Chapter 91

Name:Thunder God's Reincarnation Author:
Chapter 91

Baek Mu-Gun and Han Baek reserved a room in Duchangs only inn and drank all night there, stopping only when the inn had run out of drinks. They would have kept going otherwise. Having drunk all night, they fell asleep and woke up at noon the next day. After relieving their hangover with a hot bowl of soup, they left Duchang for the Baek Sword Sect.

It would take too long to wait until all Four Peerless Wanderers had gathered. Han Baek wasnt affiliated with any particular group, so it didnt matter to him, but it was difficult for Mu-Gun to leave his position indefinitely. After all, he was the young patriarch of the Baek Sword Sect. Hence, he decided to meet with the Four Peerless Wanderers at Wenzhou instead and headed to the Baek Sword Sect with Han Baek first.

He had already contacted the other Peerless Wanderers, explaining the situation to them and asking them to meet at Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. Mu-Gun and Han Baek diligently traveled whenever the sun was up and stayed at an inn when night fell. Every time, they would drink all night, then continue their journey without an issue. Although their innate alcohol tolerance was high, their current lifestyle was only possible because they were Absolute Realm masters.

Six days since they departed from Duchang, they passed the border of Jiangxi Province, entered Zhejiang Province, crossed Mount Jiulong, and stayed the night at the Justice Martial Sect in Unhwa. After four more days of traveling, they finally arrived at Wenzhou.

Mu-Gun took Han Baek to Flower Honor Manor first instead of heading directly to the Baek Sword Sect. Han Baek hadnt made a decision on whether he would join the Baek Sword Sect yet, and letting him stay there could put him under unwanted pressure. Hence, he guided him to the Flower Honor Manor, where he could stay comfortably. Mu-Gun met up with Heavenly Secret Hall Leader Cheon Yu-Hwa, introduced Han Baek to her, and asked her to let Han Baek stay at the Flower Honor Manor for the time being. Yu-Hwa gladly accepted.

Being able to stay at the Flower Honor Manor, which had a lot of Han Baeks favorite alcohol and beautiful ladies, pleased Han Baek. Mu-Gun returned to the Baek Sword Sect alone and met up with Baek Cheon-Sang as soon as he arrived.

Congratulations on your safe return. Did anything happen?

Well Something certainly did.

Okay. What is it?

First of all, I got rid of the Nine Dragons Stronghold in Mount Jiulong.

What? You wiped out the Nine Dragons Stronghold?

Yes. Im sorry for moving on my own accord, but I couldnt just stand by and ignore the Nine Dragons Stronghold as they ran rampant with their tyranny.

Phew, getting rid of the Nine Dragons Stronghold is no small matter. Theyre a member of the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin. If they find out about what youve done, they will definitely not stay still.

How can we call ourselves martial artists if we overlook injustice happening right before our eyes because we fear their retaliation? Besides, the Baek Sword Sect is by no means weak. If the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin try to retaliate, they will be the ones who will suffer, not us.

I get it. Theres no point in dwelling over what has already happened anyway. Its not something to fault you for in the first place. To be honest, the Nine Dragons Strongholds tyranny has been a pain in the neck for quite some time already, so I feel as if a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulder now that youve gotten rid of them. However, keep in mind that you are not acting as an individual but as the Baek Sword Sects young patriarch. Your actions can have a significant impact on the safety and survival of our sect, so be careful about the ones you do take.

I will keep that in mind. I would like to speak of my insights with all due respect, however.

Go ahead.

If we keep enduring injustice out of fear of the consequences, the Baek Sword Sect can never become a prestigious clan. We cannot reach that realm with just strength alone. We have to be willing to face any danger and go through numerous struggles if it would mean upholding justice, a righteous stance, and our beliefs. Only then can we obtain the honor and status of a prestigious clan. I hope the Baek Sword Sect becomes a prestigious clan in murim, for us to become a guardian clan that protects the world and the powerless.

Your words tug at my heartstrings. I did not realize at all that you had such big dreams. I am very proud of you. From now on, I will try my best to become a martial artist who draws his sword for the great cause of the world rather than his own safety. In doing so, the Baek Sword Sect should be able to realize your vision, Cheon-Sang said, seemingly enlightened.

In all honesty, Im worried that I am needlessly overstepping my boundaries.

No. If there is something that I lack, do not hesitate to tell me. If you wish the best for me, that is the greatest way to show it.

Mu-Gun smiled at Cheon-Sang, who listened to his own son without letting pride get in the way.

By the way, what happened to the matter you went to do? Did you find the Thunderous Wind Palm?

Yes, I did, but I got involved in another incident in the process.

Another incident?

I dont purposely cause them. Events just keep unfolding one after another, Mu-Gun said awkwardly.

What happened?

The Nine Celestial Demons Sect tried to assassinate the Thunderous Wind Palm. I arrived just in time to save him.

The Nine Celestial Demons Sect tried to do what?

Yes. That organization often located and killed the hidden masters of murim before making a full-scale move. Their attack on the Thunderous Wind Palm seems to be related to that.

Hmm, it seems the Nine Celestial Demons Sects threat is becoming increasingly obvious.

We have to build up our strength as much as possible before anything could happen. We also have to lead the Zhejiang Martial Alliances unity.

Thats what we should do. What happened to the Thunderous Wind Palms recruitment? Did he decide to join the Baek Sword Sect?

He has postponed his response for now.

Does that mean there is room for consideration?

Yes. He said he would meet the other Peerless Wanderers first and talk to them before making a decision.

Does that mean there is a possibility that all four of them will join the Baek Sword Sect? Cheon-Sang asked in surprise.

He was Blood-Crazed Divine Demon Hyeok Ryeon-Pae, an Absolute Demonic Realm master and the patriarch of the Blood-Crazed Clanone of the Nine Celestial Demons Sects nine factions. He was also one of the Nine Great Demon Kings.

A scholarly man stood opposite him. It was Ji Seok-Hwan, the Blood Crazed Clans vice patriarch.

Why did you ask to see me?

The Nine Dragons Stronghold has been wiped out.

Really? Who did it? Ryeon-Pae asked indifferently.

We havent confirmed it yet, but it seems to have been done by one or at most two to three people.

Considering the Nine Dragons Strongholds strength, that person is likely an Absolute Realm master, at the very least.

Most likely.

Have you found out who they are?

We are still investigating.

Is there even a chance youll identify them?

Were also monitoring the movements of the Absolute Realm masters in Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces while investigating Mount Jiulong. We should be able to identify them soon enough.

What do you plan to do afterward?

Wouldn't it be better to make the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin take care of the problem?

That person will be at least an Absolute Realm master. Do you think they can do it?

They can if one of the Three Kings of Lulin takes action.

King? How preposterous of those bandits. Ryeon-Pae snorted, seemingly finding it ridiculous.

However, his reaction did not mean that the Three Kings of Lulin were nothing special. The Three Kings of Lulin were all Absolute Realm masters, and their presence greatly boosted the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulins status. Some people dared not recklessly mess with the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin because they were afraid of those three individuals.

Handle this matter on your own. Is there any other news?

I heard the Heavenly Killer Sect was hit hard in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province.

What did they do that made them suffer such great losses?

According to reports, the Heavenly Killer Saber Monarch and the Assassination Hall were annihilated while trying to kill Thunderous Wind Palm Han Baek. Along with the other Peerless Wanderers, he played an active role in the war against the Hell-Blood Demon Sect.

Keke, the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon is likely making a fuss right about now. However, is Han Baek really that strong?

Im not sure about the details, but I think there was another master there beside him.

The Asura Cult, and now the Heavenly Killer Sect. Everyone is in a wreck, Ryeon-Pae said as if he was happy to hear about the others misfortune.

The Nine Celestial Demons Sect was composed of nine factions. They were all tied under one banner, but they were still competitors vying for the position of the Celestial Demon of the Nine Heavens. To get that position, they first had to prove their worth through martial prowess.

They could only become the Celestial Demon of the Nine Heavens by climbing to the peak of the demonic martial artsthe Celestial Demon Realm. However, in the entire history of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, only one person had managed to reach that realm: the founder of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

The Nine Great Demon Kings put in a great amount of effort in reaching the Celestial Demon Realm, but none of them succeeded. Hence, they all agreed to give the Celestial Demon of the Nine Heavens position to the leader of the faction that had achieved the greatest accomplishments during their mission to conquer murim instead.

As a result, the nine factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect tried to amass more achievements no matter the cost, even going as far as secretly interfering with the other factions to prevent them from making any significant progress. The situation persisted long enough for them to reach the point where they shunned each other.

That was why Blood-Crazed Divine Demon Hyeok Ryeon-Pae was happy to hear that the Heavenly Killer Sect had failed. However, the nine great factions didnt ignore the mutual goals of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect either, so they maintained bare-minimum relationships. That allowed them to avoid the worst situation of disbanding the Nine Celestial Demons Sect and going their own ways.

The discordance between them was a blessing for murim. If the nine factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect joined forces and targeted murim, it would have likely already fallen into their hands. Even the nine factions were well aware of that.

Nevertheless, the Nine Great Demon Kings stuck to their own ways out of sheer pride. The only way for them to achieve unity was for one of them to become the Celestial Demon of the Nine Heavens, but it was unclear whether any of them could actually do that, considering not a single person had managed to in the past one thousand years.

If we dont want to end up in the same situation, we will have to deal with this properly.


Good. Now, go do what you have to do.

Ill take my leave now, then.

Seok-Hwan bowed to Ryeon-Pae and left the pavilion. Ryeon-Pae then got up from his seat and headed for the training hall. He wanted to become the true Celestial Demon of the Nine Heavens, not a half-baked one that only got the title by amassing merit. Hence, he had to keep training. After all, it was the only way to climb to the Celestial Demon Realm.