CH 29.1

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
Editors: Kat & Alysia

Proofreader: Junyans 

There were four maggots in the little bottle, which Wei Xun had found from his search through the stilted building while Wu Laoliu was away when he was in Baby Bamboo Miao Village just now.

After Wei Xun’s SAN dropped, the only other similar monsters were the two mosquitoes that had died, and the golden mosquito that evolved. If Wei Xun wanted to quickly find a similar kind of monster, he could only look for Wu Laoliu.

Although it was unclear whether his blood could work on maggots and whether it would attract the attention of Wu Laoliu, since Wu Laoliu hadn’t come back from outside, it was now very convenient for Wei Xun to conduct his experiments.

Honestly, he was only curious. Wei Xun didn’t harbor horrible intentions, right? 

The blood from the butterfly tattoo appeared no different from the blood from other parts of his left arm. Wei Xun carefully picked up two maggots with tweezers and threw them in one bottle to curiously observe their changes. These maggots that appeared like basmati rice began to roll and struggle as soon as they fell into the blood, and black and gray bubbles kept on emerging from the blood. This scene looked strange and evil, as if an evil witch from fairy tales was refining their concoction.

They wouldn’t drown, right?

Wei Xun was disgusted, yet worried. Fortunately, after a few seconds, his blood stopped bubbling. Half of the butterfly tattoo blood in the left glass bottle was absorbed, and all the blood in the right bottle was consumed. He could clearly see the white maggots that looked like kernels of wheat in the bottom of the bottles——It seemed that they didn’t have a change in appearance, except that they had gotten fatter?

Of course, the maggots on the left became much fatter. They were waxy white and even a little cute. The ones on the right side looked to be a little thin, but they looked clean. They were definitely the cleanest maggots from Wu Laoliu’s body.

“The energy in the blood beneath the tattoo is stronger, while the blood from other parts of my left arm has another use?”

Wei Xun muttered, in deep thoughts. The blood in the left bottle had not been completely absorbed, but the maggots were in a better state than the maggots in the right bottle. It may be because the maggots’ rank was too low for them to fully absorb his blood.

It was a pity that Wei Xun didn’t find any new consciousness in his mind, nor did he perceive how the maggots felt.

Compared with the golden mosquito, they were still too weak. After all, there were hundreds of millions of maggots in Wu Laoliu’s body. These four maggots were really nothing special, and neither would they have their own consciousness. 

The maggots didn’t know Wei Xun’s dislike for them. They worked very hard to move close to Wei Xun and wanted to stick to him across the glass bottle, showing a sense of intimacy——but why would Wei Xun want the maggots to be intimate with him?

“What a pity.”

Wei Xun was regretful: “I thought——”

Lf atbeuta atja lo atlcur kfca kfii, tf wluta yf jyif ab mbcagbi Qe Ojbile. 

He could only hold back the little devil in his mind. Now it seemed that this experiment had failed, but his blood did have many uses. Things went wrong this time because there were too many maggots in Wu Laoliu's body, but if he encountered a monster with only one body in the future, a bottle of blood may play a big role.

“Olaaif yjys, sbe mjc’a fja fnfgsatlcu.”

C olgfois ofii bc atf wbeat bo atf ifoa uijrr ybaaif jcv kjr fjufg ab vglii lcab la. Qfl Wec yibmxfv atf wbeat bo atf ybaaif klat tlr olcufgr.

The firefly stopped on the back of his hand and glowed quietly. It was jade green and beautiful. 

“How long have you been following me?”

Wei Xun took two glass bottles and poured them into the Little Dragon Stream behind the house together with the remaining blood and maggots, destroying all traces of his deeds. He didn’t know whether Wu Laoliu sensed what he did——but it was better to be cautious.

The firefly danced as he moved and landed on Wei Xun’s shoulder. It looked like a dim night light.

“Do you still want to play ball?” 

Wei Xun seemed to be talking to himself but in fact, he was talking to the firefly——or rather, the ghost baby again. This ghost baby was the fastest one to hug his thigh at that time. Wei Xun pulled out four ghost babies from the bottom of the bed, not including this baby. There were a total of five babies.

He thought the five ghost babies would all enter the stomachs of the tourists, but perhaps because of its special identity, this ghost baby did not enter their stomachs. It followed Wei Xun all the way, and even reluctantly flew in circles around Wei Xun when Wei Xun was pouring the residual blood into Little Dragon Stream.

“Good child, come to me.”

Wei Xun held out his hand, and the firefly stopped on his finger, like an emerald gem. 

“The blood that I just threw away was soaked in bad guys. It was not clean.”

He used a tone like he was coaxing a child. The firefly flashed, and the frequency it was flashing was a little faster than it did just now. Compared with the maggots and fat mosquitoes, the emotion it conveyed was perceived the clearest by Wei Xun.

He understood that the ghost baby also wanted to drink his blood. It seemed that the blood was a great tonic for him.


Wei Xun smiled and said, “If I feed you blood, your mother will be angry.”


The ghost baby flashed blankly. It was too young when it was born. Its original body was eaten by hundreds of people, and its remaining consciousness was very weak. It only reacted to the word “mother” slightly. In the end, it decided to follow its instinct to chase Wei Xun——he felt comfortable around this man.

Wei Xun was as cunning as a fox and it would be an understatement to say that he had driven a wedge between the bunch of ghost babies and Pingping. Wei Xun was not in the mood to think about why the ghost baby stayed with him all the time. This was not important to him. The important point was that he already had a good guess regarding the ghost baby’s identity. 

Yu Hehui had disappeared, and Pingping hadn’t come back yet. At this time, he had to find a way to make the ghost baby play a greater role.

“Come on, let’s go to your past home to take a look.”

Wei Xun packed up his things, then led the firefly and walked to the building in the middle of Cordoned-off Village. He said to himself, “It’s expensive for me to be a nanny to tend to kids. Your mother shouldn’t be stingy about giving me some alimony.”

The four maggot brothers thrown into Little Dragon Stream by Wei Xun were not dead. The two maggots that had not been soaked with tattoo blood took the opportunity to absorb some residual blood before the blood was washed away by the stream.

Although the maggots wouldn’t die immediately in the water, they were too small and fragile. The undulating stream was no different from the ocean to the fragile maggots. If this went on, sooner or later, they would drown.

However, after absorbing the blood containing demonic energy, the four maggot brothers’ bodies did have subtle changes. They felt different from the large group of ordinary maggots living in Wu Laoliu’s body. These four maggots broke away from Wu Laoliu’s consciousness and they now possessed their own consciousness. Although their consciousnesses were too weak to be perceived by Wei Xun, they instinctively know they should unite and get through the difficulties.

Arranging them from the strongest to the weakest, one could call them Old Big, Old Second, Old Third and Old Fourth. The four maggots were tightly intertwined like a rice ball that was as large as the size of a fingernail. The stronger ones were Old Big and Old Second who stood at the exterior. The weakest were Old Third and Old Fourth who found it difficult to float in the stream, and kept sinking. 

How many times did the waves in the stream scatter them until they almost drowned? How many times did the fish and shrimp in the stream try to devour them? The most dangerous time was when they hit the floating branches in the stream. The huge waves slapping on the maggots almost made them faint. The sharp branches pierced the Old Three’s fragile body, and almost all of them died in the stream.

But in the end, they survived and floated all the way down Little Dragon Stream. They were so persistent not only because they wanted to survive, but also because of their master’s orders.

It was their master who gave them a new life, and the maggots were extremely loyal and obedient to their master instinctively. However, their master refused to accept their subjugation and gave them a test——their master wanted to control their original main body.

Perhaps it was because they originally existed as a group, but despite being unable to communicate with their master, the maggots could communicate simply within themselves. Their perception of their master’s consciousness was even sharper, capturing Wei Xun’s intention of “trying to control Wu Laoliu.” 

This was their master’s order. Maggots weren’t intelligent and had simple thinking. They wouldn’t think about whether it was difficult or impossible to accomplish the task. They would persist until they defeated all obstacles and tried their best to achieve their master’s wishes.

Cordoned-off Village was upstream of Little Dragon Stream. After drifting down the stream, one could reach Baby Bamboo Miao Village.

The maggot ball landed hard on a bend where the water current was relatively mild. The maggot ball disintegrated as the four maggots lay down and barely rested for a while. Then, they climbed slowly and firmly towards Baby Bamboo Miao Village.

It was unknown how much time had passed before the maggots finally returned to Wu Laoliu’s stilted building. Before Wu Laoliu left, he left some maggots to guard the stilted building. The four of them were originally guarding by the window until the whole group of them was whisked away by Wei Xun. 

After absorbing their master’s blood, the four maggot brothers did seem to be more cunning. Old Big tried to restrain the energy it absorbed and let its chubby body shrink to its original size. Old Second, Old Third, and Old Fourth mimicked him and shrunk into a decent size. After they all shrunk to a thin and dry state, they rolled on the edge of the window to cover themselves with the scent of Wu Laoliu. Afterwards, they drilled back inside one by one through the window crack.

After all, they all originated from the same source——Wu Laoliu. The maggots who were left behind only possessed the most basic instinct to defend the fort. The four maggot brothers acted quietly and did not attract the attention of any maggot guards. They silently and peacefully integrated into the former group of maggots and waited for Wu Laoliu’s return.


“Crazy bitch, you fucker, you don’t even understand shit. This forgetful bastard.” 

Wu Laoliu cursed and swore as he rushed to Baby Bamboo Miao Village with his dirty mouth. His entire body emitted his killing intent, and his pair of eyes were so gloomy they were frightening. From 10:30 to 3:30 in the morning, he battled from the fetal flesh graveyard to the hanging corpse forest. The battle spanned five hours and ten kilometers, and only ghosts knew what he had experienced.

Wu Laoliu only wanted to be opportunistic and lead away the spiteful ghost Pingping to save III-9’s life. Who knew that the spiteful ghost would go crazy and chase him fiercely? Wu Laoliu had expended a lot of time before he could get rid of her.

“This transaction caused me to incur a loss, it was shady as hell.”

Wu Laoliu felt distressed and stuffed the maggots who fell off while walking back into his body. Pingping tore off his human skin from his waist and chest to his back. He couldn’t cover up the maggots, so now, he was like a bag of broken rice. The white maggots were leaking out as he walked. 

Not only that, but the fight with the spiteful ghost Pingping consumed more than half of the power left within the already injured Wu Laoliu. The maggots looked shrivelled and only their skin was left. Wu Laoliu was so thin that he looked like a paper man, as light as a gust of wind and capable of being blown away at any time.

When his body turned into a monster, it had both disadvantages and advantages. It didn’t matter if his bag of skin was broken. As long as the maggots were still there, Wu Laoliu could always regenerate.

But now his consciousness was divided into each and every maggot, and in a way, it was considered as him possessing collective consciousness. It would be better if he had more maggots. If there were fewer maggots, it would be like he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. He would always forget things and was slow to respond. Therefore, now Wu Laoliu was hurrying back to collect the maggots he left in Baby Bamboo Miao Village.

“Name, name, name……” 

Along the way, Wu Laoliu was in a trance. In addition to maliciously scolding Pingping and III-9, he had been repeating the word “name” repeatedly. He didn’t want to pay such a huge price in vain. Wu Laoliu didn’t dare to vent his anger at the master that caused all this, and he didn’t even dare to imagine venting his anger. He only dared to get angry with III-9 in his heart.

He was very shrewd and stingy. This hadn’t changed even after he turned into a monster. Whatever price he paid, he would have to reap a harvest of a hundred times or a thousand times more. Wu Laoliu’s eyes contained a fierce light. If the gains couldn’t satisfy him, no one could bear his anger, regardless of whether they were the tourists or tour guides who were temporarily living here.

“III-9, III-9, name, name……”

He kept chanting this until he finally returned to the stilted building in Baby Bamboo Miao Village. After a while, the maggots left behind in the room climbed back into his body and let him know what happened in the room after Wu Laoliu had left——if they were separated too far, the maggots’ thoughts and memories weren’t shared, and could only be shared after reuniting together. 

“III-9, that little brat came?!”