Chapter 81: Cataract Surgery (2)

Chapter 81: Cataract Surgery (2)

Eclair entered her bedroom and quietly lay down on the bed as Ray had told her to.

She wondered how he intended to treat her.

Just as she was about to question him, Ray spoke to her as she lay in bed.

I need to cast a spell, so please lie still.


She thought momentarily.

How could The Saint use magic, which manipulates mana, instead of divine power?

His body is currently surrounded by an incredible amount of divine power, is it not?

While she couldnt quite grasp him, somehow she thought it possible if it was him.

Whether he knew her inner thoughts or not, Ray began to lay out various tools on the table as he spoke.

Yes. Its excruciating to be awake during the ritual.

Eclair shook her head at his words.

Most magic doesnt affect me.

Ray tilted his head at her words.

Magic doesnt affect you?

Different types of mana repel each other.

For instance, if you try to forcefully infuse mana into someone abundant in divine power, unless its an incredible force, it wont penetrate the divine power.

Eclair began to explain this to him.

So my divine power is

But before she could finish explaining, Ray began chanting a spell.


Did he not hear what she just said?

I told you magic wouldnt work on me.

However, as Eclair was having this thought, her consciousness had already flown far away.

Contrary to his previous words, Ray looked down at Eclair, who had fallen asleep in an instant.

Sshh, Sshh.

As Eclair quietly snored in her sleep, Ray erased her last words from his memory.

Magic doesnt affect you, you say.

Far from not affecting her, it worked all too well.


Ray began to clean the bedroom.

Thanks to his surrounding divine power, the air would be purified, but there was still the possibility of a secondary infection from the small dust particles that might be clinging to the furniture.

Only after making thorough preparations did the surgery begin.

Her head was properly fixed in place, and a cloth covered her face, leaving the area around her eyes exposed.

He had carved various tools out of wood earlier.

Since he intended to overlay the tools with mana to perform the operation, it didnt matter whether they were made of wood or stone.

Despite it being his first surgery in a while, his hands did not shake with nervousness.

To him, surgery was as familiar as eating a meal.New novel chapters are published on

His immense experience and proficiency did not allow for even a single mistake.

Normally, if a human hand, rather than medical equipment, made an incision, there might be the risk of tearing the lens capsule or not separating it precisely.

But that didnt apply to him.

He hadnt earned the nickname Gods Hand for nothing.

With godlike dexterity, he skillfully removed the cloudy lens.

Because he didnt use medical equipment, Rays unique concentration was fully demonstrated in this highly precise procedure.

The incision has to be as quick as possible.

His movements began to speed up gradually.

The longer the incision time, the higher the risk of dry eye, secondary infection, and complications.

Originally, the cataract should have been suctioned using ultrasonic devices or shattered with a laser, but now it had to be entirely reliant on sensation.

It was undeniably a wondrous surgery.

Even if high-level modern doctors were brought in, how many of them would actually have been able to do this?

He had to rely solely on the sensation in his hands to selectively remove the clouded area.

For laser treatment, it took 1.5 seconds to remove.

Was this not why he became a doctor?

Was this not the joy of helping others?

The woman, looking at Ray, remembered a passage she once read in the scriptures.

[The one who gives light to the blind and voice to the mute. If one can find such a person, they are truly a saint.]

It was an incredible thing to say, something that would only be written in scriptures.

She had thought that not even a saint or holy woman could do such a thing.

In fact, even the holy woman Iriel couldnt cure her eyes.

But her thoughts began to change.

The belief that if one just believed in God, anything was possible, began to change.

Even she, who had been chosen by God and received divine power, could not cure her own eyes.

Even after praying to God countless times, there was no answer. Who could cure eyes that even God had given up on?

There was no perfect cure in this world. Neither was there perfect faith.

It had taken more than twenty years for her to come to this conclusion.

But then, out of nowhere, someone who shattered her beliefs and common sense appeared.

This person had studied her left eye for a month and then said to her.

Please allow me to cure that eye of yours.

It was a ludicrous statement. Could it really be cured just because one declared so?

But just that one sentence made her feel as if she had been saved.

This person had not given up on her left eye, which even God had abandoned, for more than a month.

Of course, at that time, she didnt believe him.

She assumed she would just feel despair at her unhealed eye and that he would surrender, just like the others who had tried to cure her eye.

But the outcome, born out of endless distrust, was something she couldnt believe at first. She felt momentarily dizzy from the unfamiliar sight.

The light entered her eyes. The clear sense of distance in her vision.

The world presented to her by both eyes was euphoric.

Even though nothing had changed that much.

For more than forty years, no one had been able to cure her eyes, but he did it in a single breath.

Then, the little saint who had become her benefactor laughed gleefully.

Are you that happy? Hahaha. The surgery must have gone well.

Why did his frivolous appearance seem so reliable?

She shed tears she hadnt been able to shed from her left eye.

What instructions has the Pope given?

Harold, the Duke, hesitated at Iriels serious question.


It was frustrating to watch him squirm like a puppy that needed to poop.

Unable to bear it any longer, Iriel prodded Duke Harold.

As you know, the situation is already serious. Ill ask again. What instructions has the Pope given?

Iriels voice, which was usually calm and composed, was now filled with urgency.

Even though she was always calm and composed, it was no wonder she lost her cool then.

The reason she couldnt remain calm was due to the appearance of a large army outside the national border.

It wasnt just any army, but an undead army.

This indicated that the Necromancer had been resurrected.

The resurrection of the Necromancer, who had once shaken the continent, was not just a problem for the holy kingdom.

Instead, the entire continent needed to rise up and rush to protect the holy kingdom.

If the holy kingdom, always at odds with black magic, fell, the safety of other kingdoms couldnt be guaranteed.

Thats why they had informed the neighboring kingdoms and the Lesian Empire about the Necromancers appearance and were waiting for the Popes instructions.

The only ones who received those instructions were Duke Harold, Count Grain, and Duke Trey.

Therefore, it was no wonder that Iriel was full of frustration.

Duke Harold, prodded by the Saint, responded in a heated voice.

Please dont be surprised and listen


At his words urging her not to be surprised, Iriel took a deep breath and nodded.

Seeing Iriel prepared to listen, Duke Harold spoke.

His Holiness the Pope ordered to send the Saint to the border.