It utilized a unique ink to create miniature traditional characters the size of mosquitoes and flies. Wei Xun glanced and said: 

“Sure enough.”

The diary roughly told the story behind Little Dragon Farmstead. At that time, it was a period of turmoil, and everywhere was shrouded with the chaos of war. There were also frequent wars. After General Luo Rongguang led his army to defend Taku Forts and sacrificed for the country, the Old Chief Ma of Xiangxi came forward at that time to bring the heroes’ corpses back to their Xiangxi’s hometown to let them rest in peace.

Unfortunately, Western Hunan was mountainous, and the roads were rugged and steep. At that time, it was also wartime. There were many bandits. The mountain road regularly used by corpse drivers was occupied by a group of fierce bandits. Old Chief Ma couldn’t deal with them, so he could only look for other alternatives to walk through.

Wuluo mountain was a forbidden mountain in Western Hunan. The successive Tusi kings set checkpoints and traps. No one was allowed to spy on the Tusi kings’ tomb. Only the cordoned-off village that guarded the Tusi kings’ tomb in previous dynasties knew the safe route into the mountain. 

At that time, Pingping, who had been the head of the cordoned-off village, fought against all the opinions and contributed to the newly built Little Dragon Farmstead for the corpse driving team. This move had aroused greater controversy in the conservative cordoned-off village.

Most of the diary was written in ink, but the last page was crazily scrawled. It was written in a dark red blood-like liquid, revealing the deep hatred and resentment.

[No one can leave Wuluo mountain, no one can!!!]

With this incomplete diary, Wei Xun, a person who was experienced in vomiting out words, was very happy imagining what had happened. The corpse driving skill was passed on to men rather than women. For some reason, the village head of the cordoned-off village passed it to Pingping, the only daughter, which caused contradictions in the village and dissatisfaction among the villagers. Pingping became the village head, and her decision on Little Dragon Farmstead intensified the contradictions. 

On a dark and windy night, the villagers killed Pingping. Pingping made preparations and was even more cruel. She not only killed all the villagers but also set a curse so that the villagers’ bodies could not leave Little Dragon Farmstead——

Yes, Wei Xun suspected that the rotten corpses were the villagers of the cordoned-off village.

Perhaps Pingping had calculated that in a hundred years, a tour group would take the Hunan army elders to leave and return to their hometowns. Those corpses would take the opportunity to keep up—but it was useless to keep up, because the curse on the pepper tree also caused them to be unable to leave Wuluo mountain all their lives. Their souls couldn’t rest in peace.

“This girl is not bad.” 

Wei Xun clicked his tongue and sighed, “It’s just that the small animals are too fierce.”

If the zombified flying foxes were not fierce, it would be impossible to obliterate the wild pepper tree as they were caught in the battle. In the end, the group of corpses were still set free. Pingping was to be blamed for this. Moreover, the pepper tree was dying. It was estimated that it would die tonight because of the wind, rain, and thunder. It was the only chance the group of corpses had to leave in a hundred years. Hence, that large group of rotten corpses couldn’t be blocked by the pepper trees alone.

Wei Xun, who felt no guilt, threw the diary and the embroidered shoes into the pocket of his trousers and carried the Tour Guide’s Flag to chase the tour group——from the beginning of the battle to now, Wei Xun had left the tour group for 13 minutes.

Fortunately, his body mutated, and he could leap across the mountains like an antelope. Otherwise, he might not be able to return to the tour group within minutes. 

“The corpses are running very fast, too?”

Wei Xun didn’t see the shadow of the corpses until he was about to catch up with the tour group. The corpses had been closely following the tour group since they exited Little Dragon Farmstead. The seals of the wild pepper trees were destroyed, and the corpses had no restraint. It moved closer and closer to the tour group. Wei Xun could vaguely hear the whizzing sound of arrows cutting through the rainy night and the slightly chaotic sound of gongs. Obviously, the corpse driving team was fighting with the corpses!

T/N: If you guys spot anything unstandardized, feel free to comment in the comments section and ping me. I’m always on the lookout to catch these “bugs”.

Thank you MochiSpiider for your support—Bonus Chapter (1/1)

Editors: Kat & Alysia 

Proofreader: Yuzu

“Hold on for a while, we’ve almost reached the Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road!”

Miao Fangfei shouted, unable to hide her nervousness and anxiety, “After passing the Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road, the task will be completed!”

She held a small dark golden Yin gong in her hand. The body of the gong was only the size of her palm, and it looked like it was rather old, but it was still bright and shiny. When it was struck, the sound was clear and loud. 

Different from the inferior Yin gong provided by the Travel Services, which could only control one Jiangshi at a time, Miao Fangfei’s little Yin gong could command the whole team of Jiangshi!

This was the reward prop Miao Fangfei got when she took the lead in kneeling down and leading the tour group to quell the grievances of their predecessors.

[Name: small Yin gong of Ma Miao’er]

[Quality: Special]

[Function: It can control the Jiangshi below High-rank Peak-star and can control two of them at most]

[Note: Available uses 3/10]

Miao Fangfei could only use the small Yin gong ten times. Up until now, Miao Fangfei had knocked it three times. Thanks to the small Yin gong of Ma Miao’er, Zhao Hongtu had spare time to deal with the rotten corpses that were in close pursuit!

Less than ten minutes after III-9 left the team, the corpses finally caught up. The dozens of rotten corpses were difficult to deal with, especially on the narrow and steep plank road. The tour group couldn’t delay here since it was 11:30, deep into the night. They had to drive the corpses through the Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road before it was 1 a.m.! 

Before departing from the farmstead, the tourists gave most of their remaining cinnabar to Zhao Hongtu and Hou Feihu, while the matter of dealing with the Jiangshis was temporarily taken over by Miao Fangfei. At the rear, the teenager clenched his teeth and showed a strange calmness.

Each arrow was either smeared with cinnabar or bound with a spell. Each time it was shot into the group of corpses, it could effectively delay their speed. The mountain road was narrow, and the group of corpses crowding over were stopped by Zhao Hongtu alone and could not continue to press forward!

When Zhao Hongtu swapped his arrows out, Hou Feihu replaced him to attack. On his arm was a modified crossbow. The firing speed was faster than that of a bow and arrow, and the sharp silver weapon seemed to be made of special materials. The rotten corpses pierced by the crossbow bullets disintegrated and couldn’t rise again!

It was precisely because the duo had stayed in the rear that the others could move forward as quickly as possible. However, when they came to the Ferocious Bone Plank Road, something changed, and the corpses suddenly became violent. 

A rotten corpse climbed up the steep cliff like a pale rotten spider with four limbs before jumping over Zhao Hongtu and Hou Feihu from the cliff and landing near the rest of the tour group, and all hell broke loose!

No matter how strong Zhao Hongtu’s shooting technique was, he could only shoot three arrows at the same time, and Hou Feihu’s crossbow bullets were also limited. It was impossible to defend the team against the dangers coming from the mountain road while remaining wary of the dangers coming from the mountainside. If they continued to stay here, they would fall into the dangerous situation of being surrounded individually by the corpses!

The situation was not good. Everyone looked at each other and quickly covered each other’s backs in retreat, but after the corpses caught up with the tour group, they found that the situation on the mountain road ahead was even worse.

The rotten corpses climbing up the cliff could not be stopped. They rushed into the crowd and separated the members of the tour group. Everyone had to fight while protecting the corpses behind them. For a moment, the sounds of shouting, killing, and the sound of gongs messily sounded out! 

At this moment, no one kept their cards hidden. Miao Fangfei’s spotted snake turned into a python. With a sweep of its tail, it could hit three or four rotten corpses off the cliff and even protect Shi Tao.

Wang Pengpai seemed panicked, but his round body was unexpectedly agile. He jumped up and down the plank road without being caught by the rotten corpses. In passing, he dragged Lin Xi up after he almost fell off the plank road.

Olc Wl yla tlr ilqr rb tjgv atfs yifv, yea tlr fsfr kfgf ecfzqfmafvis olfgmf. Cr rbbc jr tf abemtfv tlr qbmxfa, tf abbx bea rfnfgji atgbklcu xclnfr jcv atgfk atfw ja atf mbgqrfr klatbea tfrlajalbc. Ktf atgbklcu xclnfr mbeiv yf atgbkc bea lcolclafis ys tlw. Yynlberis, Olc Wl jirb tjv j rqfmlji alaif.

However, when he was fighting, he often looked anxiously behind him. He was absent-minded, which was why he was almost attacked by the rotten corpses. 

Hou Feihu knew who Lin Xi was waiting for. He and Zhao Hongtu were fighting back-to-back against the rotten corpses that were assaulting them. Zhao Hongtu’s arrows could be infinitely fired, while Hou Feihu put away his crossbow and took out a gun!


The sound of the gun echoed in the vast mountains, and the cartridge case fell crisply. Hou Feihu’s eyes were still calm, but inwardly he felt anxious. There were not many bullets in the gun.

When would III-9 come back! 

He never thought he would look forward to the return of the tour guide so much. Not only him, but everyone in the tour group felt the same. Now, everyone was fighting individually, but they were fighting messily as if they were missing the backbone of the team.

If this went on, an accident would happen sooner or later!

“Ah——!! Elder brother, save me!”

The panicked shriek cut through the dark night. Yu Hehui, who used to rely on the flash of the psionic camera to scare away the rotten corpses, didn’t notice that to his rear, a rotten corpse had climbed up the stone wall and lunged at him and he stumbled into the corroding stone wall. Although he could barely stay standing and didn’t fall down, the camera fell down unexpectedly! 

Yu Hehui was so frightened that he trembled all over. While protecting the corpse behind him, he wanted to pick up the camera that fell to the ground.

However, the decaying corpse who lunged over tripped him and pressed him down.

The strong scent of the corpse was disgusting, and Yu Hehui didn’t know whether the water sliding onto his cheeks was rain or corpse liquid. He was flustered and wanted to protect the corpse behind him, but there were corpses violently pulling at him from all directions.

These rotten corpses wanted to climb onto his back and let him take them out of Wuluo mountain! 

“Little Hui!!”

“Elder brother, elder brother——”

Yu Hehui was pressed down, and the rotten corpses were as heavy as iron, which caused him to roll his eyes. He stretched out his fingers with all his strength, almost convulsing. Finally, when he was almost suffocated by the rotting scent of the corpses, a warm current with an animalistic scent dispersed the cold and heavy rotten corpses behind him!

“Little Hui, come!” 

Yu Hean was pale with fear. He supported the animal skin and tried to protect Yu Hehui in his arms, the skin still connected to his head. The sharp horns on the side of the huge cow’s head felt like jade. The cow’s head had its eyes wide open, and its eyes were as big as copper bells and full of bloody veins, appearing extremely fierce.


[Name: Old cattle hide]

[Quality: Special] 

[Function: Put on the cowhide of the old yellow cattle, and they will recognize you as a cow]

[Note: You know who they are, right? This cowhide is useless to humans]

Yu Hehui was covered under the cowhide, and the rotten corpses looking for humans around him instantly lost their target. They were either at a loss or jumped at others. Just when Yu Hean was relieved, in the next moment, Yu Hehui rushed out of the cowhide crazily after picking up the camera and rushed towards the rotten corpses. Yu Hean shouted anxiously:

“Come back, do you not want to live!” 

“My Jiangshi was robbed by them!!”

Yu Hehui shouted hastily, pressing the shutter at the swarming rotten corpses. The bright white light tore through the night like lightning, and the rotten corpses immediately roared and dispersed. No one knew where he got the courage to do this from, but Yu Hehui rushed into the group of rotten corpses and grabbed the Jiangshi he prepared. But as soon as he snatched the Jiangshi back, there was a sudden heaviness on his back——the cold, greasy, and wet touch caused his back to break out in goosebumps, and his brain went blank.

“Watch your back!”

Yu Hean screamed loudly. Regardless of the danger, he ran with the cowhide and charged towards the rotten corpse behind Yu Hehui and knocked it down the plank road. However, he exerted too much force and rolled down to the edge of the narrow plank road, which had no guardrail. 

In the blink of an eye, half of Yu Hean’s body was dangling off the path shakily.

The slippery wooden board was very difficult to grasp onto, not to mention that he was carrying a heavy Jiangshi. Yu Hean’s face turned blue, and his nails were digging in, leaving tragic bloodstains, but he couldn’t stop his descent. His entire body was sliding towards the abyssal canyon!

“Elder brother!”

Yu Hehui hurriedly pulled him up, but as soon as he was about to squat down, a rotten corpse wanted to rush on his back. In a hurry, he shouted, “Throw the Jiangshi down, throw the Jiangshi down!” 

Yu Hean tried hard to climb up, but his feet had nowhere to land! The Jiangshi that was as heavy as iron caused him to sink down lower and the cold, hard as an iron body pressed bloody marks onto his neck. The fear of death made Yu Hean tremble, but when he thought of throwing away the Jiangshi, a deep resentment came from behind, freezing his blood.

At that moment, Yu Hean saw the scarlet resentment wrapping around him and Yu Hehui. Ghosts were unreasonable. If he threw away the Jiangshi, Yu Hehui and he would face a miserable end!

“I can’t throw it, no, I can’t throw it.”

Yu Hean gasped, his blue and white face showing a look of desperation, and his lips trembled. “Hui, Hui, Hui, go, take, take the cowhide and go.” 

If Yu Hehui returned alone, the two brothers wouldn’t die here together.


“Elder brother!! Elder brother!!!”

Yu Hehui cried so much he was gasping, but he still tried his best to support him and refused to leave. He even wanted to rush over and pull him up. His brother was lagging at the end of the tour group, and more and more rotten corpses surrounded him. Yu Hean gritted his teeth. A decisive look appeared on the face of the cowardly and rickety middle-aged man. 

The chapped and rough fingers clasping the stone cracks trembled and gradually loosened one by one. Yu Hean didn’t dare to look at the canyon below his feet. He didn’t want to, he really didn’t want to, but he had to make a decision. If he didn’t make up his mind, the pair of brothers would have to die here.

With his eyes tightly shut, Yu Hean clenched his teeth hard and was about to loosen his grip. But just then, he felt a sudden tightening on his collar.

The sky rotated, and Yu Hean couldn’t distinguish which direction he was facing. He thought they had fallen, and he was so afraid he turned pale. Even after he collapsed on the ground, his spirits had yet to return. His heart was beating fast as he thought he was going to die from the fall. It was as if he took a stroll around hell and returned.

For a moment, Yu Hean shivered, and his legs were as soft as mud. Yu Hehui cried and shouted as he helped Yu Hean up, but Yu Hean couldn’t respond in time. His eyes were staring straight, and he could only see the dazzling white and red Tour Guide’s Flag that was wet from the night’s heavy rain! 

Yes, yes, yes.

The person who saved him was——

“Guide, Guide III.”

His teeth knocked against his lips, and a rusty taste filled his mouth. Yu Hean’s eyes were staring straight ahead, as if he was a stone carving. A voice that seemed to descend from his dreams sounded, and his whole body was shaking violently. 

The person in front of him looked like III-9. But at the same time, he didn’t appear like III-9. He appeared more like a savior, like hope, like a hero!

The hero who saved him!

“Guide III is back!”

He urged himself to shout louder, and his voice almost cracked. The roar was no different from a monster, but it seemed to inject strength into the whole tour group. Obviously, he was still struggling, and he was in a desperate situation, but he was full of spirit, like a ship that found a lighthouse. 

“Guide III is back!”

“He’s back!”

For a moment, everyone was excited again, as if with the presence of a big villain like III-9, the rotten corpses that were difficult to deal with in front of them became much less difficult to deal with. But just as they continued to fight as if they were injected with chicken blood, a reprimand spread to everyone’s ears through the amplification of the Tour Guide’s Mic.

“Why aren’t you guys running? Are you guys stupid? Why would you stay here to receive a beating?” 

Wei Xun scolded mercilessly, “Do you want to kill all the rotten corpses? Look at the time!”

“It’s only half an hour to one!”

His voice made the tourists feel cold. Yes, their task was to drive the corpses through the Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road. They shouldn’t delay here any longer! Miao Fangfei was ashamed that although she had the strongest strength and was once in control of the group, she almost messed up.

It was as if the tourists had grown a backbone after III-9’s return. They were a group. One tourist guarded the rear, while the rest of them guarded against the mountainside. The veteran tourists all had great strength, and they gradually recovered their momentum and began to move on. 

The planks below their feet were called a road, but in fact, it was more like a row of wet wood wedged into the stone wall. One could see the dark canyon below through the gaps of the wood. There was no guardrail, and one would be frightened and panicking when they just stood on it.

The tourists clung to the stone wall as they walked in a single file while protecting the Jiangshis behind them, moving forward slowly like turtles. They used branches or climbing sticks to support them to move forward. Once a rotten corpse fell down from the stone wall, the stick could sweep them off the plank road!

Seeing that the tourists could solve their own problems, Wei Xun was happy to do nothing but observe. At the moment, he was coolly standing on the mountainside. The mountainside that was nearly 45 degrees was considered flat to his mutated body. Wei Xun even felt that he looked so handsome running in the wilderness!

Just now, after dragging Yu Hean back, Wei Xun received a message from the Travel Services at the same time. 

[Warning: On the Ferocious Bone-made Plank road, Tour Guide III-9 has committed an act of assisting the tourist to pass through the scenic spot, which violates the tour guide’s rules. This is a warning! If you commit the first offence, you will be fined 100 points. The penalty for a second offence will be doubled!]

[You saved a tourist from the brink of death, and *** is very satisfied with you. *** hopes that you will continue to work hard on your tour]

“Does the Travel Services have a split personality?”

Wei Xun did not have the awareness a staff of the Travel Services should have and complained, “While you’re deducting my points, you also hope that I can keep up the good work? Old capitalist.” 

Facing the warning from the Travel Services, Wei Xun proclaimed that——he would dare to do it again the next time.

It was easy to harm tourists, but it was more exciting to save people. Wei Xun was purely trying to add difficulty to his job. If he intended to play, then he wanted to go all out!

“We’re, we’re almost there!”

Walking in the front, Miao Fangfei, covered with mud, finally saw the end of the Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road, which was their glimmer of hope! But before she smiled in surprise, the smile stiffened on her face and turned into panic.

“Hurry, hurry——”

Her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat. After exerting the strength of nine cattle and two tigers, she finally squeezed out the words, “Run, hurry and run!”

With that, Miao Fangfei picked up the Jiangshi and ran to the front after losing her cool! The tourists behind didn’t know what had happened. They were blankly led forward and ran straight to the front. When they saw the scene in front of them, their hearts froze. 

Those rotten corpses had climbed to the front using the stone wall. Pale, swollen, and rotten, they gathered like maggots and ate the planks as if they had gone berserk! The wooden plank path shortened rapidly as they bit on it.

The corpses were so violent that they would destroy the plank road. They would never let the tourists leave Wuluo mountain with the Jiangshis!

“Run, hurry up and run!”


Without needing to be urged, the tourists all accelerated and rushed to the end of the Ferocious Bone-made Plank Road. The slippery wooden planks under their feet were bitten by rotten corpses, and the unstable plank road shook again and again.

Lin Xi stepped on air, but before the feelings of weightlessness and despair came, his falling body stopped!

It was the Jiangshi. It was the Jiangshi behind his back. It supported him on the stone wall, which gave Lin Xi some buffer time. Lin Xi wasn’t sure if he had imagined it, but the hard arms of the Jiangshi seemed to have grown softer, and the dangerous cold aura gradually weakened, as if the Jiangshis also knew that these corpse drivers were sending them home.

Return home, return home! 

Miao Fangfei jumped across the plank road and turned around to pull Lin Xi over. Then, shortly after came Wang Pengpai. Because he weighed a lot, adding on that he had the Jiangshi behind him, he trampled down a lot of wooden planks along the way, but because he was flexible, as if he was doing acrobatics, he did not fall down.

“I should have let you run at the rear!”

Zhao Hongtu, who closely followed Wang Pengpai, muttered fiercely that he had had enough of the trouble Wang Pengpai stirred. Zhao Hongtu almost relied on jumping to reach the end of the road. Looking back, Zhao Hongtu saw Hou Feihu step on air and almost fell down. He couldn’t bother to curse the fatty and quickly pulled Hou Feihu up with him.


Hou Feihu was still in shock. Looking at the plank road behind him, he cried loudly. Facing the pressure of the corpses eating the planks and the tour group’s trampling, all the wooden planks close to his side were broken, and only half of the nearest wooden planks were left. The length of the planks could only allow him to fit one foot now, and he was nearly 1.5 meters away from the mountain road at the end!

If he had to jump 1.5 meters during his school days, it would be an easy feat, and he would be able to make the leap effortlessly. But now, it was not a playground but a canyon spanning hundreds of meters. If he fell, he would die!

Moreover, the swollen and festering heads of the rotten corpses kept gnawing at the plank road without stopping. The swollen eyes protruded out, and the turbid gazes that made them appear like monsters stared at the people on the plank road. Yu Hehui subconsciously stepped backward and dared not look at his feet. He was so afraid that he was about to cry.

“I, I don’t——Ah!!” 


Pushed by the huge force behind him, Yu Hehui hurriedly waved his arms and rushed forward. Wang Pengpai and Hou Feihu, who had been prepared, grabbed him and pulled Yu Hehui up.

Now there was only Yu Hean on the plank road, but the situation grew worse. He had tried his best to push Yu Hehui, causing the plank road under his feet to collapse again. If Yu Hean hadn’t reacted quickly, he might have fallen directly downwards.

But now, the situation was still not good. The broken plank road forced Yu Hean to retreat again, and the distance between them became two meters! 

It wasn’t easy to jump on flat land for a distance of two meters. Not to mention, Yu Hean was carrying a heavy Jiangshi. In the steep mountain, Yu Hean’s legs went soft, and the wooden planks on the plank road shook. The rotten corpses were still gnawing madly, trying to pull him down into the abyss.

“Aewq, Yiv Te, pewq!”

Qjcu Ufcuqjl kjr yegclcu lc lwqjalfcmf. Zbra bo tlr ybvs rdeffhfv boo bo atf wbecajlc gbjv, jcv tf rtbeafv, “Aewq delmxis, kf’ii mjamt sbe!”

“Aewq, Te Lfjc, pewq!” 

Snfgsbcf rjk atf qgfvlmjwfca Te Lfjc kjr lc, jcv atflg jczlfas gertfv eq ab atflg tfjvr. Te Lftel, ktb wjcjufv ab tjnf j ygfjatfg, gertfv bnfg. Llr fsfr kfgf gfv atlr alwf, yea tf vlvc’a mgs jcswbgf. Bcbklcu atja tlr ygbatfg kjr jogjlv bo tflutar, tf rtbeafv:

“Brother, don’t look down, look into my eyes! You can jump over, jump, jump!”

Jump, jump.

But at this time, his teammates’ shouts sounded like a jumbled and meaningless mess in Yu Hean’s ears. His body went soft, and his vision went black. The Jiangshi behind him seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, which made him out of breath. 

“Elder brother, jump! Don’t look down——”

Yes, it was Hehui’s voice. But humans would always react in this manner—the more one said don’t look, the more Yu Hean couldn’t help but look below his feet.

And what he was staring at was a swollen and rotten face of a corpse!

Yu Hean shivered, but the next moment he saw the rotten corpse biting on the plank road. He collapsed. His eyes were swallowed by the darkness in the twinkling of an eye, and he couldn’t even hear the slightest sound. 

Yu Hean knew he should jump forward as far as he could, but it was like how humans reacted when hit by a car on the road. His consciousness and body were separated, and he stopped moving at the spot for a moment, unable to move at all.

He couldn’t move. It was as if his body had rusted, and he completely couldn’t move.

Yu Hean could not stop his body from shaking, and he almost fell downwards, like a rotten corpse.

“Elder brother, elder brother——!” 

Yu Hean’s body shook, and how Yu Hean reacted almost paralyzed Yu Hehui. His brain was blank, his lips trembled, and his body was shrouded in great fear. He couldn’t say anything for a moment, like he was petrified, turning into a puddle of mud.

It wasn’t until a man walked past him and kicked Yu Hehui, who was blocking the way and hindering the progress. Yu Hehui rolled like a wheel and became covered with mud, but suddenly woke up from his stupor. Looking at the thin figure walking in the rear and carrying the Tour Guide’s Flag, Yu Hehui burst into tears.

He couldn’t say anything at this time. He just kowtowed, forsaking his life to kowtow to III-9.

Help my elder brother. I beg you, help my elder brother! 

“Yu Hean.”

Who is it? Who’s calling him?

“Why haven’t you come yet?”

III-9 slightly tilted his head, and the sound of doubt penetrated through the rain along with the shrill roar of the rotten corpses, ringing in everyone’s ears. 

It seemed that he was just wondering why Yu Hean fell behind.

Yu Hean raised his eyes in a daze. When he saw the Tour Guide’s Flag that was still bright red in the dark, his eyes burst to life like a beast. This was his desire to survive.

It was III-9. It was III-9 calling him!

III-9 was so powerful and omnipotent that he would save him, just like on the plank road just now, he would save him—— 

“Yu Hean, we’re leaving.”

III-9’s voice was gentle at first, but his words chilled everyone’s heart.

“Time’s almost up.”


Yu Hean’s mind was in a mess. He opened his mouth, and his throat trembled. He wanted to beg III-9 to save him and ask III-9 not to give up on him, but he couldn’t say it. He didn’t know why, but when he looked at III-9, the words he wanted to use to beg III-9 to save him became difficult to say. What was left was only shame.

It was his own fault that he was too weak and dragged the tour group behind.

Guide III had saved him once. How could he be shameless enough to ask him to do it again?

“Isn’t it obvious! He can’t jump over!” 

The impatient Zhao Hongtu couldn’t help shouting. It was as if the anxious look in his eyes reflected his urge to jump to Mars. “Fuck, jump, Yu Hean, time’s almost up!”

“The distance is too far. Old Yu can’t jump over with a Jiangshi on his back.”

Miao Fangfei pressed down her anxiety and secretly looked at III-9. “If, if someone can help him from the mountainside——”

There was a change in III-9. Miao Fangfei didn’t know what, but she had seen the scene of him standing steadily on the sloping mountain wall moments ago. If, if III-9 was willing to help Yu Hean and lift him halfway through, maybe he could—— 

“Do you want me to help you, Yu Hean.”

Behind the bronze mask, Wei Xun looked at Yu Hean, who was dejected and desperate. His tone seemed to be filled with concern, but in fact, his voice was so cold it sounded emotionless. Like the devil’s whisper, humans would be deceived by his ambiguous and warm appearance, ignoring the flirtatious banter in his voice.

Wei Xun paused and spat out cruel words when everyone hopefully glanced at him:

“It’s a pity that the Travel Services doesn’t allow tour guides to help tourists——I was punished for saving you just now.” 


“How could this happen!”

Miao Fangfei and the others were so shocked they lost their voices. Zhao Hongtu couldn’t believe it. Looking at III-9, Yu Hean’s body trembled. No one expected that III-9 would say that, but no one doubted the authenticity of his words——III-9 didn’t have to lie!

“No wonder, no wonder.” 

Xu Chen muttered to himself, his expression ugly. Miao Fangfei opened her mouth, but she couldn’t say anything to ask III-9 to help Yu Hean. Yu Hehui gritted his teeth to wipe away his tears and shouted from the other side, “Elder brother, jump, come on!”

“Time’s almost up!”

“It’s 12:50. You have ten minutes left.”

Wei Xun said softly, as if sighing, “Yu Hean, you have to catch up with us yourself.” 

“If you want to survive on tours, you can’t be weak.”

Yes, III-9 was right. If you wanted to survive the fucking tours, you must work hard to keep up!

After saying this, Yu Hean, who was on the plank road, trembled and bowed his head. Wei Xun didn’t say anything again. He just turned and walked away.

The mutation affected his personality. Moments ago, Wei Xun’s short sentence first gave him hope, then made him despair, and finally threw all blame to the Travel Services. He was as cunning and wicked as a devil, and played tricks on people’s hearts. 

It was a pity if Yu Hean died, because he wouldn’t have led a tour with all the tourists alive.

Wei Xun thought indifferently. But if he moved to help Yu Hean again, he was afraid he would not just receive a warning from the Travel Services.

It was a pity, but if Yu Hean couldn’t jump over——

He could only die. 

“Yu Hean——!”


Just as Wei Xun turned around, there was a sudden cry behind him.

“Yu Hean——!!!” 

He looked back and saw Yu Hean roaring and jumping wildly, eyes red with madness as he rushed over desperately!

“Don’t leave me behind, don’t leave me behind!”

When III-9 turned around, great fear overwhelmed the despair in Yu Hean’s mind. He subconsciously wanted to catch up, but when he looked down and saw the dizzy-inducing canyon, his legs and feet began to soften again.

But now, Yu Hean only saw III-9’s back that was going further away. He didn’t blame III-9, his hero and savior. Just now, in order to save him, he was even punished by the Travel Services—— 

There was actually such a good tour guide!

His numb heart, which had gone on tours until it was shrouded with darkness, began to beat again and again, and a strange impulse burst out from the bottom of his heart. A strength surged from somewhere unknown from the bottom of Yu Hean’s heart, quickly injecting new vitality into his limbs and body and even allowing him to surpass his fear of heights.


I want to live. I can live, to live to repay his kindness, to live to follow III-9! 

Yu Hean stepped back, clenched his teeth, and stamped the plank road anxiously like a cow forced into a desperate situation.

I’ll stay alive to leave this damned place!

Just when the plank road was becoming more and more unstable, Yu Hean howled crazily and jumped to the end as he sprinted over!


I want to stay alive, along with III-9!!