CH 26.2

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
“Amid the sound of laughter~ my mother carried me away from the stilted building”

Wei Xun was the only one left in the SUV. He hummed the song. Unexpectedly, he found it pleasing to his ears. The fireflies flew back to his hands and twinkled along with the rhythm.

Just now, all the tourists opened the doors and walked down to the graveyard. As they walked, it seemed as if they were swallowed by the graveyard. The scene was particularly scary and strange.

Wei Xun didn’t stop them. Before he came to Little Dragon Stream, the prompt from the Travel Services made him understand that this was a [Welfare Attraction]. The [Welfare Attractions] would only appear when the survival rate of tourists exceeds 80%. This attraction could be regarded as a warm-up attraction before they embark on the main attraction. 

There would be substantial rewards for accomplishment, but this attraction was also far more dangerous.

The tour guide would always be there, no matter how dangerous the main attractions were. But [Welfare Attractions] weren’t only for tourists; they were also for tour guides. For these [Welfare Attractions], the tour guide would experience their own “attractions” and the tourists would experience their own’ “attractions.” Tourists would be unable to acquire the help of a tour guide. They could only finish the attractions with their own strength or ability.

It was rare for all the tourists to survive. Miao Fangfei might not have made much preparation for [Welfare Attractions] ——after all, who would have thought that more than 80% of them could survive in Intoxicating Xiangxi?

However, they already had the bamboo basket prop, so their chances of survival were considerably high.

Now, surprisingly, the one in the most danger was Wei Xun.

He pushed open the door and exited the SUV. The grass and soft earth which were beneath his feet seemed slick and oily as if he were in a swamp. Stepping on the rain-soaked earth would bring up half a foot of mud. Wei Xun sneezed, owing to the cold mountain breeze blowing on him that was carrying water vapor.

The night in the Xiangxi mountains was breathtaking. At night, the sky was a deep blackish blue. He could see the ups and downs of the mountain curve, as well as thick fog. The fog began to rise around him abruptly, and the chilly fog acted like silky threads. In the twinkling of an eye, the surroundings were shrouded in fog.

[SAN value: 51] 

His SAN value had been steadily decreasing. Wei Xun’s SAN value had dropped slightly while he was in the SUV, and it was presently somewhat lowering again. Such murderous desire, disguised behind the peaceful settings, would undoubtedly terrify anyone.

The bloody hue in the depths of Wei Xun’s eyes became thicker. With his interests perked, he walked to the graveyard covered by fog, but he returned to the original spot for some reason.

“Is this how one would feel when meeting a Ghost Hitting The Wall?”

Wei Xun said to himself, “How wonderful.” 

It was as if his brain was experiencing a cognitive error. He clearly thought he was walking in a straight line, but he didn’t know he was actually walking in circles in the heavy fog, and returned to where he was in the end.

This was Wei Xun’s first time experiencing a Ghost Hitting The Wall.

“Over there is the tourists’ attraction……is this where my attraction is?”

After walking to the other directions, Wei Xun found himself trapped in a field of about 10 meters x 10 meters. Because of the dense fog, he couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t see much but the SUV that had brought them here. 

In the originally empty off-road vehicle, there was an extra figure in the front passenger seat.

“Knock, knock.”

In front of the SUV, Wei Xun knocked on the glass politely.

“Hello, sir.” 

Ktf klcvbk kjr tjio bqfc, jcv atf qfgrbc rlaalcu lc atf ogbca qjrrfcufg rfja ifjcfv jujlcra atf klcvbk. Ktflg ktlaf tjlg kjr kfa ys kjafg njqbg jcv raemx ab atf klcvbk.

“Ktf rmfca bo yibbv lr rb tfjns.”

Qfl Wec vfrqlrfv la. Lf iloafv j mbgcfg bo atf wjrx bc tlr ojmf, abbx j gbeut uijcmf ja atf oluegf, jcv gfnfjifv j wjgnfiilcu fzqgfrrlbc, qgjlrlcu,

“You are so handsome. Really, I have never seen such a handsome person.” 

This person had the same face as Wei Xun’s face under the mask. At first glance, one would have thought that it was Wei Xun who had died in the front passenger seat!

As if Wei Xun’s words had triggered it into action, the “man” suddenly slid his face down the window, leaving two dazzling blood marks.  Like a dead swan, his head was lifelessly buried beneath his knees. Large swaths of crimson blood streamed from beneath his skin. On his chest, back, arms, and neck, he had several severe wounds.

The blood and flesh rolled up, crimson and gleaming, as though viciously ripped by the keen claws of wild beasts. A perfectly normal individual was transformed into a massive chunk of flesh in an instant, and blood splattered over the window, coloring the window crimson, gory, and disgusting.

Wei Xun watched as “he” was ripped apart like a tattered doll, morphing into jagged pieces of flesh and crushed into a fleshy sludge. Finally, the flesh shriveled, darkened, and crumbled into a pile of dry skin-like wood. 

The sight roused his appetite. But Wei Xun didn’t like this way of dying. Not only was it not spectacular, but——

“When I die, I want to die in a unique way.”

Wei Xun sighed and there was a glimmer in his eyes, as if he was teasing someone, “I never want to die in the same manner as the zombified flying foxes.”

[SAN value: 50] 

Wei Xun was surrounded by cold resentment, and the shrill roar of zombified flying foxes was getting closer and closer. Under the chilly and gloomy air, Wei Xun’s countdown to death had dropped exponentially, but he didn’t care and walked away from the SUV, without feeling any nostalgic feelings for it.

“Are you angry? Because I killed your comrades?”

Wei Xun muttered to himself. After looking at the illusion of his “corpse” in the front passenger seat, he understood who the “person” secretly spying on him was and the culprit who caused his SAN value to fall crazily.

Because the scars on his “corpse” and the “cause of death” he finally died from were the cause of death of the two zombified flying fox commanders that were killed by him. 

[Welfare task: Pingping’s test]

[Task level: Extremely urgent]

[Task description: Please be careful. The spiteful ghost Pingping is very dissatisfied with you because you killed the zombified flying fox. She has warned the Travel Services to not disturb the peaceful rest of the flying foxes. Pingping just can’t understand why the Travel Services opened up more scenic spots for the sake of developing the economy of Xiangxi. So now, as a member of the Travel Services, Pingping will provide you with some small tests. If you pass her assessment, Pingping will no longer hinder the development of new scenic spots]

[Note: We can’t reason with spiteful ghosts. Sometimes avoiding them is the best solution] 

“Is this a welfare task?”

Wei Xun hummed and laughed, and the corners of his lips hooked up, taunting, “I’ll have to open up scenic spots but avoid Pingping? To be honest, I’m not interested in doing this.”

“I haven’t seen a spiteful ghost before——is it fierce enough, and free of dirt?”

Wei Xun felt his fingers trembling slightly. It was not fear, but it was hard for his body to hide his excitement. He wanted to break through the shackles of reason that were controlling his senses. 

The tug-o-war between reason and desire made him feel increasingly excited. Wei Xun paced in the open space, like a beast patrolling the territory. Currently, he was clearly standing on a relatively open grass field, with no one around, but the malicious sense of someone watching him came from all around him.

“My interest in the zombified flying foxes have already been extinguished.”

Wei Xun lowered his voice and the bloody glimmer in his eyes flickered. The dark nails he had cut short grew long again, and the hooks on his nails were as sharp as the claws of a beast.

He didn’t care about the menial responsibilities assigned to him by Travel Services, such as the development of scenic spots, Pingping’s assessment, or temporarily avoiding the malevolent ghost. All of this was pushed to the back of Wei Xun’s mind. 

He was eager to fight, to tear something up, or perhaps to be torn up——the dangerous urge to destruct and self-destruct was contradicting within him. Compared with Wei Xun’s fierce and dangerous appearance, Wei Xun’s tone was extremely soft and gentle, like a devil’s whisperings, tempting all sentient beings.

“Pingping, where are you?”

No one answered. There was only a growing fog around. The surrounding temperature was decreasing, and the feeling of something maliciously peeping at him still existed. The sensation of someone peeping at him came from everywhere, yet he also couldn’t find any traces of it.

“Hide and seek?” 

Wei Xun smiled and walked leisurely on the wetland. The patter of him stepping on the ground sounded, and the heavy rain previously left puddles of water around. Under Wei Xun’s trampling, the clear puddle stirred, becoming turbid.

“It reminds me of the game I used to play——.”

Wei Xun found that he couldn’t feel any tension within his body. He used a tone, as if he was chatting with his old friends, and said to himself, “Imagine that there are monsters under the mud in a swamp. People can’t find them, but when people walk on top of the mud on the monster, their Mental Pollution Value will decrease greatly. After understanding this, people can avoid or surround and kill monsters——”


Wei Xun returned to the place where he first stood after circling around twice. There was a puddle not obvious to the naked eye here. Patter, Wei Xun stepped on it again.

[SAN value – 1]

When someone was in a hurry, they often ignore the sky above their heads and the puddles beneath their feet.

Wei Xun gently lowered his head. His face could not be reflected in the murky puddle. In the midst of the puddle, there was a crimson, resentful, gory face——the skin had been peeled off the face, and its features were like black holes. The flesh and blood on its face had been gnawed away, and there were long strips of black insects crawling like blood vessels and earthworms on the uneven flesh and blood. 

Countless dark grievances appearing in the shape of a bat surrounded the bloody person. The skinned bloody person stretched out a bloody hand to Wei Xun in the depths of the puddle to pull him into hell.

Wei Xun did not avoid it. His pupils widened slightly, he opened his mouth and showed a happy and satisfied smile.


Should they choose the baby or the ghost baby?

For Hou Feihu, it was a difficult choice, but it was a choice they had long foreseen they had to make. As Wang Pengpai mentioned during the discussion in the afternoon, walking up the Little Dragon Stream was the fetus flesh grave, and down the stream was the baby grave.

This was likely to be an attraction involving them making a choice, but no one thought that they would have to choose so quickly.

The bamboo basket could carry one baby. 

Who to choose, a human baby or a ghost baby?

Hou Feihu’s brow was drenched with cold sweat. It was a risky decision, and everyone in their tour group was separated. He couldn’t talk to the other tourists and had to make a decision on his own.

They seemed to be aware that Hou Feihu was hesitating. The baby gave him a brilliant smile. Their lovely smiling faces made them look like an angel, causing people to unconsciously want to smile at them. The ghost baby cried with resentment and hatred. Their faces were covered with blood-like tears. Their scarlet eyes stared at Hou Feihu with resentment. Nails as sharp as knives easily tore several holes in the baby wrap when they were waving.

Based on the judgement an ordinary person would take, they were definitely more inclined to carry normal human infants. But as a veteran tourist, Hou Feihu made the choice based on his experience and knew what he should do, and what was the more accurate choice. 


Thinking of the plan they discussed in the morning, Hou Feihu frowned.

In fact, he didn’t quite agree with the plan——although it was the safest and most foolproof plan, it needed the cooperation of the whole tour group. If someone made a mistake, it would be difficult to make up for the mistake, and for him and Zhao Hongtu, this decision was undoubtedly very dangerous.

If it was the previous him who had just embarked on this tour, Hou Feihu would definitely focus on self-protection and would not trust unfamiliar tourists. In the face of survival, everyone was selfish, and no one could blame anyone. 

But now, after experiencing the trials of life and death together, and after meeting tour guide III-9, Hou Feihu’s thinking had changed.

Maybe this plan would really succeed.

The experience he had when serving in the army has not only made Hou Feihu more aware of the cruelty of reality but also made him hope to have comrades in arms who could be trusted and would fight side by side with him. “We will leave no one behind”. Perhaps for some people, as long as they could live, it didn’t matter whether others live or die. However, Hou Feihu hoped that more and more tourists would unite together, and fight side by side in the dangerous and difficult tours.

Live together. 

“Amid the sound of laughter, my mother carried me away from the stilted building”

Hou Feihu felt a shiver crawl up his spine, not because he was terrified of the ghost baby, but because he sensed someone watching at him from behind him.The pair of malicious eyes had a strong sense of existence, like a cold and slick snake slithering across his back.

“Amid the sound of laughter, my mother carried me away from the stilted building”

The monotonous singing got closer and closer. The singer (ghost) was gradually approaching him. Their malicious eyes were almost attached to the back of Hou Feihu’s head, but he couldn’t turn around now. 

He must make the choice within the time limit, and he must make a decision immediately.

Hou Feihu’s face was firm and no longer hesitated.

He bent over and picked up the ghost baby from the cracked grave and put it into his basket. Suddenly, the singing stopped, the crying stopped, and there was a strange and creepy silence all around him.

In another grave, Yu Hean was already covered with the cowhide of an old yellow cattle. He stared at the two babies in the grave with trembling hands. He tried to reach out several times, but halfway through, he clenched his fist again.

“This is the safest plan, and everyone can survive this way.”

Leader Miao’s sincere and serious words echoed in Yu Hean’s mind.

“But if anyone has any objection, please raise it immediately. This way, we can do away with this plan, because it requires the cooperation of our whole tour group. Everyone must not make any mistakes.” 

“Leader Miao, I’ll listen to your esteemed self’s words.”

Yu Hean remembered what he said at that time, “You are the leader recognized by Guide III. Surely, we wouldn’t face any mishaps with your plan.”

It’s going to be alright.

Yu Hean repeatedly hypnotized himself. 

He had the cowhide of the old yellow cattle, so there would be no mishaps. Moreover, even if he met with a mishap, everyone would save him——it would be fine.

Now that you’ve agreed, you can’t back away!

Soon, Yu Hean clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, reaching out to pick up the human baby from the grave. He quickly put it into the bamboo basket and wrapped himself tightly in old cowhide. His heart was beating so fast that it had almost jumped out of his throat. He clenched his teeth and didn’t dare to move.

The song stopped, and there was silence around. Yu Hean was very worried. He kept silently reciting Bodhisattva, please bless me, Bodhisattva, please bless me. After a long time had elapsed, the cold night wind blew on him, carrying the scent of wet soil. 
