CH 32.3

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
“3:00 a.m.——Is this the time when III-9’s SAN value dropped for the first time?!”

At this time, Shi Xiao, who had been deep in thoughts and repeating “three a.m.,” suddenly lost his voice. His breathing stagnated and he hurriedly looked at Bai Xiaosheng. It seemed that he couldn’t believe his inference because it was too bizarre, too terrifying——


Bai Xiaosheng nodded and said, “On the night when the tour group arrived at Little Dragon Farmstead,  III-9 stood immobile for five minutes when he went to the main room to get the wax dyed cloth bag at 3 a.m. That struck me as suspicious.” 

“Excluding other factors, the possibility of 3:00 a.m. that night being the first time III-9’s SAN value dropped is 35%.”

“No, it’s impossible. Doesn’t that mean that his countdown to death has been less than three days since the first day?”

Shi Xiao still couldn’t believe it and muttered to himself, “How is it possible, how is it possible——”

Actually, it was possible.

If it wasn’t because III-9’s countdown to death was always very low, how could III-9 be so strong!

Because his livestream screen was blocked all the time, the audience couldn’t find out the extent to which he had mutated.

Shi Xiao had friends he was familiar with who were tour guides and knew more about tour guides than a regular tourist. After learning the time from when III-9 had started losing his SAN, his hair stood on end

He also vaguely discovered that Bai Xiaosheng was paying too much attention to III-9. Who would pay attention to III-9 standing immobile for five minutes! 

After this thought flashed through his mind. Shi Xiao became more anxious about the current predicament.

“Yes, but as long as III-9’s points are sufficient to raise his countdown to death to a safer threshold, his SAN value wouldn’t drop by 10 points every day.”

Shi Xiao muttered, hoping whatever he said would come true by fluke. However, Bai Xiaosheng didn’t speak, and simply looked at the time.

It was twenty minutes before three in the morning. 

Shi Xiao never thought that time would pass by so excruciatingly slowly during these twenty minutes. The roar of the zombified flying fox king on the screen of the livestream room grew weaker and weaker, and occasionally, they could see its huge figure filled with bloody wounds. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before it lost.

The tone of the comments in the livestream’s barrage had been completely reversed, and the voices questioning III-9 became more and more sparse. More people began to celebrate III-9’s victory in advance, and the barrage was full of joy.

However, Shi Xiao stared at the pocket watch in Bai Xiaosheng’s hand and refused to move his eyes away from it. He watched the pointer move, and finally——

It was three a.m.. 

At three o’clock in the morning, the zombified flying fox king suddenly stopped screaming, and the livestream screen was dead silent.

“Yay, III-9 killed the damned thing!”

Vbwf qfbqif mtffgfv, ktlif batfgr fnfc jqqijevfv. Snfc atbeut tf kjr kfjxfg, tf xliifv j wbcrafg ragbcufg atjc tlw. Rb wjaafg tbk bcf ofia yfobgf rfflcu atlr rmfcf, atfs kbeiv vfolclafis yf oliifv klat jvgfcjilcf jcv atflg yibbv kbeiv ybli joafgkjgvr.

Vtl Wljb rjk Djl Wljbrtfcu qlmx eq j delii jcv kglaf j ilcf bc atf qjgmtwfca. 

[III-9 fell into a state of high SAN loss, and his mortality rate reached 65%]

Seeing this line of words, Shi Xiao’s vision darkened and he felt that his brain lacked oxygen. He violently sucked in a breath and found that he had been holding his breath just now. It was as if a swarm of mosquitoes was buzzing in his mind. When he opened his mouth, he found that his throat was dry and his voice was hoarse.

“The mortality rate is still 65%……but III-9 may not die, right?”


Bai Xiaosheng said: “III-9 could survive the tide of negative emotions he felt previously. I infer that there is a 35% chance he will survive this time. The premise is that the zombified flying fox king is still in its sealed state and does not obstruct III-9 from what he’s doing.”

“I’m sure it wouldn’t obstruct him.”

It was as if Shi Xiao was grasping onto his life-saving straw as he said, “The first attraction of the second scenic spot has not begun, so the zombified flying fox king cannot be unsealed in advance. III-9 still has the remnant soul of the ghost baby. In any case, he should not die. As long as he survives this tide of negative emotions, III-9 will certainly live——”


Before he finished speaking, the roar of the zombified flying fox king suddenly travelled from the livestream screen. A black shadow flew out of the thick fog and fell heavily into the stream. The water around it was suddenly dyed red by blood.

It was III-9!

The situation reversed in an instant, and no one could react in time. The roar of the zombified flying fox king was very loud and harsh, different from the previously weak cry. The thick fog dissipated due to it, revealing a huge monster with a terrible appearance——it was molting. The hard skin that had been torn miserably fell off, and a harder exoskeleton grew from its flesh and blood.

The zombified flying fox king had been unsealed! What had happened this time! 

“I’ve remarked previously that III-9 isn’t very lucky.”

Bai Xiaosheng said faintly, “For tour guides, luck is very important.”

As he spoke, he crossed out the previous mortality rate of 65% and changed it to 95%.

95% was no different from a dead man. 

Shi Xiao’s brain was blank. He watched the unsealed zombified flying fox king roar and go crazy, tearing up the couple tree maniacally before going after III-9.

III-9 was still lying in the stream, motionless as if he were dead.

“Get up, get up quickly!”

The audience was all worried. The audience in both the barrage and the virtual hall were burning with anxiety. 

“Get up, fuck, you’re dying!”

“Stand up, III-9, get up!”

They couldn’t accept that III-9, who was like a god of war, would just die this way!

What was more, if the tour guide died, the tourists on the journey would basically be finished. No one would tell them the information for the new attraction, and a tour group without a tour guide would eventually be annihilated! 

“Stand up, III-9, stand up!”

Even if they shouted loudly and crazily, III-9, who was in the Intoxicating Xiangxi tour, couldn’t hear them. When they saw the zombified flying fox king approaching III-9 and its sickle-like and terrifyingly huge forelimb picking him up, countless people couldn’t bear to watch and left the livestream room. Many people closed their eyes, and even the sunspots who had been causing trouble all the time shut up.

They were mourning the death of a tour guide and having a moment of silence for the tour group who was about to die.

Some people who were more emotional even started shedding tears. The tour group had clearly got to this point of the tour without any casualties, but they suffered a crushing defeat here. Who could accept it? No one could accept it! 

Shi Xiao’s entire body was trembling. He stared at the livestream screen and remained immobile. Before III-9 truly died, he didn’t believe that III-9 would die!

Wasn’t there still a 5% chance? III-9 might not die. There might be a turn for the better. However, when III-9 was picked up by the sickle-like forelimb of the zombified flying fox king, Shi Xiao’s heart was like dead ashes, bleak and desolate.

“It’s over, it’s all over.”

It was all over, III-9 was over, the tour group was over, and so was his brother. 

It was over. There was no way. III-9 was dead——


At this time, Bai Xiaosheng suddenly let out a cry of surprise. His fingers rapidly clicked on the air and he summoned another small screen. The speed of the screen was adjusted to 0.5x the normal speed, and he replayed the few seconds when the zombified flying fox king picked up III-9. He set it on auto-replay.

His action immediately aroused Shi Xiao’s attention. His heart jumped wildly and he wanted to ask something, but he didn’t dare to open his mouth and could only hold his breath. Shi Xiao stared at Bai Xiaosheng’s face and saw his expression turn from doubt to surprise, as if he had finally understood something. 

With a tap of his fingers, the screen paused at the moment the zombified flying fox king picked up III-9. He enlarged the screen as much as he could and adjusted the speed to the slowest. There was something vaguely visible in III-9’s drooping arm past the sickle-like forelimb of the zombified flying fox king. It seemed as if there was something golden between his fingers.

It was too small. Even if one zoomed in to the maximum magnification, one could only see a golden light. Bai Xiaosheng took out a magnifying glass and scanned the screen. A line of words that only he could see appeared in front of him.

[Beep, after judgment, the similarity between the target object and insect mouth props is 56%, the similarity between the target object and needle props is 40%, and its similarity with others may be 4%]

[The preliminary estimation is that the probability of the object having basic bloodsucking functions is 95%, the probability of it having special functions such as concealment and analgesia is 50%, the probability of it having rare functions such as life transformation is 3%, and the probability of it having all functions listed is 0.001%] 

[Concluding remarks: Who will pay attention to blood-sucking mosquitoes, buzz, buzz]

The livestream screen was similar to a static image. The zombified flying fox king who was supposed to tear III-9 suddenly stopped moving, and it seemed a little confused. The sickle-like forelimbs folded in front of him, with III-9 hanging on the tip of its sickle and swinging. However, the zombified flying fox king didn’t seem to be able to see him.

As if III-9 was a mosquito that had landed on its forelimb.

Even if a mosquito was quietly plundering its life, it was as if the zombified flying fox king was blind. After all, who would notice a blood-sucking mosquito? 

While the audience was confused or shocked, Bai Xiaosheng put away his magnifying glass and crossed out the mortality rate he had written down just now.

The battle was won by III-9. And he would devour the corpse of the flying fox king and become stronger. Bai Xiaosheng had a hunch that he could get rid of his high SAN loss state. Even if III-9’s SAN value dropped to its lowest point or his countdown to death fell to zero and he completely mutated, he would be able to get out of this tour alive.

Everyone was shocked and stared at the livestream screen in disbelief. Even Shi Xiao didn’t notice what he was writing. Bai Xiaosheng folded and stacked the parchment he had just written on with a purple quill until it was folded into a small square. As soon as his fingers rubbed it, the paper square disappeared between his fingers.

In the Pacific Ocean, fierce torrents of storm and rain and hundred meters high waves clashed in the Devil Westerlies. The majestic thunder roared like a demon god, and the snow-colored lightning tore through the night and illuminated the raging seas. Between the rise and fall of the rough waves, the top of a giant stone fortress in the middle of the Devil Westerlies could be seen.

The giant stone fortress was made of incredibly dark green stones. The giant stone statue was covered with barnacles and seaweed, emitting a strong scent of filth. Smelling it would cause one to feel a strong sense of anxiety and disgust at once.

R'lyeh, the city in the legends where the “Great Old One” Cthulhu slept, finally surfaced from the Pacific Ocean in March, 1925. Originally, no one could pass through the line of defense formed by the violent waves to disturb the sleep of the Great Old One but now, an extremely retro ship which looked like a medieval barque quietly appeared in the waves.

It was like an agile seabird shuttling through the waves. No matter how big the waves were, it wouldn’t sink. Thunder and dazzling lightning struck the barque. The terrifying monsters at the bottom of the sea climbed onto the ship and tried to destroy it. The tourists on the ship had a range of different hair colors and were of different races. Some were trying to calm the surging waves, while others were fighting the monster. Their actions and moves appeared almost god-like. 

The battle finally reached its most critical moment when the deep-sea monster which was as huge as a castle surfaced. Compared with the monster, the ship appeared extremely small. It was swaying violently and was about to be completely overturned.

At this perilous moment, when everyone was screaming and praying in despair, a dim light suddenly appeared and shrouded the ship like the last dusk.

For a moment, the deep-sea monster panicked and sank into the sea like it had met its natural enemy. The terrifying waves suddenly subsided, and the thunder and lightning stopped. Except for the pouring rain, the critical situation was completely resolved in a few seconds.


The foreigner who had almost fallen into the sea just now was soaked and frightened. He cursed and waved his scepter at the mast. “An, if you were any slower then we would have fallen into the sea as food for the fishes!”

“What the hell were you doing!”

“Can’t I be distracted?”

The cold, fierce, and impatient male voice came from the mast. He sounded as intimidating as a sleeping lion who was disturbed. The foreigner shrunk his neck and snorted bitterly. “You can, you can, you’re the tyrant after all.” 

After a while, he wondered, “An, why were you distracted?”

“Haha, it couldn’t be that you were reading your lover’s text messages, right? Oh my god, which brave warrior is so bold as to have their eyes on you?”

The foreigner was amused by his own thoughts and laughed twice, but the watchman on the mast ignored him. On the mast at the front end of the ship, there was a foothold for the watchman to stand. A very tall man leaned against the mast. A falcon resting on his shoulder tilted its head to curiously look at the note between the man’s fingers with its golden eyes.

As soon as the slender fingers wrapped in combat gloves rubbed against each other, the parchment note turned into ash in his hand. The man pushed back his rain-soaked hair from his forehead with his right hand. The killing intent revealed at that moment startled the falcon on his shoulder. 

“III-9 has ‘resurrected’?”

The man frowned, his eyes dark and impatient. His tone was cold and insidious, bearing no emotions.”

“How annoying. I have to kill him again.”

Fleur: Allow me to fangirl here. I love Xunxun but AXF is so cool and handsome!! 

Junyans: I agree! I strongly agree!!