Chapter 107: Explosive Gu

Hong Jun turned dizzy and was about to vomit, shaking his head violently, Li Jinglong got up wetly and said, "Hong Jun! Hong Jun!"

Hong Jun had a headache, watching the Gu Gu running around Li Bai, and mobilized almost all the drinks in the Jiu Chi. He hit Li Bai fiercely, and Li Bai was so powerful that he flew around the cave wall.

The wine accumulated in the wine pond gradually diminished, the giant kun ran aground, the flying knife inserted in it was still constantly discharging, and the wine kept pouring out of its mouth and dripping into the dry pond.

His eyes opened a slit, blinked, and then suddenly widened.

"Li Jinglong raised his sword." Ju Kun's voice sounded in Li Jinglong's mind. "Put the sword in the energy flow of the earth's veins."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Li Jinglong got up hard, Hong Jun was faint, and asked, "Who?"

"Hong Jun, crawling towards the back, and when he touched his head, he opened the five colors of light."

Hong Jun was so drunk at the moment that he did it subconsciously, and then he turned around and crawled slowly, not long after he hit his head, as if hitting the wall of the cave, and then dizzy and unfolded the five-color divine light.

"I'll talk about it." Kun Shen's eyes burst into thunder, and he said in a deep voice, "Li Jinglong inserted the sword in. I said close, Hong Jun slapped it."

"Who slapped?" Hong Jun asked drunk.

"Li Bai, turn around!" Kun God roared, "Sword out!"

Li Bai was being chased behind by Gu Gu and ran all the way. He was so stupidly drunk that he was stupid, and I do n’t know who was making a noise. When Gu Gu realized that the giant kun woke up, he turned his head suddenly and showed fear His eyes followed Li Bai's subconscious turn in the air and said, "This is a knife!"

Immediately after this hesitation, Gu Gu couldn't care about Li Bai anymore, and mobilized all the drinks from the pool to let them pour into the pool, but Li Bai hacked from behind, and the knife lighted the arc, as if it was in the air. Full moon

Gu Ape was cut in half in an instant, and in the sound of howling, it turned into flying insects and scattered. Kun Kun shouted again: "Get up!"

Li Jinglong thrust the sword into the cave wall fiercely. The wisdom sword immediately began to absorb the energy of the ground veins. Li Jinglong holding the sword handle suddenly shone all over his body. The heart lamp barely protected the heart veins, and he glowed blue light all over his body. Like a light man.

"Boom it!" Kun God opened his mouth and roared, followed by two eyes shooting lightning, connected to all the earth veins in the cave wall in all directions.

When it was too late, Li Jinglong shouted in pain, and countless pure blue flames bloomed in his hand, sweeping towards the guts in the air. Gu Gu fled wildly and rushed to Kun God, but Kun God's binocular lightning was connected to the ground like a spider web, intertwined into a grid, and began to bombard the scattered Gu Gu intensively!

The Gu Gu had nowhere to escape, and had to flock to the corner instantly, the Kun God roared again: "Hong Jun! Close!"

The drunk-headed Hongjun was named and instantly awakened. He held five colors of light and slapped it in the face, just in front of the rushing Gu group, and then he felt like he was pressing something. On the ground.

"Don't let go! Burn!"

The Kunshen roared again, Li Jinglong held the wisdom sword in one hand, and the other fired toward the ground, and the fire of energy rushed away. Hongjun held down a grub, and countless other gworms spun around the trapped object. Li Jinglong's veins and flames came and burned all the grubs like a hurricane, and burst into bursts, and the ground began to burst. Shock.

The electric light in Kunshen's eyes was retracted, and Li Jinglong pulled out the wisdom sword with difficulty, the whole body was as painful as collapsed, and he supported toward Hongjun. Hongjun was lying on the ground, drunk with unconsciousness, still holding the five-colored divine light in his hand and pressing something on the ground.

"It's useless." Kun God said slowly, "There is no mana Gu's mana, the only Gu mother can't play much waves, just seal it with a spell."

A black beetle crawled out of Hong Jun's fingers, and Li Jinglong took out the wooden box Qiu Yongsi had given him, grabbed the beetle, and put it in.

"Hong Jun, wake up." Li Jinglong packed the box and hugged Hong Jun.

Hong Jun was awake, Li Jinglong faced Kun Kun again, unable to shake around, and the cave walls began to collapse downwards.

"Hurry out." Li Jinglong said, "Hong Jun! Send the rune."

"Come on my back." Kun Shen said with a deep voice, "The flying knife is still useful."

Li Jinglong: "Kun God, you ..."

"Go out and talk!" Kun Shinto, "Quick!"

Li Bai first got on the back of Kun Kun God and said, "You are the fish in the north, whose name is ... Wow help--!"

The Kunshen rushed up after Li Jinglong held Hongjun, and suddenly rushed to the top of the cave. Li Jinglong and Li Bai shouted at the same time, rushed out of the underground cave, and then passed through an underground river, the water collapsed like an angry sea Down! The three were poured by the cold water and woke up at the same time. Hong Jun was excited and said, "What is this for?"

Hong Jun has completely broken the film, and the last memory is what strange place he entered with Li Jinglong.

Immediately afterwards, Kun Kun struck his head, and his figure shrank at the same time, crashing out of the bottom of the pit, returning to the bottom of the blood curse rune, and turning into a human form.

After listening to a loud drink, the hurricane hurricane swept away, and Kunshen, Li Bai, Li Jinglong and Hong Jun were swept to all corners of the cave at the same time.

"Mistaken." Wan Jue's voice said coldly, "I didn't expect it to be planted in your hands."

Yuan Kun sneered and whispered: "Born by seven emotions and six desires, they will also be destroyed by seven emotions and six desires."

Wan Jue said in a deep voice: "Try this?"

Hong Jun stood up and looked at Wan Jue. He saw Wan Jue sitting on a boulder with a golden ring on his arm, releasing a steady stream of black gas!

"Dirty things!" Yuan Kun's voice became deep and dumb, but Wan Jue's thing spewed out mist, and swept across the crowd.

Hong Jun couldn't breathe, glimpsed Li Jinglong appeared in the mist, only to feel the whole body burning.

"Hong Jun! Summon your flying knife!" Li Jinglong's voice came from the side. Hong Jun's eyes widened, his fingers closed, and the last flying knife nailed to the wall of the cave loosened towards the Wan Jue Li Jinglong flew, silent, nailed to his neck!

Wan Jue suddenly turned into a snow-white grub ape, screaming wildly, scattered as countless grubs, and left Hong Jun. At the same time, the mist quickly retreated, and in front of Li Bai, Xiang Yu shivered and turned to face the mist.

In front of Li Jinglong, another naked Hong Jun's figure dissipated. He caught the Wisdom Sword and rushed away. He no longer had to remind Kun God to wield the Wisdom Sword and take the swarm straight. The power of the heart lamp gathers into a white flame, burning the guts everywhere.

"Take that blue Gu mother!" Yuan Kun shouted, and then thunder thundered with both hands, began to bombard the Gu insects, Hong Jun gathered four flying knives into a strange knife, and cut off with one knife.

The light flashed, the Gu mother suddenly burst in the air, fragmented like an amber, and all the worms exploded into a mist to dissipate.

"Hoo ... Huo ..." Hongjun couldn't hold his breath, only to smell a sweet fragrance, and his whole body shook uncontrollably.

"You shouldn't kill it." Yuan Kun said coldly, "Instead of delaying time, but forget it."

Xiangyu hurried forward, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Pray for the **** Kun to save my sisters' lives!"

Yuan Kun just snorted and said, "You must still ring the bell to solve the problem."

At dusk, Li Jinglong gasped and hugged Hongjun in one hand, stumbled into Luoyang Exorcism Division.

"Two graces!" Wen Bin hurriedly got up to help, but Li Jinglong bullied him away.

"what happened?"

"It's none of your business." Li Jinglong said, "Go away and walk away ..."

"I can't do it anymore." Hong Jun moaned, unable to reach and scratched at him.

When Wen Bin looked out of the room, he saw another person with a black cloth in his eyes and walked in from outside the courtyard. Wen Bin was surprised and said: "Is it you?"

Yuan Kun hummed, and went to the hall and sat down.

Wen Bin was baffled and asked, "Who are you?"

Yuan Kun said coldly: "Shut up, it has nothing to do with you."

Wen Bin: "..."

Not long afterwards, there were more people outside the hospital. This time, several helpers pushed two scooters into the hospital. The girl whispered, "Wen Bin?"

Wen Bin exclaimed and shouted: "Xiangyu!"

Xiang Yu asked the helpers to remove the peony flowers from the cart and put them in the courtyard together with the pots. Wen Bin said, "Where did you come from so many flowers?"

Xiangyu glanced tentatively at Yuan Kun in the hall, and Chao Wenbin said: "You just raise it, some of them have broken roots, take good care of them, don't raise them."

"Good." Wen Bin said with a smile, "I'm the best at growing flowers."

"Your Majesty ..." Xiang Yu asked Yuan Kun anxiously outside the hall.

"Don't worry about Li Bai." Yuan Kun said, "Let him stay in Shilihe for the time being."

"Then ... the other two ..."

"You can't solve it." Yuan Kun said, "The poison before Wan Jue died, at least they had to delay them for three days and three nights, and naturally it would be fine afterwards ..."

Xiangyu nodded and said, "I'll cook for everyone."

Yuan Kun sat quietly in the room, Wen Bin counted the pots after moving the pots, and there were 108 pots. Then he went to the backyard and started to deal with Xiang Yu, asking what happened, Xiang Yu only made up A joke teased him, and Wen Bin was really embarrassed, so he stopped asking more questions.

At night, Xiangyu turned on the lamp, set the dish, and said, "The two ..."

"You don't have to control them." Yuan Kun said in a deep voice, "You can prepare some porridge for them tomorrow morning."

Xiang Yu couldn't help crying, and Wen Bin curiously said: "They are ...?"

Xiang Yu shouted: "Just eat your meal, ask the long and the short to do what."

Wen Bin grasped it and knew.

In the middle of the night, Hong Jun had fallen asleep.

In the dream, countless scenes flashed one after another, fleeting. When I was young, my mother hugged him and sang in a low voice. My father took his hands and taught him how to walk ... Li Jinglong, who was an hour, looked over a sycamore tree on his shoulder Cicada molting ...

"I really envy you and have been to so many places." Xiao Li Jinglong said.

"But wherever I go, my father and mother will not let me go out." Hong Jun as a child replied: "No matter where I go, all I see is the wall."

Li Jinglong said: "In the future, when I can be the master, I will take you to play, go to all the places in the world that we have not visited, and take you to eat delicious."

"Where should I go first?" Xiao Hongjun asked.

Xiao Jinglong seriously asked Xiao Hongjun to choose first. Although Xiao Hongjun moved many times, he never learned about the prosperity of the world. After thinking about it, he finally said, "I think Changan is good."

"Go to Luoyang!" Xiao Li Jinglong said: "They all say that Luoyang is the capital of the gods, the palace of heaven, and the Shilihe Han ..."

"Just Luoyang!" Xiao Hongjun replied.

Hong Jun seemed to vaguely think of something in his dream. For a while, it was a dream, which was real, and it was hard to tell.

It was just that he never thought that when Li Jinglong fulfilled his promise, the Shilihe Han who came came to have a completely different understanding than when he was a child.

Hong Jun was exhausted, and the toxin in Wan Jue's body exploded in his body weakened a lot. However, when he slept halfway, he could not help moving awkwardly, and Li Jinglong woke up in an instant, so the two began talking again, repeating, and starting again.

The next day, Li Jinglong wore a bathrobe and came out with his chest open. When he saw that there was an early breakfast outside, he went in and ate with Hong Jun, and immediately closed the door all day long.

At night, Li Jinglong took Hongjun out, shook the water dragon in the backyard, took a shower, and hugged him back to his room.

Until the early morning of the third day, Hong Jun finally leaned on the couch, his face flushed away almost.

"No, I won't be able to detoxify in this way, but I die first."

"Okay." Li Jinglong smiled, "are you so tired?"

"Of course." Hong Jun felt almost never stopped, and his body was messy several times. Li Jinglong wiped him clean, and listened to Wen Bin talking with Xiangyu, Li Bai seemed to have returned, and Li Jinglong kissed Hong Jun. Ears, put on clothes for him and take him out.

In Luoyang Exorcism Division, in the hall, Xiang Yu opened the breakfast with a smile, Li Jinglong was a little uncomfortable and swallowed a few saliva.

Li Bai's face was also not very good-looking. He sat down and nodded at the crowd. He didn't ask for drinking anymore. He only followed breakfast.

Hong Jun was too hungry, Yuan Kun said: "Qingxiong said you are reckless, and indeed reckless, if you don't kill the Gu Ape, you will not delay these days."

Li Jinglong replied: "It's good when it's broken. There are always variables in everything. I don't know if these variables are good or bad."

Yuan Kun casually "huh" murmured, and after a moment of pondering, said: "I want to come now, indeed."

Hong Jun: "?"

Hong Jun couldn't understand it anymore. He had a lot of questions and wanted to ask, but Li Jinglong stopped his eyes, and signaled him to eat first, and then later.

Xiangyu gave Hong Jun a bowl of porridge, put it in both hands, and said, "Thanks to Engong."

Hong Jun hurriedly waved his hand to indicate that you are welcome. Until now, he still didn't quite understand the twists and turns between them. He asked curiously, "Have you both known each other for a long time?"

Xiangyu Chaowenbin said: "You go outside and buy some tofu."

Wen Bin was obedient and took the money with a smile and went away.

"I have known Wen Bin for four years." Xiang Yu said, "He is a gardener in Qili Pavilion."

Only then did Hongjun understand that Xiangyu was once a flower demon on Baima Mountain, and the white horse was covered with peonies.