Chapter 87: The Unending Rain (1)

Chapter 87: The Unending Rain (1)

Ray froze the necromancers movements with mana and smacked him to the ground.

Take this and return with the support troops.

Ray, who referred to the black wizard that had ruined an era as a worthless object, immediately kicked off the ground and dashed away.

They didnt even have a chance to stop the saint.

After picking up someone lying foaming at the mouth, he jumped over the city wall, leaving behind a word, and disappeared.

Someone among them murmured.

Did we just defeat the necromancer?

The saint did it all himself.

They stared endlessly in the direction where Ray had disappeared.

As Ray approached Selonia, the rain started to intensify.

We need to hurry.

Ray mumbled while chewing on the jerky he had brought before arriving at the border.

The scale of the rebel forces was significant.

It was unlikely that it had ended before he arrived.

Instead, he would be fortunate if they hadnt been devoured alive.

According to the rough reports he received through Euclid, the number of troops was enormous.

More than half of the nobles in the holy kingdom had joined it.

He should probably begin purging as soon as he returned.

Blinded by money and status, they betrayed their country and families.

Did they truly believe they wouldnt die someday?

From this perspective, the more religiously devout country seemed even brighter.

Ray, who ran without rest, arrived at Selonia a little more than half a day later.

The situation had severely deteriorated.


The usually bustling market was filled with the stench of blood, and the shouts from various places indicated that a battle was occurring.

Ray quickly moved his feet.

Mary and Chris, who had helped him establish a house and store in Selonia.

He feared they might have been injured.

His guess was half correct.

Why half? Because Chris was already dead.

The heavy rain soaked the bodies of Chris and Mary.

Mary held the cold body of Chris, quietly shedding tears without changing her expression.

Blood was smeared all over their bodies, and like Chris, another corpse lay cold nearby.


Had Mary killed it?

How could a child, who didnt even know how to use mana, kill a knight?

He shook his head to forcibly erase the questions that poured in.

Ray approached Mary.

She didnt even realize he was there, continuing to shed tears in the same posture as before.

Ray placed his hands on Chriss wrist, neck, and chest in turn.

Then, he slowly shook his head.

He couldnt save this child.

More than half a day had passed since she died. She must have been killed while Ray was fighting the necromancer.

Then Mary spoke to Ray.

Chris didnt scream until the end

.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

She was mute from birth In a situation where we were the only two, I felt a bit mean being the only one who could speak So, we stayed silent together.

Ray silently listened to her words.

Mary looked at Chris with a blank expression and continued speaking.

In trying to share the pain It seemed that the child was instead more hurt by my actions.

To the silent Ray, Mary dropped tears.

Its funny, isnt it? Ive hated them for continuously receiving only malicious acts in that damned alleyway until now But my brother kept getting hurt by my harmless actions. Hahaha sob sob I was no different from the trash that I hated!

Her expression, which was blank, gradually twisted, and then tears continuously fell down her cheeks.

Ray did not add any more words.

He knew very well that any unnecessary words of comfort would only be poison at this time.

She hastily extended her hand to deflect the sword, but the impact numbed her hand.

Who could possibly deliver such a blow to her in a single strike?

Iriel looked up to identify her adversary.

There, she stared at the man, her eyes filling with tears.

Duke Jahad!

Oh, it seems you didnt appreciate my greeting.

Duke Jahad smirked mischievously and waved his hand.

Hello, saint.

I cant believe even you, a duke, would side with them!

Theres no advantage in remaining in a crumbling kingdom. Id rather be a count in the empire than a duke in a fallen kingdom. Hahaha!

He laughed heartily.

Nevertheless, Iriel could not recklessly attack him.

After all, there were only two swordmasters in the holy kingdom.

One was Duke Trey, whose family scion was Zik, and he stood right beside her. The other was Duke Jahad, who stood in front of her.

Duke Jahads skills far surpassed those of Zik, who had just become a swordmaster.

He even held his own against the famous swordmasters of the empire.

Even Iriel, as a saint, knew she could not easily defeat him.

Duke Jahad also felt the pressure of facing two individuals of swordmaster caliber, and thus did not rashly attack.

Thats why he proposed.

Saint, it might be better for both of us to step back here, dont you think?

Iriel began to ponder.

Indeed, stepping back was beneficial for both sides in various ways.

They could prepare their defenses better, and soon, with the arrival of reinforcements, they could suppress the rebellion and the undead.

Besides, Iriel wanted to hurry and help Rey.

She didnt know how long he had held on, especially since a day had already passed, and no one knew what had become of him by then.

But he was a 9th circle archmage, so he wouldnt have died already, right?

Knowing his skills, she inwardly felt relieved, but the opponent was that necromancer.

She couldnt help but worry.

Finally, Iriel made up her mind and nodded.

Lets both step back here this time.

And so, with a full-faced smile, Duke Jahad nodded.

A truly excellent decision. Then, I suppose we must part ways here.

Like lovers regretful of parting, Duke Jahad spoke with a semblance of sadness.

Iriel ground her teeth at this sight.

Duke Jahad We will meet again, sooner rather than later.

That would indeed be delightful. Provided, of course, that the saintess remains alive until then. Hahaha!

Just as Duke Jahad was about to depart, a voice rang out from behind him.

Theres no need to meet later. Lets settle this now.

Who are you?

His eyes sharpened.

Ray, shuffling along, came into view.

Iriel and Zik exclaimed in surprise.

Sa Saint! How did you?

Surely, you didnt guard the national border?

Ignoring their astonished cries, Ray began to manipulate mana.

Rock storm. Psychokinesis. Fire.

With his whispered incantation, rocks gathered instantaneously, forming a sphere as they compacted fiercely.

Iriel and Zik had seen this spectacle before.

No, Duke Jahad had also seen this magic, wielded by the saint.

Duke Jahads eyes widened as he muttered to himself.

H-how surely, as a saint, you should have been unable to use mana

Flames began to lick at the hovering rock, sending waves of intense heat even to the ground below.

Ray smirked and spoke.

Its been a while, so I found it a bit hard to control my power. If I hadnt been careful, it might have just fallen to the ground.

At his words, everyone around turned pale with shock.