CH 31.2

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
Wei Xun got a horrible premonition as he saw the dense fog rising. Based on his notions, there would be no harm if there was smoke. The rocket launcher’s strength was considered to be terrible——but it couldn’t be his poor luck. It must be due to Replicator’s deliberate sale of counterfeit goods. Damn it, if there was a chance in the future, Wei Xun must make that bogus guns merchant vomit up all his squandered 15000 points!

But now he couldn’t care less. Wei Xun threw the scrapped rocket launcher down and launched himself into the thick fog as if launched by a taut string. Other than the roar of a wild animal, there was also a strong smell of blood in the fog. This rocket launcher must have hurt the zombified flying fox king!

The strong scent of blood made Wei Xun’s eyes redder and redder, his breathing became more and more heavy, and his heart beat surprisingly fast. In the thick fog, his eyes couldn’t see the direction, but his demon-like intuition could judge where the enemy was.

The sharp claws waved violently as the powerful wind rose, and he felt his claws tear through something. It looked as though the zombified flying fox was nearby but the rough tree bark suddenly emerged in the fog——Wei Xun was going to collide with the pair of trees, but his body was very flexible. He shifted his weight, stepped on the tree with his feet, and dashed back to the prey in the dense fog. 

Wei Xun nonchalantly tore the decaying human skin with his claws and hurled it away. The zombified flying fox king rushed around the couple tree at breakneck speed. Wei Xun trailed it closely and frequently collided with its shadow, which lingered in the darkness. The grassland became a wilderness without the illusion, and the lush trees had died long ago. Almost a hundred withered human skins hung from the branches of the charred black pair tree.

Judging from the human skins, these deceased were probably not the same group of people that came together. They were mountaineers or backpackers who were lured in by the beautiful head. Everyone who came to the tree because the beauty drew them in was devoured by the shrewd zombified flying fox king.

Wei Xun was searching for the zombified flying fox king. This cunning shadow was always hidden in the thick fog. The occasionally exposed body was like the tip of an iceberg. The tip of the zombified flying fox king’s extremely huge body was exposed occasionally. But most of the time, it was hidden in the sea of fog, causing one to feel extremely horrified!

The task prompt of the Travel Services whizzed by Wei Xun’s ear, but it didn’t attract his attention. Now, he was addicted to the fleeting pleasure and thrill brought by fighting and chasing the enemy, and couldn’t extricate himself from it. The first horn had protruded on his forehead, and the tip of the horn was very sensitive to the Yin energy and resentment. Closing his eyes, Wei Xun seemed to see another field of vision, and he could easily see the outline of the zombified flying fox king outlined by the gray and black lines.

It was really——very big.

[You have observed the mixture of resentment from the zombified flying fox king, the village head of Cordoned-off Village and Ah Long, the eldest son of the village head]

[Task progress: 3.5%]

The silhouette of the monster composed of gray and black lines was unlike that of an enlarged zombified flying fox. It had eight slender limbs as thin as hemp poles, which supported a wide, short and huge T-shaped body. When moving, it could easily drag its huge body to climb up the couple tree without being affected by gravity, so it moved very fast. It had been in the northeast direction in front of Wei Xun one second ago, but the next moment it had moved behind him. 

Behind him!

Wei Xun turned around and using his sharp knife-like claws, he cut from bottom to top. When he was attacking, a shrill and resentful roar suddenly sounded in his mind:


The roar of the zombified flying fox king made Wei Xun’s mind buzz and he was disorientated. The sharp claws that originally attacked the zombified flying fox king swiped its hard skin. Its skin was surprisingly hard, its surface seemed as sticky as if a layer of corpse oil was on top of it, so it was difficult to leave scars on it even with claws that were as sharp as Wei Xun’s. 

Only the upper third of its body was blasted, and the rocket had left a massive wound that had nearly snapped its body in half. Viscous grayish-brown liquid spilled from the wound, and the terribly cracked wound was mending quickly——but Wei Xun would not let it have such an opportunity!

Every time he attacked, he aimed at the zombified flying fox king’s wound and tore it wider open. The zombified flying fox king roared angrily, but its sharp and harsh voice no longer had any impact on Wei Xun. Anyway, he wouldn’t feel pain.

Cr atf hbwylolfv oislcu obz xlcu’r lcpeglfr kbgrfcfv, atf obu yfujc ab olii klat j olrts jcv obei bvbg. Ktf ugjs obu mbwqifafis yifcvfv klat atf atlmx ktlaf obu ufcfgjafv ys atf gbmxfa ijecmtfg, wemt ilxf tbk atf hbwylolfv oislcu obz xlcu mjwbeoijufv larfio ys yifcvlcu lcab atf reggbecvlcur. Ktf qblrbc tjv jigfjvs fzafcrlnfis qfgwfjafv Qfl Wec’r ybvs ys atf alwf tf ofia lcmjqjmlajafv.

But Wei Xun didn’t care, and seized the opportunity when the zombified flying fox king was lunging over to tear open a wound on its back! Wei Xun leapt and jumped on the zombified flying fox king’s body! 

“Ha——keep running!”

Wei Xun’s laughter sounded harsh and low. The area on the zombified flying fox king where it had been blasted by the rocket darkened, and all of the sticky liquid on its body vaporized. This was an excellent chance for Wei Xun to flex his muscles. Wei Xun’s right claw was nearly completely entrenched in the zombified flying fox king’s wound. The zombified flying fox kingit couldn’t shake it off even if he leapt and ran wildly. Wei Xun’s left hand plunged insanely deep into its incision and ripped out its skin as if he were scooping watermelon flesh!



The zombified flying fox king shook its body as if it were a runaway horse, but Wei Xun’s claws were like nails sunk into its flesh. It couldn’t get rid of him no matter how wild it became. If it could rush into the deep forest, it might be able to scrape Wei Xun off with the dense branches there, but the zombified flying fox king was only confined to the ten meters surrounding the couple tree, which was all open space!

“So noisy.”

Wei Xun said hoarsely, his eyes fiery and angry. The terrible impulse to slaughter that had built from tearing apart the zombified flying fox commanders back then got increasingly explosive, cramming in his chest and body. Wei Xun felt like a balloon filled with air. If he didn’t vent it in time, his body would explode!

“Be quiet, will you?” 

Wei Xun noticed that there was a strange hissing sound in his voice, like the sound of magma boiling, but he didn’t care, just like how he no longer insisted on tearing up the flesh and blood of the zombified flying fox king——its body was too large, and it would take a long time to tear it up completely.

Now Wei Xun urgently wanted to stop its shrill roar, and make it unable to utter anything forever.

Using the altered field of vision brought by the two horns on his forehead, Wei Xun looked at the thousands of gray thick lines that formed the abstract body of the zombified flying fox king. The lines were of different colors and twisted and intertwined, from deep hues to light hues. Then there were two most obvious dividing lines, which were located in the first half and the last fifth of its huge body.

The zombified flying fox king had the resentment of the village head of Cordoned-off Village and the eldest son of the village head, Ah Long. This was the joint where the resentment intermingled, and where its huge body was most vulnerable. 

Like a natural hunter, his instincts and keen senses allowed him to grasp the weakness of his prey. Wei Xun took a risk and released his hand to jump off the zombified flying fox king with a tumble, slipped free from its body and narrowly avoided its sharp limbs. When he fell near the joint, his fingers arched like eagle claws, fiercely piercing its tough and slippery skin and leaving five ripping claw marks!


The shriek of the injured zombified flying fox king had plainly changed. The harsh roar seemed to have been blended with the sound of a human moan and scream and its body convulsed. The wound expelled a considerable amount of sticky gray blood which splattered across Wei Xun like a fountain.

In addition to the horrible scent of the fishy, sticky and slippery dirty blood, Wei Xun’s paralysis became more serious where the gray blood had touched his skin. 

The blood of the zombified flying fox king’s was toxic. It not only evaporated into the fog, but also became much more poisonous when one came into close contact with it. Wei Xun felt that half of his body was paralyzed and he was almost thrown off by the zombified flying fox king, but he didn’t dodge. Like a mad devil, he disregarded his paralyzed body. His claws tore the wound on its body again, just like a mad dog biting the enemy.


The zombified flying fox king roared miserably, and the human scream in its hiss became softer and softer. After Wei Xun almost tore it apart in the center of its body, the zombified flying fox king was no longer able to move. Although it was still rolling and crawling its struggle reflected how powerless it had become.

Wei Xun exhaled and felt that his chest and lungs were all piled up by the stench of the blood of the zombified flying fox king. His bodily paralysis became more and more serious, making him lose strength all over the body. The gel-like blood almost stuck him to the zombified flying fox king’s body. However, the pleasure of tearing the strong enemy and defeating the opponent made his blood almost boil, and his breath heated up. 


He took another deep breath. Wei Xun wasn’t sure whether it was his mistake, but the temperature surrounding Wei Xun’s body was rising, and the gray blood stuck to his skin dried up and shattered into fragments, cracking and dropping off like gray scales.

Hot, very hot. Wei Xun’s senses were in disorientation and he felt as if he was wrapped by fire. The agitation brought by the heat triggered his desire to destroy, which made him eager to tear up something and devour the flesh and blood of his prey.

The prey under the sharp claws was still alive. The dried sticky liquid was no longer a shackle that could trap him. Shaking off the sticky liquid fragments, Wei Xun laboriously pulled his numb claws out of the wound of the zombified flying fox king. Since he didn’t have something to support him, he began to roll down its body. 

On the fifth of the lower body of the zombified flying fox king was its last vital weakness. After tearing it up, shredding it into pieces, this long, brutal battle would come to an end.

It ended with Wei Xun’s victory.

But something changed in an instant.

[SAN value: 36] 

The SAN value that kept falling in the battle was originally maintained at this dangerous value, but Wei Xun was able to maintain a value that would keep his sanity.

But the next moment, his SAN value fell directly by 10 points.

[SAN value: 26]

Since Wei Xun maintained his countdown to death at a low value for a long time, Wei Xun’s SAN value would decrease at the rate of 10 points every 24 hours. The first time his SAN value dropped was at Little Dragon Farmstead when he went into the main room to get wax dyed cloth bags. 

It was three in the morning now.

From midnight, Wei Xun had tracked, searched, found the couple tree, and confronted and fought the zombified flying fox king. Time had passed silently.

Once again, it was three in the morning.

Wei Xun always calculated his time correctly and had drawn a bottom line but this time, his reason had been overridden. It could be due to the paralysis caused by the zombified flying fox king’s toxin, the excessive energy he used battling or the consciousness of the monster in his body. It impatiently waited for his SAN value to plummet, and the consciousness was astute enough to not remind him. 

The bottom line drawn by Wei Xun was crossed.

His SAN value fell to a dangerous extent.

His brain was blank, and he was confused.

Who am I? 

His chaotic consciousness seemed to float in a sea of nothingness. On the left side of his body, he was piping hot, and on the right side, he was bone-chilling cold. He was struggling between the two opposite forces. The alternation of supercooling and overheating made his senses unclear, and he did not know where he was.

Where am I?

His body morphed quietly under the impact of a force. The tail vertebrae that the human body had degenerated due to evolution started itching. Something pierced through his skin and grew outward.

What’s that? 

It was his tail.

The sharpest and hardest weapon of a demon.

Demon? Am I a demon?

Am I human? 

Chaotic and violent thoughts surged through him, causing him to be unable to think clearly. It seemed that thousands of dangerous knowledge poured into his mind, stirring his thinking into a pot of boiling soup. All kinds of chaotic fragments of thought were expanding, colliding and rolling, and finally turned into his instinctive desire.

I’m very hungry.

Mutation required energy. He didn’t have enough energy now. He needed more, more energy.

The monster under him couldn’t provide the energy he needed most. The tail vertebrae were itching, and there was a feeling of numbness behind his shoulder blades. That was the mutation that was going to happen next. But because of the insufficient energy, the change could only be unwillingly halted. 

Not enough, not enough energy.

He glanced over the side. There seemed to be a low-rank demonic mosquito with little energy, and it had signed a contract with him.

He couldn’t eat that.

He looked in another direction, where there was a mixture of impure but active energy. 

He wanted to eat that.

He moistened his lips and struggled to stand. His body was strange and deformed. His pale skin was covered in demonic and enchanting glyphs, and he had a slender pointed tail wrapped around his waist. The freshly formed tail was mottled and lacked scales. It appeared a little unappealing. His shoulder blades protruded backwards as if he were malnourished and lean. In actuality, it was due to a lack of energy and the fact that he had yet to develop wings.

He was really hungry. He needed to catch his prey and replenish his energy.

His pale fingers raised, dark and sharp nails pointed to the northeast. 

The prey was in that direction.