Now that we are all ready to leave for the Lu family tomorrow, we will pack up the things we brought today, and the steward of the village heard that they are leaving, so he specially prepared a lot of things in the mountains for the two masters. And the things produced by the farmers near the foot of the mountain, not to mention all kinds of fresh melons and fruits, what's more rare is that there are a lot of wild game in the mountains and several complete rabbit and fox furs.

Shen Xiangyan was very satisfied when he saw such a complete peeled fur, especially thinking that with these furs, he would be able to sew two beautiful cloaks for the little husband in winter, so he was even happier. Immediately, I felt that the steward was really hardworking, and specially rewarded the steward and the servants who served in the Zhuangzi with a month's monthly profit.

That day, Xia Rong specially asked someone to bring the child of Aunt Li's family in the kitchen, and stroked Lele's head, feeling very reluctant to part with this cute baby. He was taken away after he said a lot of words. The little milk baby seemed to know that the two masters were about to leave, so he pulled Xia Rong by the corner of his clothes and asked when he could come again to say hello to Zhengjun. .

Seeing that the little baby was about to cry, Xia Rong softly comforted him and the husband-in-law. They would definitely come to Zhuangzi to see him in the future. After hearing this, the little baby knew that he would still be able to see this beautiful and gentle Zheng Yours, this is how I slowly stop my tears.

Seeing that he was well-behaved, Xia Rong rewarded him with some snacks, and in the end she didn't forget to ask the supervisor to take care of the mother and child more on weekdays, and after explaining all this, she reluctantly asked someone to carry the child down.

After the child was taken away, Xia Rong looked at the decorations around the house, and everything was to his liking. Although I was worried about Brother Gu's situation in my heart, I felt even more reluctant when I thought about all the things in this village in the past two days and the fact that I was leaving tomorrow.

Seeing Xia Rong's appearance, Shen Xiangyan couldn't help laughing and said, "This Zhuangzi belongs to our family. It will be very convenient to live here in the future. Don't be like this, I will bring you here for a few days when I am free, Mr. Xianggong. How are you?"

After hearing this, Xia Rong knew that she was thinking wrong just now, and it wasn't that she couldn't come in the future. There was no need to act like this, so she hurriedly collected her mood, looked at Shen Xiangyan with watery eyes and begged, "Then Master, please remember to keep your word, and bring Rong'er to stay for a few days when you have time."

Shen Xiangyan allowed him to act coquettishly with himself, stealing a little bit from time to time, and agreed with a nod and a smile.


The next day, the two of them drove to Lu's house in a carriage. Along the way, the number of carriages changed from two when they came out to four now. Some of the things they brought from the Zhuangzi this time have already been divided to serve as door-to-door gifts. Give it to the Lu family. Fortunately, the Zhuangzi owned by some families in Furong Town are also near this area, and it took more than two hours for the carriage to arrive.

The people in Lujiazhuang had listened to the master's order, and knew that there were guests coming to visit today, so when they saw a few carriages coming from afar, they rushed back to the mansion to report. When the servants saw the carriage parked in front of their house, the people who got out of the carriage were also very generous, and they didn't dare to wait slowly, so they hurriedly opened the door to welcome them in.

Here, Gu Chen heard the news from the servants that the Shen family couple came to visit, so he sat up suddenly from the soft bed, and hurriedly went out to greet him in person, the servants who were serving in front of him were startled, He hurriedly stretched out his hand to help their master, the first three months of pregnancy are just the time to be careful, how can they stand such a toss.

Regardless of people's obstruction, Gu Chen opened the door and saw Lu Tingsheng standing outside. In the past two days, Lu Tingsheng has really been able to say that he has been low-key and low-key towards him. In fact, after he was angry that day, he also knew that this matter was strange. Maybe the truth is not what he saw at the time.

What's more, they grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and Lu Tingsheng's reaction that day could not be faked. Presumably, the maid was infatuated and wanted to climb into the master's bed, so she set up such a trick. She really thought that if she saw that she and Tingsheng were ambiguous, she would be able to do what she wanted, so that she had to make the decision and let Tingsheng accept her.

Although I know that Lu Tingsheng can't be blamed for this matter, but it may be because of the pregnancy, the temper that I used to be able to hold back, but this time I can't control it no matter what. Even if he coaxed him to coax him for several days, he always ignored him, but seeing him guarding outside his door regardless of his body today, there was still no trace of impatience in his expression, but a look of Worried about his own appearance, the last remaining anger in his heart has also disappeared a lot, and now he just doesn't know how to get off the stage.

"Why are you serving me after you? Hurry up and help your Zhengjun." Seeing that Gu Chen was leaving in such a hurry, Lu Tingsheng wanted to help him himself, but he was afraid that he would not like it, so he could only go to the waiter. People get mad.

Gu Chen didn't care too much about this meeting, he walked out and said, "I heard that brother Xia Rong is here, so I have to go to greet him personally anyway."

Lu Tingsheng got a reply yesterday, so he knew that the Shen family and his wife were coming at this time, and he was guarding outside Gu Chen's door because he was afraid that something would happen if he got the news, so he hurriedly persuaded, "Just wait in the room." Wait, there is still me to welcome guests, you are inconvenient now, it is better to be careful, I will let someone bring Xia Rong to see you." After finishing speaking, regardless of Gu Chen's answer, he ordered his servants to help Mr. Zheng enter the room, Then dare to go to the front yard to meet people.

Lu Tingsheng hurried to the flower hall in the front yard for entertaining guests, just as the servants of the mansion had already led them here, Lu Tingsheng immediately went up to thank him and said, "Brother Shen, please come here this time, my husband and I." It's been a trip."

Shen Xiangyan smiled and said, "What's the trouble? Xia Rong has been thinking about it since he heard that Brother Gu was pregnant a few days ago. This is not a good time to take him to see it. Also, this time, little brother I also brought some things from my village, which are not rare items, and I hope Brother Lu will not dislike you." Seeing this, Lu Tingsheng hurriedly said that he did not dislike them, they were already very happy to be here, and after finishing speaking He also ordered the people to put the things that Shen Xiangyan brought into the yard that had been prepared for the two of them to live in.

Afterwards, the two exchanged some polite words, and then Lu Tingsheng turned around and saluted Xia Rong, "This time I have to trouble Brother Xia Rong to help me."

Xia Rong didn't dare to accept Lu Tingsheng's gift, so she hurriedly avoided it, and seeing Lu Tingsheng's sincere words, she asked with a smile, "I don't know where Brother Gu is now? I'd better go and see him first."

"Brother Gu is still waiting for you in the backyard. I'll ask someone to take you there. He originally wanted to come to meet you in person, but he just moved his tires a few days ago. I dare not let him toss , so I stopped him, and I'm afraid he's going to be angry with me again right now." He smiled wryly at that moment, and called a little maid to take Xia Rong to see Gu Chen.

After seeing Xia Rong leave, Shen Xiangyan comforted, "Brother Lu, don't worry, the relationship between Xia Rong and Gu is as good as it is, and it will be fine if you want to let these two talk to each other." Speaking of this, Shen Xiangyan paused He continued, "Besides, we were a little hasty when we met last time. This time we have enough time, we still have to have a good chat."

Lu Tingsheng thought about it too, Gu Chen obviously wasn't angry with him very much anymore, after Xia Rong said something nice to him, he should be able to get close to him tonight, so he stopped worrying about it and started fighting Spirit came to entertain Shen Xiangyan, the two of you talked to each other, and soon they chatted about everything.


But Xia Rong was led to Gu Chen's room, and as soon as he entered, he saw Gu Chen wearing a sky blue brocade robe, leaning halfway on the hibiscus couch. With a little smile.

After Gu Chen took Xia Rong's hand to let him sit down, he complained, "Why don't you let someone come and let you know in advance, so I can prepare in advance."

Xia Rong didn't hide from him, and said with a smile, "Gefu specially invited me to say something nice for him."

After hearing this, Gu Chen coughed several times suddenly, and the little waiter who served him was so startled that he hurried up to give him a sigh of relief. It's strange that he still doesn't understand, no wonder he was waiting outside the door today, Gu Chen glanced at Xia Rong and said, "He still knows to ask you to be a rescuer, but it's a pity that you, a rescuer, filled him up so quickly. sold."

Xia Rong didn't care, took a piece of preserved plum and ate it, but felt that it was a bit too sour, so she gritted her teeth, so she didn't dare to eat any more. Xia Rong thought for a while and asked, "What happened to you and your brother-in-law?"

Gu Chen sighed and told the ins and outs of this matter. Xia Rong was stunned after hearing this. It's not like he didn't understand these things at all. Although he hadn't really seen them in Xia's house before, he had heard about them. After that, "What about that Xiaoyu, how did Big Brother Lu deal with her later?"

Gu Chen mentioned that his expression was a little better, "Your elder brother Lu said that he couldn't afford such a shameless maid, so he was **** and beaten ten times at that time, but after all, it was also a maid given by his mother, so he is not good. If you deal with it too much, you will only treat her as a rough girl in the future."

After hearing this, Xia Rong breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother Lu is not that kind of person, and he can't be blamed for this matter." This is a real plea.

Gu Chen patted Xia Rong's hand and said, "I know this matter well, you don't have to worry about me, you just need to stay with me for a few days, and we two can talk together."

Xia Rong nodded, knowing that Big Brother Gu had listened to it, and she didn't seem to be angry with Lu Ting again. But I just don't know when Brother Gu will be willing to talk to people, but he doesn't live up to Brother Lu's entrustment in this matter. As for other things, it's not good to talk too much. Immediately, the two stopped mentioning this matter and talked about other things.