Chapter 226

Name:Thunder God's Reincarnation Author:
Chapter 226

Three knights from the Golden Lion Knight OrderSchwartz, Gellion, and Gilfordcharged at the Wolfkans with a swiftness akin to arrows. Their remarkable speed defied the massive size of their Knight Armour.

The Knight Armour was primarily adorned with magic circles designed to diminish its weight while concurrently enhancing strength and speed. Thanks to this enchantment, the wearer of the Knight Armour could move significantly faster than their natural pace.

Nevertheless, the agility exhibited by the three knights far exceeded the expected performance of the Knight Armour. This remarkable enhancement manifested as they advanced to the Master Stage.

The Wolfkans found themselves momentarily confounded by the rapid movements of the knights. In the blink of an eye, the trio seamlessly penetrated the Wolfkan group, synchronizing their strikes with Knight Swords enhanced by a Flame Aura Blade, as if their actions had been prearranged.

A Knight Sword, tailored to the dimensions of the Knight Armour, featured an embedded Mana Heart. This unique design allowed the Knight Sword to amplify the wielder's Mana, enabling the release of a more potent aura.

The Flame Aura Blade, extending twice the length of the Knight Sword, targeted the Wolfkan's neck and drove into it. It was a move too swift to evade, and the Wolfkans responded by swinging their long claws, charged with aura, in an attempt to intercept the Flame Aura Blade.

The Flame Aura Blade swiftly enveloped the Wolfkan's aura, triggering an explosion of flames. The fiery aura persisted, rapidly spreading to the Wolfkan's front paw. The Wolfkans released a howl, expressing their agony as their paw burned.

Schwartz and the two other knights acted swiftly, slashing their swords at the Wolfkans' neck. Overwhelmed by pain, the Wolfkans were unable to evade the onslaught, collapsing to the ground with their heads severed.

Using this as a launching point, the three knights proceeded to ruthlessly dispatch the Wolfkans. Undeterred, they swung the Flame Aura Blade, causing the Wolfkans to crumble en masse, their bodies consumed by flames.

Apart from the trio, the remaining Golden Lion Knights and Crimson Rose Knights formed groups of fours, initiating confrontations with the Wolfkans. Succumbing to the knights' coordinated assaults, the Wolfkans fell in rapid succession. Contrary to Isaac's apprehension, the Wolfkans refrained from encircling and attacking them.

The strategic placement of the three Master Stage Knights, drawing the Wolfkans' attention, played a part in redirecting the attacks toward them. Additionally, Mu-Gun played a pivotal role in thinning out the Wolfkan group with the Thunderbolt Swords, preventing them from encircling the knights.N♡vεlB¡n: Transforming Moments into Memories.

Meanwhile, Isaac was left speechless in the wake of the formidable combat skills exhibited by Mu-Gun and the Golden Lion Knights. Specifically, witnessing Mu-Gun unleash the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst compelled Isaac to concede that Mu-Gun was undeniably God's proxy.

Isaac set aside all his resentment in the face of Mu-Gun's overpowering might. Mu-Gun had transcended the boundaries of mere humanity. It proved futile to harbor jealousy and envy. Isaac opted to acknowledge this reality, understanding that being hostile toward Mu-Gun would serve neither him nor the Stonia fiefdom. Recognizing Mu-Gun as an insurmountable opponent, Isaac decided it was wiser to be friends.

Primary among the reasons Isaac felt compelled to align with Mu-Gun was the exceptional skills exhibited by Schwartz and the other two knights. Their combat prowess clearly surpassed the Expert Stage, reaching the level of Master Stage. It was noteworthy that, not long ago, they were merely Expert Stage Knights, yet seemingly overnight, they had ascended to the ranks of Master Stage Knights.

Isaac suspected Mu-Gun's involvement in this sudden rise in prowess. He began to nurture the hope that Mu-Gun could aid him in reaching the Master Stage as well. Willing to humble himself before Mu-Gun for this cause, Isaac temporarily set aside such thoughts. The immediate priority was to vanquish the Wolfkan group. Isaac concentrated on coordinating with the Crimson Rose Knights to assail the Wolfkans, clearing his mind of any extraneous considerations.

With the Wolfkan numbers diminished to a level manageable by the knights of the two orders, Mu-Gun ceased wielding the Thunderbolt Sword and observed the ongoing battle. The sight of knights clad in Knight Armor and wielding Knight Swords dealing with the Wolfkans was indeed impressive.

The Knight Armor and Knight Sword elevated the wearer's stage to a higher level. What stood out was that the Knight Armor donned by the two Knight Orders was surprisingly of the lowest rank of its kinda C-Class Knight Armor.

Knight Armors were broadly categorized into C-Class, E-Class, and F-Class, based on their size and performance. Generally, C-Class had twelve cheoks, E-Class had eighteen cheoks, and F-Class had twenty cheoks. Additionally, it was widely acknowledged that E-Class Knight Armors performed five times better than C-Class, and correspondingly, F-Class Knight Armors outperformed E-Class Knight Armors by ten times.

Typically, the Knight Armor Class worn correlated with the knight's rank, where Expert Stage Knights wore C-Class, Master Stage Knights wore E-Class, and Grand Master Knights wore F-Class. However, these criteria were not rigidly fixed. While C-Class Knight Armors were relatively easy to mass-produce, the production of E-Class and F-Class Knight Armors posed significant challenges.

Even the Pamar Empire, acknowledged as the mightiest nation in the Avalon Continent, possessed merely three F-Class Knight Armors and forty E-Class Knight Armors. Given that the quantity of C-Class Knight Armors surpassed thousands, the scarcity of E-Class and F-Class Knight Armors suggested their exceptional value.

Due to the scarcity of E-Class and F-Class Knight Armors, there were instances where Master Stage Knights settled for C-Class, and Grand Master Knights made do with E-Class. However, in Mu-Gun's case, the significance of a Knight Armor was minimal. While it offered utility against sizable monsters, he encountered no particular issues even without one.

Regardless, neither the Venatia nor the Stonia fiefdom possessed any E-Class Knight Armor. This did not imply that Mu-Gun harbored no inclination to wear Knight Armor. Given the chance, he entertained the idea of donning an F-Class Knight Armor.

Hmmm, it seems like we are too late. If, as Sir Richie says, Edencia has fallen, then the next target will be the Royal Place. Count Henrik said with a stiffened expression.

Will the Royal Capital be able to stop the Wolfkans? Isaac asked.

"At the Royal Capital, the most formidable Knight Orderthe Golden Dragon Knight Order, and the Magic Corps are stationed. Shouldn't they be sufficient to repel the Wolfkan invasion?" Harold inquired.

"The Golden Dragon Knight Order is led by Knight Captain Sir Walter, a Grand Master Stage Knight, and complemented by four Master Stage Knights. As for the Magic Corps, they boast several Sixth Circle Mages and Sir Leon, a Seventh Circle Mage. With such formidable forces, they should easily be able to thwart the Wolfkan invasion," Head Wizard Richie explained.

"Crucially, Sir Walter and the four Master Stage Knights are outfitted with E-Class Knight Armors. These E-Class Knight Armors enable them to exhibit power equivalent to a Grand Master. Thus, they should be more than capable of single-handedly halting the Wolfkans."

The others in the hall concurred with Count Henrik's statements. Mu-Gun also aligned with this viewpoint. However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction. If the Royal Capital had dispatched Master Stage Knights beforehand, they could have eradicated the Wolfkan group much earlier.

Yet, the King of Pantheon opted against dispatching Master Stage Knights as reinforcements, prioritizing his own safety and that of the Royal Castle. Consequently, numerous citizens of the Pantheon Kingdom lost their lives.

Mu-Gun contemplated that, as a king, prioritizing the safety of the people should be a given. However, the King of Pantheon seemed to deviate from this principle. Despite a viable means to safeguard the people of the Pantheon Kingdom, he feigned ignorance, focusing solely on his personal safety.

Mu-Gun harbored a disdain for the King of Pantheon. Nevertheless, it wasn't an isolated sentiment. The rulers of this world appeared indifferent to the lives of ordinary people. Their concern seemed limited when it came to safeguarding their own safety, wealth, and status, even at the cost of numerous ordinary lives.

Mu-Gun didn't embark on his journey to alter the political system and reshape the world; that task fell to the inhabitants of this realm. His sole focus was on thwarting the plans of the Demon God. Anyone, be it a king or an emperor, who impeded this mission would find no forgiveness from Mu-Gun.

However, if that wasn't the case, he had no intention of concerning himself with the affairs of this world. The immediate decision to make was whether or not he would journey to the Royal Capital. From his perspective, he believed that the Royal Capital's forces were sufficient to halt the Wolfkans. Even if he opted not to go, the outcome wouldn't likely be altered.

Nevertheless, the target under assault was none other than the Royal Capital. As a servant of the King of Pantheon, it would be sacrilegious to remain passive and indifferent while the king faced an onslaught.

"However, considering my duty as a vassal, I cannot turn a blind eye when the Royal Capital is under siege. Regardless of whether they require assistance or not, I believe I must first head to the Royal Capital to demonstrate my sincerity," Mu-Gun acknowledged.

Count Henrik nodded to Mu-Guns comment.

Youre right. The Stonia fiefdom will deploy the Crimson Rose Knight Order to protect the King of Pantheon.

Venetias Golden Lion Knight Order will also go to the Royal Capital. I have a favor to ask of you regarding that. Please allow us to go to the Royal Capital through the Stonia fiefdoms Portal.

Returning from Stonia to the Venatia fiefdom and then proceeding to the Royal Capital would be a cumbersome journey. Opting for a direct route from the Stonia fiefdom to the Royal Capital was not only more time-efficient but also more economical, eliminating an unnecessary intermediate step.

"By all means, proceed accordingly. In return, should we engage in battle at the Royal Capital, I trust you to ensure the safety of our Crimson Rose Knight Order," Count Henrik graciously accepted Mu-Gun's decision.

I will.

Then, we will proceed with consulting the Royal Capitals Portal Management Bureau. Sir Richie!

Understood. I will immediately establish communication and commence the discussion. Head Wizard Richie acknowledged and exited the grand hall.

After some time, he re-entered the hall, announcing that the Portal Management Bureau had approved the portal connection.