Chapter 143

Name:Thunder God's Reincarnation Author:
Chapter 143

At the Wind Saber Sects meeting hall, Baek Cheon-Sang and the other Patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang had gathered to discuss the Three Great Clans of Fujians intention to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

As I have told everyone earlier, the Three Great Clans of Fujian has officially applied to join as a member of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. However, they have also demanded to be on equal standing with the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. The floor is now open for discussion, fellow Patriarchs, Cheon-Sang asked, presiding over the meeting as the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader.

It is certainly welcoming news that the Three Great Clans of Fujian want to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. However, their demand should be heavily assessed first, Wind Saber Sect Patriarch Tae Gong-Pyo said.

Does that mean you are against giving the Three Great Clans of Fujian the same status and authority as the Ten Clans of Zhejiang, Patriarch Tae?

The Ten Clans of Zhejiang formed the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. As its key forces, the Ten Clans of Zhejiang should naturally receive preferential status and authority over the other forces, Gong-Pyo answered.

In other words, you think the Ten Clans of Zhejiang should have a vested interest in the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

At the very least, the Ten Clans of Zhejiang should have the authority to decide the way forward for the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

Do the others feel the same way? Cheon-Sang asked the others.

I have a different opinion from Patriarch Tae, Justice Martial Sect Patriarch Jeong Won-Hyo refuted. Although the Zhejiang Martial Alliance was formed by the alliance between the Ten Clans of Zhejiang, it is difficult to form a union with us alone. Even though we made great contributions to its formation, we should not consider our status and authority as permanent. For the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to grow, we should not hesitate to open up our doors and allow new forces to join. Moreover, if those new forces meet all the qualifications, there should not be any problems giving them the same standing as the Ten Clans of Zhejiang.

I agree with Patriarch Jeong. If the Ten Clans of Zhejiang really obtain preferential status and authority within the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, it should not be because we founded the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. Rather, it would be better to use our skills to prove that we deserve the status and authority granted to us, Byeok Sword Manor Patriarch Byeok Cheol-Seong added.

What about you, Alliance Leader Baek? Whats your opinion on this? Dragonic Tiger Gang Patriarch Yong Gun-Seong asked.

Expanding the power of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance is essential to oppose the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, and we have to recruit new forces, like the Three Great Clans of Fujian, to accomplish that. If we exclude the other forces and only focus on our vested interests, the Zhejiang Martial Alliances combat forces will be confined within the Zhejiang Province, Cheon-Sang firmly replied. It may seem like a loss to accept other forces into the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and give them the same standing as we have. However, in the long run, doing so will allow us to expand our power and gain even more than what we have now. More importantly, it will make us strong enough to protect ourselves from the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. That alone is enough reason to accept the Three Great Clans of Fujian and give them the same status and authority as we have.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

That seems reasonable and logical, Alliance Leader Baek. Bluntly put, the Ten Clans of Zhejiang alone will find it difficult to strengthen the Zhejiang Martial Alliance enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families. To solidify our position in murim, we have to accept new forces into our ranks and expand our power. Granting the Three Great Clans of Fujian the same standing as we do seems harmless anyway, Flying Lance Sect Patriarch Jo Jin-Myeong said, actively supporting Cheon-Sangs opinion.

The other Patriarchs also seemed to agree with Cheon-Sang.

Is there anything else you would like to refute, Patriarch Tae? Cheon-Sang asked Gong-Pyo.

No. hearing the other Patriarchs opinions, including yours, Alliance Leader Baek, has made me realize that I have been thinking too narrow-mindedly. I agree that we should prioritize the growth of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance as a whole rather than protect our vested interests. Gong-Pyo changed his mind and said.

To be clear, you are now in favor of granting the Three Great Clans of Fujian the same standing as the Ten Clans of Zhejiang, correct?


Prioritizing the Zhejiang Martial Alliance above all else shows how big your heart is, Patriarch Tae. Now that we have more or less considered everyones opinions on this matter, why dont we make a decision by voting?

Lets do that.

As per the vote Cheon-Sang conducted, it was unanimously decided to allow the Three Great Clans of Fujian to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and grant them the same standing as the Ten Clans of Zhejiang.

Since the Three Great Clans of Fujian will be joining us, wouldnt it be a little weird to still call us the Zhejiang Martial Alliance? Mei Household Patriarch Mei Jung-Hak asked.

Hmm, that is certainly true. The Three Great Clans of Fujian aside, now that we plan to accept other forces into our ranks in the future, the name Zhejiang Martial Alliance could be a problem. We require a more inclusive name that does not limit us to the Zhejiang Province alone, Iron Palm Sect Patriarch Dam Hwa-Seong said in agreement.

We could lose our sense of identity if we change this now, though, Clear Sun Sect Patriarch Shim Seok-Gun expressed his concern.

Our sense of identity is not dependent on our name but on our mindset. For as long as that does not change, we will never lose our sense of identity, Kang Household Patriarch Kang Won-Hee refuted.

The name Zhejiang Martial Alliance does feel like a frog in a well. We will need to use a more inclusive name for the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to play on a larger playing field, Dragonic Tiger Gang Patriarch Yong Gun-Seong added.

What do you think, Alliance Leader Baek? Byeok Sword Manor Patriarch Byeok Cheol-Seong asked Cheon-Sang.

You have a point, Alliance Leader Baek. Nevertheless, we should still come up with defensive measures for the headquarters of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. That way, the forces we dispatch to the United Corps headquarters would have peace of mind and stay faithful to their duty.

I agree with you, Patriarch Tae. I will try my best to think of such measures. However, I still find it best to expand the power of the Loyal Heart Alliance United Corps now. If the Loyal Heart Alliance possesses enough power to deter anyone from recklessly starting a scuffle with us, our alliances name alone will serve as protection for the headquarters of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. However, to do that, we should eliminate all hostilities and help each other grow under one accord. In essence, we should stay true to the meaning of Loyal Heart Allianceour alliances new name.

Your words are really tugging at my heartstrings, Alliance Leader Baek. As you have said, we should certainly all unite for the sake of the Loyal Heart Alliances benefit than the benefit of our clans. That will, in turn, benefit all the Ten Clans of Zhejiang, Byeok Sword Manor Patriarch Byeok Cheol-Seong added, deeply resonating with Cheon-Sangs comments. The other Patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang agreed with Cheon-Sang and Cheol-Seong.

Should we establish the Loyal Heart Alliance United Corps earlier, then?

In accordance with the Loyal Heart Alliances principle, we will decide on this matter through a vote. If you agree with establishing the Loyal Heart Alliance United Corps earlier, please raise your hands.

Through a show of hands that Cheon-Sang presided, the Patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang unanimously agreed to establish the Loyal Heart Alliance United Corps and begin its operation ahead of schedule. For that purpose, the patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang agreed to dispatch a hundred elite martial artists to Shaoxing within a month.

After their meeting, the Patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang enjoyed the banquet that the Wind Saber Sect had prepared, then returned to their respective homes.

* * *

At the headquarters of the Underworld Sect, Underworld Divine Demon Jong Ja-Ryang received news that the Seven Great Families were preparing their forces to attack the Four Great Evil Clans. The Underworld Sect had taken control of the Five Great Evil Clans, including the Evil Blood Gang, and intended to use them to wreak havoc all over murim. However, the righteous factions discovered the Underworld Sects existence when the Evil Blood Gang made a mistake and ruined their plans.

As a result, the righteous factions began to suspect that the Underworld Sect was behind the remaining Great Evil Clans. The Underworld Sect planned to clear those suspicions by lying low, but now that the Seven Great Families were making preparations to attack the Four Great Evil Clans, the Underworld Sect could no longer simply stand by and watch silently. If they left matters as it was, they would lose all the forces of the Four Great Evil Clans, which they had put so much effort into putting under their control.

Nonetheless, they could not actively intervene. The Underworld Sect would have to mobilize the majority of their high-ranking forces to defeat the Seven Great Families. Even then, they could not guarantee victory since the Seven Great Families would have thoroughly prepared countermeasures for that. After all, they would be moving under the assumption that the NIne Celestial Demons Sect was controlling the Four Great Evil Clans. Moreover, even if they emerged victorious, the Underworld Sect would still suffer considerable losses. They refused to sacrifice so much of their forces.

Why dont we just let go of the Four Great Evil Clans? Hades Demonic Monarch Yeon Do-Gun, one of the Underworld Sects Seven Great Demonic Monarchs, carefully suggested.

You want us to just give up on the Four Great Evil Clans? Underworld Divine Demon Jong Ja-Ryang questioned with a displeased look.

Losing the Four Great Evil Clans will certainly be a pity, but we have to prioritize preserving the forces of the Underworld Sect. Moreover, the Seven Great Families are trying to attack the Four Great Evil Clans just because they firmly believe that the Four Great Clans are connected to the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. If we remain in hiding, it will be difficult for the Seven Great Families to find any proof evidencing that connection, which will ultimately get them stigmatized for unreasonably attacking the Four Great Evil Clans. It could even lead to them falling out with the Nine Prominent Sects, considering the latter tried to dissuade the former from attacking the Four Great Evil Clans.

Even if our connection with the Four Great Evil Clans is not revealed, the tyranny and wicked acts committed by the Four Great Evil Clans would suffice as justification for the Seven Great Families to wipe them out. Moreover, for as long as their common enemy is the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, there will always be a low possibility for the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families to fall out, Ja-Ryang replied in disagreement.

I apologize. I did not think this through. Do-Gun quickly asked for forgiveness.

No. You are right in saying that it is our first priority to preserve the forces of the Underworld Sect. Considering the current situation, it is certainly unreasonable to mobilize the forces of the Underworld Sect just to save the Four Great Evil Clans.

Why dont we focus on one of the Seven Great Families who will be attacking the Four Great Evil Clans instead? Do-Gun suggested.

So in return for abandoning the three other evil clans, you want us to take out one of the Seven Great Families? Ja-Ryang confirmed.

We do not necessarily have to abandon the three other evil clans. If we tell them to abandon their headquarters and take refuge elsewhere, they would be able to preserve their forces.

That is not a bad suggestion, but if we are to strike at one of the Seven Great Families, we will have to mobilize our high-ranking forces. That warrants taking extra care not to expose their movements and leave any trails behind.

Fair point. However, our location will remain hidden if we only mobilize our high-ranking forces.

If we proceed with this, which of the Four Great Evil Clans should we send support to?

Due to the time constraints and location, it would be best to send our forces to support the Heretical Emperor Hall, Do-Gun recommended. The Great Ximen Family, which is in charge of taking down the Heretical Emperor Hall, is relatively weaker compared to the other Great Families. Wiping them out should be easy.

Great. Send word to the Four Great Evil Clans and deploy our high-ranking forces to the Heretical Emperor Hall.

As you command, Hades Demonic Monarch Yeon Do-Gun left to carry out Ja-Ryangs orders.

The very next day, three Demonic Monarchs and twelve Higher Demons, the Demonic Monarchs subordinates, left the Underworld Sects hidden base.