Chapter 257

Name:Thunder God's Reincarnation Author:
Chapter 257

As Nervatum and Eladium confronted the Wyverns, Mu-Gun surveyed the situation at the outer walls. The grim reality unfolded before him — over seventy knights had fallen, predominantly from the Kraiss Kingdom and the other two realms. Among the casualties were mostly Expert Knights, with the unfortunate inclusion of Master Knights among the fallen.

Had Mu-Gun delayed a moment longer, the knights and elves at the outer walls might have faced complete annihilation. Mu-Gun was worried about the situation at the Albion Kingdom. Despite the Ice High Elves reinforcing their ranks, the formidable Wyvern quiver posed a significant challenge, one that their strength alone struggled to surmount.

“Sir Philford! Sir Rood! Alicia! I think you should go to the Albion Kingdom immediately. I will follow right behind once I deal with the situation here.”

The three followed Mu-Gun’s instructions without any complaints.

With urgency, the Avalon Knights, the Yupir Church's paladins and priests, and the Wind High Elves hastened towards the central portal of the capital. Meanwhile, Mu-Gun, having directed them forward, soared towards the ongoing confrontation with the Wyvern quiver, where Flame Breaths continued to assail Nervatum and Eladium.

Mu-Gun unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst, a force surpassing the might of the Yupir's Heavenly Thunder employed by the paladins. The immense surge of power descended upon the Wyverns, whose crippled wings left them defenseless against the relentless onslaught. Unable to evade, the Wyverns found themselves at the mercy of the Thunderbolt Swords hurtling towards them with lightning speed.

Their only recourse was to lift their heads and release a Flame Breath skyward. The Thunderbolt Swords, obstructed by the fiery barrier, fragmented and detonated. Nevertheless, the shattered Thunderbolt Swords accounted for less than a tenth of the relentless barrage raining down upon the Wyverns.

Those Thunderbolt Swords that didn’t collide with the Flame Breaths found their mark, piercing the colossal bodies of the Wyverns. With unparalleled ease, the Thunderbolt Swords penetrated the magical force field that enveloped the Wyverns, overcoming even the formidable protection offered by their resilient scales.

The colossal bodies of the Wyverns quivered under the assault of the golden Thunderbolt Swords descending from above. A chorus of pained groans escaped their massive forms as they haphazardly unleashed Flame Breaths in retaliation. However, this resistance was short-lived, and before long, the Wyverns succumbed, their heads crashing to the ground in defeat.

The Thunderbolt Swords embedded in their bodies transformed into a surge of lightning, tearing apart the innards of the Wyverns. Read latest chapters at Only

“Please put an end to them,” Mu-Gun said to Nervatum and Eladium.

Without a word, Nervatum and Eladium summoned a wind sword and an ice spear. Then, they proceeded to smash the Wyverns’ heads.

Nervatum asked, acting like a child whose toy was snatched away.

-You said you’d leave it up to us, so why are you suddenly interfering?

“It’s because the situation is urgent.”

-I don’t think you are referring to this place.

“Yes. It’s the situation at the Albion Kingdom. I think I should head there right away.”

-Then, we will go back to the Spirit Realm for a while.

Nervatum and Eladium withdrew to the Spirit Realm, leaving Mu-Gun to swiftly proceed to the central portal of the Valencia Kingdom. Before departing, Mu-Gun tasked Bellion, the chief wizard of the Valencia Kingdom, with gathering the Mana Hearts from the defeated Wyverns.

When he arrived at the Valencia Kingdom’s central portal, the Avalon Knights and the other knights were crossing over to the Albion Kingdom.

“Huh?! You’re already here?” Philford asked, surprised that Mu-Gun came over so quickly.

“Yes. If I knew this would happen, I would have asked you all to wait and move together.”

However, being over thirty meters in size, no matter how swiftly they maneuvered, they couldn't outpace the lightning surge. The electric wave, stretching across the sky, promptly enveloped their massive forms. The Wyverns, immobilized by the lightning, started descending, one by one.

Mu-Gun summoned a handful of golden Thunderbolt Swords while remaining airborne. He directed the Thunderbolt Swords towards the descending Wyverns' heads. Paralyzed by the lightning, the Wyverns were helpless, unable to react as the Thunderbolt Swords approached. In a seamless motion, the Thunderbolt Swords pierced through their heads.

The Wyverns, their heads now pierced, collided with the ground in a resounding explosion, lying motionless thereafter. Eladium swiftly extinguished the ensuing flames with an ice storm, providing a chilling contrast to Mu-Gun's lethal dispatching of the incapacitated Wyverns.

Subsequently, Mu-Gun assessed the northern situation using the Wind Spirit King Nervatum. An ongoing battle persisted, and their forces had the advantage, largely attributed to Nervatum's significant contribution. It appeared unnecessary to provide additional support in that direction.

Mu-Gun, opting to entrust the northern front to Nervatum, shifted his focus westward. On the outskirts of Albion's capital, the Ice Elves and Wind Elves collaborated in handling the Wyvern threat. The High Elves from both tribes, joined by the most esteemed spirits, found themselves entangled in a heated confrontation with the Wyverns.

Mu-Gun, recognizing an evenly matched scenario where neither side had a distinct advantage, understood that his intervention could swiftly tip the scales. Summoning a multitude of Thunderbolt Swords matching the number of Wyverns, he unleashed them directly at the airborne adversaries, decisively altering the course of the battle.

Carrying Mu-Gun's determination, the Thunderbolt Swords honed in with precision on their intended targets—the Wyverns, entangled in combat with the elves, their movements carefully tracked by the enchanted blades.

The Wyverns, belatedly noticing the approaching Thunderbolt Swords, hastily flapped their wings, creating a gust of wind with formidable pressure. Comparable to the force exerted by a Grand Master's Aura Blades, the Wyverns' wind pressure displayed strength. Nevertheless, the sheer potency of the Thunderbolt Swords surpassed even that formidable might.

Breaking through the resistance of the wind pressure, the Thunderbolt Swords embedded themselves into the bodies of the Wyverns in mid-flap. With remarkable force, the enchanted blades pierced through the Wyverns' resilient scales, delving deep into their bodies.

Writhing in agony, the Wyverns plummeted, their anguished cries filling the air. In a last-minute effort, they averted a direct crash by vigorously flapping their wings. However, seizing the opportune moment, the High Elves from both tribes wasted no time and swiftly initiated a counterattack.

The wind sword conjured by the wind giants and the ice spears manifested by the ice giants ruthlessly tore through the Wyverns' wings, leaving them shredded and frozen. Deprived of their most formidable asset—their wings—the Wyverns retaliated by unleashing Flame Breaths upon the High Elves.

Nevertheless, the High Elves proved resilient, skillfully dodging the slowed-down Wyverns that had lost their wings. The Flame Breaths, now avoidable, failed to find their mark. The High Elves swiftly countered, thrusting wind swords and ice spears into the exposed heads of the incapacitated Wyverns. Attempting to evade with their two remaining legs, the Wyverns struggled with sluggish movements, hindered by the loss of their wings.

With unwavering precision, the wind swords and ice spears found their mark, penetrating the Wyverns' heads. Staggering briefly, the majestic creatures succumbed and collapsed to the ground. Victorious over the Wyvern threat, the High Elves from both tribes began searching for Mu-Gun.

Yet, Mu-Gun was nowhere to be found. Upon ensuring the High Elves' triumph, he swiftly redirected his efforts southward. The defense of Albion Kingdom's capital in the south primarily rested on the shoulders of the Avalon Knights, the paladins of the Yupir Church, and the Blue Dragon Knights from the Delphina Kingdom. Despite their valiant efforts, the relentless assault of the Wyverns left them vulnerable and struggling.

The toll on the Blue Dragon Knights was severe, with over half of their members succumbing to the Wyvern onslaught. The Avalon Knights fared no better, experiencing more than ten casualties, including both fatalities and serious injuries. Despite their substantial roster of Master Knights, their vulnerability in the struggle against the Wyverns stemmed from the absence of effective long-range attack capabilities.

From the sky, the Wyverns unleashed Flame Breaths, a lethal assault that surpassed the knights' limited attack range. The situation proved disastrous for the knights, lacking any effective means of long-range retaliation. Although the paladins could wield Yupir's Heavenly Thunder to counter the threat, the Wyverns assaulting the southern wall seemed to possess an uncanny awareness, attacking at intervals that strategically evaded the potential counterattacks.

Consequently, deploying Yupir's Heavenly Thunder proved challenging, as only one or two Wyverns fell within the effective attacking range. While some Wyverns succumbed to the celestial onslaught, the remainder seized the opportunity to intensify their assaults. This perpetual cycle hindered the knights from mounting a cohesive counteroffensive, preventing them from efficiently engaging and eliminating the grounded Wyverns.

Bolstered by great regenerative abilities, the Wyverns swiftly recovered from the shock, soaring back into the sky to initiate another round of attacks. Complicating matters further, those previously targeted by Yupir's Heavenly Thunder adjusted their strategy, homing in on the paladins. This forced the paladins into a defensive stance, diverting their attention from any offensive actions as they struggled to fend off the relentless assaults.

In this manner, their sole long-range weapon, Yupir's Heavenly Thunder, became effectively nullified. Consequently, the balance of the situation at the southern wall shifted decidedly against their favor.

However, that was the situation before Mu-Gun arrived. The entire scenario underwent a radical transformation the moment Mu-Gun reached the southern wall of the capital. Without delay, upon his arrival, Mu-Gun summoned the Ice Spirit King, Eladium.

Eladium, after assessing the Wyverns' numbers, summoned an equivalent number of highest-ranked ice spirits to match the enemy forces. A Spirit King possessed the ability to command spirits of the same attribute, given they were of lower rank. With this authority, a Spirit King could potentially blanket the entire sky with spirits if they so desired.

Achieving such a feat, however, demanded a substantial reservoir of spiritual power. Nonetheless, the formidable aspect of Spirit Kings lay in their capacity to manipulate the spirits subordinate to them at will, contingent on the spiritual power endowed by their contractor.

Summoning slightly over twenty highest-ranked ice spirits, Eladium directed them to attack the Wyverns. The ice spirits materialized an ice storm, their entire forms engulfed in frost, as they soared towards the Wyverns.