Chapter 202: Pilgrimage (1)

Chapter 202: Pilgrimage (1)

The day after the banquet ended, the pilgrimage began immediately.

Under the declaration of Iriel and another, the pilgrimage was officially announced.

Riding in a carriage and departing the capital, they headed toward a village teeming with healers and priests.

Fortunately, the Silia Kingdom was not very large.

It probably would not take too long to travel around it all.

They arrived at a fairly affluent village.

Was it because the kingdom was prosperous that its citizens were too?

The material of the clothes worn by the villagers was expensive silk, unaffordable for ordinary people.

Iriel looked around at the villagers attire from outside the carriage and said,

This is quite something. It seems like we wont have anything to do right from the start.

Since the pilgrimage had begun, injured or sick people could receive free treatment from healers or priests.

But that also meant that it was not yet the Saints turn to step in.

It was just chatting inside the carriage until the pilgrimage ended.

Well, its the first village.

The first place they started was near the capital, hence there were only wealthy people there.

So, not having a turn to step in didnt seem like a big deal.

Ray shifted his body this way and that, searching for the optimal position inside the carriage.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Please! Please heal my child!

Step aside, let me try.


As they left the first village and arrived at the second, a noisy commotion arose from outside.

Its strange Divine magic isnt working

As expected, right?

Unfortunately, this child might have to be given up on

The conversation turned the complexion of the middle-aged man holding the child pale.

Pl-please, healers I have been clinging to life, waiting only for the pilgrimage. My whole life has been leading up to this moment!

But what couldnt be done, couldnt be done.

As the two healers shook their heads, the man holding the child displayed a look of despair.

Ray, observing the situation from inside the carriage, opened the door and stepped out.

Iriel followed suit.

The Saint.

Move aside for a moment. Lets assess the condition.

As he approached the middle-aged man, Ray knelt down swiftly and took the child into his arms.

Even before Ray could diagnose or begin treatment, the mans tension eased at the sight of the Saint taking charge, and he shed tears of relief.

Th-thank you! Sob

Ray examined the childs condition.

The child appeared to be about five or six years old but was frail.

He pressed his finger into the back of the childs upper arm.

Theres no subcutaneous fat.

The muscles in the limbs were atrophied, which explained the lack of strength.

Ray noticed the long, unkempt hair was extremely dry.

When he gently tugged at a strand, it came out easily.

Considering the skins edema, prompt treatment was crucial.

Did this happen suddenly?

No, it didnt

So it wasnt acute.

He sighed after concluding the examination.

The child is suffering from protein deficiency. A diet rich in meat would be necessary for treatment.

Meat are you saying?

The middle-aged mans expression grew somber at Rays words.

His response was a testament to his refined taste.

The subtly bitter aftertaste cleared up cleanly.

I actually learned tea-making from Faeya.


He couldnt help but be genuinely surprised.

He had thought she only knew how to provoke Zik or irritate him, but to make tea at this level!

Every time I go on a pilgrimage, I make tea. Its my first time with Ray, so I made it especially for you. You can feel a bit more proud, you know?

She spoke with her usual smug expression.

Why she felt so proud of herself was a mystery to him.

As Ray looked at Iriel with disapproval, a dull sound came from the door.

Knock- Knock-

Iriel smiled gently. Come in.

This is definitely my room

Although its modest, please come in.


Despite the odd conversation, the visitor opened the door without hesitation.

Saintess Oh, the Saint is here too?

It was his room, after all.

What were they thinking about the Saints assigned room?

As Ray looked at them with displeasure, Faeya, holding her own brewed tea, grinned broadly.

Its a joke. Ahaha. I was looking for the Saintess, but I thought she might be in the Saints room. Ah, and dont worry, Ive brought enough for you too!

Upon hearing this, Iriels face turned a pale yellow.

It was the color of a ripe mango.

She hurriedly rose from her seat.

I, I think its late, so I should return.

Ah, wait! Have a cup before you go! Its really good for fatigue.

Im quite full right now

Hmm If thats the case, I cant insist. Ill make it again tomorrow, so make sure to drink it?


Iriel quickly disappeared from sight.

As she departed, Faeya offered a cup to Ray.

Here you go, Saint.

He hadnt expected to be the one to follow up.

The tea was so potent that even Iriel had reacted strongly.

He sniffed the aroma, his composure intact.

It smelled just as fragrant as the tea Iriel had brewed.

The aroma was superb. It was certainly on par with what Iriel had learned from Faeya.

If the taste matched the aroma, it would be quite delightful.

But what could explain Iriels odd reaction?

Ray, capable of dueling a swordmaster without a hint of anxiety, now sipped the tea with a bead of cold sweat on his brow.



A chuckle slipped out unintentionally.

Was it a taste to be laughed at, per se?

Who would dare to call this black tea?

It might be akin to someone forcing muddy water down your throat as herbal medicine.

He quickly summoned mana to purify his palate.


It was improbable that the Saint, having just consumed poison, would say anything complimentary.

After wiping his mouth, he addressed Faeya,
