Chapter 54: Beyond The Borders (3)

Chapter 54: Beyond The Borders (3)

Unaware of their thoughts, Ray turned to them.

Goblins remained, but they were all intimidated by Rays presence and could not fight effectively.

Furthermore, Ray had killed a significant number of their group, which had shattered their morale.

Subduing them was not a problem.

As he watched Ray return, Helio felt something stir within him.

He understood better than anyone the importance of morale on the battlefield.

Helio smiled broadly and shouted.

Clear out all those annoying monsters!



The response was filled with tremendous energy.

Their morale soaring, the goblins were no longer a formidable opponent.

Furthermore, the goblins, their morale completely shattered, could not resist and fell down heavily.

Their once agile movements were now stiff, and their bodies exploded under the knights swords.

Finally, the remaining goblins began to scatter and flee.

Helio halted the knights who were about to pursue them.

Dont chase them. Prepare the carriage and lets set off again.

The baptism had been delayed, so they needed to return to the holy nation quickly.

Moreover, the goblins had broken carriages and stolen goods.

The knights who were about to chase the goblins stayed in their places at his command.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

This was because there was no way to manage if the monsters attacked again while they were pursuing the goblins.

What a disaster.

Many things were damaged, considering they had only faced a group of goblins.

Helio sighed softly.

It was unfortunate to face such difficulties on their journey back to the holy nation with the saints and saintesses. They might be questioned for not serving the saints adequately once they returned to the holy nation.

While the knights and young priests inspected the carriage under Helios command, the remaining peoples eyes were on Ray.

His mana was overwhelming, and his magic skills surpassed it.

He was too young to say he had mastered all of them.

However, he understood well how to maximize the magic he used.

He distracted the group of goblins and ultimately shattered them.

All of this was his doing.

Now, the way the dispatched members looked at the saint was no joke.

There wasnt a single person who looked down on him for being young, and their eyes were filled with respect.

They were consumed by the thought that he might truly elevate the holy nation to the top, as he had promised.

On the other hand, Ray, who was receiving everyones respect, looked around.

This is serious.

Not only was there a carriage with broken wheels, but there was also a carriage with a torn canopy, completely devoid of goods.

The horses also had large and small wounds as if they had been injured during the battle.

Ray shouted towards the surroundings.

Can a few people who can heal gather here!

At his words, a large group of priests and clerics gathered.

There seemed to be at least twenty people.

I dont need this many

But regardless of what he said, those who had gathered were looking at him with shining eyes.


Did you call for us?

The dignity he had shown in the battle with the goblins made them listen to him well.

Ray pointed at the horses and said,

Priests and priestesses, please treat the horses.


It would disappear my mana?

She looked puzzled as if asking what she meant, and swallowed nervously.

If misunderstood, the Saint might refuse, and she wasnt confident she could persuade him if he became obstinate.

Iriel explained patiently and clearly.

When you undergo the baptism, God grants you divine power. As a Saint knowledgeable in magic, you might know, one body can only contain one kind of mana.

Thats true.

Divine power is also a kind of mana. If the divine power enters your body while your mana remains, your body would explode instantly. Thus, before the divine power enters, the mana in your body must change to divine power.

Listening to Iriels explanation, he nodded and then asked,

What if theres no mana in the body?

Then the divine power will immediately take its place.

Magicians with circles can manage, but normal people without mana roads and no circle wont be able to hold onto that divine power, right?

She nodded at his question.

Thats right.

Huh? So, people without circles cant receive the divine power?

No, they can.

Frustrated by her answer, Ray asked, What do you mean?

Before he could press further, Iriel spoke.

Without a circle, you couldnt bind mana. So, God created a mana road so that even those without one could use the divine power.

Ray frowned.

You mean God directly created the mana road?


It was unbelievable. It was as if mana roads were childs play with clay. Some worked hard to create them, while for others, God did it?

As he was about to retort, Iriel continued.

From then on, the mana road God created, the so-called Golden Rule, governed all mana in our bodies.

Golden Rule?

Its called the Golden Rule. For us saints, it was unparalleled in this world.

What was this Golden Rule she spoke of? Sadness seeped from her expression.

We couldnt utter words that seemed to deny God. Actions that crossed boundaries were included. Or similar words or actions, even those against faith. None could be spoken. Although this didnt apply to a Saint like you with a circle.

Iriel gave a bitter smile as she gazed at the fire.

It was ridiculous, wasnt it? Not being able to say what we wanted

And if you broke the rule?

Shifting her gaze from the fire, she looked at Ray.

I mentioned the Golden Rule governed all mana, right? If one defied it, they lost the mana composing their body

Iriel threw a log into the fire.

They disappeared. From this world.

In front of her, the burning log turned to ash and flew into the sky.

Ray was deeply shaken by her words.

To disappear just by saying one wrong word

There were many saints in history who actually disappeared that way.

It was beyond belief. Even a slave contract wouldnt be this harsh.

Rays face contorted.

It was like threatening to kill if you heard something you didnt like.

She couldnt agree with him, but she didnt deny it either. It seemed Iriel felt the same way.

Ray sighed. Perhaps the entity known as God was far more closed-off than believed.

You might inadvertently say something.

We always had to be alert.


He chuckled. If one accidentally spoke in their sleep, their mana would disappear instantly.

Who could live in such fear?