Chapter 23: Knotweed

"Long history is right, this is indeed a big case." Qiu Yongsi said, forefoot into the exorcism division, but everyone has gathered together, is discussing, seeing the two come back, it was quiet for a moment.

Li Jinglong closed the door of the Exorcism Division, and everyone sat in the patio. Qiu Yongsi smiled: "Hong Jun is fascinated by a monster."

Everyone was speechless.

"No, no." Hong Jun said, and recounted his and Qiu Yongsi's inferences.

"How many demon in Guozijian?" Li Jinglong asked.

"It's not clear yet." Qiu Yongsi said, "It's still necessary to continue the investigation. It's a rough estimate, no less than one hundred."

Li Jinglong took a long breath and replied: "A terrifying case."

Artest said: "The Qinglou in Pingkangli has been checked once, and there are no more monsters. The three fox demon came a year ago."

Hong Jun thanked God, Li Jinglong said: "So, the process is already very obvious, what we have to do now is ..."

Hong Jun was busy: "Wait, let's talk in detail. It's obvious to you, not so obvious to me."

Every time this group of people infers things, it always uses an "obvious" force. Li Jinglong had to take special care of him and explained: "Since a year ago, a large number of fox demon have begun to enter the Chang'an. The three who arrived first entered the leaning column, why choose the leaning column? That's a literati Favorite place to visit. "

"The first candidate came to Pingkangli and was sucked up by the fox demon after he was there." Artest said, "there was a fox demon who replaced him."

Hongjun understood.

Li Jinglong also said: "Relying on people coming and going in the poetry column, these three fox demon specially selected candidates to start, and every time they killed one, they let their younger brothers stand on top. The more. The deceased candidates become corpses and are disposed of. "

Hong Jun was shocked: "So the mummy under the bed that day!"

"Good." Li Jinglong paced, pondered, and replied, "Maybe it's the new dead person, maybe Jin Yun has forgotten. In short, the corpse was too late to be dealt with, and we found it by mistake. They are injured together, and the reason for burning the dead body. "

Qiu Yongsi said: "These foxes became candidates. After participating in the Imperial Examination on the fifth day of next month, they will enter the official court in a big way, so the whole Changan, just ..."

When everyone mentioned this, there was a little shudder.

"It has become the territory of the demon clan." Li Jinglong replied, "but there is one more point, how can the fox demon ensure that they will be able to try?"

Hong Jun suddenly felt that this was simply ridiculous. A group of fox demon came and entered the exam.

Li Jinglong glanced at everyone and said, "Therefore, there is someone in the court who is not the Chang'an demon king, it must be the demon king's subordinates. It is responsible for venting the imperial examination questions, so that the fox demon can make a good article in advance.

"Is it a civil official?" Qiu Yongsi said.

"Not necessarily." Artest said slowly.

"The fox monsters don't have much patience, and as long as they can transform people, the technique of change can almost be used." Li Jinglong said, "I have checked some records of Di Gong about fox monsters these days, and these fox monsters are raised, The flying mastiff must have guarded these fox demon dogs. "

Mo Rigen pondered: "The most important thing now is that the identity of the people in the middle of the DPRK can not only touch the test questions, but also open the eyes ..."

Li Jinglong said slowly: "It doesn't matter, it will always come forward, especially after we have resolved all of its subordinates. After the case is closed, we want to get rid of it, and it must want to get rid of us even more."

"Hong Jun, if my expectations are not bad, your last flying knife must be in the hands of the master. Let's do it. In the past few days, your tasks will be extremely heavy. Morrigan and Artest, Yong Si, you have to rest now, and tonight you will act together. After entering the Guozi prison, make a mark for all the fox demon, Hong Jun, you can help me with some medicine. "

Li Jinglong took a few steps, but suddenly turned back and stretched out his left palm. Everyone took a shot in his hand and went to make preparations.

That night, the dark wind was high, Qiu Yongsi and Artai, Mo Rigen silently infiltrated the Guozi prison.

"I always think we need a demon mirror." Qiu Yongsi said, "Identifying the monster is exhausting."

"Make one?" Artest also felt it, looking into the bedroom, whispering, "Do you think this one looks like?"

Mo Rigen leaned over and saw a scholar lying on the couch, saying, "I would rather let it go, rather than kill it. After ten years of hard study, I will finish it if I make a mistake."

"This is true." Qiu Yongsi replied, "I've seen him in the hall. Let's start."

Artest waved it gently with a fan, and a powder fell on the corner of the fox demon's robe, leaving a tiny trace. Mo Zhigen waved in front of another window, beckoning them to come and see. There were six people asleep in the room, and when Morigen spread his hands, the nails and seven arrows couldn't stop shaking and gurgled, apparently feeling enchanted.

"It's all." Qiu Yongsi glanced at it and said, "Look at one of the foxes, who even slept with his tail exposed. They won't let mortals in the room, otherwise it will be easy to expose the stuffing.

Artai made marks one by one. In the late autumn, Chang'an already had a cool feeling. The charcoal pots were often used for cooking tea and roasting fire. Occasionally, the robe corners were dirty. This is an ordinary thing.

At night, Hong Jun dispenses medicine in the patio, while Li Jinglong sits aside, still looking through the files.

"It's hard for you," Li Jinglong said. "If the exorcism division is fine this time, we will take everyone to have a good time."

"Well?" Hong Jun heard something different.

Li Jinglong said for a while, he had to make a fork to cover up and said, "After the case is settled."

Hong Jun asked: "After catching the fox, what should I do?"

Li Jinglong replied: "All burned to death."

Hong Jun: "..."

Li Jinglong observed Hong Jun's expression and asked, "Want to plead for them?"

Hong Jun thought of the candidates who were killed by the fox monsters, and he didn't know who was going to give them justice, but he always felt that the little fox was also very pitiful, and he said: "Can't you spare some?"

"Who will let the killed off?" Li Jinglong said, "You are the exorcist."

When Li Jinglong heard Qiu Yongsi's remarks in the afternoon, he felt a little dangerous. I'm afraid that Hong Jun and the little fox became friends, and sooner or later they will fall into a catastrophe.

"Do you think demon are all bad? What about Zhao Zilong?" Hong Jun asked back.

Li Jinglong replied: "At least these foxes are."

Hong Jun's eyebrows also wrinkled, and he did not argue with Li Jinglong. If today's little fox is not harmful, could it be opened? But it also indirectly participated in the process of killing candidates.

"Let's put it a little bit more." Li Jinglong realized that the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, so he stopped mentioning it and reminded, "I need a drop to let them fall asleep completely, showing the original medicine."

In the afternoon, Li Jinglong searched all the pharmacies in Chang'an, Hong Jun had to add a lot, and finally grinded it into powder, and carefully put it up.

"This must not be sucked in." Hong Jun said, "Long history, but I believe you will not be so unlucky."

"Don't curse me?" Li Jinglong was really scared of Hongjun. He cherished it and packed it into several small bags.

At midnight, October finally passed, and the eventful autumn was nearing its end.

Five days before the imperial examination, when everyone completed the task that night, Qiu Yongsi said: "There are 266 foxes in total."

"Less than expected." Li Jinglong Rao said so, but after all a little uneasy, he arranged rotation, and every night someone stared at these foxes to avoid any changes.

However, the next day, the central government issued a general order-three days ahead of the fall test this year, held on the second day of November in Tai Xue Guan.

"The demon king must know the flying mastiff now." Li Jinglong said, "I'm afraid we have disturbed his layout, so we started the test in advance."

"Could it be that the plan was found?" Mo Rigen frowned.

Li Jinglong waved his hand and said, "That is to say, his men are not as many as we imagined. Don't chase your way, advance to tomorrow, everything will proceed as planned."

Hong Jun said: "Will I still go?" To be honest, Hong Jun didn't want to go a little. He didn't want to face a little fox who was about to die on their hands.

"You go." Li Jinglong said, "At this time, your intelligence is crucial."

The carp demon had just emerged, and was about to ask what happened. Everyone was afraid of its bad things and immediately held it down.

Hong Jun thought and nodded, and promised to go to the appointment in person, and came to Lishui Bridge at three o'clock in the afternoon. In fact, Li Jinglong had already arranged it, and at the beginning of the imperial examination, he would wipe out all these foxes. On the day Qiu Yongsi saw the little fox demon, he thought of teleportation, leaving a tentative opening.

If the fox demon had already sensed the danger, they would send someone out to test Hongjun.

Found the danger and never discovered, when the little fox faced Hong Jun, there must be two sets of rhetoric. Li Jinglong had already calculated that the behind-the-scenes master had already been riding a tiger, otherwise more than two hundred students would disappear overnight. How to explain? It was simply giving the Exorcist a handle.

The maple leaves danced under the Lishui Bridge, and the remaining maple pieces flew down the river.

Du Hanqing was lying on the bridge and watching the scenery, looking absent-minded.

"Du Hanqing!" Hong Jun smiled.

"Hong Jun?" Du Hanqing immediately laughed. Hong Jun always felt a little weird. The teenager seemed to look forward to seeing himself, so he walked on the bridge, and then under the bridge with him, he went to Dongshi.

Holding the carp demon in his hands, Li Jinglong and Mo Rigen looked out in the hiding place.

The carp demon just learned about the causes and consequences and asked, "Did they meet?"

"Hush." ​​Li Jinglong motioned you to shut up.

The carp demon also said: "Is it possible to let Lao Qiu and Mo Rigen come? Li Changshi, do you even make a special trip?"

Li Jinglong stuffed the carp demon's mouth, held it under his ribs with his left hand, looked around, and went out, following Hongjun and Du Hanqing. The autumn was bright, the two young men walked side by side through the Changan market, Hongjun Yushu was facing the wind, Du Hanqing was delicate and soft, bathed in the long sunshine, it was really a beautiful scenery.

"I will take you to the bookstore." Hong Jun said to Du Hanqing.

"Hong Jun, how did that man hold a fish?"

Hong Jun turned his head and saw Li Jinglong immediately turned around, facing the fish stall at the bazaar, holding the carp demon in his hand, pretending to negotiate with the boss, and Mo Zhigen looked around from time to time.

Hong Jun usually does not find it funny to carry the carp demon. This time, when he saw Li Jinglong holding a fish, he couldn't help but laughed suddenly: "Hahahaha who is so stupid to hold a fish!"

At the whole market, someone immediately turned around, and the group laughed: "Ha ha ha, isn't this Li Jinglong?"

Li Jinglong: "..."

Hong Jun realized that it was actually his own fish, and was immediately embarrassed. He quickly pulled Du Hanqing and took him to the bookstore.

"Look, there are a lot of books here." Hong Jun said.

"Yeah, I'm ..." Du Hanqing has never been here, almost leaking and busy, "but rarely come."

Li Jinglong stuffed the carp demon to Mo Rigen, and told him not to let it speak, and flashed into the bookstore, standing behind the bookshelf, approaching Hong Jun and Du Hanqing, and listening to the two. However, for a while, both of them were discussing poetry, and they heard Li Jinglong irritable. Are you talking about Li Bai with a monster?

Finally Du Hanqing accepted Hong Jun's recommendation and came out with him. Hong Jun proposed to go to dinner and took him to the Yueyue Dragon Gate.

Li Jinglong: "..."

"Long history, I forgot to bring my money." Mo Rigen hugged the carp demon and hurriedly said, "I'll take it home, you wait for me. It's okay, you'll get to order later ..."

"No, I have money." Li Jinglong said, "You go back first, take this fish away."

Xiao Er came to order, Hong Jun thought hard and remembered the carp demon ordered that day.

"Yuan Xun quick fry, black chicken soup ..." Hong Jun barely ordered the dishes, Du Hanqing was very surprised, said: "It's too expensive here."

Hong Jun indicated that it was okay, just watching Du Hanqing just laughed.

Du Hanqing's eyes were a little bit red, saying, "For the first time in my life, someone brought me here."

After the screen next door, Li Jinglong, who sat opposite, asked, "What's this guy eating?"

"Let's have a glass of white water." Li Jinglong has always been a big husband who can bend and stretch.

"Good!" Xiao Er said, "Lieutenant Li Jinglong is here, a glass of white water--!"

The entire second floor of the Yuyue Dragon Gate burst into laughter.

Li Jinglong took a deep breath and sat a little past, hearing the conversation next door.

"What are they laughing at?" Du Hanqing asked.

Hong Jun spread his hands, and did not understand why they laughed at Li Jinglong again. But when I heard that Li Jinglong was next door, I finally remembered that today's main task is to talk.

"Have your countrymen not taken you to Chang'an?" Hong Jun said.

Du Hanqing quietly sighed and smiled: "In their eyes, I'm just a little servant serving tea and pouring water."

Li Jinglong was silent after the screen next door, listening to the conversation between the two.

Hong Jun comforted: "Wait and wait, it should be fine."

Du Hanqing said: "Where? Continue to serve them tea and pour water for a lifetime."

Hong Jun: "How is it possible? And you will become an official ..."

Du Hanqing smiled and asked: "How many people in your family? Should it be rich?"

Hong Jun thought for a while and said, "Just my father and I, there is an er, not a pro uncle, I don't know how to call him ..." To be honest, he didn't know what to call Qingxiong.

"Ah? Are they all men?" Du Hanqing asked in surprise, "Are you adopted?"

"That's right." Hong Jun replied, "They raised me up, and I haven't been a mother since I was a child."

Li Jinglong heard the twitching of his mouth and thought for a while, quite a bit surprised, Hong Jun rarely mentioned their family matters to them.

Du Hanqing laughed: "I said, it's not the same to see you."

Hong Jun: "?"

Du Hanqing sighed and said, "Actually, I don't know what you think of me."

Hongjun wants to see you? What do you mean? I missed you.

Li Jinglong's expression suddenly became serious.

"I am very happy with your friend." Du Hanqing said, "I don't have any friends in Chang'an. If you are free, come to Guozijian to look for me."

Hong Jun nodded. At this time, Li Jinglong could almost confirm that the fox demon were not aware of the danger, so he lowered his heart a little, drinking the white water in front of him, and listening to the conversation between the two.

Sophomore served, and Du Hanqing was very interested in Hongjun's family history. When he asked the long and short questions, Hongjun picked some insignificant answers and carried a small paper bag in his hand. Again and again, there is always no opportunity to unpack.

Not only did Hong Jun not tell Du Hanqing what he said, but he got more and more, and he heard Li Jinglong next door trembling, fearing that Hong Jun would accidentally sell the exorcism to his pocket.

In the end, Du Hanqing seemed unhappy, saying: "Hong Jun, I like you so much."

Hong Jun was embarrassed and felt guilty in his heart, trying to get rid of the topic. Du Hanqing seemed to expect Hongjun to have this reaction, and sighed softly.

In the evening, at the sound of twilight drums, Hong Jun sent Du Hanqing to the entrance of Guozijian, saying, "I'm gone, you ... take good care of yourself."

Du Hanqing turned around and smiled at Zhao Hongjun, handing him a white ring made of small stones with a grass rope tied around it, saying, "I like the Jade Buddha you gave me, this ring gives you, there is no jade, Fill it with stone, I hope you do n’t dislike it. "

Hong Jun took the ring and nodded, feeling vaguely disturbed. Du Hanqing said: "After the exam, let's go out and play together."

"Okay." Hong Jun signaled him to go back, and Du Hanqing turned back to Guozijian. Twilight stopped, Hong Jun was holding the ring, a little lost in his heart, walking alone on the long street. It was dark early in late autumn and it was already dark in the city.

"It's hard work." Li Jinglong's voice suddenly said on the roadside.

Hong Jun was shocked and was not in a good mood. He replied: "It's nothing."

Li Jinglong stood tall, wearing a dark blue robe today, but that day was cut by Yang Guifei's gift cloth, which made him well-dressed, and the jade tree was facing the wind.

Hong Jun looked at him for a while, Li Jinglong looked down at himself and asked, "Are you looking good?"

Hong Jun nodded, Li Jinglong said again: "You also have one. Minger, we will perform the task formally for the first time. We are ready to fight and everyone wears it."

Hong Jun hummed and followed Li Jinglong back to the Exorcist Division.

Li Jinglong said: "You are angry."

Hong Jun "huh" again.

Li Jinglong turned around and said, "Because I don't promise you to save the fox?"

Hong Jun thought for a while and summoned the courage to answer: "Li Changshi, the demon in your eyes, is it so evil?"

Li Jinglong frowned: "Hong Jun, you can't treat the demon as a person! The demon people's emotions and sorrows and joys, they will pretend to be like people, he is just using you. The fox demon wants to find someone nearby, you didn't listen What did you say to Jinyun? Do you think there are a few true and a few false words in their words? "


"Don't be!" Li Jinglong said. "He is using you! Can you not be so easily deceived?"

When Li Jinglong was excited, his stomach suddenly squeaked with a gurgle.

Hong Jun: "..."

He must be very hungry, and the hungry people have a bad temper. Hong Jun thought.

Li Jinglong also said: "You are too easy to believe others. He is charming you. What you said to you today is just to please you, pretending to be a pitiful look, maybe he made it, and let's kill tomorrow If you have lost his loved ones, do you think you will not come back to take revenge if you let him go? "

Then Li Jinglong's stomach cried again. Hong Jun finally couldn't hold back and laughed.

Li Jinglong said angrily: "Don't laugh!"

Hong Jun waved his hand, indicating that he would not tell him, Li Jinglong had no choice but to follow him back to the Exorcism Division. Everyone was waiting for Li Jinglong to come back for dinner. Hong Jun threw the white ring towards the table, completed the task, and said, "Eat." Then he walked into the room and went to sleep.

"The link is knotted," Artest glanced at, and said, "That little fox is supposed to agree with him."

After Li Jinglong chased the patio, he saw Hongjun shut the door and had to come back to dinner. He was unhappy with a meal. Everyone knew that there would be no big mistakes in their actions tomorrow.